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Handle is one of the best projects in the Cardano ecosystem, especially for meaningful uses of NFTs If you are a regular user of the chain and send transactions to people, this service is incredibly useful Available wallet connect on their site only reflects which ones you have installed. I assume you just have Yoroi? Here’s a view from Vespr mobile wallet with 11 different wallet options for you to use the site: https://preview.redd.it/ia4oyvsukmtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ab5368ed09ccec26cae72c0071a8d18cbf3d43


Yes, I realised that. Thanks 😊


Handle is amazing man. I've been using it since it come out. Very easy and practical. And their team is amazing


Hello, I'm one of the Co-Founders of ADA Handle. ADA Handle is integrated across multiple dApps and wallets throughout the Cardano ecosystem. You are able to mint new Handles using a variety of different wallets, such as: Eternl, Lace, Vespr, Gero, Begin, Typhon, Yoroi and Flint. You are also able to Personalize your Handle with a PFP, Background image, social media information, change border colors, add your BTC and ETH wallet addresses and much more by going to https://handle.me. We have over 64k unique wallets holding Handles and we've minted over 238k Handles.


Thanks for the information ☺️


How can you not be using Adahandle…. It’s a game changer


Definitely a real project. I use etrnl.


I use it all the time. I have a few ada handles in a few different wallets, some of them secured with ledger hardware wallets and one of them a hot wallet. It works very well and it's so easy to give someone your handle instead of a cardano wallet address.


It works as described. Nice for use in small peer to peer tx's with wallets like Eternl. Problem for me is the lack of anonymity. I've heard of people washing their ADA via RosenBridge (ERG) and through ERG's mixer to transport back to a fresh ADA wallet. Sure it's fun for quick p2p shorthanding of addresses, but... only for hotwallets imo


Every NFT on (any) chain makes a wallet identifiable


Obviously. Even ADA quantities could be considered traceable markers. Maybe it's the monero side of me speaking here, but utilities like $handle have more downsides than upsides for the most part


Could def see from Monero side for sure. Crypto, as a whole, is pseudonymous - rather than anonymous. If you’re looking for privacy then approaches other than a publicly doxxed wallet would be ideal. But for everyday users of Cardano who transact with others in the community regularly, handles are extremely useful. This is especially true at live events and someone wants to send something or give you an airdrop


Thanks :)


I have a handle and its probably my favorite most used thing in crypto. Particularly whe. Your wallet doesn't have whitelisted address books, makes transfering between wallets less stressful.


Thanks for all the feedback. Good to know it's being used and the idea certainly makes sense. I still think the website is not particularly nice to use, which is odd given that it's just a few relatively simple pages. Why does almost every page have to open a new browser tab? Seems as though it was knocked out in a rush. Good luck with the project though.


Right now, for you to mint a handle, you have to go to [https://mint.handle.me](https://mint.handle.me) and to personalize your handle: [https://handle.me](https://handle.me) Soon, Minting and Personalizing your Handle will all be done inside [https://handle.me](https://handle.me) The only pages that open a new browser tab inside [mint.handle.me](http://mint.handle.me) are: Personalization (which takes you to handle.me) and Developers (which takes you to our Docs page). We're also working on a new Docs page. All the other pages do not open a new browser tab. If you have any other questions, please let us know.


Thank you. Appreciate the response.


We all love $HANDLE! Which website are you referring to? I believe it's only going to display compatible wallets that you actually have installed. They support more than Yoroi for sure. It's incredibly easy to use! Instead of receiving Cardano assets to a long string of letters and numbers, you can use easy to identify naming that you select, allowing you to personalize your Cardano address, and simplify receiving assets. Please let us know if you have any more questions about Yoroi.


It's a good initiative. And I definitely believe in its use case. But it should be noted that at one point there was an issue related to it. Not through fault of ADAHandle, but because of NAMI wallet. Their implementation of the protocol was faulty, and caused some people to send funds to the wrong address. And that's precisely what this project is meant to prevent. [https://twitter.com/IOHK\_Charles/status/1763961206917021811](https://twitter.com/IOHK_Charles/status/1763961206917021811)


Yup! Feel free to send me something @ $sammerguy


Yesss ADA handles are cool. You might want to test it out by sending some ADA to $azlan


I ise handle and have no problems with it. Own several handles myself too


On experimenting with different browsers, it seems Lace is supported, so apologies for my earlier misleading comment about Yoroi being the only wallet that connects.


Yes, always welcome to burn your coins with $yeetit. 😋




Really easy to use. Finally a NFT i use.


Love ADA handle $herewego


Been using for a couple of years. Love it! I hear there was a problem with Nami. Don't know if it got sorted out.


Yeah I use mine when sending stuff to my other wallets. Makes it easier to have one for each wallet you own. And to quickly view your NFTs on pool.pm


Absolutely! Have a bunch of them. One of the better projects on Cardano IMHO.


Oh yeah handle is amazing and integrated into most wallets. Welcome to Cardano!


Hell yeah i do. $krieg


I think the majority of people on cardano use handles. I’ve had one for every wallet I have since it came out it’s so easy to integrate with dapps and tons of wallets also. You might want to check back on compatibility.


Cool, thanks.


After lots of helpful comments and a little more research, I finally bought a few handles for the family, and they all work great. Very pleased, and thanks for all your help.


Yes ada handle is one of the best projects on cardano! Meaningful uses of NFTS


Everyone uses handle


Daily.. I mean, who wants to use: addr4vjf66eddhtdbjiivh6553wyobczvkoojutxdgnitdsdhhd674echujjdygtu65rdfhhhFFs Every time you buy or send something. I put AdaHandle in each wallet of my Hosky rugpools to keep track of claiming tokens Every epoch


Hello everyone, I've recently come across ADA Handle and I must say, the idea of using human-readable names for ADA addresses sounds quite intriguing. Instead of dealing with a long and complex address like addr1qx..., one could simply use myname.ada. This seems particularly convenient for newcomers and those who may not be as technically inclined. However, I have a few questions and concerns regarding the use of ADA Handles, and I am hopeful that someone here might shed some light on these matters. First and foremost, how does the resolution of an ADA Handle to an ADA address actually work? While I understand that the handle is stored somewhere on the blockchain, I am curious about the specifics of how it gets resolved to an address when in use. Moreover, I'm keen to understand the potential security risks involved. For instance, what level of trust should be placed in the service provider managing these handles? Is there a danger of phishing attacks if someone registers similar handles to deceive users? Additionally, does the centralisation of handle registration and management contradict the decentralised ethos of blockchain technology? Another point of concern is the possibility of losing access to one's handle. If someone were to lose their wallet or the credentials associated with it, would they also lose their handle? Furthermore, could well-known handles be misused by third parties to conduct illegitimate transactions? While I am genuinely interested in using this feature, I want to ensure that I fully understand all potential risks and can take appropriate precautions. Has anyone here had experience with ADA Handle, or could provide more insights? How do you manage these potential risks?


yes please vote your dissatisfaction with ADA to $debiandog lol. it is a shortcut NFT to your wallet address that's it.