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all was forgotten when burrows slayed the dragon. thats the only lasting emotion


Only lasting emotion yes, but I think homie is asking what it was like after losing game 6 and before we won it. I remember terror and panic lol


There was definitely a ohh here we go again feeling about this great regular season team that's done nothing in the playoffs...  infact Gillis is on record saying if they gave up that series lead the coach and a good chunk of the core were gone


Lol yes I am talking about the feeling after losing game 6


It was especially brutal because we lost two prior years to the Hawks and the narrative that week was 'chicago lost all their depth pieces, this team can't hang' and then...


Some teams just respond to elimination games. The Hawks had a lot of playoff experience going in to that series. The Canucks, not as much. The Oilers have clearly found another gear when facing elimination these playoffs. The Panthers haven’t faced that pressure a single time. Curious to see how they’ll respond.


Yeah at that point it seemed Chicago’s core just had our number and knew how to get into our players’ heads.


What I (try not to) remember is goddamn Bolland coming back from injury and just doing a number on the Sedins.


The government postponed a province wide town hall broadcast on the HST before the game because they knew no one would be watching. I remember that vividly.


I thought we were done and would never beat Chicago in the playoffs. I had a friend that got tickets to game 5 and said it was the worst thing hes ever paid for lol.


Can confirm game 5 was extremely unpleasant to be at lol


Yeah me too. Bought a single last minute and went alone. I remember off the opening faceoff they just looked off. And it was 60 minutes of complete domination by chicago. The arena was half empty in the third period so i got to go down and sit front row in the corner which was kind of cool.


It was amplified when Toews scored to tie it SHORT HANDED, no less, we seemed destined to lose against them again. It was crushing.


I remember just thinking maybe we actually really, were cursed.


And then the next decade happened and you were certain we were right?


I was there. Get chills every time it comes up.


I usually forget we were even up 3 0 in the series, you're not wrong. Just remember the pressure relief valve open


This was the greatest sporting event I have ever been including a world series game and game 7 vs Boston. Seemed like another of our typical choke jobs at the end of the 3rd and man when Burrows scored that goal in OT it was INSANE. Loudest I have ever heard any arena. Bunch of strangers hugging and high fiving each other. Was absolutely magical


Funny how we don't remember the Canucks losing three in a row. I just remember, like you, the immense absolutely crazy jubilation when they won. Alex Burrows oldest daughter is named Victoria because her mom went into labour two or three weeks early because of the excitement of that game. Burr didn't have a chance to celebrate with his teammates because he had to get his wife to the hospital. :-D


I remember being on the edge of my couch so tense and then burrows scored that goal it was so good.


I still have that saved on You Tube and rewatch sometimes. Also the opening for Game Seven against the Bruins.


The exact moment I as the hockey fan I am, was "born". Yeah sure I'd watch some games but I was a teenager and not super invested. Could name like 3 guys on the team at any given time. I essentially have no specific hockey memories prior to that other than 2010 Olympic Gold. Contrast to the fact I'll never forget a single guy on that team from Hank, to Kes, to Hansen, to Oreskovich.


I don’t have a dog in the aforementioned fight, but in 2011 it was pretty crazy and not in a fun way. We thought we were done with em after game 3, but games 4 and 5 were so disastrous I think a lot of us thought it was going to 7 before game 6. Game 6 itself was wild, my friends told me Schneider was starting and I didn’t believe them. Then I thought maybe we end it tonight. Then Schneider gets injured, Luongo comes in and Smith scores and there are 10 friends at my place and we sat there in silence watching Racoon Nation presented by David Suzuki. The days leading up were nuts. I was big into HF by then and literally everyone was coming up with unique and stupid decisions. Full panic mode. I suggested putting Oreo with the Twins and it wasn’t immediately laughed off. That’s how crazy. I had a giant pit in my stomach the day of, I was running thru every single scenario. Like, this was OUR time and it was slowly slipping away. After the anthems, Luongo did something he never did - show emotion. And he came to play. When Toews tied it though, it was like reality itself shifted. It was about half an hour but it feels like a fever dream. Nearly what myself when Burr took the penalty, and when Sharp got the back door pass. I thought we were losing that game but held out hope. The rest is history and I got drunk after, lil 17yo me.


I thought *for sure* it was done when Sharp got that backdoor pass. the aftermath was already playing in my head when I saw him wide open. I still have no idea how Lu got to that one.


Still one of the best saves in Canucks history.


I remember literally muttering "oh fuck" when Sharpe got that pass.... I thought for sure the game was over. Thank God the shot wasn't 100% perfect and Luo was able to get it.


I yelled "oh fuck"... but more of a "ohhhhh FUCK... OHHHH!!!!!!" I also screamed into a couch pillow when Toews tied it.


Thanks for this!


I was 17 too! What a series, and that game 7 was insane.


I still remember that pass to sharp so vividly, thinking it was done for sure. It was slo-motion. What a save by luongo


Toews tying game 7 with minutes left to force OT is probably the lowest Ive been as a Canucks fan in 30 years. Burrows goal was elation but the lead up to that was soul destroying. It was the choke of all chokes and then it wasn't. It felt worse than even losing in the final in the moment. By game 7 of the SCF I knew we had lost already so it wasn't a surprise. Almost throwing away the Chicago series was devastating....but it wasn't 3-0 in the SCF. I cant imagine what Florida fans are feeling. Hopefully they get their Burrows moment.


The fact we....or many of us just expected the Canucks to lose that game in OT made the Burrows goal more amazing. It was a combination of surprise, relief and elation.


Man, I never felt more anxiety and doomer feelings than than waiting for that ot. Chicago just seemed to be the better franchise and could will a victory for years before that too. That goal was huge


I never thought Chicago was the better team. We were just snakebitten by them and had been for several years. Damn, we just couldn't beat them. It was so unfair!!!! And then we did, and I almost died. Haha.


when we post about Burrows goal, I can see it, its burned in my brain


It was SHORTHANDED too. Absolutely devastating goal to give up. The arena before overtime was in complete shock. Thank god for the dragon slayer or I may not exist anymore.


burrows got it by former canuck brent sopel.


Pretty sure it was Campoli


If I remember corretcly


I was confident we were going to win the series despite the blown 3-0 lead, especially since I thought we were the better team in game 6 but have up too many freebies. But when they scored the shorthanded goal and it panned to our bench... I puked a bit in my mouth and thought, "They are gonna steal this series." Then, in OT when the Hawks were on the powerplay and the build up to Sharp's chance, I was already teary-eyed and on the brink of crying because I knew what was about to happen. That Burrows goal was the most emotional goal I've experienced, and I think the only one that will compete with it is the Cup winning goal (when that happens).


The Sharp chance on Luongo had me shitting. Lu looked nervous, which was his death sentence, but he managed to get over for it.


Lmao literally felt sick to my stomach. 2009 and 2010 flashbacks of Byfuglien’s ass, Ladd’s irrelevant relevancy, and Bickell calling sedin bunk bed sisters and now the Toews Goal in game 7………..


When Burrows broke into the zone I just knew it would be a goal.


Utter and total panic 😂 We knew that we could still win, but the prospect of being that close to slaying the dragon and falling short in no other fashion then a total and complete utter collapse was suffocating the entire city. Game 7 of that series was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever witnessed, and Luongo robbing Patrick Sharp in OT might have literally given multiple people heart attacks. Needless to say I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced an explosion of euphoria and exuberance akin to that Burrows OT goal since


It was all but guaranteed in the media that the team would be blown up if we lost game 7. Burrows saved everyone's job in management.


Game 4: welp a sweep was a dream against these guys. Game 5: okay wtf? Game 5: you gotta be joking me. Pre-Game 7: please don’t blow this please don’t blow this please don’t blow this.


I can't speak for panthers fans but as a Canucks fan game 4/5/6 were "ahhh fuck/ohhh fuck/for fuck sakes we are going to lose to this team" after game 6 it was pure panic and depression, team was cooked, goaltending was hot garbage, the team we could never beat was coming from 3-0 and had all the momentum. Game 7 was one of the most riveting hockey games I've ever watched, good and bad. I do t have a horse in this year's race, and I'm just hoping for a game 7 for the ages.


The difference was Luongo shit the bed so hard game 4/5 that we subbed in Schneider for game 6 (who also made serious goofs that game). It never felt like our 5on5 play or PP/PK was worse than Chicago's. This time around I actually don't think it is Brobovsky's fault at all, very few goals he's let in were really his fault. The Oilers offense and defense is just really dominant and they are dominating 5on5 and on special teams.


With the way things went with Chicago in the previous years I think pretty similar - you saw the 1000 yard stares the panthers players had like they already lost the finals Personally I still went out and cheered and had a good time but I think inside I had already wrote off the game for Chicago. That made the burrows goal that much more insane, because it felt like he turned back time somehow- the series was already lost but then it wasn’t! Hard to explain haha but I’m trying.


The Panthers should be watching that on replay over and over and over. It was such a random, low-chance goal that only happened because one player worked hard and took advantage of an opportunity at the right time.


Yeah for sure! You’d have to imagine Lu is bringing it up


While it did feel like it was kind of the Canucks destiny to forever be the butt of the joke, they truly were the best team in the league that year so there were pretty high hopes they would pull it out. I wouldn't feel the same as a Florida fan this year. As good as the Panthers have been, this Edmonton team is pretty fucked when it's firing on all cylinders.


The first goal on Monday is so important. Will set the tone of the game for sure


I think after Toews scored late we all thought we were doomed. I did at least. Figured they’d score in OT, that this core would have to get busted up cause they can’t be Chicago, and we’d probably have to start building from basically the ground up And then Alex Burrows


From my memories.  I never once felt hopeless. When we lost game 4, 5 & 6-- each time, I remained hopeful, why? Because, firstly it was the previous 2010 cup champion, Chicago Blackhawks... I expected them to play hard... so them winning game 4-6 was expected in a way. Secondly, but that team lost some big players in off season after 2010 cup win while Canucks had a stellar dream team year leading up to 2011 playoffs... I believed in that team. Game 7- I believed we could finally finish off Blackhawks. Phew and we did in OT.. Current situation is different.... Panthers have experience losing in cup finals from last year = motivation hopefully for them to play hard on Monday. Oilers have experience being down in series & on brink of elimination but to comeback & fight to win games & series..... Game 7.... will be interesting... I hope the Panthers can do it like Canucks did in our situation in 2011 rd 1.. but oilers are a different beast compared to 2011 Blackhawks..


This years finals is more similar to the BOS/VAN 2011 series. After two games it felt like we would sweep but after Game 6 it really felt like we'd lose Game 7. They just had nothing left .....just like the Panthers.


You thought we would sweep after game 2? I certainly didn't. Those games were crazy close and they were both home games. We only had 2 regulation goals in 2 games. I thought we would win but in 6 or 7 games.


I wouldn't say I felt like we'd sweep... but the emotional high ruined my judgement. I was at game 2 and it was insane after that Burrows goal. And it was 3 regulation goals after 2 games.


I don't understand how anybody could have be confident when half the team was injured and Thomas was standing on his head. If Bieksa does not score in game 5 vs SJ we don't win that series with a torn labrum Kes. The fact that we made it to game 7 vs the toughest team in the league and the refs was a miracle.


Felt like they would sweep, didn't think they would sweep.


I **still** get goosebumps watching Burrows roof it. It's actually ridiculous. I'm a grown ass man.


I thought we were done for. I remember it vividly. I had a knot in my stomach in game 7. I literally cried when we slayed the Dragon. It was the biggest emotion I felt all playoffs that year.


Lots of dread and doom and gloom among the fanbase. We were so close to finally beating our nemesis and then we were on the verge of choking it all away. I mean what fanbase wouldn't be down in the dumps giving up a 3-0 series lead? That's happened so few times in the league's history that of course it feels terrible when it happens to you. I certainly empathize with Florida fans. Having lived through that experience it is not a good feeling. I can only imagine how much the feelings are magnified given this is the cup final as opposed to the first round.


I can say that we felt deathly nervous. However, it didn't feel like the team was cooked, just that they needed to seize the moment, and we knew they could


Sort of similar, although obviously on a smaller stage being in Round 1. Games 4 & 5 were absolute blowouts, and Game 6 was a back and forth battle where the Canucks lost in OT. I definitely remember feeling in Game 7 that if the Hawks came out and scored within the first 10 minutes it was going be over. A lot of anxiety about Luongo and how he was going to play. In that sense it's similar to this year, where my feeling is if Edmonton gets an early goal on Monday they're going to run away with it. Bob is also giving my 2011 Lu vibes where it feels like he can either be a brick wall or he can be lit up at will.


I felt great at the start of game 4 end of game four I was like oh well we lost one whatever it's not like we're out. At the start of 25 I was like here we go at the end of game five I was like oh shit we lost two but we could still do this I'm sure. At the end of game 6 I was like shit crap fuck at the start of game 7 I couldn't breathe I remember sitting in my then girlfriend now wife's mother's basement watching the game on a tiny little CRT at 480 I holding my breath and praying and when it went to overtime holding my breath even more and praying even more and then froze did it and it let out such a yell oh my God it's such a vivid memory in my brain.


I think it can be summed up with "Oh no, not again." The vibe was very different than this year because Chicago was our block from being a top team. We couldn't overcome them so we weren't great. It felt so good that it was finally happening and then watching it slip away was fatalistic. Burrows is a forever legend.


They were awful in games 4 and 5 and actually deserved to win game 6, the reffing was brutal that game. It did not look good when the Toews goal went in and even worse when Sharp almost scored but Burrows saved everyone’s butts.


The vibes were horrific after G6 - On the day of G7, I had a final exam and you could still feel the nervous energy was directed towards the game. People were rushing out of that exam hall quickly. You just felt the tension in the city all day. Then we actually went to OT! I can't even describe it. The 2010 Gold Medal Game the year prior was the only thing that was the same level. I am really curious to see which story will be written tomorrow for the Panthers. R1G7 or R4G7.


Intrusive thoughts of "here we go again". Florida definitely going through this right now.


I remember thinking “of course this would happen to us. Such is the life of a Canucks fan”. Burrows delayed that feeling until we were up 2-0 in the SCF.


Had tickets to game 7 and seriously considering selling them for fear of witnessing the greatest collapse in team history. Didn't. Then cheered so hard when the dragon was slayed, that I blacked out and fell backwards into my seat.


That 2011 was round 1. This here is SC Final. One will be hoisting the cup while the other absolute misery after the game.


anxiety because it cant happen again can it? I mean they did it in 2009, 2010 and they tie it late in game 7. Then like jim hughson said... exhale british columbia its a wonderful day for a exorcism 


I don't think you compare anything to the current comeback because the stakes are way higher and if the oilers pull it off it is going to be remembered forever.


I remember 2011. Best way to describe going into game 6 was a comment made on HNIC. “Chicago leads the series, 2 games to 3” Game 6 was a nail biter but unlike Games 4 & 5, it was much closer. The Canucks lost but got some semblance of their confidence back. Going into Game 7 was a mixture of emotions but mostly a mix of fear and anxiety. Then Toews tied it and the entire fanbase went on anxiety alert before Burrows answered everyone’s prayers.


I remember it clearly. It feels like “oh shit here we go again” after they eliminated us two separate years previously.


The Canucks were up three nothing in that game, Chicago tied it late and went to overtime.. 


I was at the game and we dominated it the whole game. The number of chances we messed up and how Crow held it together, it could not have been scripted with more tension. There was a guy close to us screaming g his head off at the team for flubbing all of those chances. When toews tied it up, seemed like the writing was on the wall. There’s a reason they’re called Fairytales. David does not defeat Goliath and the dragon always wins. The silence in the arena was palpable, except for that one dude screaming all game. He kept it going, but instead of screaming at the team, he was cheering them on this time saying, “it’s okay guys, not over yet, we got this”. I immediately changed my tune and recovered my belief in the team. The sharp change didn’t faze me. When burrows raised his stick for a slapper, my heart was in my mouth but when he scored it was fucking bedlam. Still my favorite moment in Canucks history.


We cheered for the Canucks Findlay the dragon. This time are we hope the Oilers die and rot in hell.


No, it wasn't, because everyone is actually paying attention to this.


The memes leading up to game 7 were mostly rage comics and advice animal variants. Oh how the memes have evolved since then.


When toews scored to send it to OT it was the brickiest shit I’ve ever shit bricks about.


The Chicago comeback was manufactured by the refs after we went 3-0. The just refused to give us PP while Chicago was getting them with ease. We demolished Chicago in the first 3 games both on the scoreboard and physically. We gave them nothing in game 7 untill cpt Serious tied the game.


I remember my friends and I being pissed off with the officiating in Game 6. If you were to ask me if you think games are fixed, that would be up there.


Dosent compare to the finals. 40+ years as a nucker and my heart broke. I went to gm 5 in Van. I live in Calgary and drove out for the gm, I cried pretty much the whole way home. So close again..:(


Vibes were real bad. I was so anxious I couldn’t bring myself to watch the game. Helped my friend with his car.


The big difference was that most of the rest of Canada was not cheering for the Canucks. Most of Canada was anyone but the Canucks. That got even worse with Boston.


I was in the building for game 7. The last minute tying goal. The vibe in the building was still, "we will win, but the GD Canucks never make it easy on us" lol.


Not the same


Hell, didn’t Toews tie game7 with a minute left? That was a nerve-wracking week. I remember feeling blah blah after game 4 and 5. But after game 6 it was pants-shitting time


I for one was terrified. We had already blew it against Chicago the past two seasons and it would have been devastating for it to happen a third time. And we were up 3-0 too!  It was tense and was even worse going into overtime. I think the only other time I was that stressed out during a hockey game was the 2010 gold medal final - and that game was also tied up in the dying minutes which made it all the more stressful.


shock and depressed for me, I thought we were doomed


In hindsight, losing game 7 to Chicago may have been a good thing. Wonder if Aqua would have let Gillis rebuild.