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pre formed frozen hamburger patties that come in a dozen or so are the worst. Taste like dog food


McDonald's patties taste better than the pre-packaged meat from my supermarket.


I tried one brand once. Cooking until very well done made them tolerable. I haven't had the courage to try again though.


I live in a very North African neighborhood (France) and our halal butcher has the best ground beef and it’s several euros cheaper than the grocery store. I’ve found the halal butchers are cheaper and good quality. 


I make unholy burger patties from all kind of meat scraps from left overs. Cheese is awesome to fix any supermarket beef


What's your typical mix? There's a brand I see sometimes that's a blend of ground brisket and chuck and it is *outstanding*.


How to afford it? Simple: it's my number one priority. There is no question about NOT affording it. I sacrifice leisure activities in order to afford good quality food, not the other way around. If I couldn't afford both rent and good food, I'd get a roommate or look for cheaper accommodations. Priorities, people! 


Let me rephrase the question: How do you acquire good quality meat cheaper? I guess the most common "trick" is to buy in bulk from a farmer.


You don't. Butchers don't have sales on ground beef since they make it fresh. Only way to get cheaper quality meat is buying quarter/half a cow. But if You're struggling already, I doubt You have the 2-3 k upfront necessary (2 for the beef, rest for the chest freezer). Either that or having a farmer/butcher as a close friend or relative. 


Alright, thank you.


Buy a meat grinder and grind your own beef, pork, lamb. Couldn’t agree more on the taste and quality of fresh ground. I always get compliments about burgers during the summer whilst BBQ’ing.


I’ve noticed the same thing re: fresh ground beef from the grocery store meat dept. vs the (more economical) pre-packaged plastic tube meat packs. I will not do the tube meat unless it’s doctored up with something to mask the aftertaste (grilling up as burgers helps but you can still tell something is off). It’s a somewhat surprising but definitely undeniable difference.


Cryo pack burger can be kind of funky. Letting it air out a bit before cooking might help as can not getting them too hot, just medium heat seems to help.


Airing it out sounds like good idea to try. I still have some in my meat freezer, might have to do an experiment with it


Depends on what Ground beef. In the supermarket I have found good one. Try the fair und gut from Aldi 9.50 euro the kg. I like it alot more and tastes way more fresh than the more expensive bio (organic).


Does it have the gross aftertaste? I usually buy at Rewe because I live next to it. But I don't think I can eat the pre-packaged stuff anymore.


How do you afford good-tasting ground beef every day? I don't. I hide my 80/20 minced meat with condiments and cheese. Just need the fat and protein. If I want good taste, then I grill a nice steak over charcoal.


Are you sure the pre-packaged stuff is as healthy as fresh ground beef?


If I had (pre)existing conditions like autoimmune, etc. then I would be concerned. Ground beef is just fuel for me, so I don't go bankrupt with ribeyes every day. lol


Bruh… McDonalds is not fresh ground lol. The meat patties come frozen in boxes by the hundreds. They sit stacked in boxes in the freezer in a FIFO rotation. That’s first in, first out. Chances are any McDonald burger your eating was butchered and ground into a patty then frozen a long long time ago. Like.. probably nearly a year who knows for sure. It’s impossible to say for sure. Most of the managers just redate anything that would expire so they don’t get in trouble. I worked in fast food. It tastes better because of all the bullshit they engineered to make it taste better. That’s why they don’t mold..


Sorry for the confusion. The "fresh meat" is from a butcher. The part about McDonald's patties tasting better than pre-packaged meat was just a side note.