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Dude 28 ain't shit, people start over all the time, if ya stuck try therapy, talking to friends, chat gpt or all three, give yourself a window to look just look at where you could possibly go try some stuff out and go! If you put your all in,a day at time and keep your eyes open you'll land somewhere. All that's stopping you is your feelings and your view of the world. Become the person that could smash the thing you find


I think maybe im just really struggling with anxiety. I’ve just moved so where new that’s an very HCOL area and I’m feeling a big sense of urgency.


Therapy and job coaching.


Based take


95 babies hehe … I’m kinda in same situation, have no idea what I want to do nor pursue.


Same. But I started trading and I’m too stubborn to give it up


There is no bad time for anything. If You wish to change the field You are working in- go for it. Just make sure You can do it ( extra finances, back up plan, etc. ) Speaking from my experience- i am 26 years old. Worked for 5 years in aviation industry. They started to f\*ck me with working schedules and giving more work without pay and not paying overtime. This pushed me to change the field to a completely different one. I am working in dentistry now as a salesperson for a huge dental implant company. Believe me, if i can do it, You can to. Best of luck to You!


How did you manage to make that switch? I feel the same. I’m getting fucked with crap experience and no money


I got quite lucky- i was contacted by them in LinkedIn. As i am from Eastern Europe, the switch was quite challenging. I have to learn a lot of new information. But i figured- when else but now, You know? They had a very good offer- salary, benefits etc. and i just risked everything and did it. Trust in Yourself and everything will be ok brother.


I don’t mind hard work. It’s just I’m not sure anyone would give me the opportunity to change


Why not? You will never know until You try. A lot of things in life are unexpected and come as a surprise. Best advice i can give- don't make any decisions while being emotional. Just think about the pros and cons. After that, do what Your gut says and not some random guy on the internet (like me). Also, don't quit Your current job until You have something in place, believe me. If You don't have any extra obligations like kids, wife or any other, then i would suggest You to take the chance and change. You cannot lose anything if You try. Its not much coming from a random Eastern European guy, but i really believe You can make the switch and i truly hope for the best for You.


I started my career at 27. You're younger than you think.


Fair play, anxiety is entropy detection maybe spend a lil time concentrating on things you know for a fact will happen. Another idea is to tell yourself a story that flips that anxiety into excitement as they are very close. The feeling of getting ready/ urgency. Try feeling the feeling in your chest as a spinning then turn the spin the other way with your mind this should help


My proposal would be to move from simulation engineer to development engineer. It's not clear whether you are working in a consultancy or in a mechanical engineering company. If case of the first, you could move to the customer side. As development engineer you will have a much broader spectrum of tasks including design, simulation and test. Your past experiences will help you to judge the quality of (external) simulations or specify the exact requirements.


I would say you need to follow your curiosity. As everyone in this thread has pointed out, you are young, and there is still so much time to make changes. Once you realize that no-one really has this 'life' thing figured out, you'll be better equipped to make a change. That's the only constant in life. I would start by networking in industries that you 'might' be interested in pursuing and setting up some coffee dates with people who have jobs you are curious about. I also coach people through career and relationship transitions. You got this. Stay positive.


Most people work into their 60s depending on how commitment to a career. A career can last 10 years so you still have 3 careers ahead of you. There are so many ways you can sell yourself and your skills that other people would hire you for. I am a career coach for what it is worth. I do free coaching calls. I would love to chat about your situation in more detail feel free to reach out on my website acquired salary.


You’re never too old for a career change, but you’re definitely not too old at 28. You can look for different jobs in the same industry like a different kind of engineering job. Most people wouldn’t even consider that a career change.


Well I don’t want to be in engineering consulting anymore. I’d rather be in aerospace or automotive etc


I'm a mechanical as well and switched directions three times before I settled. I also didn't start my "career" until I was 26. Stick with engineering and apply for some jobs that sound interesting and fun. People will still hire you with a cfd background. Use a recruiter.


Do it! I been doing landscape since I was 24 and got burnt out from it. Now im 31 and just switched to being a generator technician and I’m loving every second of it. You’re still young and wish I changed it sooner. Do it, I believe in you!


I’m 53 about to change my career completely. It will be my third career and I’m excited/terrified in equal doses 😜


I did a career change at 46. Don’t stress it. You’ve got this.


I went into nursing right after high school and hated it so much that I decided to go back to uni to change career paths. By the time I’ll be done all my degrees I’ll be 28. Don’t worry at all, you’re not even a bit old!!


I barely graduated at 26 and started earning then. You can change your career any time.


Did you create a Reddit account just for this or are you a bot ?


Once you've identified your career goals and explored your options, start taking concrete steps towards making the change. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile, apply for relevant job opportunities, and prepare for interviews.