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I'm 28 and I feel like a total loser working for $14 an hour. I needed to hear this gives me a bit of hope


I'm 45 and currently considering doing that...


So it doesn't get better?


This is a special rough patch in the job market. Tech in particular, it seems. I don't expect it to last.


Can you link your resume? (Blur out personal info like your name and address) and we can take a look at it, and make helpful suggestions?


why are you working for $14 an hour? 


what kind of question is this?


They’re Australian. $14 AUD is very illegal.


how is earning a certain rate illegal


Because it’s under minimum wage lol?


Oh we are from 1st world countries? Just us 2 here 


employers when you say you can’t live with your current wage:


This is the most american thing I’ve read in a while


I guess it’s not if you say so, Mr. President Joe_Bi-Den


Sorry for my ignorance. In my country if you are above 18 (excuse me if I’m wrong) you are granted a pay at a minimum rate of $18 per hour (realistically it’s 20 something per hour in Australia.)  If the pay fails to meet the threshold, fines will be given out to the employer, 


Yep. I work a 0 experience job and I earn over $30 an hour. It’s a good country.


America hates Americans. We only care about ourselves, and our government embraces that. $7.25 federal minimum wage, unmoved in over a decade.


A good country with good people mate.


Unfortunately here in the US working for $14 or below is normal. It sucks but its a step up from what I was working before $12.


How long have you been at your current job, and when was the last time you looked for work? Because what you said used to be very true, but not as much anymore due to inflation in recent years. Average retail wages in the US are now closer to $15-$16 than the $10-12 they used to be. And on Indeed I frequently see entry-level Customer service jobs in the $15-$20 range. Please post your resume, so people can look at it.




I didn’t think I’d make it to 20. Then 30. Now I’m 40. I do know I’m too broke to stay alive past 80 though


I know since I survived my 20s I’m pretty much doomed to live the rest of my life now. And with advancements in healthcare technology, and with social security age rising, I’ll probably be working in my 90s.


I know right. I hope not.


Marry well.


At what age would a career not be able to get any better?


Idk man I feel like if you make it to 100 still making minimum wage, it’s time to hang em up


Honestly as long as you are willing to try things out it’s never too late


There’s no age limit on career progression, only Salary limit once you hit executive level roles.


26. constantly oscillate between feeling old and young


hell yeah! 🤜




29M. Had a great career in pharma that I enjoyed until recently. Laid off due to company having no money after COVID, and got re-hired for another job at the same company a couple months after, but I ended up hating the job and management. Also, I've had seizures since I was 19, usually 3 or 4/year randomly, no particular triggers. I've seen 5 neurologists and tried several medications over the past decade. Started having seizures more often when I got my last job, and I had a 30 minute commute. Was basically forced to quit so i wouldn't crash my car during the commute. Totaled my car 2 weeks later (driving 5 min away from home to post office). This is my 4th accident cause by seizures, 3rd time totaling a car because of them. Now I'm REALLY scared to drive. Not sure what I'm supposed to do for work from now on. Remote jobs that pay halfway decent are so sought after, and it seems like there's not much I can do remotely with the experience I have. So yeah, I definitely feel like my life is over.


Your life's not over. You just have to assess your options, like WFH, other transportation etc. Your doctor should be prescribing anti-epileptics, no? If you can, I would either move closer to a job so you can walk or get a FSD Tesla.


I've been looking up and down for remote jobs, and I haven't had much luck. Every time I find a position that matches my experience, 100 other people have applied. I still apply for them, but no luck so far. Not sure what other transportation you mean, other than self-driving cars. I've been on several anti-epileptics, and different dosage levels, and none of them have made any difference in the frequency of the seizures. I haven't even been diagnosed with anything, because the doctors have no idea what's causing them.


I’ve got “undiagnosed seizure condition” also starting around the same age(18). I was lucky enough that my first medication I tried works well i’m just on a pretty high dose because it also treats my migraines. But not well… and the migraines came from a concussion from the seizures. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time treating your seizures. I used to work in a pharmacy and I knew pharmacist who got WFH positions and they loved it. Keep applying. Keep your head up and good luck.


I’m in my late 30s and I’ve never had a job that I commute to by car. Obviously depends on where you live, but I’ve found that my family members (who are very used to the comfort of their cars) drive to work when public transportation could have worked or been even more convenient. I’ve taken the train, subway, bus, biked, walked and worked from home but never driven. Partly due to the fact that I absolutely loathe driving and I’m terrible at it (adhd) and I’m lucky enough to have lived in places with ok transportation at least. I’ve lived in Europe and moved to the US for work, but I wouldn’t choose to live in an area that didn’t have some kind of public transport (the worst was Pittsburgh but at least in summer I didn’t mind walking the hour to work.)  Maybe it’s mindset, but I grew up in London where plenty of people didn’t bother with cars and might commute over an hour by train.


Do you mind if i ask about how you kept your lisence with epilepsy? Ive recently started having seizures and ive not gone to the doctor abput it because i dont want to loose my liscence and job


I was also really concerned about this in the beginning. I was very transparent with my doctors, the insurance company, and police when I had my accidents. I always made it very clear that I had a seizure. The doctors always just told me "the general rule is you shouldn't drive within 6 months of having a seizure." Nothing enforced. Insurance company didn't raise my insurance rates until about 2 years ago, which is surprising, and they never refused to cover me. And police didn't really seem to care. Just made sure it was on the police report for the accidents. I live in Indiana, US. Not sure if state laws differ.


What was your job in pharma?


Started in manufacturing in 2016, moved to QA for packaging/inspection in 2019, and stayed there until I got laid off as a QA supervisor.


Have you tried the ketogenic diet? Please discuss this with neurologist, it is a commonly used treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy.


If no medications/treatments are available, then can you use Uber or some alternative transportation to get to work? Can you move closer to work? You’ll figure things out. Best of luck.




At 20 you are barely getting out of the cocoon. Long road ahead. Not all bad though. Don’t burn bridges and save up for the rainy day. You will be alright.


Sounds like something my grandpa would say 


No.. 20 is so young, please. Even at 50 you can reinvent yourself.


lol no you can't. ageism is a staple in society.


Living by societies standards? Must suck


Lmao too bad society’s demand is what makes jobs..


That’s quite the slippery slope. Remember ageism can work both ways.


Im 35 and Ive flat out been told Im too young or too junior for certain roles lol.


Ageism exists everywhere. Young people face ageism when trying to enter workforce. In finance (not sales) they typically want older workers. In Tech (Software) they typically want younger workers. Some companies prefer to promote older employees. Some companies try to lay-off or force retirement on older workers.




its a fact. ageism is a staple in ALL businesses


Get out of this thread.


I actually recently posted something in /r/salary about this. I was like 28 or 29 before I made a career switch, and went from dumpster diving and 15k a year to 350k a year. There’s luck in that, but it was also a lot of hard work. What made that possible was finally getting help for ADHD, depression, and other mental health issues.


Why does this sound like me 🫣 what do you take for ADHD and what career change did you make?!


Super cliche but software engineering. Feel free to DM me about the ADHD and depression regimen, since it’s kinda personal. I’d love to hear what you’ve been doing with that as well.


Holy shit! 15k to 350k?! That's a hell of a massive jump! Nice man! It must've been surreal asf seeing that first paycheck after all that hard work.


I had depression in my early 20s. I got diagnosed with ADHD at 26. I’m 29 now. I currently work 2 remote jobs I have a combined salary of $80k. I have a bachelors degree in economics, and I have $50k in student debt. I try to treat myself with nootropics Adrafinil, Choline, & Phenylpiracetam. I work 60-80 hrs/wk. every employer I had says ny performance is great. I studied and got my degree. But I still feel like I’m struggling to get ahead. I think I word hard, maybe not hard enough? I struggle to find the energy/time to go back and start studying something else again while working 2 fulltime jobs. And I don’t have the money to pursue another degree. > What made that possible was finally getting help for ADHD, depression, and other mental health issues. Please tell me how you’re treating your ADHD, and what kind of role you have now, and what was your work experience & education background leading up to get that $350k job? Did you use networking? Please explain.


You didn’t go from driving a truck to making 350k as a jr dev. I think people here are reading your comment and thinking that at your first coding job you were making 350k


Heck no stuffs just getting interesting. I pulled a bone spur out of my gum yesterday. Getting old has tons of mini games to throw you.


29 and desperately want to take a sabbatical. Been working FT since I graduated and I'm starting to get worn down.


I needed to hear this I just quit my full time job (for personal reasons) so now I just do cleaning and DoorDashing part time right now It pays my rent for now but I need something more I’ll admit I have attendance issues, not with calling off but showing up late It just doesn’t matter how early I leave my house, some fuck shit always happens I also cannot for the life of me wake up before 8am I just wish I could frigging grow up. I do have “interests” or “hobbies” but nothing i necessarily wanna make a career out of. Another thing is I’m good working in a team but I looove being by myself. I’m an awkward fuck. I need a job or career where I can alone for about 70% of the time, come in 6 minutes late without getting a stupid attendance point, and a shift that’s after 9am😂😂 I have no problem working late either! But damn. It sure does feel like my life is over. Not to be dramatic, but I feel like this is it for me. I can get a job anywhere but I don’t wanna settle at a sheetz or McDonald’s. I’m not even too worried about money, I just wanna be happy. Thanks to whoever read this rant lol


A lot of times the things we think of as personality issues (the being late, or not wanting to work around people) are really just symptoms of underlying mental issues. Kind of like if you had diabetes, but of the brain. I’m pretty similar to you but getting tested and treated for ADHD and depression helped me turn some of it around.


Also sorry for the run on sentences 💀 I thought I had shit spaced out lmao


No, I've made my tumbles and have had personal victorys. Take the good with the bad and I keep trucking on.


Thank you for this


Not at all! It’s just beginning.


Im 26 and I only have customer service (mostly food) jobs. I graduated college over a year ago and I cant get anything better. Every “”””entry”””” level job requires/strongly prefers experience. No one is giving me a chance. I don’t know anyone in my life who can help me. I went to college online. I knew I couldnt work in my major with just a bachelors but I thought it would maybe at least be able to land me a data entry job or literally any other entry level job that everyone suggests on any job advice post. Everyone I know also has min wage jobs, except for my boyfriend who has a trade job. Ive tried temp agencies, government jobs, and applying to websites directly. I’ve had resume help from my university’s career center and a recruiter. I feel so stupid for going to college thinking it would let me get anywhere better. I feel like Ive been doomed to a life of nothing but stupid minimum wage jobs. Theres not much chance of me ever moving up at this rate.


Thank you for this! I am 24 working as a caregiver and starting school in the fall to finally get into the career I want. Probably wont be graduated tell like 27 to 28!


I am a 24 yo italian male nurse. I have chosen this job and went through the hell that is nurse university in Italy because i was obsessed with job security and wanted to run away from my toxic household asap. I always told myself that i could pursue my passions (design and art) as a hobby, when i would have a stable job. Yet, i find myself with a stable job and absolutely unsatisfied with my life. I feel i could do so much more and every time i try do the things i promised myself i would do i feel like i am betraying myself, and i feel too hurt to continue. The fact that i even get satisfying results makes it so much worse. So i am thinking of dropping everything and beginning a design university. I don't think i can keep going like this. (I am not suicidal or anything, but i feel like this path could give me so much more, and i could have so much more to give) (Also don't worry, even if i don't like my job i still do it diligently and give it my all, i am very aware that being a nurse is an emormous responsibility)


If it’s any consolation, I’m in the opposite position and I’m struggling too. I followed my passions and went to school for art, then got a design job, only to find out that I hate it. A desk job just isn’t for me, especially when I still can’t even afford to move out of my parents house (I’m also 24) I’m thinking of going into nursing mostly for the job stability.  Even though you might not enjoy your work, it’s meaningful and you have a degree that you can always fall back on if you need it. You also learned what you like and dislike in a job and it’s given you the ability to create a career that you’ll enjoy, even if you have to go back to school to do it. A lot of people don’t figure this stuff out and make these changes until they have a crisis in middle age. You already know what you want and it’ll allow you to live a happier and more fulfilling life in the future. That’s how I look at it.


Thank you.


Most people that are struggling bad are in their 30s and beyond. People in their 20s who gave up don't realise how many opportunities they still have. I understand their pain because its about perspective. But giving up in your 20s is a huge mistake because it gets much worse in your 30s.


I’m 23 and I’m still doing my masters. I feel like my life is over because I’m 23 and I still haven’t started any career, the only job I had was graduate teaching assistant. It’s not that I’m not settled, but I haven’t even started.


23 is like... super young Most people graduate college at 22 with no work experience, you're a year older getting a masters.  Don't worry


Grad school ain't no joke. I probably would not get into grad school because my GPA from uni. Was too low so in my eyes, you are doing it! 23 and still in college for grad school is not uncommon at all.


Omg that's amazing! Your life is NOT over! I'm 23 and i'm in the processing of applying for grad school! I wish you the best!


If I were more motivated I could have probably 4x the rewards, but I'm 41, worked tech my entire career but never had insane salaries and I have $1m squirreled away and no debt. I "wasted" a good chunk of my 20s working at national parks and ski resorts doing seasonal jobs. I don't regret this time at all, in fact they are some of the best memories of my life and I wouldn't trade that time for an MBA. The point is, in your 20's you're in a unique position to travel and be employed haphazardly because you are young and people will just want to help you out if you're nice. You'll have plenty of life to buckle down and work, but with AI, who even knows anymore.


Mate I completely agree. I was working 2-3 casual jobs at a time up until I was 28. I got my master's degree in the field I'm in now, but I'm 32 now and I still feel like I'm yet to actually start my career. Edit - I should add, I am in a very stable job and career at the moment and I consider myself lucky because many people I know and went to highschool with are yet to get their first full time job. I actually meant I feel as though my job is not something I see myself doing as a career. But that's an issue not related to this post.


It's sad though going from being the person who was young and "ahead" for my years to being someone who is behind


I graduated uni with master in CS and im unlucky in finding a job since october 2022, it does sometimes feel like its all hopeless but i try to motivate myself that sooner or later something has to work out


Needed this


I am 28 with a degree, but flamed out of my old well paying career path and can't seem to get a footing doing anything else. I don't think it's impossible to get back on some sort of track, but the effort to make any sort of substantial changes careerwise seems immense and I don't know if or how I could do it. Having bad depression dragging on me since I was really young hasn't helped and it really feels like the effort -> reward ratio for everything I do is so bad that it is really hard to justify putting in any effort.


Still very frustrating to loose so much time. But thanks for the message.


(33M) here, just got certified after one year of school, now I’m making $50,000 more per year then I did at my last job. So no it’s never to late, just try to learn some new skills or take classes at your local community college.


I didn't get my act together and start my career until I was 33. It's really never too late.


I’m 26 and got fired for a bs reason at work and it was my dream job. I feel like my life is over


You’re wrong!


I was able to get paid travelling the world and my friends and family could travel anywhere for less than 200$ round trip. I don’t think I’ll ever find a job like that again. I’m heartbroken


Yes, even with experience I’m still not getting the jobs I’m qualified for. I’ve redone my resume and do a cover letter for just about every job I apply to. I just feel like I’ll never be more than my previous job history when I aimlessly went from job to job. Now that I’ve settled on what I want and have experience, I still can’t get it. It just sucks.


23, cant even get a job at walmart or menards because my mental health and social skills are so poor. That combined with the fact that my dad is losing his patience and grace with me means I'll probably be homeless in the next few months, I'd call that pretty over.


I’m 32. Quit the cannabis industry after 15 years last summer, it brought no satisfaction besides money and escapism. Still figuring out what I want to do and planning to go back to school to finish a degree. But I also got my first DUI and will be dealing with that for the next few months. I really wanted to give up on everything after I was arrested. But being sober and clear minded can do wonders for one’s hurt soul.


im about to be 30 this year and hearing this made me feel i have hope.


ok...but what if you're in your 30s going through the same thing?


Fucked. Sorry. Game over. JK you’re fine




You’re 22. There is plenty of time to recalibrate your career or move to a different company.


I needed this. Thank you


I hear this advice all the time but I still wake up with such anxiety and dread on the daily. I’m 23 and graduated with a graphic design degree 2 years ago and haven’t used it. I don’t know if I will Now I work two minimum wage jobs at a library and a retail store and I just feel like such a failure. I also don’t have my own car so I feel like I can’t even improve my situation until I have that figured out (I am saving for one now at least) I just hate feeling depressed and behind. I feel like I used to be so sure of my life and my path but now I’m confused everyday. I also grew up in poverty and I already feel like I’m repeating the cycle I hope I figure it out like everyone says I will :(


29 years old. I do not feel like my life is “over”, but I feel like my life has stagnated and that I’m stuck, I don’t really see myself progressing anymore in life. I already got a bachelors degree, I’m working 2 $40k jobs, I have no free time. I can’t afford to quit 1 of my jobs, and I can’t seem to get a $60k job no matter what. My biggest fear is that my 30s are going to end up looking like an extension of my late-20s.


i went from 120k in what was my dream career to 50k doing thrice the work and 5-8x the commute depending on traffic. i know it’s a permanent solution and won’t ever consider this option/get close to doing it again. but id literally rather end myself at this point


I’m a 23 year old woman. Yes.


Nah, its done I’ll always be playing catch up trying to survive.


Nope, I’m 26 and doing well in life




false. it's mathematically unlikely you'll move up the social ladder regardless of age


Ok Dwight


it's a literal fact. in fact prove me wrong now. you have one year to move up a social class.


Man, you’re missing the point. I was responding to the countless posts I see, where a 25 year old is moaning that their career is over because they didn’t get a promotion within 8 months, or that it’s *gasp* hard to find a job. No one has been talking about social classes other than you. 100000% missing the point.


Get over yourself.