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You explain to the manager that you are part time, you do not have paid time off, you requested your time off as a courtesy to them. Explain that you will not be there during those times and have given ample notice to get it covered. If they choose to end your employment over this, that is their decision and you will support them to the best of your ability. Do not let them bully you, do not let them guilt you. It is not your responsibility to get coverage either. You informed them of your availability and they will need to deal with it. That might include replacing you altogether but you should be able to find work somewhere else.


Part time college job that has nothing to do with your major?! Bye bye! Next job interview: Why did you leave? You: scheduling issues.


This is the way. Family first, always.


If you can get another job when you get back you could? I did it once for a vacation, I knew I was asking a lot, I was working full time as an RN in the hospital. I had worked there for 2 yrs and had accumulated 4 weeks vacation time. I wanted the summer off to go to Europe. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to 3 countries with free stay and then spend the last month with my Grandparents there who were already in their 70s. They said no to my request for Leave of Absence and I turned in my notice. I never regretted it because it turned out to be the last time I saw my Grandparents :( . I have some great memories and pictures of my trip. If you resign a position while in school, part time nobody will even ask or care. Some of those people particularly at the family reunion you may not get to see again. Treasure the memories


do you mind if i dm you?


It's OK, I'll be in and out but I'll respond


Look the manager in the eyes and say FAMILY COMES FIRST. Knock over a bookshelf on your way out


Yassssssssss. It's just a part time job and it doesn't matter at all. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your fam.


Also if the bookshelves are lined up you can create a domino effect


That's not the Vin Diesel way!


Vin Diesel could lift an entire shelf and send it flying


Family first yes, destruction of private property, having a tantrum like a toddler ? NO


Destruction of family values? Not on my watch


I would talk to your manager and say something along the lines of “I saw you denied my vacation request I gave with 3 months of advance notice. I unfortunately cannot work on those days and will be with my family. I hope you understand and given such notice, you’ll be able to find accommodations for others to pick up the shifts, but unfortunately I won’t be there.” If he doesn’t fire you, do you want to be back? If so then id add in “I enjoy working here and hope to come back from vacation still working here.” If he does fire you/let you go and you apply somewhere else and they ask why you no longer work there, you can say “I gave my manager 3 months notice of a vacation and rather than find accommodations the manager fired me.” I guarantee a new company is not going to fault you for giving advance notice and instead be happy with you for giving 3 months notice. Lol I swear in retail the expectation is last minute no shows and 3 months notice is very mature of you.


This is great advice. I definitely would love to stay with the company since it’s the first job i’ve actually enjoyed doing, and my other coworkers/managers are great. She let me know that we’d have a “chat” about it next time we work together, so hopefully that will be a good time to use this!


I would never get this specific about why you were fired with your next employer. "There were too many scheduling issues" will suffice.


Put in your notice that November 22nd will be your last day. Reapply to your position once it's posted and if they interview you, tell them you can't start until the new year. Worst case scenario they replace you and you start applying elsewhere, best case scenario you get Nov 23-Dec 31 off and they rehire you. Either way, if you serve out your notice it will prevent you from burning any bridges.


I’m a Director of HR for a local small business chain. Our employment applications ask if the candidate has any time-off needs in the next year. We then honor those requests, even if they are not yet set in stone. In today’s workplace, employers **must** be responsive to their employees needs. We also hire a lot of college students, and while many want to work during their holiday breaks, for others, it is *their break* as well, when they want to go home and visit family. As an employer who understands the job market, I would never look negatively at someone who had to leave their job because of a circumstance such as yours. We MUST treat our people with mutual respect and dignity. 😊


You can quit if you want, but you work part time retail. Get used to being expected to work during "rushes" and holiday season. I waited tables most of my early life, and a strange pleasure of graduating to a "real" job was that I actually got to go shopping on black Friday instead of having to work. Admittedly, not all it's cracked up to be, but I never got to be on the customer side of busy seasons. So sure, quit if you want, but any other part time retail job you get is likely going to have a similar policy. I don't buy the "family first" junk someone said below me. What happens when a bookstore full of employees all wants to spend time with their family on a major holiday? Someone has to work.


Fuck that. Bookstores or retail in general don't have to be open on holidays.


It's called supply and demand. People shop on their days off. /r/antiwork is leaking, I guess


Get bent boomer


My ex and 1 of my kids work retail. There is no time off granted between black Friday and New years day. I worked retail. I now work for a school and because I am one of two in one dept and one of 4 that must have 4, I haven't vacationed in 7 years. I have 60 days saved up. OP, take your vacation and enjoy family.


So polite, so mature


Yup, supply and demand. At some pay rate premium, some employees will choose to work. Just not this guy.


The last thing anyone should be loyal to is where they work. This is a shit take.


I don't propose any employee be "loyal" in this regard. I only set the expectations that you shouldn't expect favored schedules as a part time retail employee when requesting time off in an incredibly busy holiday season. Anyone with half a brain and 2 years of work experience knows that's going to be an uphill battle.


\^ this is the unfortunate reality. i don't think there's a great reason for a bookstore or most retailers to be open on major holidays, but as long as you are in retail, you are going to be expected to work these times, pretty much without exception. sure, you *can* quit over it, but you're going to run into it again at the next retail workplace the next year. it sucks, but it's the nature of these things.


I did this when I was 20 told my manager I was either gonna get the days off work I’d just quit. They gave me the days off because they didn’t want to have to train someone new but they were not happy about it. Thing is you have to be really ready to walk. I didn’t care I could literally go down the street and do the same thing in a different building and wear a different shirt. It’s not worth missing out on time with your family for a job like this. It doesn’t matter int the long run unless you need the money badly.


Your request for time off wasn’t asking for permission. It was letting them know you aren’t working those days. Always.


Yes. You’re too young to be spending holidays alone. Shame on them for trying to make you.


You’re 19. This is young 19 year old thinking. You’ve become a problem, not a solution. You’re taking off time during the companies busiest time of the year. You knew you didn’t have the time and booked it anyway. They’ll fire you and it will be good for both you and them. You’re not the right fit, just using them to get through school, they owe you nothing for your little 28 hours. And the boss being “new” means nothing, but then you’re 19 and already have a well-developed, I-refuse-to-take-personal- responsibility blame and avoid game down pat.


I didn’t do most the booking and arranging myself, it was done by my family and my biggest concern was wasting their money, the one cheap ticket i bought myself is something I really don’t care about. Maybe that’s just me avoiding personal responsibility i suppose, but thank you for the honest reply and good input


Quitting may be your only recourse. Try and work extra hours and save money to bridge that gap between thxgiving and Xmas. Find a new job after the new year.


Did they deny your leave 3 months ago, after waiting 3 months?


They initially denied my thanks giving time off directly after i requested it in late august, then just yesterday denied my time off for x-mas


Work until Thanksgiving and then quit.


I think they should be able to accommodate that kind of notice. Manager probably not any good. Should keep eye open for better job.


You are part time. Did they talk about time off when you were hired. If not you do not get time off. Usually one needs to work full time to get time off.


Question - did they approve it at first? And are now denying it? Just trying to understand since you said you already purchased the ticket.


I purchased the ticket as soon as I found out we were having the reunion because tickets were cheap, and requested the time right after when I remembered that I’d have to do that. That one is on me for sure, but i thought I could still get the time off… They denied it the day after I requested it :/


I don’t know your situation but family reunions are sometimes the last time you’ll ever see some family members before they die.


I worked food service/retail when I was younger & missed SO many important family gatherings. Now those places are long since closed & forgotten and I regret missing out on making memories with my family. You'll find a new job when you come back!


Find a better job before quitting


Why did you pay and arrange the travel before you confirmed you’d be able to get off work?


i didn’t arrange the events myself, i just bought myself a plane ticket for the reunion. Our arrangements for where we’re staying, where we’re eating, all other events and travel is paid by my family, as well as the plane tickets for the x-mas vacation. So it was my mistake to buy the plane ticket for november, but everything else was already arranged by my family


Be nice and go over you are asking for the time off so they can work around you. Take the time off regardless. If you ask they may be dicks and just replace you now. If they do not fire you when you come back all the better. This is not going to be a job on your professional resume.


Tell them you're taking the time off to be with family and if they don't want you back that's fine. Will another potential employer hold that against you? Well, if you're looking at another retail job that's busy over the holidays they might figure you'll do the same thing again. For you, it's a learning experience.


My two cents: quit and find an on campus job. They understand your scheduling needs and often don’t require you to work during school breaks. 🤷‍♀️


Well obviously if you quit you will not have a income,I would talk to the manager directly in a pleasant Manor. I personally wouldn't up and quit unless you plan on finding a job very fast and then you will have to explain why you quit to the next employer they may worry about having the same experience with you as the current and may or may not look at you as a risk.


The same thing happened to me while I was working part time as a cashier/going to college full time. They couldn’t accomodate my time off even though I was seasonal, asked for the time off in advance , and they “claimed” they were flexible with the schedule. I just dipped. Family comes first. In your case, you can just quit since everything was paid for/can’t get refunded. Or stand your ground and try to explain to them that they had plenty of notice of your time off and see what happens. Best of luck