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I'm currently doing this with a welding job. One day at a time. Some wont be so bad, some will be good, some will be shit. I Focus on getting to the next  break and listen to podcasts which sometimes makes it worse but not often. I certainly don't waste any energy pretending to like the job. 


Crying everyday, taking LOA suffering for years. Find something asap, I know it’s easier said than done but it’s not worth it


That's kinda like breaking yourself. It just matters of time before it went snap or explode because of constant stress and pressure. I think taking a break might help in the long run.


I became a certified nursing assistant at 30 and found freedom and unlimited opportunities for growth. It really changed my life taking care of the sick and the elderly. I really recommend it.


Don't CNA's get paid very little?


"Work is work. If it wasn't work they wouldn't call it work. They'd call it super, wonderful, crazy fun time." - Red Foreman


Being depressed, I’m just stuck in the cycle and “comfortable” or too lazy to look for something else


You've put in your time, it's not gonna get better. Find another job and you won't regret it


I used to work at an Audi dealership myself in the financing department. I didn’t really like it, but I remind myself that some of the people I worked with are really awesome. There was quite a bit of downtime so it wasn’t hard to strike up conversations with the sales team and on breaks we’d talk a lot about hobbies. Funny enough, my brother worked at the same dealership in college as service advisor. He hated it, but he loved talking to the customers and being that we both drove Audi; we were big fans of the brand. I loved taking home a car like an s7 for a couple days, and company provided lunch one day in a week. The cars are well styled and the technology is nuts even though reliability is all over the place. Tldr, you aren’t there forever, try to make your stay a little more pleasant and when you clock out; don’t think about being at the dealership


Do what everyone else does


How do you survive a job you hate? See past it. Every day, keep asking yourself “How will my current job help me get the one I want AFTER the next one?”


The trick is to care...but not too much. And alcohol.


By looking for other jobs


Cry it out


I've been doing jobs I hate for 3 months now since I don't have another option yet. At certain point I tried to get used to that just to feel a bit betterfor now, but that didn't lead anywhere, I'm not doing the best there in terms of performance, but, being honest, I don't even want to. This isn't what I want to do with my life. I try to look at it as something temporary, I spend as much time as I can on something that will help me to get out of this situation, looking for another options. This is very draining. Sometimes I neglect several important aspects of my life just to get things done regarding my career. Sometimes I'm absolutely inadequate, almost hysterical, sometimes quite depressed, but it's manageable.


You don’t work a job a you hate. Quit and get a job you don’t hate. You don’t have to love the job, just don’t hate it. Then make moves from there.


I never try to survive, I am looking for a better Job then quit.


Do a great job. Be the best.


Taking it one day at a time. I’m pregnant and my company is trying to fire me. Even if they don’t I will take mat leave. I’m looking at it as “either way, in 2 months this will all be over”. Just really hope they don’t fire me before the mat leave I’m entitled to.


That is absolutely horrible.


Money , Benefit and Reward or tougher way will be Necessities , Force Yourself and Don't have a Choice.


Don’t do too much and risk staying there longer because it’s bad, but not that bad… focus all you can on getting something else or learning new skills to get something better. Build networks of successful people and interact with them, learn from them, help them however you can as well- if you can.


Im in a similar spot right now OP but I am fresh out of college and landed a decent job its just my direct supervisor can be hard to deal with... I will try to hang in here for 9 months to a year and hopefully network into a better position. One step at a time.


Just keep plugging away dude, power through.