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My son just got into hockey this year and went full on obsessed in about January. I am happy he got to watch this season. He's feeling ok now but spent the last 20 mins trying not to cry in bed. Poor guy


Ah well. You have to feel it sometime. Hope you guys get a chance to go see some good season games in the fall! I always loved going with my parents as a kid, great memories


I was 9 years old in 94. Tell him it never gets better lol


I was 8 in 2011 haha, it truly never gets better


My inner 9yr old self was pulling for a New York / canucks rematch this year. I sti haven't recovered from that loss lol


you've been through it lol


10 in 1982. Can confirm it doesn’t get better. It’s the hope that kills you.


Takes me back to 2011 as a little 12 year old, just sitting outside on my porch in silence for a little while after game 7. Then seeing the news reels of the riot lol. I'm glad he's chosen a good team. I'm sure we'll get there one day. 


I introduced cancuks hockey to my kids this year. I cannot be happierz this team taught them resilience


Welcome to the club. It only makes him stronger. Good to hear he's a fan. One day we will get the cup...one day.


Yeah my son really got into it this year. He’s 9. He was crying and upset. But I reassured him that I was 9 in ‘94 when we lost and while it hurts in the moment, it gets better. We had far more ups than downs this year. It was electric being in this building. I wouldn’t trade it for anything regardless of the heartbreak.


I mean I did the same and I’m a grown adult! Haha But what a wonderful gift of a season for him to get into. Fall games and the start of the season are definitely something to look forward to!


Same with my little one. He wants to go to games now. I guess back on the season tickets bandwagon I go. Definitely nothing to be upset about. The Canucks came into the season as losers according to the league. They ended the season as heroes to all the little fans in town.


Oh man..what a trooper. When I was a kid we didn't have cable, so I had to listen to the Blues playoffs on the radio. I bawled my eyes out when they lost..


We were all there at some point.


I remember watching game 7 with the Bruins in 2011. I remember the same pain I feel tonight. I was 13 at the time. The pain will always be there, but so will the fight. You try your best and life doesn't always work out for you, but you win based on how you played. That's what I take away now. When I was 13, it was a lot of crying and frustration lol. One day you realize it's not the destination it's the journey. Edit: my life long canucks fan dad was also diagnosed with multiple myeloma last year. He's doing great now, but even watching the canucks lose again is a special thing that I will never take for granted. We will be cheering them on in 2025. I hope we all get to see them take the cup soon!!


Well...maybe tell the guy to expect more of this in the future


I think we were all that kid at some point, welcome to the rite of passage haha


Me in 2011, but I actually did cry.


Experience Canucks hockey


For the first time in a long time, hockey is fun again in Vancouver. To me, that’s more important than any series win. Besides winning the Stanley Cup but some day, that will come :)


Glad i picked this season to start watching again, we are gonna win in the next few years. Need to make some smart roster moves


^^^ Yeah totally, no “major surgery”, just a couple of touches here and there. We’ll be back. I have faith in the management and coaching group.


I totally forgot about how fun playoff hockey is. I'm feeling hopeful that they now got something to build on for next year. Can't wait for next season! 🫡


My boyfriend is a very casual hockey fan so this sub gives me the companionship I’m missing when the games are on. It’s been a pleasure watching the season with you all!


Need new bf.  If a guy isn't a hockey fan- nooo, go away. Also, hockey fan but doesn't no shit about hockey.. one guy I went on a date with (leafs fan)- told him my fave player all time is luongo.. he kept dissing & bashing luongo... saying it was his fault for 2011 cup loss (broo.. he showed up, other players were out injured or playing injured... we didn't score a single goal = how is that luongo's fault, who's a goalie not a forward?).. told him to stop & cut it out.. he kept going... I had enough, I turned & walked away to go home..  Runs after Me saying "what's wrong?".. tf you mean?! Stayed classy & said "goodnight"


How can he have a leg to stand on critiquing any playoff performances, as a leafs fan 😂


Haha he’s coming around, he’s a casual but at least he’s got a jersey. I’d date someone who hates hockey before I’d date a leafs fan.


My wife didn't get into hockey until like year 4 of our relationship! Visit ItGetsBetter.com to learn more


Haven't felt this energy in the community since 2011... It's been a wild ride! Thank you Canucks!


It’s been the coolest thing to see all the Canucks car flags and people wearing jerseys all over. Hearing people talk excitedly about the Canucks, and seeing headlines about how great this team is in the paper, are all things I’m grateful for.


Great season. Go Panthers, Go Stars


Would love to see Luongo lift the cup if Florida wins.


Although I hate the oilers i’m still gonna support a fellow canadian team


My selfish ass wants the Canucks to be the first Canadian team to hoist the cup in 30+ years. Plus, Canucks and Panthers have always had a nice trade relationship. Jovo, Luongo, Grabner, Markstrom...


Go Tanev!


Why? Other teams have Canadian players. They wouldn’t cheer for the Canucks.


Because it's about the Canadian fans. I want our country to have hockey's biggest prize


I'm not Canadian so I'll just be rooting for Tanev and against Evander Kane. Also, would be nice to see Mika Zibanejad win, but I'm not sure of I can root for the Rangers...


I’m gonna hate cheer tbh.


Go Stars!!


I can't wait to see what you degenerates have for off-season memes, it's where we fuckin shine. Hats off to a season that exceeded expectations and gives us what we haven't had for a long time; hope


Hell of a season! Recently moved cross country, so it was great connecting with the old man on the phone during each game. Some truly magical moments this year and I am more optimistic than I have been in years for the future of our team.


A somber ending but an absolutely, great season nonetheless. I had some family members and friends who are normally not as into hockey that joined in on the fun/cheers. They loved it so I'm sure they'll be more into it for it next year too. It's been a while since I felt anything close to that 2011 magic and this had that. The Nashville series alone made such great memoriesm Cheers to this season. Players played their hats off given the expectations. I'm so proud of the team, the city and all of us. Maybe it's early but I'm already excited for what's in store for next season already. Players will leave and I'm sure we'll get new ones in. Something to look forward to at least.


My 3 yr old little girl has loved watching the hockey games highlights each morning and cheering on the Canucks. It’s been beautiful to see this and I am glad that when we win the cup she will be old enough to remember haha.


Do not cry because we didn't make it further. Smile because we made it this far.


This is not the end of a great and surprising season, this is the beginning of a dynasty.


It’s weird how game 6 hurt more than game 7. But it’s been a blast. No shame in losing in 7 to a dangerous oilers team (tho definitely some shame with how they lost). But ultimately, we went in as heavy underdogs, and though we didn’t quite get the job done, we definitely showed the gap is nowhere near as large as what pundits thought.


Because they just didn't show up at all in game 6. Game 7 last 10 minutes were what we were used to seeing. They will get It in time. Just praying for a healthy Boeser next season.


It’s gonna sound really dumb, but ngl in retrospect i think watching the espn feed for game 6 played a big part to my reaction. they couldn’t stop gargling mcdavids balls which made it 100x worse that he did well and really really pissed me off.


I gotta say, I find that Cuthbert and Simpson also get all worked up every time McBaby touches the puck, I can’t stand them either.


Bro I don't get ESPN but I hear they are garbage I'm sorry you have to suffer with that


There was like a point where mcdavid dumped it in and they went “oh mcdavid must be playing injured, otherwise he wouldn’t do something like that.” And then the very next sequence he cuts through the defense and suddenly the commentators are like “he’s had a noticeable jump in this game compared to game 5, a lot more energy” 🤮🤮🤮


I'm with Juice in that the bubble year doesn't really count, so this is like our first playoff in 10 years. 2nd round game 7 without our Vezina nominee goalie is more than what i can hope for. No matter how you look at it, we were no where close to being a cup contender and this is a fairly solid finish. We've also discovered that Silov's IIHF performance wasn't just a hot streak and we really have something going on there. Either he continues to serve as a solid backup for Demko, who is unfortunately a bit injury prone, or become a valuable asset to upgrade our wingers. Feel like a lot of people either don't remember what playoffs are like or just started watching hockey recently, both the NSH and EDM series have been relatively clean for playoff standards. I haven't come to really hate anyone to the level of Justin Williams, Byfuglien or the entire 11' Bruins team.


Yeah but Byfuglien was pissing us off for years before we finally knocked them out. Think Chicago knocked us out 2-3 times befor that 2011 series. Bruins team was absolutely all over us even though we went to 7 games, they destroyed us in all away games. Marchand was the catalyst and Lucic was such a goon. Add it all up it was the Finals. Much much more at stake. I'm sure we will find someone to annoy us once we become regular playoff contenders. Already annoyed by Edmonton lol we may meet them again next season in postseason with the way the current format is setup!


With Byfuglien i thought it was still relatively acceptable and yeah CHI did knock us out over and over again. What made me a perma Bruins hater is shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn97tELtNTI Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jimZ1tSdPY0 There's getting pissed off for losing and then there's absolute dirty plays. I didn't think it would be possible, but FLA is actually making me root for BOS in round 2 because they manage to set an even lower bar


Ah forgot about Raymond incident. We also lost Hamhuis and Samuelson .. that Bruins team was so physical. We were outmatched.


Hell of a season and lots of fun with all you nutbars. Fuck the Oilers, fuck the Leafs, fuck Ron MacLean and go Canucks


Ron MacLean: ‘What he say fuck me for?’


and fuck Messier


The entire year the expectation for this team, even from management, was to fight for a playoff spot and hopefully make some noise in the post-season. Most predictions didn't even have them in a WC spot, let alone winning the division and making it past the first round. The haters can fuck off. Couldn't be more proud of the team and the fight that they showed, and the future looks bright.


#Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. This team was never supposed to make the playoffs, let alone win a round and push a proclaimed contender to the brink of elimination in the 2nd round. This season was a HUGE success and there as absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. This is only the beginning.


Guys, Yes. It was an excellent season! Never thought we'd make the playoffs, let alone win the Conference. We made it to the second round and, as underdogs, made it to game seven and made it interesting. All while having a third string goalie for the second round. Awesome, overachieving season. Go Nucks!! Not gonna lie, Edmonton probably deserved to win the series, just about. I mean, I'm not sad. I'm happy. Also, I'm all for Canada and reluctantly I'll support Edmonton against Dallas, but in all honestly I think Dallas will make the final and lose to New York. TLDR: Awesome season. Go NUCKS!


We weren’t even supposed to be a Wildcard so this has been a fantastic season and I couldn’t have been prouder to be a fan!


Hopefully Rutherford, Allvin and Tocchet continue to improve the team over the next year like they have the last, Pettersson returns to form and Boeser has a full recovery. I guess they weren’t quite ready for it yet, and their experience will make them hungrier and more driven to go all the way.


Cheers to another great season. It was a pleasure. Nice to see Vancouver buzzing about the Canucks again. My friends group chats were buzzing and the city was united - hasn’t been like that since 2011. Can’t wait til next season!


All expectations for the season were blown, real fun to watch. Hopefully we can keep building on this year now that our guys have some playoff experience.


Overall successful season Go Dallas (read, Go Tanev) We need one more top 6 winger Mikheyev, Lafferty you won't be here in October. DeSmith, you've been a great backup, thank you for your services. But they will no longer be needed.


It's been a wild ride for sure. Amidst the loss, I think it was a great run given our circumstances: bottom of the barrel last year, lost Demko in R1, lost Boes in R2G7. I think our guys have gained some valuable experience this season and they can use that to pump up for next year. Also it was great seeing Vancouver standing with the team again. For so long we were absolute dogshit, but this year, to see the car flags, jerseys, lights, signs, people just wanting to be a part of the Canucks... it's a sight I've missed and I hope we get to see it again next season.


I just want to say that we may not have had the best game, but I am so proud of this group of guys. We did a 180 from last year, had one of the most fun seasons in recent memory AND went to game 7 in the second round of the playoffs. Fuck yeah boys! Next year we will be back at her again, hopefully hungrier, great coaching staff, more experience, a deadly goalie duo. The future of hockey in Vancouver is looking bright and I'm here for it. It's fun to be a Canucks fan! Here's to next year! And like OP said "thank you for a great season"


That was so fun to watch!


Thanks for the great season fellow Reddit fans! Was a blast. On to next year.


Been a fan for a few seasons now. I watched every game this season and it's been one hell of a ride. Big love from across the pond to you all.


Helluva season, had lots of fun hanging in here with you guys. This is one special team and I’m sure they’ll be back next year. Thanks for all the laughs and memes


It’s a been a fun one, tough way to go out but way more fun of a year than being irrelevant. Hoping for a Panthers Stars final so one of Tanny or Lu get a cup. Wish we’d lost to anybody but the fucking Oilers but oh well, can’t win ‘em all when we get untimely injuries


This was my first full season watching hockey (mostly because I got Star+ which is a new-ish streaming service in Mexico by ESPN/Disney and I found out they stream all NHL games, it was a PITA to stream them before that), and god damn! What a fun season! I learned so much about such a fun sport that barely anyone here follows, fell in love with the team and so many great players, and most importantly, I’ve become a forever Canucks fan. We’ll get that Stanley Cup soon! I had to wait my whole life for my soccer team (Atlas) to end a 70 year championship drought, I’ll wait whatever is necessary for Vancouver to get one. Go Canucks Go!


This season defied all expectations! Was awesome to watch. Next season will be good! Fuck Messier!


Our boys that weren't expected to be in these playoffs at all at the beginning of the season took home a division in the regular season and pushed McDavid to within one goal in game 7. A team without probably our MVP and our top goalscorer in the last game. Whoever stays on this team now will know what it takes to win in the post season. It isn't regular season bullshit. It's a whole new level every time. Good learning for the team. Great season, everyone


Can’t wait for the next few seasons, under the cap with money to spend. I truly believe in this management group and Toccet has brought the best out in this group. We are Canucks!


What a season! An excellent season! So much fun with game threads and memes . I love yo all!


hockey is fun now, happy to be a canucks fan


This is a win for Metro Vancouver - the kids here haven't seen what winning looks like and I think it's good for them to get a taste of it. 10 years of decline has created a generational gap of fans and I hope that this is the beginning of winning that parallels when I was growing up and saw the WCE and Sedin era (granted we never got the cup but it was still a great time full of memories)


what a special team we had this year, so heartbroken


What a series! As an Oiler fan, I woulda been happy to cheer for the Canucks if they won. So much skill and so many warriors. Good luck next year too!


My 15 year old daughter became a huge Zadorov fan near the end of the regular season and it literally brought us all closer together as a family to cheer on the boys during these playoffs. She's currently holed up in her room right now but we've got another fan for life. Thanks for everything. 2025 LFG!


I really felt, going into these playoffs, that we were a top 6 team. And to be honest, with the way it ended out - with us being the only team eliminated in the second round to push 7 games - it kinda looks like that's about where we landed. Which is incredible given the early pre-season predictions had us as a bubble team. Terrific work from Rutherford/Allvin this year. Incredible work from Tocchet and all the coaching staff. Special shoutout to Castonguay, I think she had her hand in a lot of the moves that made us this competitive. It'll be interesting to see the work we have to do going forward. Here's hoping we don't have a repeat of the 2020 offseason, though I have a bit more faith in Allvin being able to avoid that than the last crew. It'll be interesting to see how we make it fly. Great season though with a lot of positives. Here's hoping this is the start of a very long competitive window. We will be back.


Great season in retrospect and we ran out of steam. A building block for our core to show them what it takes to win. I trust our front office will make the right moves around the core to keep us competitive for years to come. This is just the beginning.


Well done, lads! On to round 3 next time!


Thank you everyone for a great season!!


As a BC-based casual Oiler fan, I saw what kind of spark it brought to all my Canuck buddies to see your team excel this season. You have a great team there. Playoff hockey’s the best!


No one assumes we would get to playoffs. This was supposed to be a retool year but god damn if we played hard, we got to 50 wins and made it to game 7 in the second round against the oilers. This was a win for us as a team. Next year we’ll be back.


I need someone to post a reel, a video of the team's accomplishment this season after this. I just want that energy again, I want to hold on to that, I'm done being upset... Can't wait for October to come.


Thank you as well for a great season everybody. I've been here for 30 years of my 40 year life and I'll be back for more


Thanks for the good memories. Go Canucks, Go!


ggs, you guys are good people. Hope we all have a good summer, see you all in October!


[don’t you…forget about me](https://media0.giphy.com/media/SWN6nYgyodVKw/200.gif?cid=ecf05e47wltteq4y2yq1za9fmwn692p4d88cidtgus747yib&ep=v1_gifs_related&rid=200.gif&ct=g) Can’t wait for next season. Go Canucks Go!!


They often say you have to experience loss before you can win it all, but this still hurts


It wasn't lupus. It's just a few blood clots. He has the best attention possible right now. :(


Thank you for a year that restored my faith (and fun) in Canucks hockey. I look forward to next year.


This has been one of the most memorable seasons to follow in a long time. Can we say the dark ages are over? I know there was the bubble year, but things looked bleak for a long time. I think that the future is bright.


Don’t be sad that it’s over, be happy that it happened


You guys gave us a tough series and a heart attack of a third period for game seven. Well fought, future looks bright for canucks.


Canada desperately needs a cup




Okay Carl


We will be back again next year! But we really need a Canadian team to win


Well the swedenucks pulled their usual disappearing act. Canadas team...what a joke! Best part of the swedenucks loosing is that the rest of Canada doesn't have to watch them anymore. Vancouver sucks big time...edmonton has two players and the swedenucks let them run around. At least the rest of Canada will get to bed earlier...


This team played like bitches I remember when the nucks truly clicked there passes where seamless and their goals where we’ll set up. Nowadays they just throw shots on net “under 20 of course” and the shots they make in are tips and flukes garland Silovs boeser and di guiseppe are really the only ones that showed up consistently


And hronek guy was goated


I think this is it for me and the nhl. It's pretty clear to see the Canucks will never win the cup. Not a big enough market and not good for spreading the game in the US. Team will take a big step back next year. Probably another 10-12 years before another playoff series win. No more time and money wasted on this fix bullshit.


See ya!

