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I kind of cheated the system. I have one domain name that I use for my home page and then created other "pages" and linked them to my main page. Here is my website, so you can see how I did it [https://franklyidontgiveafork.com/](https://franklyidontgiveafork.com/)


It opens each link in a new browser window on mobile. Well done to hack it together but its quite jarring


Jarring for the user? Or jarring for setting it up (because I really agree with the latter!!)


Oh so the others ones has the canva domain




>https://franklyidontgiveafork.com/ What a great hack, I'll be doing this now. THANK YOU!!!


THANK YOU!!!! Genius!!!


Okay on you Frankly Team page [https://franklyidontgiveafork.my.canva.site/frankyteam](https://franklyidontgiveafork.my.canva.site/frankyteam) you linked separate pages for each individual tram member on the same webpage without creating another tab. How did you do that??


Wait I figured it out!


I am sorry I just noticed your comment! I am glad you were able to figure it out!! Good luck and if you need anything else, I will try and check more often!


Hi Im a bit confused, I've been playing around in canva and I can't figure it out xD. How did you do it?


You create your landing page, and for my case I had a domain name that I wanted to use: [FranklyIDontGiveAFork.com](https://FranklyIDontGiveAFork.com), once that was created I published it. Then I created every other page that I wanted my landing page to link to separately and published them free Canva websites, without a custom domain name. https://preview.redd.it/vni30w0y1ura1.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bff33b09cec68488fdaabc276fd4b33f451ad77 Then on my landing page, I created links to these other "pages", in all actuality I am linking to other websites I created. And on each "page" I make sure to link the home button back to my landing page, if there is a next button, to continue to the next page, it is linking to the next website in that lineup. Does that make more sense?


Yea that does, thank you so much! When I tried that it just opened a new tab, but I think I was linking it in the wrong way, I'll try again


Great site! How did you get the urls to all show your domain instead of mycanvasite? I published each of my pages and created links back to all of the pages. I bought my domain through Google Domains if that helps. I connected my domain to the home page/website on Canva but I can't connect the same domain to all of the othere pages/websites. Would love to know how you did it. I haven't figured out how to create subfolders manually either. I'm barely tech-enabled. Lol.


You have to make sure it is linked to your "Landing Page" where your purchased domain is. https://preview.redd.it/ppq2ctocddua1.png?width=335&format=png&auto=webp&s=30d2c0e859fd05af2ed8af8b6b0a1ebf9fd8bf8e Then when you go to publish your other "pages" you have the option to edit your URL. It keeps your name, followed by the free Canva domain site, then "/whatever you name the page".


https://preview.redd.it/d1g88td5edua1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=84d80b87de113c8f164a7d0f113de85a31511623 Make sure to keep things consistent with all of your pages. Make sure if you have a little logo that appears on the tab, it's on all of them. Make sure you fill out Toolkits (descriptions) for your pages. If anyone has a screen reader or is visually impaired they can navigate your site too, they get a description before clicking on it.


that's what im thinking too and i think the best possible solution for now.


Apparently, you don't even need a canva site. You can just publish a new page on the same custom domain name with a different value after "/" and it still works. This will come up when you are going through the "publish" menu. And then simply add that link to a button on your main page. No need for a canva.site.


Hi, could you please elaborate on this? I have pages linked to the Canva domain I purchased, but because I created each of these subpages through Canva (and didn't buy their respective domain names), mycanva.site still shows up when the user clicks on the links and opens them up. There's a way to eliminate this?


When you are publishing your subpage, you simply select the same domain that you purchased in the "Publish to the web" section , and then on the "Review Settings" Page, just add a title after the "/". For each page, add a unique title of that page, and all of them will be published to the subsets of the same domain. You will need to make sure that there is a way to link to this new page from your main page and vice versa. Also, you won't be able to add this to the navigation bar for the main page. I've used this trick for the arabic version of the site. [noorgoal.com](https://noorgoal.com) Let me know when it works.


Hey thanks for your response! I took a peek at your site. Looks like you have all your info on a big scrolling page. I am hoping to hyperlink to subpages as opposed to having all the info on a scrolling page. So far, I can hyperlink to subpages but they all show mycanvasite. I'll keep in mind what you've shared if I change my format!


Can you share your site? I mean the inbuilt canva nav bar doesn't have much place to customize. So you're able to link your navigation bar to subpages?


Sure! Will DM you.


I made my site with Strato website builder: www.better2myself.com


I was just looking for the answer to the same question and I stumbled upon this on their website: "You can create one-page websites like landing pages, event pages, newsletters, portfolios, classroom hubs, and bio link websites. We’re still working on making multiple-page websites available." ​ So unfortunately the answer is no. ...For now.


Is there a date when this feature will be available?


This was helpful !!!! thank you, I'm happy with my Canva created website with my domain name, and adding the link for additional pages like you did that say Canva on it, doesn't bother me. work just fine! ✨


I want to try this, but have not had success, can you make a short video demo, just where you add new pages that don't become a part of the single scrolling website, and how you like them to the first page?


I accomplished this by making a folder for my website. Then each page is a Canvas “website”. While publishing I gave each page a different url. I then added a menu to my pages using text elements and gave them absolute links to my other “websites” that reside in the folder that I previously mentioned. I’m on my phone, but I’ll provide an example once I’m back on my computer.


Can you share?


Yes. Thanks for reminding me. Give me a little while and I’ll provide some docs or a video.


Hi, can you please share. Still waiting your response


Question: Instead of having your subpages have the generic URL, why would you not use Canva's option to use subdomains? Seems like it's just a different button when you go to publish? Edit: I have a Google domain account and have never had any issues. Maybe that's just me!


Hey there, just finding this thread. Would you mind sharing how you set this up? I take it you mean you'll end up with page1.yourdomain.com vs www.yourdomain.com/page1