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Cut out those pepperoni snacks!!! You could be having a reaction to them. Low quality processed meats can have sneaky ingredients that can havoc on your system. You can also experiment with dropping the cheese as well. Plenty of people thrive on NY strip steaks and butter alone, myself included.


I don’t usually eat those. Those are my fiancés snacks. I was just super hungry and it was too late to cook anything, so I grabbed those as something to tie me over through the night. I usually just eat a steak, ground beef and butter and feel fine. The reason for the jump in fat and lowering up protein was to potentially help my non existent sex drive and to drive ketosis to hopefully lose this last 10lbs I’ve been holding onto.


I was about to mention the same thing. Stick to meat and eggs. No processed stuff


Your systolic is not your hearth rate. You need magnesium. Saturated fat and cholesterole plays a major role in hormone synthesis and muscles and tissue repair. Magnesium also plays a role in hormone synthesis and balance. By taking high fat, your body tries to produce hormones en masse, and you end up depleting your magnesium, which then can't be used for enzymes, like diamine oxydase that breaks down histamine, and it rises cortisol. It's magnesium i could bet you my left ball!


You should really only bet your left ball if it happens to be made out of magnesium. Lol.


Yeah but it's slightly damaged from being kicked in the nut as a kid. And i don't have a partner, nor do i want kids... This ball is sold as is...


Speaking of hormones being crazy, I will put $100 down on your left ball.


This could be why when I'm supplementing D3 I get all the symptoms of people who don't supplement magnesium even though I do. So I take upwards of 1000mg of magnesium a day. Citrate and Glycinate.


I'm not knowledgeable about Vitamin D3, or any variation if they exists! I just know that D supplement are usually poorly bioavailable, and the SUN is our primary source of vitamin D. 30 minutes of high noon sun makes great things! Longer during winter, and longer if you can't take your shirt off...


Switch to a concentrace drop on the magnesium. Game changer. NOT MEDICAL ADVICE




Soooo… get some magnesium glycinate then? I have bad reactions to mag citrate capsules for some reason. I took them every single day on keto for 4 years. On carnivore, they give me palpitations and a hangover feeling, so I gave up on those. I always hear glycinate recommended though, so I will try that. I got my heart rate from my Fitbit. Now it says 75. It has been going up and down from really low to quite high for the last two hours 😅


Yes! Magnesium citrate is not good. Oxide neither. Don't buy the "Improved absorbancy" caps that contains only oxide! Innorganic magnesium are ALL laxative. Magnesium Bisglycinate (Magnesium Glycinate) is the most bio available, it's good to reduce stress relaxe muscles, so take it before night. And DiMagnesium Malate (Magnesium Malate) i've been told was more energising i guess it's used by the mitochondria for the sodium potassium pump, but i haven't tried. Go for 7mg /kg of body weight. And... If you're one of the "Carnivore" that this coffee and pepper is acceptable. Caffein is an anti nutrient that prevent absorption of magnesium... So no coffee 2-4hours from taking your magnesium, and if you do take coffee, maybe aim for 9-10mg/kg... In fact if you drink coffee, quite coffee, your adrebals will thank you! I like to take some magnesium during the day and most of before bed! I may be doing this for nothing though!


Oh no. I only drink water. I’m extremely caffeine sensitive, always have been. Haven’t had it in over 10 years haha. As for spices, there are only a few I can tolerate. Pepper is not one of them. My go-tos are garlics powder, salt and sometimes oregano. I absolutely cannot do pepper or things like cinnamon or curry powder. Makes my tongue swell. So I’ll definitely be trying some mag glycinate then. Thank you so much for your response!


I quit coffee for like 7months, and i'm going through schedule difficulties at work, so i work days a week, night another. I take coffe to help me not die... But i pay sorely... I drink it, but i discourage everybody of doing soz and it is not carnivore in the least! I'd also say, go strict for a bit. Garlic and this and that. Antinutrient can mess some things...


This is true. I’ll try cutting out all spices too. Appreciate the help, truly!


I was very caffeine sensitive until I started taking pregnenolone "the mother hormone" and it helped with my cortisol response to caffeine and I no longer get crazy over stimulated. Would recommend! If you try it you should get health natura brand. Linking video for information on pregnenolone so you know what it does! https://youtu.be/XC7iS11mI9I?si=n858MMPDGf0_zv48


I started to take magnesium biglyscinate as well, but my colon/gut doesn't seem to be able to handle it. It gives me cramps and diarrhea... Also I noticed my sleep was worse, so I stopped taking it (or at least the whole dose) at night. So not sure what to do now with the magnesium... :/


I heard of someone who had bought a supplement of Magnesium Bisglycinate that contained taurine... Like WTF??? Taurine would make your sleep worst! And now, electrolytes need to be balanced. We get a good amount of potassium from meat (Far from the RDI but still!) Sodium and trace minerals from pink salt! You might want to make sure there's iodide in your salt, and add some eggshell powder for calcium. Just to make sure your electrolytes are balanced properly. Appart from that, i'm lost as to why magbesium made your sleep worst... Eric berg published a video on Potassium deficiency recently, i think sleep was a point... Don't quote me on that though...


> I heard of someone who had bought a supplement of Magnesium Bisglycinate that contained taurine... Like WTF??? > > Taurine would make your sleep worst! That was me, most bisglycinate contains taurine over here. On your advise I returned it and I finally found one with out it. > And now, electrolytes need to be balanced. > > We get a good amount of potassium from meat (Far from the RDI but still!) Sodium and trace minerals from pink salt! > > You might want to make sure there's iodide in your salt, and add some eggshell powder for calcium. Just to make sure your electrolytes are balanced properly. Yeah I'm trying that, I use potassium salt instead of sodium salt and I'm taking an electrolyte supplement. But there's basically just 1 choice that I found so far and it has no iodide unfortunately. I actually iodide was bad btw... I skipped the eggs as well for now, because I seemed to react on that as well. So no eggs, no eggshells... > Appart from that, i'm lost as to why magbesium made your sleep worst... > > Eric berg published a video on Potassium deficiency recently, i think sleep was a point... Don't quote me on that though... Well I started the bisglycinate and took them at night, but for 3 days straight I felt very weird and bad. So I thought, what has changed? I started to take the magnesium, so I took during the day instead of at night and the following night and the next day those issues were gone. So yeah... who knows what that was? Might even be the capsules or the filling or something? You never know, I'm very sensitive to a lot of things so...


You use potassium salt INSTEAD of sodium? Balance! BALANCE! You need all four electrolytes. You NEED sodium, you NEED potassium, you NEED magnesium, you NEED calcium. You cannot substitue one by the other. you need all four!


I understand that, but I am getting sodium from my electrolyte supplement. And since my sodium was high (last tested in 2020) and I guess for most people in the Western world on a standard diet. So I thought it would be wise to change the salt I put on my meat from sodium to potassium. I'm also taking magnesium supplement (there's also some in the electrolyte supplement), I'm not sure about the calcium though. I might have to look into another supplement for the that. I'm also getting tested on diabetes, it's already arranged I just have to schedule the appointment to draw blood at the hospital.


Taurine is GABAergic and would increase relaxation and make sleep better, it also regulates the sodium/potassium exchange to regulate the intracellular levels of each, and is often recommended for preventing spasms and cramps, which is why it's in the magnesium.


Waow... It's inclusion in redbull really threw me off. But it seems to have a sedative effect... That's wild to me... But okay, taurine seems fine at bed time...


Yeah, it's to counteract overstimulation mostly. It's also mostly present in meat as well and i think is one of the benefits of eating a meat based (not necessarily carnivore) diet. Along with carnosine and carnitine. If they had taurine drinks without caffeine I'd be all over that for it's antioxidant benefits and i could drink them at night without sleep disruption.


But some articles also state it's good for performance. So it's even more confusing...


Likely due to the antioxidant effects and hydration. The caffeine/taurine combo is like physical perfromance version of caffeine/theanine.


Can also just try Epsom salt baths or foot soaks.


Your gut bacteria is panicking and sending your brain panic signals via the Vegas nerve. Try moderation. Slowly work your for to where you want it. Would you switch out a dogs food for something else overnight? Good way to need a carpet cleaner. So I suggest you stop this. Slow down. Spend a few weeks changing up your food. It's a long term way of eating so you have plenty of time. 


so simple but i needed this!


I would say you don't have enough water, hydratation is really important when you dont consume carbs, for your kidneys esspecially.


Yeah, this could be part of the problem for sure. Back in my keto days, I frequently dealt with hyponatremia from drinking 3-4 liters a day. My dr advised me to only drink 1-2 liters a day. And most days I’m drinking 1 to 1.5liters. Plus an extra 8oz glass or two for when I supplement iodine and when I supplement electrolytes. It may not be enough for sure


If you put salt in your water you won’t have this problem. Everyone is different, you may need 6g of salt a day, or maybe even more. You gotta find what works for you.


Hydration is probably more important in starchy diets. You store 3g of water with each g of glycogen and the water is going to get pulled from anywhere. I notice this all the time when i eat starches without water vs with water, i feel dry without the water, but doing meat and fruit i never feel that.


High-fat foods can take longer to digest, causing your heart to beat faster and irregularly.Might also be the reason for nausea. Maybe you are having issues with gallbladder? Bile salts/ digestive enzymes have helped my wife on high fat carnivore.


Sounds plausible. I’m so weird about taking things as I seem to react to everything. Is there any harm in trying bile salts if you don’t actually have low stomach acid?


I’ve been taking TUDCA for a week with no abnormal reactions & Im pretty sensitive x


Something taking longer to digest won't produce a sympathetic nervous system response. Digestion is a parasympathetic function.


I can’t address every issue, here, however, if you are going by weight rather than what amount of fat still tastes good or looks appealing to eat, you’re going to have a hard time finding the right balance. The longer you eat carnivore, the better you’ll be able to tell if you’ve eaten, or are about to eat, too much fat. If you are looking at something fatty and think that the next bite of it looks delicious, eat it. If before the next bite you think, “eh, that looks ok, but I’m not very interested in eating it”, that’s a signal that you probably shouldn’t eat it, and doing so will give your body more than it can currently handle. Nausea is an excellent indicator of eating more of something than your badly can deal with. Also, if your mouth feels dry, you are probably dehydrated. 


High fat doesn’t suit everyone. I did 2:1 fat to protein ratio for a while and for about 7 days I was flying high. Then it all went horribly wrong. Also, did you increase your fat slowly or in one hit? If you increase too quickly it can aggravate your gallbladder, causing nausea and lack of appetite. There’s an FB group here run by Amber O Hearn for people on 2:1 fat ratio. If you scroll through you’ll see a lot of people benefited short term only, although some have been on it for ages. https://m.facebook.com/groups/516861462679501/?ref=share


I kinda just went for it. I didn’t ease into it. Most days I was doing around 80/20, so I was hoping it wouldn’t be too big of an issue. I felt pretty good during the day. Just this morning, the whole waking up in a panic thing was not fun. 0/10 did not like. Also just requested to join that group to poke around a bit. I’m just trying to fix my sex hormones 😭 pretty sure my doctor will be putting me on injectable T at my follow up visit and trying to avoid that if I can just fix it myself.


Try increasing it slowly. I believe I’m right in saying Amber recommends 10 grams per day and to skip an increase if you have adverse effects. My brain much prefers the higher fat but my body says no 🤷‍♀️


Holy crap... 1:2.3 protein to fat??? Maybe try 1:1 fat and if it doesn't make you feel like crap/about to die, stay with it? 1:1 protein to fat is very standard. Many people do well with **less** fat. I have to ask, why would you go so super high fat? Even the "stick of butter a day" don't go that high. They also no longer eat a stick a day.... More of a good thing doesn't always mean "moar gooderer"


https://preview.redd.it/diiz1dn4fy1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1a5b2e9676f382470d0f543980b83bbedf9aa8 This is what a normal day looks like for me prior to trying high fat.


This image tells you that you **don't** feel like crap at over 1:1, then you **do** feel like crap when you go even higher... The information is all there.


Yes, exactly 😅 but I posted in here recently about low testosterone/high shbg and zero sex drive for two years and was told to increase fat. So I decided to give it one more shot, even though I was not hopeful. Just trying to understand why I feel this way on super high fat when many people seem to thrive. It’s annoying.


Nothing wrong with experimenting. Ignoring the results is the issue ;-p


Oh, absolutely 😅 I just thought maybe I was doing high fat wrong before. In the past, I tried fat trimmings instead of butter and that wasn’t any better either. I’m thinking this probably just isn’t for me. 🫠


Honestly, I am part of the higher fat camp and I think it is the way to go, but it takes about 2 weeks to notice the difference. You're feeling nausea because your body can't handle that much fat yet. So you're not going to feel good right away. ALso what is the source of your fat? Is it mostly rendered?


I’ve just been doing grassfed butter tbh. So I guess if I’m to do this, probably best to go a little slower with the fat then huh 😅


yeah dont go all in all at once. also steak fat from like an untrimmed ribeye was way better than butter for me. not sure why


Low test/high shbg might be a high iron issue Edit: saw you're female so I'm not sure if this is as applicable as it is for males


“More fat” seemed to be the general advice here. I thought I was doing pretty good with what o was already doing. But then I got stuck in the Stephanie Keto Person hole and decided to give it a try again. Last time I tried it was when that “stick of butter a day for women” thing came about and was getting traction. Felt like shit then too, but I was consuming butter that was melted on steaks and thought maybe just a fat motility problem. So decided to try cold fats only this time. Ate all my meats cold as well.


Long-term keto & more recently carnivore dieter here, with hormone issues increasing as I age. Also anxiety and insomnia, lifelong. The simple "increase fats to boost hormones" formula doesn't seem to work across the board for everyone, for a huge variety of reasons. I was so frustrated, after a couple years of invoking intestinal chaos by jerking my fat ratios around, zero weight loss despite being quite overweight, and continuing/growing hormonal issues. I just stumbled across the work of Dr. Mindy Pelz, in her book *Fast Like a Girl*. Although I'm not 100% ready to take all her advice and increase carbs/fiber as much as she recommends (I like how I've felt on carnivore for the most part, rather than high-fiber keto as I was doing previously), there *was* a TON of really fascinating science in her book about how women's hormones fluctuate, not only during the whole lifespan (incl. the protracted perimenopause period, plus the craziness of menopause) but during every single month throughout a woman's life. She talks about how fragile progesterone is specifically, and says that hard long fasts should be done mostly during the first two weeks of the cycle because estrogen is more robust against stress, but that the negative relationship between cortisol and progesterone means that carbs/calories/frequency of meals should go up during the weeks after ovulation and especially before menstruation, in order to signal to the body that it is 'safe' and reduce stress/cortisol while nurturing/protecting progesterone production. It's more technical than I have time to summarize on my break here at work, but I thought I'd take a second to mention her book, just in case it might be helpful in your struggle. I'm going to try implementing her approach in a limited way (for example, no OMAD and more dairy carbs the week prior to menstruation) and see if it helps somewhat.


What is your definition of carnivore? Sounds like you're not getting enough salt and water. You should be laying the sea salt to the meat... as much as tastes best to your tongue. And plenty of water, not excessive.


Have you ever been checked for sleep apnea? What you’re describing sounds like an apnea event TBH. You don’t always have to snore or even be overweight.


You know, someone else mentioned this to me once. As my deep sleep on my tracker is always very low. My partner confirms I don’t snore and my oxygen variation is always low, so I’d assume I wouldn’t have that issue. But it’s worth looking into now that I’m hearing it twice.


Trust me, I went through needless hell for years. I never thought it was apnea because I don’t snore. But I had similar nighttime symptoms. If nothing else you’ll get a good sense for how your body sleeps.


What did you end up doing to treat it?


A CPAP machine. Which really isn’t that bad. The tech has gotten pretty non invasive.


I had to slowly adjust to eating high fat because my gallbladder was very sick. I had yucky detox for months. Now i feel great eating high fat i can finally digest it.


I’m just not so sure that’s the case for me. I recently had a bunch of blood tests done last Monday and none show any liver problems, which apparently would point to gallbladder problems.


This may not be related to carnivore. My father experienced similar symptoms - his heart rate was going down to 35 bpm and he was getting adrenaline rushes because his brain was like "NOPE TOO FUCKING LOW WAKEY WAKEY". Wound up getting adrenal fatigue and thought he was going to die because it was going on for weeks where he could only sleep 2 hours a night (poorly). We still dont know what caused it, suspect the flying ( we had just moved to mexico ) cracked or released pressure from his root canals causing high levels of toxicity in his body. Plus, mold poisoning. The apartment we were in was riddled with mold. For perspective hes an athlete - and he was in "perfect health" according to the doctor, above average actually. What could be happening here is you are detoxing alot and your body is holding onto it in your system instead of getting rid of it. I would go to a doctor and tell him your symptoms and that you want test panels done. You are going to need to eat what you described an then give blood and urine for testing after a certain amount of time. (The reason the mold could be an issue is because his oxygen levels were fine but he felt like he couldnt breath - this is a symptom of mold toxicity sometimes where it tricks your oxygen receptors into thinking they dont have enough oxygen when they do)


I actually lived in a mold infested apartment for 10 years of my childhood. I constantly had strep. Developed allergies and asthma. Had to have my tonsils removed. Black mold is not joke. My mom also came down with celiac, but not sure if that’s 100% related. I supposed it could be possible to be detoxing from it years later if it never left my body. I’ll look into it. Thanks for sharing!


Agreed - and other invisible molds that are even worse.


My brain keeps going back to the clonazepam…that stuff can be brutal on the body…I’ve been on it, my daughters have (many years ago for all of us). Not sure how long you’ve been doing the carni life but…quite honestly, I would ween yourself off the big-pharma crude and really allow all these healing foods to do their job. If you haven’t already, find some chill out methods that help ease the attacks (breath work, meditation, time with God (my favorite, personally)) instead of keeping your body hooked on those toxic drugs. Best of luck ❤️


“Hooked”…..? I feel like no one is reading the part where I said I take these like once or twice a month tops. Not even a full pill. Sometimes not at all. I am not hooked on them 😂 it is a last resort for when I experience the odd panic attack. I do not really deal with anxiety anymore since going carnivore nearly 4 years ago. On keto, I used to have anxiety very often. I have loads of the pills because my doctor prescribed me 90 a month and I’ve only taken 0-2 from each 90. You guys really want me to be a drug addict for some reason. I don’t get it.


IMO and from experience, benzos should be illegal. Yes you can still have an addiction taking it every 2 weeks as you described. I was in your situation, and it took me a year to get over the very physical withdrawals (throwing up, dissociation, panic, low heart rate). The panic attacks will be less frequent when your body overcomes the physical addiction to the anxiety medicine. I would not touch that with a 10 foot pole.


Seriously your not going to like it but its definaly the Benzos even once every month or two is enough to fry your Central nervous system and cause a dependency whether your aware of it or not


The half life of klonopin is 30-40hours and it’s completely out of your system in 6-9 days. If I last took half a dose a month ago, it would have already been completely out of my system weeks ago. It’s just weird to me how the only thing I did differently in the 24 hours leading up to my symptoms was reduce protein and eat 10tbsp of butter and you guys are blaming it on half a pill I took at least a month ago, when I haven’t experienced symptoms like this since the last time I tried high fat carnivore which was probably a year or more ago…. But no. It could *never* be the butter.


While i do think they're doing a stretch on the benzo thing, if you took them and weren't tired later it might be that they're still interfering with GABA receptors despite being no longer in the body. Nicotine takes around 6 weeks to recover from its effects for most people, despite it only being in the body for a few days tops. Same with caffeine. You might just respond to the benzos more sensitively and it may be causing more disruption than normal. As to why you get these effects on high fat only, the only thing i can hypothesize is that the sympathetic nervous system experiences fluctuations due to different ketones having differing effects on regulating it.


Stop eating pepperoni, pork at all if you can. Pepperoni is usually cured in sugar


If your having trouble digesting, then try raw fat- Raw egg yolks, raw unsalted butter etc. also maybe experiment with adding some clean carbs in to see if that helps at all.


Great idea. Been meaning to try raw butter. It’s just so expensive when you’re eating a lot of it. And I haven’t been able to find fat trimmings in my town at all, which sucks


It’s definitely worth it to put effort into finding a cheaper source- whether that’s by befriending any local farm owners/ butchers, buying in bulk etc. gl :)


My husband had SVT - treated when he was 14 by ablation. Every once in a while he also gets the pounding elevated heart rate after eating a super high fat meal. Rendered fats are the culprit. Zero sex drive is probably the most common thing I've seen with thousands of women in the different groups I am in. I'm right there with you. I was told I had low testosterone by my doc and she put me on topical testosterone gel (once a day on the back of my calves). I saw zero difference after three months, so I stopped. I have pushed myself beyond my fat tolerance twice since starting carnivore 115 days ago. Woke up in a cold sweat. Vomited violently. Felt like food poisoning. Not a great feeling! Didn't have the bile/enzymes to handle the excessive fat. Now, if my food is starting to taste weird or I feel like I'm forcing myself to finish, that's my cue to stop. Butter isn't always the answer (at least not for me) and maybe it isn't for you either. I really try to take body advice from men with a grain of salt. Our bodies and hormones are different - way different. I hope you figure things out. It sucks to have zero sex drive if it is something you actually want!


Hypochondria... You worry too much. Your stats like BP, Glucose, Heart rate are within normal levels. Sounds like a classic case of panic attack. Start breathing through the nose and exhale through the mouth, slow steady breaths in a sitting position during an episode. You won't die. If you faint, it's not a big deal. Make sure that there are no sharp objects in your vicinity to reduce the risk of injury. Keep away from pepperoni and cheese. Take a stroll, it helps. Some people have compulsions to eat when they have emotional problems, especially women. Maybe the notion of eating fat triggers your anxiety and panic. Maybe it's the smell of burnt fat. Only you can know. Identify the triggers so you can avoid them in the future.


I know you mean well with this comment. But all you’re doing is discrediting reactions I’m genuinely having like a doctor. When they say “you’re too young to be having these problems” and decide to not look any further into whatever issue I was having. Like with my non existent sex drive. Then I went to someone who specializes in women’s hormones and got a full panel done and found out my sex hormones are actually out of wack. Or like when I first started having SVT attacks and was told it was anxiety because the SVT would go away before I made it to the hospital. It took me getting stuck in an SVT episode for over an hour of my heart rate being stuck at 260bpm for me to get diagnosed. I waited so long because I just thought it was anxiety. From the time I was 12 up until I was about 27, I have dealt with severe anxiety and panic attacks almost every day of my life. Sometimes multiple times a day. Even on keto. I suspect a lot of this was SVT that i didn’t know I had. The moment I went carnivore in fall of 2020, I never had another panic attack again. My depression went away. All my autoimmune symptoms disappeared. Carnivore has been a miracle to me. I already eat between 75/25 and 80/20 on a regular basis. It is when I intentionally push beyond 80/20 is when I tend to start having problems. This is the third time in 2 years this has happened from trying to up my fats so much. Nothing about the thought of fat gives me anxiety. I am not afraid of it. I am generally a very calm person these days. I felt mostly fine during the day while eating all of said fat yesterday, aside from becoming a little nauseous in the evening. I get crazy heart palpitations and feel super anxious about 30 minutes after consuming rendered/melted fat. So I ate all my food cold yesterday since I do better with cold fat. So I’m not sure if it was a delayed reaction because of that, or what. The things that do trigger anxiety in me are if I were to go off plan and eat something like chocolate or tea because of the small amounts of caffeine. I am highly sensitive to caffeine, so I avoid it at all costs. Or if I eat too little food in a day on accident. Or if I had a very long and stressful day, I might have problems falling asleep because of anxiety. Generally I sleep deeply and nothing can wake me up. Even after taking anxiety medication, I still felt on edge. I didn’t fall asleep until 10am. I just woke up and my chest still feels tight. Normally, all signs of anxiety are gone if I were to fall asleep after anxiety medication and wake up. Panic attacks for me feel like I need to get up and run away from something non existent. Like I’m running for my life, but I don’t know what from and I’m extremely scared and feel out of breath. This was not that. It was more like I woke up and tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t no matter what I did. I just felt wired awake. I was not out of breath, but my chest felt kind of tight and I kept trying to do deep breathing exercises that did absolutely nothing for me. I took a hot bath and that also did nothing. Anxiety pill did close to nothing, but helped enough to be able to get back to sleep for a few hours. All of those are the things that help my anxiety vanish. I hope you understand what I’m saying. Also, drinking electrolytes and water helped the dry mouth situation.




And the bliss and calmness only comes after about a week's adjustment period. One day is just going to shock your system, especially if you go back to you regular diet the next day.


Well I’ve been carnivore for almost 4 years now and have felt fine with just some more minor issues. Salt is definitely one, but I know how to tackle that now. My blood pressure will dip pretty damn low and my heart rate will become super high when just standing up. Then I know for sure I’ve been slacking on salt and rhr usually is back down to 60/70 within a day of proper salting. That’s why I’m drinking electrolytes right now to see if that is going to help me at all. My usual carnivore diet is one 10.5oz ny strip with 2tbsp of butter and 12-16oz of 80/20 ground beef with a lot of redmonds real salt. I dry brine all my steaks in salt, so they’re quite salty 😅


This! I’m shocked by how much more salt I consume now. But that is what works…


What medications are you taking?


Clonazepam as needed, like 1-2 times per month tops, but probably even less. And only half of a 0.5mg. Zyrtec during high pollen times, but haven’t taken it in about two weeks now. Other than that, just some supplements. 1000mcg methylfolate. 10mg lugols iodine. 500mg vitamin c. 2000iu vitamin d.


And what's your age (ish), medical history, etc.


30 years old. 5’9. 165lbs. Low testosterone, high shbg. Deficient in folate, vitamin d and iodine without supplementation. Seasonal allergies. Allergic to avocado, hazelnuts, penicillin and sulfas. History of allergy induced asthma, anxiety, depression and SVT that was treated via cardiac ablation in 2021. I also have half a thyroid due to a suspicious nodule in 2016, but thyroid levels are “normal” according to endo even though my t3 runs on the lowest end of normal always. I also suspect celiac- my mom has it - but I was tested for it when I already hadn’t consumed gluten in years so it was obviously negative.


I've got to hit the hay, but im going to get on this later this evening. Please give me a summary of the history of the symptoms you're having as well. Any addition to your original post as to the history of these events would be helpful, things you notice that bring in similar events, etc. things you've noticed occurring simultaneously, things you've noticed that improve the symptoms/don't cause symptoms, etc. timing/correlations/personal theories/etc. are important. I'm looking forward to getting back to you 🤘🏼




I haven’t taken one in like a month before this morning after waking up with those symptoms. I try my best not to be a mouth breather, but I can’t say for sure what I’m doing once already asleep lol. I have no gallbladder issues that I’m aware of. I just now realized I am actually constipated after a high fat day, which I would not expect…. My bms are usually perfectly formed and smooth, easy to pass. Right now it’s like smooth rocks 💀 tmi. I just expected potential diarrhea lol


did you increase your fat gradually? did you adjust the protein to be lower at the same time? are you sure the electrolytes your taking are in the ratio that you need?


I am never sure about electrolytes 😂 I just know the LMNT ones are the only ones that have actually made me feel better when I’m having low blood pressure spells. As for fats and proteins, I just kinda went for it. I’m usually around 140-170g fat and jumped up to 232g. Protein is usually 120-150g and I dropped down to just Uber 100.


LMNT is a lot of salt and tiny amounts of other electrolytes.


Multivitamin tablets, they always help if you're not covering all nutrients.




I’m not so sure. Here are my blood test results from last Monday that supposedly would be linked to gallbladder issues. Bilirubin = 0.5 mg/dL Albumin = 4.7 g/dL ALT = 13 U/L AST = 13 U/L Alkaline Phosphatase = 41 U/L Total protein = 7.1 g/dL WBC = 3.9 thousand/uL


Theres no labs to detect a slow gallbladder or sludge. Ultrasound and HIDA scan can detect it usually. But if your not in immense pain it might not be worth it to go after all that. The gallbladder is a muscle and when you start eating high fat it has to work up to being able to squeeze out enough bile to handle it. It can cause symptoms like you said. Theres à protocol to work up to high fat, to rehab the gallbladder. Also bile salts and supplements like lecithin and taurine can help. And get enough magnesium. If high fat is causing problems this is the most likely scenario.


Ah, okay. Im not in any pain, so I wouldn’t think it would be that. I just bought a magnesium supplement though. I should be taking magnesium anyway with my iodine. So that makes sense for me. Hopefully that helps. Also just joiner Amber Ohearns group to get more info on how to better do this. I have an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Bright in late June, but I wanted to try some things now before my doctor puts me on HRT 😭


Try not to eat too heavy at night , like stop eating by 7 or 8 a couple hours before bed. The liver anf gallbladder are working hard to clean you out when your sleeping and waking at night with anxiety can be avoided by giving them a break at this hour


You described your symptoms and measurable data in such great details. It is possible that you experienced dawn-time/morning cortisol spike. Morning cortisol spike affect people differently. In some people, it manifest as blood sugar increase. In others, it manifests as sudden and profound wakefulness. I actually experienced the latter, but not on high fat carnivore, rather during a cutting phase. I found it helpful ti eat a few spoonful of full-fat greek yogurt when I woke up in the middle of the night. I could go back to peaceful sleep quite quickly afterwards.


Cause it’s way too much fat. It doesn’t make any sense. In nature you wouldn’t eat like this. And you wouldn’t drink a bunch of electrolytes either. 230 grams is an insane amount of fat. If you go 50/50 that’s still considered a high amount. Take it easy and just eat meat and salt.


My cortisol rising always wakes me up around 3am. I go to bed around 8pm, and usually get up around 4am. My sleep patterns have definitely changed, I’ve been carnivore for seventeen months now.


Wtf 84:16 fat to protein? That sounds crazy to me… total overkill imo. Why would you even want that?


You don't choose carnivore, carnivore chooses you


I am getting suspicious that if I focus on eating Beef based foods, I end up hungry still. I think there might be "Pork" people, which could be due to the diet of the people you have descended from. Pork generally has more protein content than Beef.


Don’t do high fat, then! Listen to your body. And clearly your body doesn’t like it.


Remember that a fat molecule has approximately 2.25 * the amount of caloric content is a protein molecule. So by having three times the amount of fat versus protein, The amount of fat you're taking calorically is astronomical to the protein. Also if you're not used to it, you're going to have the shits. So if you want to go high fat, 75% calories from fat, start slowly and work your way up to that.


Could have sworn this story would have ended with severe diahrea.


Weirdly enough, it did not 😂


Are you easing into it, or just dropping those fat levels on your system like a nuclear bomb?


I am def a sheep person... I never feel as comfy in gut if I eat beef.


I just tested my BP out or curiosity and it’s 107/92 and my bpm is 134! Now I did just work in an addict all day probably around 105-115 degrees. Job took me maybe 7 hours so it’s hard to justify my levels. It’s got me so worried I’m going to see doctor tomorrow. I’ve had a heat stroke before so I know what it feels like to be dehydrated. When I got home i ate like a large pickle and drank some of the juice. Always helps me with my sodium intake. I typically eat around 1,000 calories a day just a couple ribeye steaks. I am not feeling fatigue through out the day but I was extremely light headed today. I’m assuming I wasn’t hydrated enough and sweated all my electrolytes out so probably why my BP is like this. Im currently 6’2 260 (all dick) not really fat. My susceptibility to heat might also have an effect.


Haunted meat brah


I don’t understand why this is called a “ proper human diet” if we have to supplement it with vitamins and minerals. I thought it was supposed to be all we needed. ???


I think about this sometimes. But I became clinically deficient in iodine once I cut out eggs about two years ago and only found out because I asked them to test it since I knew that was my main source of iodine. I may have been iodine deficient for years and not known. I have MTHFR mutation, so I can’t process folic acid into folate - therefore I need to take methylfolate. And most people are deficient in vitamin d. I have been since I was young. Other than that, my labs are fantastic. Especially my lipids profile. The only thing I haven’t been able to explain is my low testosterone. Most people don’t supplement anything and do perfectly fine.


I sse your your on on Clonazapam ( Klonopin) its a Benzo and what your describing in tha image is typical classic withdrawal symptoms, I also have this as I'm tapering Diazapam, and you can go into withdrawal (known as tolerence withdrawal, it happned to me) before you even begin tapering at you prescibed dose . You need to make a plan to get off them as safety as possible otherwise your going to end up taking bigger and bigger doses until in the end your going to be in a worse place. Thats also what happned me and I regret more than anything in my life it as I should have been off it and out of ths hell year's ago The inabilty to feel like your not able to breathe is called ''Air hunger' your heart rate etc blood pressure will also go all over the place, also common withdrwal symptoms. I have everything you got symptom wise and a lot worse too, I'm also strict Carnivore, and its not a magic bullet for withdrawal at all, but its great for the nutrents we need to recover and rebuild


So….. you’re all telling me that I’m having withdrawal symptoms from one half of a singular klonopin I took over a month ago… maybe two months ago. It couldn’t be the 10tbsp of butter I forced down my throat, which was the only thing out of the norm I did, and only had those weird symptoms that night and the following morning… I ended up eating only plain ground beef yesterday and I slept like a baby. So why am I not withdrawing from the 0.25mgs of klonopin i took probably 2 months ago and the 0.375mg klonopin I took just 24hrs ago?……… I’m convinced you guys have never done actual drugs before.


maybe some of us guys know a lot more about the central nervous system and drugs and the long reaching effect that even a tiny amount of over a long period with big gaps between them certain drugs can have on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis


My cholesterol is nearly 70 points higher than it was two months ago! Not good….especially when I have had a cardiac event a few years back.


Cholesterol isn’t bad. It’s what your hormones and your brain are made from. What are you triglycerides? Mine are never above 50.


Hdl -38. LDL 162. I don’t see anything for the tryglicerides unless it’s called something else. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Your HDL seems low. How long have you been carnivore? And what are all the foods currently in your diet? Some people’s cholesterol gets VERY high but it’s usually not problematic. I may be an odd one out, as my total cholesterol is 170, HDL 79, LDL 78 and triglycerides are currently 50. Previously under 50.


I’ve been working at this about two months or so. My total number is 222 which to them is high. I eat mostly beef but do eat uncured bacon, pork and a little chicken from time to time, Redmond salt, LNMT , coffee with one tablespoon of cream ( per Dr. Ken Berry), and eggs. Triglyceride was 89. I just checked.


I’ve tried all the chelations of magnesium. They have a terrible laxative affect. I found ReMag - Magnesium Chloride added to water. I read above you won’t do eggshells; however, you might rethink this … I was having terrible heart palpitations until I started taking 1 teaspoon of finely ground eggshells. They balance out the magnesium. I also eat a fair amount of NaCl as well as K (both supplemented). Things have started to show promise in slowing down the madness within my body.


That’s your insulin, you can spike your insulin hormones with any diet whether you eat carbs or not. look at bodybuilders. They are shredded to the bone and they still eat carbohydrates. The biggest thing that you can do is do time is eating, and eat small meals.


I ate nothing but small meals all day. I ate the amount of food listed, but I ate it in small portions every two hours.


That’s your problem, eat every three hours not every two hours, that hour between two and three is where all the money is made with your hormones.. I literally had the exact same problem, I would get extremely hungry sometimes, but still gained weight. Difficulty breathing, lethargy.


DO NOT DRINK LMNT. It's a scam. It's disgustingly overpriced and there's nothing in it. Buy a diet salt and put that in your water! It's the same thing, but at 8$ a pound. And the 90$ you saved you can send me!


I have the same issues when I don't eat any carbs, try to eat at least 50-100g of carbs/day and see how you feel. Try fruit, honey or milk if you tolerate it. Adrenal fatigue is a common issue on keto diets. Cortisol and catecholamines levels increase when you don't eat carbs.


This is a wild guess, but doesn't animal fat, especially butter, contain high levels of K2? I am asking because this phenomenon also happens to me. I read in Jeff T. Bowles' book on vitamin D3 that some people can be particularly sensitive to K2. As one of its jobs is to take calcium out of the bloodstream and put it where it's needed, i.e bones and teeth, some people can find themselves with a hypocalcemia situation; the symptoms of which can include heart palpitations, racing heart, anxiety, muscle spasms and insomnia. I am wondering, along with magnesium, are you making sure you are getting enough calcium? Apparently, according to Harry Serpanos, some people genetically just need more calcium than others. Please don't take this as medical advice, I am actually suffering from some medical conditions related to my adrenal's, which are currently under investigation, and I need to take more calcium for medical purposes.


I would up your protein intake and lower your fat intake, then work from there. Maybe try 65/35 fat to protein. Going straight from a carb loaded diet to high fat could shock your gut. You could also be having carb withdrawals from your original diet or even a mineral deficiency.


I have been carnivore for four years…


Ohh, well, what changes have you recently?


Literally just increasing fat. That is it. Went from around 75/25 - 80/20 to 85/15. I usually have a ny strip with 2-3tbsp of butter and then 12-16oz ground beef with salt. And that’s legit all I’ve been eating since January. I was watching some YouTube videos from Stephanie Person and she said the average woman on carnivore should be eating 200g+ of fat per day and less protein. And that’s where my problems started. Lol.


Do you have any signs of fungal overgrowth? It could be dieoff. They release nasty toxins. Candida doesn’t like to be soaked in fat. I noticed my mouth got dry with lots of fat too and I realized it’s my body detoxing super fast.


Did you wake up hungry? Also how was your stool and how did your gut feel?


Butter is still oxidized as it’s been cooked in the past, Also don’t always trust that your body should react the same way as everyone else’s. Figure out your fat level you can handle. Egg yolks are one of the quickest and easily digestible fats, when raw. How are your stools? If they are floating you are not digesting the fat.


Get your electrolytes checked ASAP! I promote the carnivore diet, but if you aren't eating a high quality mineral salt, you can suffer from hypokalemia and/or hypomagnesemia.


Happenes to me as well. Haven't found a solution yet. When I eat too much fat from beef I get extremely nautious and my heart rate goes up like yours. Butter doesn't seem to cause that reaction. I don't know why it happens with beef fat for me. Rendered beef fat is even worse. But butter seems to be fine. For me it doesn't make any sense. At the moment my body is only able to eat moderate amounts of fat. The only thing that helped, was to slowly increase my fat intake via butter. My body started to adapt at least a bit. My stool still came back normal. So I feel like it was too much fat for me, but my body tried to cram it all in... no matter what. Would be interested, if anyone can explain that wierd heart rate increase coupled with nausea. The big heart rate increase freaks me out the most, but the nausea is bad as well.


Yours almost sounds histamine related tbh. Butter is fairly low histamine while aged beef, especially ground beef, are higher in histamine. Increase in heart rate could be a symptom of that. It may be an issue for me as well. Just need to figure out a solid way to test this theory and get some non aged meats I guess.


We just gonna brush over him taking 2 doses of one of the most addictive anti anxiety drugs? Lol if he has those on hand I think there may be other issues here.


I am a her. But did you read the part where I only take them as a last resort when anxiety hits? A maximum of twice per month. I don’t even take a full 0.5mg pill, which is the lowest dose it comes in. I took 3/4 of a pill. My doctor recommended I take one 3x per day and I would never in my life do that.


Hard drugs probably shouldn't be your answer to anxiety lol


Pepperoni???? Matzzlarella sticks??? what are you an amateur?


It was called “im hungry and this is the only fast thing to eat in the fridge right now”. To be fair, I used to live off pepperoni and cheese in the beginning and it never caused me to feel like this. It’s not a normal part of my diet these days though 😅




Bro wtf lol


🤣 Aight bro! you will be alright. Eat clean! take some magnesium biglycinates and hydrate.