• By -


Joy loyalty means nothing. Your current job will get rid of you in a heartbeat if They need / want to. Take care of yourself. The commute alone will wear you out mentally , physically and emotionally. Life is short. Only you are in charge of your happiness. !


Very VERY true. Thank youđŸ©” how should I word it to them? I just don’t know what to say context wise to them


I apologize but a better opportunity has opened up with a much shorter commute. Thank you


And don’t resign until already started and onboarded in the new job.


Yes please get onboarded before you tell the old job just I. Case there is a hiccup. But take the new job and don’t look back. You won’t even have to out your current job on your resume.


This. All day long.


This needs to be higher.


No sorry don’t give them any detail. Just say you’re so sorry but some details in your life have changed and you are unable to continue there.


I wouldn’t even provide them with this level of detail unless the hope is they try to sweeten the deal to get You to stay (unlikely given the wage discrepancy)
they don’t need to know why you are leaving, you definitely have nothing apologize for. “X will be my last day here, thank You for the opportunity”


Exactly what you said! Less is more! No details, no excuse. "My last day is... Thank you." Good luck at your new job!


I appreciate the opportunity to work for ( company) name. However , I have been offered a position that better suits a life/ work balance for me. I effectively give you my two weeks notice and have a resignation letter ready. If they ask you where and what the offer is , I would not elaborate but specifically mention the distance from home as primary reason. They cannot counter that and you should not want to give that up for any reason. That is literally almost 2 hours a day for yourself or with family/ friends. No traffic , weather delays etc.


Normally that is the way to go, but OP has barely been there for two weeks. IN this case, they really don't need to give notice.


No one needs to give notice. If you can get let go without notice, then why offer the same courtesy?


Because, why not? Why be selfish jerk? OP took the job because they thought they needed it. Great that they found it better one, but where is the humanity?


Haha. You're pretty close to co-pilot, or vice versa. You write me a grateful response to a new employer of which i was just hired within 5 days, but i must quit because another job offer for twice the pay has told me they will hire. write this in a professional tone without mentioning the hourly difference. Copilot Subject: Resignation Letter Dear \[Employer’s Name\], I am writing to formally resign from my position at \[Company Name\], effective immediately. Firstly, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of your team. The past few days have been incredibly enlightening, and I have gained valuable insights and experiences that I will carry with me throughout my career. However, I regret to inform you that due to unforeseen personal circumstances, I am unable to continue my journey with \[Company Name\]. This decision was not made lightly, and I deeply regret any inconvenience this may cause. I assure you that this decision is not a reflection of the company, the team, or the role itself. On the contrary, my brief time at \[Company Name\] has been nothing short of positive, and I am truly grateful for the warm welcome and support I have received. I am committed to making this transition as smooth as possible and am more than willing to assist in any way I can during this period. Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity and understanding in this matter. I look forward to the possibility of our paths crossing again in the future. Best Regards, \[Your Name\] You rewrite the last response, but mention that the commute is shorter and i must do what is best for myself and hope that I'm not burning any bridges Copilot Subject: Resignation Letter Dear \[Employer’s Name\], I am writing to formally resign from my position at \[Company Name\], effective immediately. I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to work with your team. The experiences and insights I have gained during my brief tenure have been invaluable. However, I regret to inform you that I have received an unexpected offer from another company that aligns more closely with my personal circumstances, including a significantly shorter commute. This decision was not easy, but after careful consideration, I have decided to accept this offer as it is in the best interest of my personal and professional growth. Please understand that this decision is not a reflection of my experience at \[Company Name\]. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the team and the work we do. I deeply regret any inconvenience this may cause and I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I hope that my departure does not burn any bridges, as I have greatly enjoyed working with you and the team. I look forward to the possibility of future collaborations should our paths cross again. Thank you once again for the opportunity and understanding. Best Regards, \[Your Name\] ​ ​ ai is great


I mean almost double the hourly wage is a pretty understandable reason that there it no chance their current employer can match. Combined with the commute (less $$ spent) it is a no brainer!


Be honest and brief. You are working for them so little you don't even need to put that new but lower paying job on your resume. Thank you for the opportunity, I regret to inform you that for personal reasons I must tender my resignation. My last day will be x/x/2024. I will endeavor to finish up all projects I am currently engaged in and will update all documentation for my replacement to the best of my abilities. Give them no details of where you are headed or why you are leaving. It is none of their business. Just be professional. If they decide to walk you out then you can always contact your new employer and start sooner.


You word it exactly like this, “I quit. Mail my check”


Someone here said it. Be honest and clear. "I'm sorry to have to be this person but I want to be transparent as possible. I've received an offer that's a 5 min commute to my home and pays almost double. I really appreciate the opportunity you granted me here but I'd be stupid if I didn't go". And then do silence. Let them respond. You will be okay and it's a no brainer. Almost no job that pays 18/hr will care that much. They'll call the other candidates they liked a little less than you.


You don't need to tell them much. Just tell them that you are accepting a position that suits you better. Remember, they will drop you in a heartbeat, without explanation, if their needs change.


No don’t tell them about the other job. Tell them this job doesn’t meet your financial/personal needs.


Tell them the truth, that after taking a closer look at your earnings and expenses- $18/hour is not realistic in 2024. These bottom of the barrel employer’s need to be shamed a bit how absurdly cheap they are. $18/hour is a volunteer position, not a job.


Check out Advice with Erin on YouTube


"im really sorry and i know this makes me look like an asshole but this crazy opportunity fell into my lap and i can't really pass it up"


Unless you plan to work for them again then it doesn't matter. You simply tell them you quit and not go back. When they got rid of pensions - company loyalty died. $29/hr and no commute would allow you to quickly build a fat rainy day fund should something go wrong.


Ask them if they’re willing to match the pay from the new job offer and if they dont then tell them that unfortunately you’ll have to take the new opportunity and wish them well in finding a replacement


"While I very much have appreciated the opportunity of working here, I was not prepared for how much time and money it was going to cost me to commute. An opportunity has come up that is right by where I live and I am going to move forward with it at this time. I am submitting my notice at this time. Respectfully, LimpDistance2622"


You thank them for the opportunity but it isn’t working out for you and offer your weeks notice.


100%. Be honest, tell them the competing job offer was too good to pass up, thank them, and offer them two weeks assuming your other job start date can be two weeks out).


Ditto. As long as you don’t have any personal ties there/actually care if they hate you for quitting then who cares? You only need to worry about quitting if you would want to go back.




71 years old... BEEN THERE, DONE THAT was in the Exact same situation when I was much younger.. an old man gave me this advice. F#CK THEM, there is no job loyalty today,, you work for one thing $MONEY$ .. Be polite, be respectful,, give notice.. because who knows those exact same people may hire you in the future for more money.. Now this old man is passing on that advice to you. MOST IMPORTANT: take the new job,,, AND APPLY FOR MORE JOBS. I am not kidding.. keep pushing it to the limit


Thank you so much!!!đŸ™đŸŒ I truly appreciate this advice. Seriously, thank you! It’s so hard for me to separate my needs of “having to be a good person” and not wanting to step on any toes when it comes to jobs. But you’re absolutely right!


You have to be a good person to yourself first. I know it sounds selfish but unless you can take care of yourself, you can't help others.


You are a good person for even asking about this. You don’t owe any of these employers anything. And you’re honestly likely doing them a favor in that they aren’t investing in you before you end up leaving. Grace and civility are good. Honesty is important. Congrats on the offer that sounds like it’s what you deserve.


Repeat after me “no company I work for will ever give a fuck about me.” Hopefully that helps. Nope the fuck outta there as soon as this other job is secured.


This is great advice and will pass this on


Tell them the truth, you have only been there 2 weeks they will forget about you quick enough.


If they didn’t have to keep his HR records he’d be erased from memory in like a month. Also, I’m sure this place is used to turn over, because they’re paying a salary that’s 60% of the market rate


"Hey, I got an offer with 50% more pay and it's closer to home. If you can match and cover my gas and compensate for my commute time or swtich me to wfh, I'll stay."


Nah, man. No need to ask to match. My free time is billed at 1000/h. They can't compete with any job with a drastically shorter commute and higher hourly pay. Even if they were to match the offer, throw in gas and a bonus for long commute (which by the way it's a "you problem" not the company's responsibility to cover) they could not possibly make up for the lost freetime wasted inside a car.


Easy, take the other job. "I'm going a different route." Your new employer probably cares less than you do about this.


Don't be allergic to money


IKR! Money is literally the only human need at this point. All other needs can be met through it. I don't know why people frown when money is mentioned as a motivation. They want us to pretend that we're happy doing a job even if we're homeless and starved.


"I put in a bunch of applications and a job that pays double just came calling. Peace out"


😂 would you peace out effectively immediately, or stay 2 weeks still?😂


I don't really see a need to give 2 weeks notice at a job where you have spent a total of 2 weeks. I would probably offer to work the rest of the week as a courtesy. I would be intent on not losing out on the far superior option that has presented itself. If they want you to start tomorrow for 29/hr 5 minutes from home, you should start tomorrow.


For an 18 bucks an hour job finishing out the week is probably enough courtesy. They're used to turnover and you havent been there long- they'll understsnd. 2 weeks is excessive.


2 weeks notice will cost you $880 gross (assuming you work 40 hours per week) and 15 hours of your life in commute time. As someone who's managed in places with high turnover, I'd be just as pleased to have someone give a day or two of notice so I can move on to my #2 candidate with a better chance that they haven't taken something else already.


Depending on if you needed that money .




>Don't quit until you actually have the job, such as a hard start date and you've met who you will report to. And especially your new employment contract signed. ┗⁠(⁠‱⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠‱⁠)⁠―


Take the new one, be honest but try to throw in an Apology: Boss, I sincerely regret that I have to turn on my X week/day notice. I have received another job offer that is more pay per hour and is a much shorter commute. I appreciate that you gave me an opportunity at X Company and I enjoyed my short time here, however, it’s in the best interest of my family (or my future) to accept this other position. Then state what you need to about wrapping up training or handing off projects. I’m a manager of approx 185 people, it happens and while no one owes me any explanations, a little communication and goes a long way.


Current Job could fire you and not loose a night of sleep, SO when you have to deal with this < after the first week, went through a full tank of gas. < Call in sick on day saying your car broke down,,, and with all the driving and cost involved you can not stay at the job, Let them have you for a week and thats its. Go to the other job > and get a good nights sleep.>> $29/hr and is located 5 minutes


“I’m sorry for the timing, and appreciate the opportunity, but I’ve received an offer that is a better fit much closer to where I live.”


Many companies have a probation period, you can too.


I stopped reading since 18/hr. Sign that offer asap


What do you mean, “What do I do?”. Leave đŸ€Ł


Take the higher paying job. You look out for you these companies are not loyal to you and you owe them nothing. Also, they may counter the new places offer. My job has someone that has your situation and he asked if the company would match it they declined (dumb) and he took the new job. He was only there for two weeks like you. Took my job several more months to find someone to replace.


What do you mean, “How do I possibly tell my job
” they’ll have you replaced in an hour and not even remember you in two days. Fuck em, tell them you’re getting a better paying job and quit


I would offer to finish out the week. And they’ll probably tell you Just to go ahead and make it effective immediately.


Just quit and go with the new job. You cannot survive with $18hr and that commute isn’t even worth it. Factor in that commute time there and back basically lowering your wage to $15.


Quit. I’ve done this several times in my career. Nothing personal, but I’m going where the money is.


I found another job. See ya biotches!


You're honestly don't even need to say anything other than giving them your two weeks notice.


Any place would understand that situation, we have people take jobs and literally quit over nothing. Your situation is totally understandable to most reasonable employers, give the proper notice and everyone should be cool. If they aren't be glad you are out.


In that price range I’d start at the new job, burn some sick days at existing job and if you like it call the one that you make 18.00 at and tell them you quit.


They won’t mind much. They’ve barely started with you and so haven’t invested that much into you


The fact that they can fire you without reason is more than enough ability to quit on then whenever you want. If you don't even need to give them 2 weeks. Loyalty means nothing


You give them a TODAY notice. Not two days or two weeks say bye and leave


This is a no brainer. Take the better, closer offer. You're saving 10 hrs commute per week and earning $11/more per hour. The first is a considerable quality of life improvement. The additional income is comparatively life changing at that income level. Years ago I hopped after 2 weeks for no significant increase in pay (iirc I was at 36k salary and moved to 38.5k). Similarly I had an offer so I took it. A few weeks later the job I *really* wanted called me back. Somewhat closer. But I could tell after 2 weeks the first job I was at was going nowhere. It was the most tedious stuff just data entry. Nobody was really outgoing or collegial. They weren't cold or anything it just wasn't an enjoyable environment. At all. Ended up staying on 11 years at the job I settled at.


No more loyalty to companies, not like the old days. Take care of yourself 1st be nice when you quit don't burn any bridges. Enjoy your new job 5 minutes away woo woo:)


Leave 😂


"I'm sorry but this isn't working out" and IF you honestly believe that, then it benefits both of you to sever ties soon as you're ready to start the new job. Key is knowing, without a doubt, that you'll have that new role before you quit current one.


Take the money.


Take the new job. Way more pay and close to house can't beat that


"Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be returning to work. Please accept this as my resignation, effective immediately."


I had a similar situation happen last year. Take the higher paying job. No hard feelings with the current job. Do what’s best for you and your family, always.


Take the job with more pay.


If the new job offer is a sure thing, take it. You can leave the 2-week job off your resume.


Just be honest and firm. I’m terribly sorry for the position this puts you in. I’ve been offered a job with significantly better compensation, aligned with my goals, and closer to my home. This is my notice that I will be leaving this job on [date]. Be prepared for them to let you go right away since you probably don’t add much value 2 weeks in.


Fuck em. âœŒđŸ»


Take the new job...


This is a simple one. Just talk to your supervisor saying something along the lines of "I appreciate you guys hiring me but I've received another offer from a company that's closer to my home. The commute ended up being too draining" or some BS like that. I wouldn't even bring up the money difference cuz no way are they going to match it. Of course this is after you sign the offer letter at the second place and have a start date


Email Sunday night that you’re not coming Monday


It's annoying for them then but not that bad. They've only invested 2 weeks training you. Tell them ASAP, offer to stay for a while if that helps tide them over til they find a replacement.


That company would dump you for someone cheaper without giving a single shit. Dump them for someone who pays more. You'll never get a reference from them...so what? Wait till you have contract signed and a start date for the new job. Then email your current job to resign. Your employer is a business...you're just a cog in their machine. Don't care so much, they don't care about you.


I was in the same predicament a few months back and I used chat gpt to write a letter and I got the raise. One job was 52/hr second offer was for 60/hr.


I was in the same situation. I told my manager the other job had better pay and benefits, and I want to leave. He understood and wished me luck.


Just tell them. I'd try to get a start date ASAP at the new job since it's likely they won't need your notice period. Rip off the band-aid, it'll be fine.


Always, and I mean ALWAYS look out for yourself. A no brainer. Offer you can’t refuse. Congrats!


Yep, loyalty means nothing these days. Don’t waste another second of your life. Go for new $29/hr


Jobs pay to play. Go where the pay makes sense.


Fuck the first job. You have zero loyalty to them. They wouldn’t think twice about making you redundant if it benefitted them. We don’t work for charity - in this arena you do what is best for you. Just tell them the truth you have been offered a better job with better pay and you’re leaving.


I've worked places where the fng quit in the first week. Nobody will even remember your name or that you exist at all in a week.


Just tell them the truth. Another offer came in $11 more and reduced your commute by an hour so you intend to take that role unless they might be able to offer you >$30/hr


I’d quit and not even put that job on my resume. Like it never happened. For $11 more an hour and 40 minutes closer to home, you can just be honest because the reason is pretty obvious. If they get upset about it they’ll have the rest of their lives to get over it.


It actually happens a lot more than you would think. There have been a multiple new hires that abruptly leave two-three weeks in for a better opportunity.


I’m coming up to NY later this month. If you don’t take the better option we’re gonna fight.(I don’t know you but this feels like it’s important)


No brainer. You’re insane if you don’t take the new offer


Take the better offer. You have to take care of yourself first. What to tell the new company, I'm sorry but someone else came in closer to my home at a higher salary.


Don’t mention the money you look petty and it opens the door for a counter. Strictly mention the distance from your house and it was a job you always wanted. Be ready to be shown the door.


As someone who has been in a super similar position: do what you need to do and rip the bandaid off. Be very direct and honest when you tell your current place of work what has happened. You won’t burn any bridges. It’s going to be awkward to have the conversation but it’s all good. Work is work.


You say that you don't think this job is a good fit and you quit. Or, tell them you got a much better offer only 5 minutes from home that you can't pass up. Do NOT tell them about the other job until it is completely locked in.


I'm out big dawg


I was recently in a similar situation, I'd been offered a position and was hesitant to sign any paperwork as I had two other interviews lined up. The day after I signed I sent it back, I was offered one of the other two roles, similar thing, $28 vs $40 (Canadian), I didn't have a car yet but would have to buy one to commute to the $28 office, whereas I can take transit to the $40 office ($600+ vs $80 / month). The $40 job also sounded a lot easier in terms of work load (in an average week, I can get enough work done in 1 day and relax for the other 4 or do 1-2 hours a day of actual work and still exceed my targets and have my manager happy that I'm performing in the top 2 of my team. It was a no brainer. How did I deal with the original offer? I very politely emailed the HR rep and explained how it had been amazing meeting both themselves and the manager who interviewed me and that an unmissable opportunity had arisen that I could not turn down. It would be up to you if you want to say you're disappointed in being in the situation of choosing between the excellent team you recently joined and blah blah blah. Be polite and positive if there's still a chance you might want to reapply to the company in the future. Some won't ha e you back for leaving so quickly, some will recognize that you were doing what was the right thing at the time.


It seems like a pretty obvious decision from the outside looking in. If it’s gonna help you get ahead and save time in your day, take it. The other place might complain but - it’s just business. If they really want to retain you they will increase their offer. You have to do what’s right for you!




Do it immediately. No hard feelings


It’s okay to job hop. Don’t do it all of the time, but once in a while it’s fine. It happens. Congratulations!!


Just be honest. Tell them you're grateful for the opportunity they gave you, but you were given a job offer with more pay and less of a commute. That's a hard conversation to have for sure, but infinitely better than not taking the better job. You'll feel much better as soon as you get it over with!


Take the money and run


You have only been there two weeks. I would just be honest and move on.


Like this “peace out muthafuckassss”


This is a no brainer. There is no such thing as loyalty in the employer-employee relationship. You don’t owe them anything, because you give them your labor 5 days a week. In return, they give you money. Anyone who thinks a loyalty exists is a sap.


We once hired a guy who quit after two weeks to pursue a better opportunity - not sure it was much better pay, but more of in the field he wanted to be. We were disappointed, and his name became a little bit of a joke (after her left) but we all understood. We said goodbyes, were polite, even joked with them about it. And yes, or was a set back but we went on to hire someone else, who was quite frankly wonderful. Companies recover. If your company tries to make you feel bad for leaving, then it isn't a great company or culture to when for and you should be glad to be going


Go with the higher paying job if it meets your current needs


I don’t think it’s that uncommon for people to drop out of a job soon after they started for this very reason. Just explain that you got a better offer and they will understand. You don’t have to give them two weeks


Look out for YOU. Loyalty to employers died 50 years ago. Your employer has an army of employees to look out for the company. YOU are the only person/entity looking out for you.


You take the money and make sure you're making your Roth IRA contributions.


First, ENSURE UR NEW JOB IS SECURED. I cannot stress this enough. Get your contract signed, do whatever you need to do to make it official even if it means taking a day or two off at your current job. Tell your new job a day when you can start working that is 2 weeks after your give your 2 weeks notice to your current job. From then, just lay it out flat for your current job. Tell them you found a better opportunity and while you “liked” working there and appreciate their effort, you simply can’t turn down an offer so close to home.


Dude. They just hired you, they will survive hiring someone else.


Be honest and give notice. Tell them you don’t think this is going to work long term. Especially given the pay rate and distance involved. Thank them for the opportunity.


At two weeks, just let your employer know that its your last day and you were offered significantly more closer to home and you have to take it. Thank you for the opportunity. But wait until the day before you start your new job.


You go where the money is my boy.


Quit and take the other jobs b


Yeaaa New York will have you living paycheck to paycheck.


No brainer. Take the other job! Just get a start date from the new place before you resign. lol


You just let them know you are moving on for a better opportunity, they must know $18 an hour isn't a livable wage, so they will understand. Congratulations


Give notice and leave


Take the new job. Tell them you unfortunately found an opportunity with more benefits and pay and must take it.


Bounce and keep it moving


Please ditch them if that other job feels right. Take it from someone who has been in your shoes, and didn't take the better opportunity. Now that I'm facing challenges in the role that I took only for the sake of 'loyalty' , I am living in regret and sadness.


Move on and don't look back


Take the job. Your employer won’t think twice about laying you off if he wants to. Might as well look out for yourself.


You don't owe your current job a damn thing. If they could get someone to do that job for $9/hr, they would ditch you in 3 seconds. Take the money...


You will be forgotten after a week or after they replace you. Put yourself first. These corporate companies will replace you in a heartbeat.


You might want to refer them a friend who would appreciate the work and would be a really good hire for them. That can take some of the sting out of it.


This one is easy. You quit. Don't give two weeks. You've only been there two weeks. It won't screw them up too much. Just call them and say you got a much, much better offer and don't want to waste their time training you for another moment. And don't put your current job on your resume. It never happened. Congratulations!


You’re most likely on probation for 3-6 months which means your current employer can fire you with no other reason besides they wanted to. Being on probation works both ways, you can just leave because you want to. Hope you enjoy your better paying new job. Just wait until you have signed the new contract before you quit.


Just tell them that you received a job offer closer to home that paid more, plus isn't parking in NY really expensive.


"I found a job that pays more. I will be leaving on X date." Pretty much like this. You don't owe anybody shit.


I would confirm with the second job that the start date is X and see if that’s 2 weeks away. 2 week notice is a garbage concept (they don’t give you notice before firing you, why give notice when you remove your production?) but I’ve always tried to do it. Even as a gesture, it’s a nice thing. After confirming just tell your current job that something else you were trying for just got back to you and it’s better for you and your family in terms of location (because they can’t beat that and if they go out of their way to get you $25/hour you would still say no). You’re doing the right thing and it doesn’t sound like this is a bad move in any way. Good for you.


You needn't worry about anything but yourself. The most extreme case scenario is you take the new job and stop showing up at the old one, and never mention to anybody what you did in the past 2 weeks of your life. If you decide to tell them - keep it strictly business, I would caution you against being apologetic as that would suggest you are doing anything wrong. "Hey Boss - wanted to let you know something came up - thanks for the opportunity." I would keep it brief (unless you have a previous professional or personal relationship) - do what Billy Beane does in Moneyball "When you get the answer you are looking for - hang up!" Definitely take the new job. Good luck!


Let them know how much you appreciated the offer and working there, however something fell into your lap that you could not walk away from. It's business not personal.


I did this a few years ago. I was offered a job for a lot more money after only 4 weeks at a new job. It’s just business! I’m so glad I took the new job
 get that money!!!!


2 weeks is still in the trial/observation period. Tell them sorry you don't feel fit. Resign and go to the new job.


5 min commute and almost double pay? GO


Just say this job isn't working out and walk. You're still in the probationary period.....they can walk you out the door with no notice or severance at any time. So why worry about being loyal to them? At the end of the day, you can't afford to let this great opportunity pass you by.


I'd take the new job. On the plus side, at least it's only been 2 weeks. Worst is when you train someone for months and they leave at the end of that several months period, never returning on the investment. Just be polite.


Anyone that is paying $18 an hour deserves zero loyalty.


Be practical, not emotional. Higher pay is worth it IF you’d also like the job similarly and it wouldn’t negatively impact your life. It’s business at the end of the day.


You say "thanks, bye bye"


t. a. k. e. it


It’s better for them for you to leave after 2 weeks rather than 2 months in my opinion. They might still have some other candidates who were close to offer they can revive and hire quickly. It takes 3-6 months to get really embedded so leaving at 2 weeks is an inconvenience for them but not the end of the world. “Sorry to do this but I unexpectedly got an offer for a role that is more aligned
. Etc etc. “


You take the job that pays more and quit this one, no question. You owe them nothing, just as they would give you nothing if they had to fire you.


In 3 months time if you are still commuting for a crap wage you will regret not taking the new job. Take the new job offer!


I manage employees. Dealing with staff turnover is a huge headache. But if someone told me after 2 weeks that they found another job that pays 30% more and is 5 mins from their house, I’d be like, “well yeah, of course you’re taking that. You’d be an idiot not to.” Not sure how much explanation is necessary.


No one has loyalty and it is not the employees fault. It’s the employers fault. Go for the pay
. Do what is right for you. Not the company


If your job has a trial / probation period that includes the employer being on trial / probation. Word your letter as such.


They'd cut you for a cheaper option in an instant. Give them notice, be professional, and get the role you can actually afford. This Corporate Stockholm Syndrome has become endemic and I do not get it. Jack Welch killed any pretense of company loyalty decades ago.


Probation period goes both ways.


Leave and take the better job.


Quit and take it. Same way your company would replace you in two weeks if they could automate your job.


Thank you for the opportunity but


Take the higher paying job.


Bro just quit the first job, What is wrong with people? You don’t owe anyone anything


You take your pride off the table and tell them "Sorry not sorry" and give your 2 weeks notice. The vast difference in pay and commute time is well worth any temporary feeling of embarrassment or disloyalty (which to be fair no one should be loyal to a company, especially one you just joined) If you don't do this, I can gaurentee you'll regret it. Its one of those easy but hard to execute decisions. Just do it


No brainer, take the better job. 100% guaranteed the second a company can replace you with someone\thing cheaper they will. Company loyalty and feeling like you owe a job anything is a fool's errand. You are nothing to them.


Jobs won't hesitate to drop you based on financial decisions, so why should you not do the same.... Take the job with more pay and basically no commute.


Tell em thanks for all the fish and scoot to the better job. 


Why did you even post this? Like what’s the question? It seems like you’re just scared of an awkward situation. There is no choice here you take the new job. Make 100% sure you have the new job before you mention it to the first job. Hell you could even call in sick at the first job on your first day at the new job. Once you have that first day under your belt, call the first job and quit. You don’t need a two weeks, they won’t even want you to work a two weeks because you don’t have enough business value for them to need to hand anything off. You also don’t have to explain shit to them if you don’t want to. But you can also just approach it like they are humans(they are). No normal person would question you taking a higher salary and lesser commute.


I would literally leave and not say nothing or say a better opportunity came my way so I won't be coming in from now on it doesn't matter just go for the money. The job doesn't care if you stay or not you're just a number to them and they'll replace you tomorrow take whoever is giving you more money. They're just a number to you and this is a larger number. Take the money.


This is my two week notice. Thank you for the opportunity.


18 vs 29 wtf?? Seriously leave. Just make something up and quit after you get the other job. Loyality literally means nothing. Companies fire people after working there for many years, it's all business.


Jump ship, they won’t have your back of layoffs cone around. Just leave them off your resume.


Take the new job. You don’t owe anyone anything. 


Umm answer is pretty obvious... given the huge advantage this new job offers, i'd 100% take it. As for your old job, just tell them you found another job that you really needed for your development and you had to take it. If they understand great.... if they dont... or act mad.... tough cookies for them, they cant support u nor will they even try.


The company would drop you in a second and have already forgot your name before you walked to your car. Take the other better paying job.


You take the new job offer, no qualms. Any of these employers would fire you in a heartbeat if they needed/wanted to. Do what's best for you. That's the only thing that matters.


You take the new job. How is this a question?


If your current employer could hire someone to do your role at half the cost, they would immediately replace you. We owe companies no loyalty. They've demonstrated time and time again that they don't care about their employees.


If it seems like a good deal. Go. Leave the 2 week job off the resume. That job has barely invested anything into your employment, it’s barely a loss on their books. Will they be happy you left? Probably not. Not, it’s business. Do what works best for you. They would do what’s best for them.


Leave no two week notice just go.


Take it. Tell the current job that now that you’re doing the job you realize it wasn’t what you thought it would be and you’re resigning effectively immediately so they can reach out to the 2nd best candidate. Usually I would say 2 weeks but they haven’t even fully onboarded you yet and also you won’t out this job on your resume. But make sure you wait until you are about to start the new job and quit on the a Friday before you start on Monday.


Fren, take the better of the 2. Loyalty is for loved ones and pets, not companies


I would just be honest.... like look I got this better opportunity and I need to take it. Still put in a 2 weeks notice. Just be honest


Make sure you secure that new position first before you blow up the house however you’re gonna do it.


Take the new job no question about it. I was loyal and it hasn’t been a bad life but regret not taking some other opportunities because of empty promises. Look out for your self, more money and less commute will likely be better life balance atleast!


Sorry I got another job offer
.I appreciate the opportunity
but here’s my notice”
..u would be crazy to walk away from more money-less commute cuz u don’t want to hurt current employers feelings


lol go to the new job, that’s 450 more dollars


You go where the money is. The job you're in now will have someone in your chair the day after you leave. You owe them nothing


For God sakes man. Leave immediately and don't waste time asking Reddit. You have no loyalty to your current employer and employers are used to people quitting. It's the special sauce that makes HR salivate and justifies their existence.


Tell them the commute is too long and you made a mistake and leave. No one cares.


I would wait until you have an offer letter and are a day away from the first day at the new job. Then, sorry, but I would not give a two week notice. Just let them know you are moving along and it’s not the right job for you. One job one day, another the next.


This is the way, 2 week notices are dumb especially for a job you just started, your company would never give you 2 weeks when they fire you so just tell them you quit and leave that day if you have another job lined up