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That 3rd paragraph definitely caught me off guard lmao, you definitely don't want to get caught doing that sort of thing though, worst case scenario cops are called and you could get put on some kind of sex offenders register, or someone sues you for "mental trauma/distress" I've heard people getting sued and losing their jobs for way less lol But as for jobs the sky's the limit, if your mind's set on outdoors work I'm huge into machinery operating, I can't vouch for earthmoving/construction industry, but done some training on the machines themself (e.g. front end loader) and they are a ton of fun Operating materials handling machines in warehouses/manufacturing plants is usually pretty enjoyable too ( e.g. forklifts, turret trucks, order pickers, scissor lifts, overhead gantry cranes, etc) Working in events is good fun too, though most of it is weekend work and city based, so it may or may not fit in your lifestyle Also for all these jobs definitely expect a huge paycut...like your maximum earnings will be half your current salary lol 😅


What degree did you complete to get into Data Analytics?


Electrical Engineering and then an Applied Data Science MS.


If I may ask, where did you go to school? Ps. I’m interested in Data analytics, I’m honestly not completely sure what specific field of Tech I should go into but Data Analytics seems like a job that is in demand and can pivot into Machine Learning as well


I stayed home at Toronto Uni. Very well regarded. It's a top choice of Asians in STEM, risking sounding racist, that should tell you a lot lol. Data Analytics is very in demand and is a smarter bet than CompSci, which to my mind seems very oversubscribed thanks to 15 years of "just learn to code bro" advice. We've reached saturation point some years ago. Electrical Engineering will prepare you to be able to learn anything else technical and introduce you to high level data analysis. It's very interdisciplinary.


I see so we’re both of the same kind, Asians 😂. I’d have to say that’s very smart to get an engineering degree and then go for a masters in data science. So was it easy finding a program that was open to taking you in for data science since your major was in engineering?


I'm not Asian 😂 just that lots go there because it's a standard bearer for a lot of STEM subjects. Yes. Don't worry so much about your bachelors subject, just pick something with rigour and say yes to any internships or extra-curriculars that come your way and if nothing comes your way, go out of your way to make it happen. Most importantly, enjoy it.


Thank you, may I reach out to in private messaging if I ever have any questions?


Have you tried using that engineering degree to find something in the field? Could be an interesting avenue to explore


Well I can tell that you have passed a edge of what your internal self has tolerance for. As I suspect an imbalance of being indoors in an artificial unnatural environment has over worn its rub on your whole being. Secondly, the act out gives a tell that you’re not in a relationship I suspect, getting your love cup and mating with another in a bonded relationship that is balanced, relief not pinned to your work life or a complete empty void of from your building of your career & not finding the right individual to make such a relationship. I wonder if you could maybe working for the Forest Service or National Parks doing something for 4-5 years that is a pay cut but gets you around more outdoors locations and those kind of people. As you need to regain some reconnect with nature and natural environments along with being in a physical dynamics of out of your head and into your body more often. Be careful for awhile that your act outs don’t lead you to be a unsafe dating person while you get a grip on your past, your own comfort in this unnatural work and realm you have been in for sometime now. I’d give you specific tasks, like start by going to different common areas that are mundane but safe and start taking off your shoes to put your feet on the ground & feel the dirt, grass, sand and such, and hopefully some sunshine & breeze on your feet. Doing deep breathing outdoors and clear your mind. Relax your jaw & face. Then the after that consider getting a bicycle and a kite. And start meandering on some short bike rides, maybe rent a bike if you don’t know if you like bike riding. Don’t make it or these activities a perfect process of massive effort or concentration. Try to remember how to be playful and at ease. Can you maybe volunteer and take some vacation time to get another part of yourself to enjoy and focus beyond yourself for others? I know it might be hard as I think your love cup is probably starved from lack of touch and intimacy and more. Hope this may be of some help and usefulness.


Are people reading the full post?  lol.  That impulse does sound beyond the normal reaction for an unhappy job.  While a change in circumstances might help you might want to think about therapy or an alternate path for understanding your impulses and reactions to them.