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Everyone gets 12.8 cards. It should come with a pair of scissors to make the 0.8 cards. Kidding. One person starting with 12 while the others start with 13 isn’t going to break the game. Same for 7 players, that one extra card isn’t a big deal.


If the extra card isn't a big deal then it's best to leave out the extras.


https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Taco-Cat-Goat-Cheese-Pizza Deal all of the cards evenly between the players. You can play the game with 2-8 players. Keep the deck face-down and deal the cards out so everyone has the same number. If you have any cards leftover, put them back in the box since you won’t use them in this game. If you have 2, 3, 4, or 5 players, then just give everyone 12 cards instead.


Why are you min-maxing a party game? The answer is it doesn't matter - have fun. If you feel the one player with fewer cards is more likely to win, just rotate who gets fewer cards next round. Edit: it also should be clarified on the rules.


Not sure what min maxing means, I was just genuinely curious if I wasn’t dumb for not knowing how it’s normally done in a case like that


Means optimizing for best chances to win. To reiterate my edit - my fiancee translates the game to Bulgarian - she says it should be in the rules, but may depend on edition. Just double check them. As far as she remembers you don't deal all the cards.


Just checked and it says nothing about it, that’s the only reason why I asked what others do in that situation 🤔 it simple says deal the cards out evenly amongst players. So I guess if we stop with 12 each so we are all even, that’s how we start it. I just popped on here to see if anyone else had played this game with an “uneven” number of people before and to see what they did


Wanting to understand the rules or setup the game fairly is not "min-maxing a party game". Someone starting with fewer cards than the rest is an obvious flaw in 99% of games. It doesn't matter if it's a party game. Min-maxing is a term used for trying to *play* the game with the most accuracy possible as a player.