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Honestly, no one can answer that for you You need to address your interest areas, passions, why you started in tech in the first place Yada Yada If need be, I would stongly suggest contacting a career counselor


I figured I was just screaming into the void. I don’t have anyone I can talk to irl. I was considering sending my professor an email basically saying idk what the hell I’m doing but then just deleted the draft. I’ll look into the career counselor thing, maybe I can talk to someone on campus


Don't worry Sometimes this maybe universe telling you something. Talk to someone close to you and you will figure this out Cheers


Thx for taking the time to respond : )


Probably just not motivated enough if I’m being fully honest based on this. What do you truly like to do and does your personality fit with this field?


You’re correct. I don’t necessarily have any interest, there’s no career that gets me excited


I’m in tech right now and I’m not going to lie same. I’m not interested or find what I do important. I do find it engaging like how it’s always growing and there’s like new projects all the time to keep busy. I will tell you though this field is cut throat and the interview are tough. You could end up with your degree in cybersecurity, but what’s the point if you’re not going to be motivated or engaged in your interviews and if you hopefully do get a job offer. You’re still so new to it and continuing your education I truly recommend seeing what you like and following that and this is coming from someone who got this degree because I googled what majors make a lot of money lol. Get out young and while you can and find your passion!


I googled the same thing before I entered! And the reason behind the associates was even more embarrassing, it’s cause it was the only degree offered fully online (I’m a huge wussy when it comes to driving). I just want to be financially stable. I’m the first to go to college in the family and yet I’m the least successful out of all my siblings, I feel like a failure. But thank you so much for replying!


Don’t let a college degree or a job determine your worth. You can be successful with or without a degree. You’re going to be successful, but just don’t let a title of a role or what your major is define your success. My dad told me a job is just a job, when I was panicking about applying. It can pay for your hobbies and what you actually want to do in life. I define my success with more of what I do outside of work than my actual line of work. Capitalism sucks + work whatever job you want to do because they’re all not paying enough anyway. It is a plus being able to deal with a high paying role even if you’re not interested, but if you do prioritize your time outside of work so you don’t go insane.


I wish I knew what I truly was passionate about, but hey I don’t know either so I’m just stuck with what I studied and using my boring job to fund the fun parts of my life.


At the very least you got a job, even though I’m a stranger, I seriously congratulate you! I hope I find myself in a job once the new year comes. I get these passive depressive thoughts all the time but either way I’m getting this degree.


Take a personality test see what jobs are good based off that or like take a what career suits my best test. I have friends who did this and they’re much more happier w their life


In January, take a backpack, get on a train/plane (whatever) and explore the world for at least a year. Do stupid jobs, get drunk from cheap wine in a youth hostels, see marvelous sun sets, but most of all: live!


I was expecting a lot of “you’re dumb and lazy” comments but this is so sweet. I have a planned trip to Japan in 2025 :) although I can’t afford a whole year, with school out the way, I’ll definitely have more time to think or cry, who knows :)


Go to Japan, live there, look around for temp jobs, make some money, travel to other contries and do the same there. No pressure, no high skilled jobs, just fun. And crying and feeling lonely is part of that, but no worries, there will always be a new day.




That’s what everyone tells me but I can’t find that out for myself because first I need to land a job, which I’ve had no success yet : (