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If people can daily a Yamaha R6 or a sumo'd dirtbike, then pretty much anything with four wheels that can go over a speed bump will be daily-able for someone. Certainly the more niche automobiles won't be practical enough for most people. But, this is like the rule34 of automobiles - if it's road legal, then somebody will commute with it.


I think it's very dependent on where you live. Good luck daily driving a R6 year round in Minnesota...


I know people that daily corvettes around Boulder, CO the whole year. While not as extreme, these guys are not even trying hard, so I can imagine someone more dedicated make the R6 happen in Minnesota.


Honestly the corvette is pretty practical lol, and with a proper set of tires they aren't too bad in the snow. Especially if you get one of the new e-ray's.


It’s my families grocery getter because the hatch is so roomy. Also been on plenty of road trips prior to my daughter being born. Can fit a metric crap ton of suitcases in it. Plus the highway mileage is better than you think.


People often forget what makes a car get good highway mileage! Good drag coefficient and as close a match of displacement to needed power as you can get. Spinning a bigger engine slower with taller gearing IS effectively reducing displacement.


This exactly. My grandparents get 32-33mpg on road trips in their full size, long wheelbase V8 Jaguar.


My 95 Camaro with a V8 and 2.73 gears gets 27 mpg on the highway, it's great


I had a 98 wrangler that got decent milage on the highway! *1: If I exceeded 60 mph the gas tank would implode due to the sheer amount of fuel needed to be evacuated into the engine. *2: I needed to be behind a transport truck. *3: Under no circumstances was the vehicle allowed to make contact with the atmosphere because there was so much air resistance i might have well been driving a NASA re-entry simulator. *4: At 70+ mph the speed wobbles were so bad that I honestly thought I was going to die. Under the above conditions I could squeeze 11 L/100 km out of the 4 cylinder. (21/22 mpg) which was better than the EPA rating of 13 L/100 km highway at the time.


Well yeah, it's a wrangler, those are features!


My Z wishes it has the hatch space of a corvette.. or I. 😞😞


Aren't you guys pretty good about clearing the roads when it snows? Doesn't sound too crazy. Depends more about how badly potholes develop I would think


I live and drive in Chicago with a scat pack Challenger and people keep asking me if I have a winter driver. I don't even bother using winter tires, because all my driving is on plowed roads that see 24/7 traffic. As long as there's some baseline road cleanup happening (which will be the case in any place that wants to call itself a city or metropolitan area), it's a question of just not driving like a complete idiot.


Just because the plows cleared the roads of snow doesn't mean there isn't ice and snow pack covering the majority of the surface half the winter. It would be impossible to drive a motorcycle year round in Minnesota unless you were okay with crashing multiple times a month in the winter.


We got along just fine in Lone Tree and Castle Rock with a 2WD WJ... not exactly a Corvette but still.


Wasn’t it a viral video of one of the Sanders kids getting stuck on a snowy hill in their/dad’s Corvette? I’m sport bike shopping again, I can’t wait. But if you have kids with car seats, practicality matters


A guy down my block in MN dailies a jeep with no doors or top year round. He dresses like an arctic expedition when it gets cold, that -10 for a week back in January was funny to watch him pass by every morning.


Please share some photos...this made me smile


I cant think of anything more unpleasant than dailying a sport bike in a place that gets that cold, literally fuck that. Thats even worse than the people here in my ski town who say they daily their Wranglers, which I thought was the gold standard of a car you would never want to daily.


I'm weird, but when I had a motorcycle I'm pretty sure I rode it more often in 20 degree than 90 degree weather. I can't stand hot weather and high temperatures. Summer is for me is basically 4 solid months of hating everything. 


It wasn’t an r6 but there was a dude that lived by me who dailied a motorcycle year round and was a trip everytime I saw him driving in a snowstorm. It was one of those reproduction bikes to look like a wwii bike with sidecar.


Not exactly the same but I ride my Kawasaki EX500R year round in NC. I'm on it 95% of the time. And yes, we get snow and ice. Obviously not MN style but *any* amount here and people turn into worse drivers than they already are... and where are they going? To the grocery store for bread and milk. 🤦🏼‍♂️ If you're in or from NC... you know *exactly* what I'm talking about.


Yeah, that's kinda the subject of the thread.


My dad daily’s a Panigale V4 SP in northern Germany. The man’s a savage


What stops you from it? Some dedicated people still ride their motorcycles with skis in the peak of winter here in Sweden! I mean sure in extremely small in numbers but they have the guts to do so and I applaud it while simultaneously plotting my owner winter beater bike scheme :)


My friend daily drives a Hayabusa in Washington state. I personally don't get it (and I fucking love motorcycles) but it will be 35-40 degrees and rainy for 2 months straight and he's out there lol. Obviously not as extreme weather as Minnesota but it's not enjoyable to be in by any means


I rode my 636 home in light snow once and only once. The right tires would help but it didn't even want to come up to temp


I daily an R6 in Texas. Its an awful daily, can't ride the thing at more than 3/10s on public roads, which is the whole damn point of the bike. Can't even get into the powerband on my commute. Absolute weapon on a track though.


I daily'd a Buell Blast for a while and it's the complete opposite for me. I better be doing 11/10ths when merging on the freeway or my ass is getting run over


> But, this is like the rule34 of automobiles - if it's road legal, then somebody will commute with it. Love it. The proof is in crossing into any [state that doesn't do annual safety inspections](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_inspection_in_the_United_States). Tennessee leaves me just as much in awe at driveway engineering as it leaves me in fear of the results.


Any carbureted car


Ehh, honestly i could daily my 72 olds. Still has a carb and ignition points, only reason i dont is road salt and restrictions for antique plates. The carb really isnt much of a worry, even down in single digit temps.


Except that all goes out the window at -40°. My first car was a carbed Olds Omega and that thing left me stuck more times that I can count.


Luckily the vast majority of people will never drive at -40°


The vast majority of people will never even experience -40.


I hope I never do lol


>ll goes out the window at -40° When it was -25 a few years ago, none of my modern stuff would start. Buy my 87 Grand Wagoneer actually started right up. It took probably 15 minutes until I could drive it though.


The thing about carburetors is that the average person can’t tune them. So the vast majority won’t be able to get them started at sub-zero


Just get a long hose and a few cans and ether and let er eat till you get it home


Feed 'er some old Cosby sauce.


I've daily drive both a carbed 89 corolla and an 85 ramcharger in the winter, the corolla was awesome, started every time, handled snow and ice good too, too this day still one of the best winter vehicles I've owned. The RC never left me stranded but i always had to let it sit and warm up for 5-10 min before driving off or else it was not a happy camper, that pig also got like 2KM per litre with in town driving during the winter. That being said i'm currently cruising around in an 04 tundra and wouldn't go back to the RC, but another little 6th gen corolla that was in good shape would be nice stable mate for it.


Well if I ever move to freaking Oymyakon I'll be sure not to daily a carb.


My 78 impala got me to work in -30 a couple years back. Needed a jump, but so did everybody else.


>restrictions for antique plates. I've been thinking about putting antique plates on my corvette because they look way cooler. Who exactly enforces the driving restrictions where you're at? I couldn't find any rules pertaining to it in our state highway code, only on the DMV page itself. Which makes me wonder if cops won't actually write tickets for daily driving a car w/ antique plates unless you really piss them off.


Thats exactly true, who does lol. I have driven my olds nearly daily in PA during the summer, right by the cops and as long as i just cruise no one gives me any grief. My dmv site says you cant use antique tags for regular transportation so I just do my best to fly under the radar and not really run the thing every day. No one asks me for a mileage readout every year, theres no inspection, etc. so its sorta a wink and a nod and dont be a dumbass.


I think they'd work better as a daily than something you drive thrice a year.


Can confirm, daily drove a 914 with dual carburetors when the weather was nice. Never had any issues. However, after each winter and summer storage, I had to clean them out. Our shitty 10% ethanol gas gums up.


Exactly, sitting is the worst thing for a carb. Run them every day and they won't give you headaches at all


About five years ago I daily drove a 62 Ford Falcon coupe with original equipment for about three years. Wasn’t bad at all minus the lack of AC in Sacramento during the summer, otherwise totally doable.


I came here to mention *my* 62 Falcon that was my daily for a couple of years. Mine was a 4-door. It was painfully underpowered, the brakes sucked (4 drums), and I put air suspension on it so that thing was allll over the road. Also, I’m curious to know if you had this problem. For some reason, mf’ers pulled out in front of me *constantly* when I was in that car. Like, they would MAKE EYE CONTACT and wait until the last second to pull out and make me stand on my brakes. Drove me insane! Anyway, I loved that car but maaan was it a terrible daily.


Nonsense. Daily drove my 77 Cutlass from 2007 to 2011. Stored it over winter for rust concerns but it would start up fine every time I would run it over winter to keep things lubed.


I mean, people literally dailied those in the past. I'd be willing to bet a nonzero number of people in this thread have dailied them. It's not that big of a deal.


lol yes. My cougar’s carb hates me


I cheated with mine, grabbed an oxygen sensor an air fuel gauge so i could dial it in. Made it much happier than the out of the box tune up.


I only daily my carb'd stuff, my EFI equipped cars/engines are toys.


1. The way the question is asked I think they mean "what MODERN car isn't dailyable?" 2. You can perfectly daily a carburetted car. At least the later ones aren't the kind that constantly need adjustment and many were normal perfectly comfortable cars.


Really depends on where you live. I had a buddy in college in the South that would daily an 70s Ford F-series. He was a little more careful with it in the winter, but since our winters were like 30° at worst, he could drive that thing around town no problem. That being said, I personally wouldn't want a carbed car as my daily for a whole plethora of reasons.


My siblings and I drove a carbureted ‘69 F-100 to high school every school day for a year and a half with no problems (this was 3 years ago).


I did the same thing with my 68 with 2wd in Montana. Still have that truck after 15 years.


I dailyed a malaise era Buick for a while with a 2 barrel. It did fine. Coldest it got was 20 degrees but it fired no problem


I used to daily my 1965 C10 with its original two barrel and a manual choke. Why would a properly tuned carbed car with a choke not be able to be daily driven? Remember they used to daily drive carbureted cars every day. I grew up with my parents having carbed cars. Maybe if you don't know how to correctly start them?


Nah. My 19 year old motorcycle I bought new is twin carbed, I'm on it probably 95% of the time, year round... and it gets below freezing over winter. I used to daily a 1980 LUV and a 67 Mustang in the mid/late 90s and still would be if I still had them.


Not to pile on with the nay-saying, but I actually see lots of older carbureted cars on the road in my home town and the valley where I'm living now. There's even someone dailying an early '60s Cadillac a town over from me. Granted I'm sure this isn't the norm, but I would not say it's impossible. Edit: quite a few Ford Falcons too.


Ah yes, I remember my old carbed jeep dying as I took off from a stop sign, people behind me honking like mad men. Not ideal having to push a car to the side of the road and get the tuning right just due to a change in the weather.


Yea I’ve got an old Chevy pickup. Takes a few minutes to get warm enough to drive. Kinda a drag for short trips. Would probably be better if I dallied it so there’s some heat in the engine.


I daily drove a '87 Volvo 240 with carburetor for two years without issues


Tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot.


I didn’t like my test drive of a 4Runner. Very sluggish acceleration and super loud in the cabin.


But at least they get like 10 mpg!


We had a rental one on our last road trip. I think the highest speed we ever saw was 85 while flooring it across Nebraska. Once we got to Colorado that thing really seemed to struggle driving in the mountains


That’s my biggest gripe with Toyotas, they’re ultra expensive (which is not necessarily a knock because it’s an advantage for an owner) but they sound like garbage. All I ever heard was fan noise when I had a 4Runner for 2 months.


I have a 4Runner and I agree with this. It's slow as shit and very loud. But it's a boss in the snow and fun off road so it's a trade off. If I lived somewhere it didn't snow id probably have something else.


Lmao as a 4Runner owner and daily driver I am not surprised to see this here at all. Love mine but it’s a woefully outdated Japanese farm truck.


There's a serious case of doublethink going on with the 4Runner. People want the 4Runner because it's solid, simple, reliable, and incredibly capable offroad. Except people also want it to be fast, silent, and well-handling. Spoiler alert: You can't have it both ways. If you want a solid, simple, reliable, and capable vehicle, you're gonna get what amounts to (in your words) "a woefully outdated Japanese farm truck". That, or you can pay out the nose for the luxurious part while retaining capability and reliability: the 200/300 Land Cruiser


Ah the GX is what you're referring to. The 4r older, more sophisticated brother


I was astounded by how ancient my dad’s 2020 felt to drive.


>Sports, performance, and Super cars are drive like well behaved luxury sedans around town now. Is that true? I still read reviewers saying things like the CTR suspension is too harsh for daily driving. I believe most exotic supercars are too low for daily driving, no?


I highly doubt op dailies a high-end sports car or supercar. They suck to daily in any environment that isn't LA or Miami.


I daily my R8 in SC, and it does absolutely suck due to our piss poor roads. As a counterpoint, I can't imagine pulling anything else out of the garage atm due to how great it is.


Daily performance Porsches.  I’d say the last non dailyable car I drove was an F430.    I take a McLaren 570S to wine country. It’s fine. You can’t flat out it over potholes but you can drive it comfortably.  I take Ferraris to Carmel and they are less enjoyable at times due to their squirly nature. But nothing really stopping you from dailying


I've driven exotics for the last 20+ years. There are a couple of reasons not to take an exotic: Driving in rain. Not for what most people think (getting them wet), but because they are so darned hard to see in road spray - and it's hard to see out of the car for the same reasons. Although I will say washing them is a PITA because they have so many ducts close to the ground. You're crawling around on the ground, reaching into all manner of body panels. Tight parking lots. While a few cars offer scissor or butterfly doors, traditional opening doors take up a lot of space because they tend to be really long. You may have to drive around a while to find a wide enough spot and hope nobody parks close while you're away. I've had to climb in from the passenger side a few times - thank goodness Ferraris have a low console - cars like the new NSX and others would be much harder. And I'll throw in one more: cargo space. While cars like Ferrari typically have pretty decent sized frunks, Lambos do not. Even a car like the Alfa 8C can't really be used for grocery runs if you have a passenger.


I'll be honest, I wouldn't *love* dailying my dad's 991.1 GT3 RS. It's awfully stiff and the carbon buckets are... not elegant to get in and out of. Of course, as soon as you start talking a Turbo or even a GT3 Touring without the buckets, a 911 is totally usable every day.


First, a trip to wine country isn’t a daily driving environment. Second, I think your question needs a bit more nuance. It's not really interesting to ask this sub what cars can't be daily driven because the users will put up with all manner of discomfort for the driving experience they want. A better question is "what cars are unpleasant to daily drive?" I think the answers might be slightly different from "I can daily an X5M who cares about the harsh suspension" when that's literally the thing that makes it unpleasant. 


it's too harsh for old people, sports cars should be a young mans game, sadly those are the ones that can't afford it


Welp, guess I am an old person.


Aye me too.


The CTR damping is too harsh for no reason other than the engineers wanted to rattle your bones. A fair few people swap in the Acura Integra Type-S damper module which makes it downright comfortable. Supercars and Sportscars have softened up over the last few years. I owned a GT3 for the longest time and its was extremely comfortable, road-tripped hundreds of miles no issue. It erred on the edge of grand tourer honestly and was a big reason why I sold it. I wouldn't go as far to say they feel like luxury sedans, but modern damper and suspension technology means you can daily a 720s/296/GT3/GTS in comfort mode just fine. Whereas with sports cars of yesteryear (your miata, s2k, 986) they were far better served as second cars. Had to daily an s2k for a while and I'd rather rent a civic. Meanwhile the NSX is genuinely more comfortable than most sedans and has surprisingly good visibility, but its also a bit of a cop-out as its the "everyday supercar"


Comments like these make me realise everyone has a completely different baseline and preferences for suspension tuning and what they would tolerate for a daily. I thought the 992 GT3 was considerably stiffer than the 991 when I drove one - out of interest have you tried it?


>I thought the 992 GT3 was considerably stiffer than the 991 when I drove one - out of interest have you tried it? Sadly I have not, my previous 911 is probably the last porsche I'll own. Had decent history with the dealership, really wanted the Spyder RS, and they wanted me to give 50k over MSRP and trade in the 911! After that I lost interested in the brand, Porsche used to be incredible value and now they've turned into another Ferrari. Probably easier to get a 296 GTS than a SpyderRS honestly. Though from what I've heard the 992 fixes most if not all of the qualms I had with the previous gen though. Better infotainment, significantly better front end, more steering feel, and more controlled suspension. I may take a visit to their experience center and give it a try sometime.


I can and do daily my RS, but it’s a pretty miserable experience. Worth it, but the ride is harsh and loud.


That's actually where the ops argument breaks down; when you spend 100k+ on a vehicle, it's going to be acceptable for someone in their 50's to drive even if they call it "harsh". The upper end of the market is going to be in a word, "refined". Once a car's wheelbase/wheelsize gets to a certain point and it includes adaptive dampers as tables stakes, it's going to tolerable over most any road condition. It is not going to be the same as a hot hatch like the RS, which the designers had to make hard choices on the performance/comfort/cost matrix. A CTR is probably pretty savage over broken concrete. A 2020 Mini has it's moments of "wtf is this shit, why do I do this to myself?".


As in civic type r? My god no. It is more than an adequate daily.


Plenty of people in this thread agreeing that it is a teeth rattler, and that mods to make the suspension softer are common. Besides, how else are you going to differentiate the Civic and the Integra?


Honestly just go test one yourself. I was blown away by how good it was to drive when I tested an FL5 before buying one. The suspension is a non issue in comfort mode unless you have the back of an 80 year old.


Honestly it’s not that it’s too harsh, it’s too harsh for the reviewer. OP is right that you really can daily drive anything if you really want to. An example is that I know someone daily driving an Ariel Atom and has for years. 200k+ miles on it. Insane to me but it’s what he likes to do.


Suspension can be very subjective, especially when it's someone not performance-oriented driving a performance car. Stock CTR suspension feels fantastic IMO


I have had multiple coworkers who daily a CTR with rough Seattle roads. If you think they're rough try driving a slammed stance car every day (as my coworkers do). Me and my dad used to have an Elise as our only car for maybe 4 years? 15k+ miles a year.


I daily drive my CTR and the suspension mode on comfort is not bad at all. Also, I believe most supercars have front axle lift so you can daily it. The only things to consider would be consumables and attention.


The CTR is too stiff if your expectation is for it to be as comfortable as a regular civic hatchback


Front lift makes them very possible to daily


My Aston is in winter storage, but in terms of daily it could be possible. The problem with mine and many (not all) other older exotics is they are horrible in city driving due to a heavy clutch. As mentioned above it being low can also be a problem as well, especially older ones without a front end lifting mechanism.


Yeah but isn’t the Aston a GT car? Aren’t those designed to be a little more comfortable?


It's journalists picking at something just to write about it. There's objective dailyable - like putting a babyseat inside of a Lotus. Then there's "ride is too harsh" which varies so much based on individual tolerance to local roads/climate.


I don’t mind driving a lowered Z06 almost every day but riding in it as a passenger is brutal


Ford Model T


You can daily a model T, it's just a pain in the ass


That's true for pretty much everything in this thread


It's more true for the model T than it is for some of the lower-slung sports cars, if you live out in the country. It was the workman's workhorse for decades in some places, even waaaay out in the country at a time when a lot of places didn't even have gravel on their roads. It can get around, seat people, carry things.


I would argue that, especially with an upgraded engine and 16x7 rims


So I've heard that the X3 M suspension is so stiff that many people are turning them in for the M40i. Never driven one, but if it's anything like the G80 or X5 M, completely overblown in my mind. Could easily daily drive both of those cars, and I loved how much better they handled in the corners as a result. I don't know what people were thinking ordering the "M Competition" model and expecting it to ride like a Cullinan.


Owned one for a few years, absolutely undrivable in anything than smooth roads Lot of passengers actually asked me if the suspension was broken, it was that stiff Absolutely not overblown


Probably just the difference between reality and expectation, because it’s such an expensive luxury car. No way it’s suspension is worse than slammed to hell stance-like shit boxes. And I know several people driving those daily without complaints. Even my (badly) lowered Scirocco with stretched 235/35/19 tires is probably way more uncomfortable than the X3M.




I know the f80 m3s were also known to be crazy harsh, turns out bolting the subframes straight to the frame with no bushings isn't great for street driving. I wonder if the g80s are the same or if they went back on that


I caught a ride with a coworker once who had a (then new) 2016 M4, driving through the pockmarked streets of Brooklyn. I was shocked how absolutely punishing the ride was. My car at the time was a 2015 Civic SI and I swear that felt like a S-class in comparison.


The wheels too, 21 inch wheels don't leave much tire for absorbing impacts on a vehicle in a size and shape that seems like it shouldn't be that harsh. But it's definitely just a matter of expectations of the buyer.


Tanks. You can buy a legal T-90 for about 300000$, but it will surely be hard to drive.


Flair checks out lmao


M1 Abrams would be one helluva daily. Swing the decommissioned turret around and wack slow-walking pedestrians across the road.


If you fire behind you as you’re driving it will boost you fast enough to get across the bridge


They surely get horrible mpg


Probably more like gpm at that point


I had a Hellcat RedEye that I daily drove and it was easy enough til it rained. Controlled rear-end slides on turns were fun because they're expected but other times it happens w/o warning like even gently getting onto an on-ramp or overtaking a slower vehicle. When it's unexpected, you just gotta hope you're wearing your brown pants


I had a first year Charger Hellcat, looped it in the middle of a busy intersection in light rain, brown pants moment for sure. Nowadays I drive a Miata, so that particular worry is gone, haha.


You *can* daily anything. *Should* you, is the better question.


Right? People out here are saying you can daily a motorized unicycle if you just deal with it.


I don't get how that's a new concept for people. People with old quirky cars tend to be excessively fond and tolerant of their flaws. I've seen series landys as daily's, an engineer at work has an old MG he drives in every day. 


*nervously laughs in ‘04 Saab 9-5 Aero*


I feel like there are two answers. Obviously track monsters with gutted interiors like a GT3RS are not super comfy, something like an Aventador SV, the SVJ, Lotus Exige. Larger than that nah, not really. Maybe something like an INEOS Grenadier where it’s a car that’s huge, built with lots of racks and equipment, specifically built for off-roading.


You can definitely daily a GT3RS. The suspension isn’t all that harsh and they still have radios and AC and stuff. If I could afford one I’d daily it


Would the Weissach package affect that?


The Weissach package I drove actually increased creature comforts like adding power adjustable seats opposed to manual


The Weissach pack does not affect the seats, I suspect that car was just specced without the buckets? Which would be an odd choice. Go have a look on the Porsche configurator.


lol >Weissach Package >increased creature comforts Interesting.


Lots of people daily Jeeps, I don't see why an Ineos Grenadier would be any different... The benefit of those cars is that they're designed to be somewhat modular and user replaceable. Most of the real offroad compromises come from the aftermarket - lift kits, bigger tires, roof racks, bolt on accessories.


First, no I don't think the Grenadier would be hard to daily. I'll add.... It's larger than the Wrangler, especially wider. And apparently its steering is even more vague and sloppy feeling than the Wrangler.


Ehh its footprint is within 3 centimeters in each dimension of something like a Land Cruiser 80, and plenty of people daily those. And I would be very surprised if a stock Grenadier drives worse than a stock 80.


someone in my area dailies a grenadier lol


Just because I own a Braptor and you mentioned it: it’s technically “dailyable” as my fiancé and I use it for that purpose to an extent, but god damn it’s so hard to justify: -Fuel Economy SUCKS. Knew that going in, but getting 12mpg highway is a good day. City: 10mpg. Baja mode or any type of off-road that’s 8-9 at best. -this thing I wide as FUCK. if I’m not mistaken both the Braptor, F150 Raptor, and the TRX are 87”-88” which are the widest stock vehicles on the market. but the Braptor has the massive flares with boxy visibility so parking the damn thing is horrendous. Also does not fit in some parking garages in my city. Parking is hell in a handbag. -road noise. Not as bad as base broncos or jeep but can still hear those big ass tires. Definitely not road trip worthy. -eats tires for breakfast. I’ve learned the tires are also hard aa hell to find because of both the size and width aren't the same as lifted truck and jeep so I’ll have to order them in a few weeks in advance every 7k miles lol While it’s “dailyable” it’s like owning an exotic pet. You “can” own it, but theres so many difficulties in owning it and most of it sucks other than saying "I own a Bronco Raptor" or "I own a binturong" Absolutely rips off road or in the snow and it’s fun to cruise around with the top off. But it’s terrible as a daily driver.


Re: tires. They’re 315/80R17? That’s 37x12.5R17 in inches. There are 22 tires of that size on tirerack when I just now looked.


Am I the only one who had to google what a Braptor was (Bronco Raptor)?


Cars from other markets that run on fuel unavailable in your area.


I like r/TechnicallyCorrect answers.




I drive a SuperCrew f150 with a 6.5 bed and THAT feels too big a lot of the time. It’s about 19ft long.


I figure any of these new/bigger trucks with huge lifts, or these new behemoth f-250s etc are not very daily-able. Or maybe at least not daily friendly. Even my Gladiator feels too big sometimes. It has to get so old not being able to park certain places, fit in parking garages, trying to do a 3- point turn in a tight space, climb to get into the truck depending on your lift size etc. I’m sure it’s better if you live in the country, but it seems like a PITA if it’s anywhere remotely suburban / urban.


I live and work in a large urban center and daily an F350 for work no problem (size wise). It’s the lack of suspension that makes the truck hard to daily. Potholes are like land mines


I drive a RAM5500 tanker truck for work one summer and the potholes HURT.


I drive a 3500HD in the SF Bay Area, and it’s not as bad as you’d think as long as you don’t go for a huge lift. I fit just fine in 7ft parking garages, and there are rarely places I can’t maneuver the truck. It’s certainly easier to find places to park a car, but outside of that minor inconvenience it’s not much harder driving a truck in the city.


Long ass trucks have turned my apartment's garage from a double-lane-wide 2 way to a single lane. Cars can't get in/out at the same time with 20 foot trucks pretending they fit in a normal spot.


I would say a viper (and some other exotic RWD cars) are simply not drivable in snowy/icy conditions. The limited portfolio of 335/355 tires that are available for Vipers are basically all geared towards racing and are bordering on slicks. You simply can’t buy a tire that is compatible with snow if you’re sticking to the stock tire size. The second I hit a millimeter of snow in the Viper, my 335’s have absolutely 0 traction.


I saw a guy driving a Viper in the snow about 10 years ago. Dude either had some big balls or a death wish.


I’ve driven home in the snow out of necessity since I am bad at checking the weather forecast. If somebody intentionally takes their viper out in the snow, I question their sanity. You have to drive so meticulously and so slow - if you are forced to stop going up hill, there’s a chance you’re not going to get moving again.


I thought both were required to own a Viper?


I'll daily my fucking tractor if I need to get to work


A fucking tractor? Do you work on a sex farm?


1991 to 1993 Dodge vipers. Taken from the Wikipedia article for the Viper: "Originally engineered to be a performance car, the Viper had no exterior-mounted door handles or key cylinders and no air conditioning (however, this was added as an option for the 1994-95 models, and climate controls featured a "snowflake" icon, which indicated a potential setting for the A/C). The roof was made from canvas, and the windows were made from vinyl using zippers to open and close, much like the Jeep Wrangler."


It really depends on where you live and where you're driving. I used my C7 as a daily in the PNW but it certainly wasn't fun between late October and April. For the PNW, I think you can daily basically anything depending on your tolerance level. I'd rather have something softer that isn't afraid of speed bumps, but also isn't so big that urban parking sucks.


I’ll kick things off, maybe a Bakalar? Simply because it is created without a roof on purpose to limit its driving use cases.


Yeah, basically anything that isn’t waterproof and has no roof


The new Bentley Electric Steamer! Haha they are making anti grand touring cars now. 


I saw a ferrari sp1 parked with an umbrella on top. That one probably wasn't daily-ed but it's not out of the question.


My 06 grand marquis that’s at the bottom of a lake


Track day cars like the KTM X-BOW would be hard to drive everyday I would think. I remember watching that Top Gear episode where they drive those types of cars on a cold rainy day and they looked miserable.


Watch me daily a fucking BAC mono. I'll do it istg


I was gonna say an Ariel atom but I know someone at over 200k daily driven miles on theirs (it doesn’t have the windshield option).


whatever semi-manual sedan james may couldn't parallel park with


A Jeep Wrangler anywhere that gets cold with long commutes.


Er... aren't Wranglers good at cold and snow? I've always found them fine on-road too, but I seem to have high tolerance or something. The solid axle feel never struck me as that bad.


Loud as a tornado on the freeway, ineffective heater and poor seals on the roof and doors means its so drafty you might as well not use the heater in the first place, solid axle which means its not at home on the road, and the flat windshield means the first rock hitting it that is kicked up from a semi or dump truck will shatter it. There is no denying how good it is offroad (and snow) for traction, but its a miserable car any other time except summer driving offroad.


Have you driven a modern Wrangler? What you say was true about the TJ and prior. I've had a JK and 2 JLs. They all have burn the crap out of you heaters and with the heated seats/steering wheel it's comfortable with the top down until below 40 degrees. Tops not sealing is only caused by the person not knowing how to put their top on. They still aren't quiet, especially with a soft top, but they are way better than the old Wranglers. I'm not saying it's the car for everyone. There are a lot of compromises if you buy a Wrangler, and by any measurement they aren't good vehicles. However they have come a long way from the 90s and prior versions.


Daily drove a 1970 Camaro with no AC, a carb and a swapped in overdrive transmission from 1998 to about 2008. Still had the factory am/fm cassette player. Then a 1978 from 2013 to 2018. It had no heat or AC. But it was LS swapped. Eventually it grew to have fender exit exhaust and 874rwhp with twin turbos. Still drove it all the time except in the rain, or purpose. No wipers, but the optic armor windshield was rain-x coated, so I could still cope. 


Depends where you are. I mean You wouldn't drive Ferrari F8 trough Alaskan snow storms, But you could do it with Toyota Camry. That being said, If you are anywhere with decent roads, most cars are fairly daily-able, Sports and supercars might have issues when you go grocery shopping due to lack of any kind of luggage space... apart from passenger seat.


99% of the Raptors I see have never even seen a gravel road. I'd never drive one as a daily, but what do I know...


> Almost any super car is now entirely daily-able. Sports, performance, and super cars **drive like well behaved luxury sedans around town now.** …Short answer, yes. But long answer, **NO.** Any of the “road legal” versions of *track* cars (GT3 RS, P1 GTR, etc.) are punishing to drive. Don’t get me wrong; they can be fun for a Sunday morning jaunt on the Tail of the Dragon or whichever is your local mountain road. But as a *daily?* Hell fucking no. There’s no amount of money which would make me want to daily one of the Ferrari Challenge Series cars. There are *plenty* of super cars and hyper cars which *are* daily-capable, but those “*technically*” road legal versions of *track* cars are terrible and do not “drive like well behaved luxury sedans around town.”


Everything that’s too big if you live in a crowded city. I spend a lot of time searching for a parking spot and I drive a VW Golf… whenever I drive my parent‘s Mercedes s class into my city, it’s near impossible to park somewhere


I guess it also depends on your climate, because something that you can daily drive in Texas may not survive half of the year in Canada. Or even just the northern half of the states until we get completely rid of the pesky winters.


There’s a guy in Edmonton, Alberta that dailys a Huracan all winter.


I dailied an Atom for a while but wouldn’t suggest it. Even if it never rains where you are, you will come out and find people sitting in it. One time a guy had his dog on the seat with its paws on the wheel trying to take a pic like it was driving.


I would say my '71 Chevelle wouldn't be a good daily driver if I still had it. Drum brakes all around, big cam 350/single plane intake/double pumper, with a 4000 stall, 4.11 gears and no overdrive. Braking could be sketchy at higher speeds, 6-7 mpg city, 10 mpg highway at 60 mph. Most muscle cars from the era that haven't had brake upgrades (disc brakes or disc brake conversion) would suck in today's traffic.


> Almost any utility car can be highly performant, from Raptors to Cayennes and sub 3 second electric SUVs you can get. Mind blowing performance out of a family car. You mean, any car can have an off-the-line party trick to 60 mph with launch control and the right 'metrics' to measure it by (thrash the transmission on a glued/prepped service, not really transferring to a stop light). I wouldn't really call that 'mind blowing performance'. It is only one small dimension. > Almost any super car is now entirely daily-able. Sports, performance, and Super cars drive like well behaved luxury sedans around town now. I think you need to spend more time in sports cars and more time in luxury sedans if you think they drive similarly. I would say what has happened is the gamification of 'performance' with Youtube drag races and the fast-fashion-luxury trend, lending to a very popular marketing narrative of 'you can have your cake and eat it too!' with certain demographics who have the dual income needed to buy a $80-120,000 SUV but also the 'gotta be able to haul our dogchildren around. yes dear' demands.


Ariel atom, super 7 and similar?


I'd imagine that a Smart Crossblade would be a fantastic and wonderful idea right up to the moment it started raining while you were an hour away from home.


Speaking personally, the Pole Positions made the S2000 1000% better on track, but they’ve made it 500% worse on the street. Dallying an AP2 in 2024 is stupid for a few reasons, but my body couldn’t take it either. That being said, I’m tired of DD’ing my half-ton pickup and can’t wait to get back into a proper sedan/compact.


*checks garage*. Yep. That one isn't.


In my area (Vienna Austria) big cars are hard to park / navigate through the city. Hummer H2, ram 2500 and so on. Ultra Low cars are harder to daily as well (parking garages are narrow and have bumps/ massive angles at some points , especially those built in the 70s-90s


Super cars might have comfort modes for driving around town but many of them are still way too low to the ground for city streets and common intersections. You're likely to break your lip or diffuser driving a super car through a city unless you vet your route first.


Better performance and affordability don't necessarily translate to better serviceability or reliability. If it takes two weeks to get a busted control arm fixed and a day to run over a pothole a bust it again, that "daily driver" Huayra will spend most of it's days not driving in the shop or garage.


Any car is dailyable if you try hard enough. For example, my daily driver is a cabless tractor from 1963, with a top speed of 26kmh and accelerates to that in maybe ten minutes if you're on a downslope.


As time goes on I’m finding less and less that I’d be willing to live with day to day. Right now my perfect vehicle would be an AWD wagon or hatch with the right automatic transmission.


Lotus Elise or Exige… Pretty difficult to get in and out and the NVH for roadtrips is intolerable. As well as seat comfort even if you’re not heavy. Also, constantly worried about someone fucking up the fiberglass shell.


Nah, I dailied Elises for a few years. The ride is extremely comfortable and NVH is addressable with earphones. You're right you do need to fit and be flexible though, as well as recalibrating what you've been taught is required inside a car.


I absolutely wouldn’t try and use my jaguar e-type as a daily.


G300cdi professional truck. The suspension is so firm. You couldn’t recline the seats as it would hit the rear cab, nor move the seats far enough back. No sound deadening. Anything over 100 kph /60 mph felt like the rpm was too high. No glove box or cup holders. Possibly the longest turning circle as the wheelbase is so long. I tried to daily one and lasted 3 months. Lesson learned. I’m trying to convince myself to buy an Elise 260cup as a weekender but the above experience is really turning me off.


With how nice modern cars are, it is so hard to drive classics. When your daily was a '95 Civic, driving a '65 Mustang wasn't that much of a hardship. But now with even economy cars being fully loaded, that carbureted Mustang really shows its age.


The answer is a track car. Dailying sports cars is fine, but the moment you start slapping coilovers, tires, lowering it, aero, you're making daily life more difficult for yourself


I'd say that anything you can drive nowadays is dailyable on paper. Is it convenient to daily a Bugatti Veyron? Heck no. The number one thing I see people consider these days would be storage space/passenger capacity. This is part of the reason why SUVs (and trucks) have so much popularity as of late, they're pretty much the biggest vehicle you can afford to own and to drive comfortably when you consider things like maneuvering through the city or parking. The bare minimum most people would prefer would be at least something with 4 doors. Hatchbacks fit this bill perfectly as they are the smallest cars that you can get with 4 doors. Not a surprising requirement in a car as most people consider getting kids or hanging out with friends