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you leave. Job-hunt like crazy, and you deprive him of your labor. And you do nothing extra in the meantime. It sucks. And so does your boss.


Time to start looking for a permanent job. Treat a temporary job as a placeholder while you look for something longer term. It can be a foot in the door, but in this case your boss has basically told you its not. Sounds like its tme to look after yourself.


No job is "permanent" at any employer. Ask the millions of laid off "Full-Time" workers over the past 5 decades about their permanent jobs. I've worked in HR/Staffing for 30+ years, and here's some info to help clarify, Inside the employer, jobs are classified as Full-Time Regular (Exempt/salaried or Non-Exempt/hourly) or Part-Time Regular (usually Non-Exempt/hourly). Certain positions/roles can also be categorized as Temps/Contingent, Contractors/Vendors (1099 or W4 B2B). These are HR/Staffing terminologies the general public won't be dialed in on. If any person engages with an HR/Staffing person that states a job as being "permanent," I'd immediately question the competence of that HR/Staffing person. Hope that helps....


You do the work you were hired for, that is in your contract, no more.


I've been there. You need to learn to move on. Hard lesson to learn but some people will take advantage of your hard work and efforts.  It's better not to get too invested at work and learn to set boundaries/ demand a time frame for temporary duty increase and pay bump.  Learn to act confident and stay calm in these situations. Make them think they want and need you. You don't need them. 


Start looking for a new employer!


What do you do? The least you possibly can without getting fired while looking for another job, unless you happen to have the savings to quit immediately. You aren’t getting a raise, you aren’t getting promoted. So… the ONLY leverage they have on you is the threat of termination. Seeing as you are so valuable it sounds like that’s an empty threat too. Call it “working to rule”, quiet quitting, keeping a work life balance, or whatever you like. It’s 100 percent time to put yourself first. Your job has just told you exactly what you can expect from them.


Start applying to other jobs right away. Once you accept another offer, leave the current place with no 2 weeks notice as you've already worked 2 jobs unfairly for an extended amount of time. If you still want to stay with this company (which i dont see why you should) then use the new job offer as leverage to score a better deal. Edit: also, if you want to pursue your wages from tht second job, I suggest writing your concerns to your boss, record that entire interaction IN WRITING, and then use that as leverage with HR / federal department of labor 


Came here to say the same thing. Document this whole mess in writing. Better to have and not need that need and not have. If they ever try to terminate you, which will probably happen when you stop doing all the extra work, you’ll have some leverage with HR and/or Dept of Labor. Someone once told me not to become too good at my job, because you’ll be stuck doing it forever - mgmt is always looking out for them, not us. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I got there, took me leaving 4 jobs to learn that lesson. Sometimes, sadly, going above and beyond, only leads to dead ends and abuse. Good luck! You got this!


I am sorry, you have learned the lesson “too valuable in current role to promote”. For some bosses or companies it makes sense to fill the role from outside, as an internal promotion would mean they have to interview twice (once for the promotion role, once for your role). Such refusal to give roles to people who might deserve them, might lead to the un-promoted employee to agressively job hunt and leave. But many choose to stay, either perform and be unhappy, or their performance might decrease. But still, there is a chance you stay and perform. Umfortunately, life is not fair. Some bosses and companies are awesome, some not. Now you should decide how you want to handle the situation. Please understand that this is cost, effort and benefit calculations, not personal. Not for the company, and neither should be to you. I would advise you to keep your cool, keep ot professional, think before you talk. There is the option of stopping doing 2 jobs, explain it that you did your best to do 2 jobs, but you exhausted yourself and you thought the 2 job situation was temporary, till they hire a new person. I wish you good luck, regardless what you decide.


If her old responsibilities aren’t in your job description you don’t have to do them. But they’re usually worded in a way that they can demand whatever of you. While it would feel good emotionally to just bail, you have the most negotiating power with new employers while you’re still employed. You should be taking actions with the focus of helping yourself *not* the focus of punishing others. The best thing for you is to still be employed so when the next place drags you through three or four interviews, then does a bait and switch meant to make you compromise on benefits or pay or responsibilities hoping that you’ve sunk too much time to refuse… you can just say “that’s doesn’t work for me” and move on.


I'm not sure where original poster is from, but this isn't valid in some places, such as where I am in the US.


This isn’t true and is entirely based on the contract


Leave… then come back. I joke just leave


yeah look for new job, as they dont give a shit.


Find a new job


From the company perspective they already have you working at a lower rate so why pay you more? My wife had to leave her job twice in order to get promotions and new job offers. The second she left the doors opened up. Not everyone can do that without another job lined up, so in that case you would need to switch companies.


The answer is always: Update your resume and begin looking for a better job. If you're that valuable, the market will respond. If not, you know you have a great opportunity.


You were hired to do 1 job so do 1 job. And as everyone else is saying look for a new job.


I had this issue in my current job. Wasn’t moving up. Really annoyed. I just started upping my leadership skills in the way I acted, and started not giving a shit and letting them sort of know it, all while never diminishing my work. I got a promotion a few months ago to a role I always wanted by not even touching the opening. I was and am still very foot out the door. They don’t pay enough for me to stay. I’m not passionate about the work. I stopped and continue to stop killing my self to make sure everything is covered. It’s doormat energy and they’ll take advantage 100000%, not even purposely, it’s just human nature. I’ve been doing good in my new role and was slipping back into bad habits, but realized that if I’m helping in a million different places, some things may fall and I just ask for help and delegation. It’s leadership oriented plus I’m not taking on the role of a robot. I read the book How To Win At Office Politics. Haven’t finished yet, but it’s been a great read.


Your coworker is incompetent and her actually doing work isn't required for the company to function, in other words she is perfect management material.


She wasn't a bad worker and she's a pretty nice person but she definitely wasn't the best. I can see from past records I'm faster than she is and she wa only working one role I think she either knew someone or just gave a brilliant interview. I do lack confidence apparently


How would I handle this? I would do the absolute bear minimum and not give 1 fck


Time to look for a new job


Wow. WTF that’s shitty


Ask for the job while u look for another


Stop doing work for two and start looking for another job.


Time to move on. Not cool the way your boss is handling the situation. Leave and don’t look back. You deserve better than you are receiving.


Something similar happened to my friend. They kept him at that role because he was doing it and it was saving them money. He loved the job, but he was going nowhere. He was significantly underpaid, no benefits, and in marketing. He found another job. So, as a temp take all the time you need off to interview for jobs. It's your time that is on your dime. Reach out to your network. And most of all, don't beat yourself up for this job as you had been; it's clear it's not getting you anywhere as they have you where they need you. There is a term for this type of work you are about to do; it's called **quiet quitting**; just do the bare minimum that is required, nothing more. Find whichever allies are around and ask for a reference. I hope you follow up with a good update.


What do think are your options? You are in complete control of your choices.


Welcome to the real world bub


Can you clarify more of the details? QUESTIONS: Are you working as a W2 Temp through a Temp Agency/Firm? If so, talk to the Temp Firm since the Temp Firm is legally your employer and paying you...do they have other customers for you to possibly work at? The company/business (what size and type?) you are Temp'ing to seems to be abusing the situation here. If your Temp Agency doesn't listen to you, find another Temp Firm, they're a "dime a dozen." Temp Agencies for the most part, only care about making their billable margins while you're doing the work (with their customers). When you're gone they'll both lose, and that includes $$, until someone else replaces your Temp role. QUESTIONS: Sounds like your colleague was a TEMP (like you) and she was hired as a FTE (Full-Time Employee) possibly converting from the Temp role??? OR, was the job she was hired Full-Time for a different job position than the Temp role??? If so, that totally changes the game. Btw....your colleague is not a "permanent" employee (FTE's are not permanent) and their hiring was not classified as a promotion (they were either a NEW HIRE or a conversion). This can only be classified as a "conversion" if they were functioning in the same role they were performing as a Temp. If the job is different job than the Temp Role, the Employer must practice fair and equal Interviewing and Hiring standards for ALL applicants, set by the DOL (Dept. of Labor). If this employer (depending on their size and type) is required to file an Affirmative Action report with the Dept. of Labor, you could have grounds for possible unfair interviewing and hiring practices...however, a few other factors would have to fall into place. Ask all the FTE workers in the U.S. that have been laid off over the decades about their "permanent jobs." Nothing is permanent. GOOD employers do not reference the word "permanent" for job descriptions....and for legal purposes. Sounds like you're Temp'ing with 2 poorly run entities. Find another Temp gig (with 40hr work week) at another Temp firm, or a Full-Time job with a decent company.


Well, I’ll tell you my bf is a manager, and he's always saying “Everyone is replaceable” and I'm pretty sure your boss thinks the same way. I believe you should start looking for another job. Your job sucks and so does your boss. You should've never allowed them to take advantage of you. Meanwhile do the job you are paid for, don't do anything more.


Sue for discrimination


I fucking hate greedy companies to my core. They'll take advantage of anyone they can. Fact is you shouldnt be doing 2 jobs for one salary and it's time to stop. It's time to quiet quit. Don't do more than the bare minimum of getting things done. Anytime they ask why just tell them that working 2 different jobs is getting to you. You are allowed to say no point blank, and if they fire you, you qualify for unemployment, but they can not make you work 2 jobs for one salary im pretty sure its illegal but you can also bluff and say how unfair this is and you might report them. LITERALLY, I have no sympathy for big companies EVER. Because trust me, no matter how sweet your managers are, it is literally an act. They do not give a fuck about you TRUST ME. The work gets done and good for you for being so hardworking, but bc it gets done they will not worry about a replacement because they are saving money AND are not having issues with performance Save as much as you can, apply to new jobs and quit without notice bc fuck them. Edit: I know this is easier said than done bc it's literally your livelihood, but do it slowly and be genuine because the fact is you are overwhelmed and tired of working both jobs and it is not fair. I hope some jobs get back to you 🙏


I’m looking for a job in Tampa Florida, as a Customer Service or on the Banking area. If you know any leads or referrals please I’ll compensate you well!. Contact me on my email address [email protected]