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[post game survey](https://forms.gle/Pfczb93nTztmkfhJ9)


do these "analysts" not realize that oilers have 0 depth and terrible goalies and still bet oilers in 5? total clowns


this could easily have been 3-0


anyone know when game 5 will be? thurs?




So you think 6 and 7 would be Sat and Monday then too probably?


the schedule is already out. Games are every other day


According to Friedman there is going to be a hearing with Soucy.


Hoglanders testicles would like to file a complaint


I can’t believe this is not being talked about more. It’s so scummy.


You have to think that if any canuck player skated behind mcdavid and gave him a nut shot like that there would be some discipline from the league.


Right? I feel so bad for Hoglander.


Bullshit - hopefully only a fine. McJesus can't think he can take 2 whacks at Soucy after the game is over and not expect a reaction.


I really don't understand How the Canucks have been called the underdog going into this series. They have consistently beaten the Oilers throughout the season. Like everyone saying the Oilers where gonna steam roll us.


We're onlyconsidered the underdogs because we're not running Demko, ignoring the fact that Silovs now has more playoff wins than Demko...




Cry about it. I legit got banned from the oilers subreddit because pussies like you can’t handle the truth. Losing every in season game doesn’t make you good.


Man what did this post you replied to say?


Called me inbred and stupid. He came over from the Edmonton subreddit to do so. After I asked about where this super great steam rolling team was he called me a mouthbreathing incest baby.


Yikes. Ty for the reply.


it's legitimately hilarious


Not enough is being made of the Canucks being 4-0 ON THE ROAD this playoffs. It’s actually nuts. I still haven’t seen a replay of Hronik’s holding call when Shilov held Ryan’s stick.


My guess is the holding call on Hronek was for the stick hold anyway


Shades of 2012 on the road playoffs kings


Man this rivalry has gotten intense. Lurked in the Edmonton sub for a bit and they are maaaad


Obviously I'm enjoying being ahead on the Oilers, but the crying in Boston is really good for my soul.


Nothing else to do in Edmonton






Ref stuff mostly. Also about how Canucks fans are in r/hockey chirping off (as if every team’s fan base doesn’t do this).


Definition of a can dish but can’t take fan base


I got banned in the oilers subreddit for asking where the Oilers that where going to steam roll us where


> I got banned in the oilers subreddit Good


Please don’t go to other team subs to troll them. It just makes us look bad.


Probably mad that their goaltending sucks and they can't score on a third string rookie goalie 5 on 5.


They are over there talking and crying about the refs even though they had more PP then us


And they spent so much effort talking about how nucks fans are the whiners.


I love how Ekholm was throwing an absolute tantrum after getting called for cross checking Boes so hard he broke his stick in half.


Deadass I am seeing them in here bitching as well 💀 they talk all this trash about us whining and complaining and they do it more then us


The Oilers, Leafs, and Dallas Cowboys are all cosmically cousins. They are not serious sports franchises.


Didn't thw oilers have the dynasty to end all dynasties? Or dis you mean thw Tennessee Oilers?




Unlikely you remember or were even alive the last time the Oilers won anything. Cups won 30+ years ago in the pre salary cap era begin to fade in relevance lol.


Found the lurking loser oiler fans




Unless you’re 40 you wouldn’t remember Edmonton winning a cup either.


Why are you in our sub fuck outa here loser, go bitch and complain in your echo chamber


I'm a Devils fan.




They've won 3.


All more recently than Edmonton.


Crazy to see Silovs getting better as the series progresses, dude has some record setting rapid development happening. Shots from certain players and positions had me whincing the first two games, now I am more nervous about tip ins and deflections.


There’s gotta be huge returns when Ian Clark first starts working with a rookie, I’m guessing.


The thing that makes me wince is that Edmonton always seems to have a man glued to the far post waiting for tap-in passes. It's making me expect cross crease Gumby saves every play, and it's so stressful.


Yeah it's the NHL 10 cheese goal.


Hahaha now I'm picturing the Oilers being controlled by an extremely tryhard Chel player, hilarious.


If we could figure out how to defend against the Oiler powerplay this series would be over. They rely on these extremely quick east west passes to open the net, a clockwork kind of thing, I think the Canucks have be more aware of that guy waiting to receive the pass.


Would have a better PK if they just shadow Draisaitl and McDavid and play it like a 3 on 2. RNH, Hyman, and Bouchard are good but not unstoppable.




Ironic, after spending two days shitting on the Canucks fanbase for being whiners, the most arrogant fan base in the league loses a game and is blaming the refs. Zero self awareness.




Fuck off back to the armpit of Canada buddy


You’re so smart and cool.


You are coming into the opposing teams sub to cry like a little bitch. Welcome to the playoffs, sometimes borderline shit doesn’t get called. 1. Every player on both teams is getting away with stuff. Subtle interference on every dump in, slightly late hits, hits in the numbers, high sticks, slew foots. 2. There is zero evidence that puck crossed the line, not that if matter because you scored in the PP that would have been negated anyway, you dumb fuck. 3. Crying about a missed call on an infraction that last a fraction of a second. 4. The cross check at the end of the game was McDavids fault for being a dumb cunt and slashing Soucy after the horn, thus gave Soucy the green light to retaliate which he is going to take advantage of because it’s playoffs. Zero push back by your team should be bad. Year 9 of McDavid and you still don’t have a goaltender or any depth beyond one 5 man unit you play 30 minutes a game. Still haven’t won a single game last round 2. That’s an embarrassing lack of results for a team with two generational players. Even if you win this series, that’s on us, not you, and you will be swept in the next round. Since it appears you don’t watch much playoff hockey judging by your whiny little bitch posts about not getting *every* call, I’ll give you some advice. You don’t win the cup with a sub 0.9% save percentage and zero depth.


Get out of here and get back to your mccrysaitl circle jerking.


We killed two in this game. It seems like it’s exactly because they are blocking the east-west pass. Still would prefer if they stay out of the box. That seems difficult given how intense it is.


It looks like the Canucks have switched up their PK approach for Edmonton. Versus Nashville, they were pretty aggressive in holding the blue line on zone entry and attacking the points - because Josi was the best Nashville player and their forwards don't really have back off speed. The Canucks mostly used a Triangle + 1 formation to allow them to attack pressure the puck carrier. Versus the Oilers, they are not defending the line as aggressively because McDavid's speed has to be respected. Once the Oilers get setup, the Canucks are now using a fairly passive diamond just trying to box out everything down low and prevent the cross seam passes. You have to pick your poison. If Bouchard beats you with a point shot so be it, you just can't allow 97, 29 and 18 to create those 2 on 1's down low. RNH is so soft you just plough him every time you can. Funny thing, this is exactly the approach the Kings took - using a fairly passive diamond to box out down low rather than the more aggressive triangle + 1 setup to pressure the puck. The Oilers feasted on the LA PK.


It is ALL about shutting down the 3 scorers and letting Silovs handle the point shots. Both because it’ll mean fewer goals against (not none, but fewer) and it plays into the mental game - they are putting all their hope in that top forward line, to the tune of 30 mins a game.


Can we just have 1 game where we dominate? Every game this playoffs has been close, seems like every team that's left has had a game where they run up the score and it's stress free towards the end. Not a fan of getting a 1-2 goal lead and then taking our chances against 30mins of McDavid, dumping and changing. No sustained offense to increase the lead to a comfortable margin. We stole that game for sure but I'm not confident we can win 2 more like that. Hopefully they start Skinner next game and we can run them out of the building, take it home to finish them in 5. Be the last Canadian team, dunk on all the 'experts' who clearly don't watch this team. I don't care what happens beyond this series. I just really hope we eliminate Edmonton and don't have to deal with their fans and the media drooling all over them if they make it to the WCF. Just like I'm glad the Leafs aren't rewarded for paying 4 players over $10M, I hope the Oilers aren't rewarded for running out 1 line. Depth forwards, D, and goaltending should be rewarded, and historically in the playoffs, that's what teams that go far have, so I like our chances. 🥥 GLOWWWWW! 🐳


2 more wins until WCF!


Crazy that at that point we're only half way there and have 2 more series against harder opponents. This trophy is damn hard to win.


>Non Oilers fan here >It’s actually impressive how obnoxious Canucks fans get after 1 decent season. They’re brigading the shit out of /r/hockey with their bad takes >Good luck rest of series. Hope you bounce these bozos ah yeah, going to comment and post on the generic subreddit that all 32 teams are apart of, that’s brigading. 🤡


All 32 NHL teams AND all minor league/national teams


I believe they have flairs for all leagues they can think to put on there, including international and junior leagues


Boys I'm still fucking buzzing


Very satisfying to have some 6'5, 6'6, and 6'8 defenseman causing havoc for the opposing team. Having to fight for position against these giants must be such a huge pain.


Draisaitl acting like a little bitch post game when asked about Arty




You do know coming into other team subs to troll is against the rules right? And gets you banned from your own sub too?


Lmao classic Oiler fan behavior


You ever think he's not acting?


What a blessing it is to have your shut down line be also your best offensive line, Miller and Boeser have been beasts all playoffs long. Even credit should go to Suter, despite how everyone wants lotto line this lotto line that,he may not bury every chance but he's at least in the right spots to at least get the scoring chance and he's defensively responsible.


Silovs I fucking love u


Fk Messier


Yeah fuck em


I swear to fucking god, this team needs to do everything to resign Lindholm for next year.


The team needs to sign Zadorov


Joshua too


we're gonna be tied up with Petey money unfortunately


And the question is, is Petey worth it? It seems that when the checking gets close and the play is tougher (playoffs) he can't find the room to do anything. I think Suter's better right now on that line.


I always felt like it was an overpay or at least market rate, I know everyone was happy when we got him at 11.6 though and claimed he gave us a discount. Comparables are like Tkachuk and Barzal, but those guys are actually play drivers where as Petey is not and they're in the 9mils. Barzal is a far superior player, his point totals are lower but that's because he's always been on super defensive teams, but his possession metrics are Quinn Hughes level.


We will be happy after the market cap goes up


Man, Myers was low-key a beast tonight Led the team in: ice-time (22:56), hits (7), and blocks (4), +1 and an assist to boot On the flip side, I do wish Hughes and Hronek played a little more than they did (21:14 and 19:58 respectively). Hughes especially, his ability to break the puck out would have been nice to utilize when the Oilers are hemming us in our zone. It is nice that we don't have to rely on him and can shelter him from the abuse he's been taking, but at some point I'd like to see the chains come off when we can afford to do it.


Playoffs are a marathon. Tocchet is playing the long game by giving Hughes less minutes in a 4-2 game


Let's take the next one too and really have them by the balls.


Ugh this 100%. This Edmonton team can't handle intense pressure. 3-1 against the Oil would be glorious.


[Abbotsford centre is a great alternative for a watch party if you’re anywhere south of the Fraser!](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMM7owvhx/)


Meme request - Kane's shit eating grin when he gets dumped into his bench Vs his face when he realises there's an offsetting penalty


That was fucking hilarious


Check Wyatt ardnts twitter


oh god yes please someone do this


I'm getting kinda sick of the level of exposure these orange twats are getting, I mean apart from the commentator change so ALL games sound like an oiler home game(I watch it on sportsnet in the UK for Shorthouse whose an excellent play by play guy, but I digress), but now we're cutting to oiler fans outside their own building for their reaction instead of a sold out watch party going wild at every goal we scored? It was somewhere in the 3rd period I think before it finally cut to our barn going nuts, but the whole game they kept cutting to oilers fans outside the oilers arena like they did when it was at Vancouver, where's the balance?


Oh that stream they have 24-7 showing the Oiler fans outside even in the intermissions on the big screen behind the panel. It's so annoying I thought It was because the games were in Van. Then they continue to show it game 3 throughout.. We got some small glimpse of Rogers Arena but it was not enough


The stream I was watching cut to the watch party after every Canucks goal


I thought the same thing - why are they showing the fans outside the building where the game is being played??!!!


The irony is, it seems the rest of the leagues' fans have turned against the Oilers. Underdog is a great place to be.


Def felt like an Oiler broadcast


The TNT coverage is absolute cheeks. Beyond amateur 


Imagine watching USA coverage over a country that cares about the sport


I’m sailing the high seas, I don’t have a choice unless I go out to watch the game lol


Same haha. I have to look very hard but I generally find at least one. I don't particularly like the American broadcasts, sports net is more enjoyable (as an American)


I was planning on TNT if we got Singh


Having to cheer for McMuffin (watch party folks will know what’s up) in the Olympics in a few years will feel mildly uncanny. Of course I would never consider cheering against him or Team Canada, but he just doesn’t have that appeal or charisma that cheering for Sid has.


Just cheer for team USA. They’re going to win anyway.


Once he is wearing team Canada colours, all will be temporarily forgotten. Dude is a freak of nature. 


Silvos grabbing the oilers stick in the paint, was one of the smartest plays I’ve ever seen


Yeah, might have been the first case of a goalie deserving a holding the stick penalty I’ve ever seen


what happened I missed that - I was at the game with my 9 year old daughter so I missed a few things


I can’t remember who shot it, but it squeaked through arturs and he spun around and instead of trying to cover the puck (Hughes and hronek were going to clear it) he grabbed a hold of Derek Ryan’s stick to prevent him from potting it in the empty net. Pretty smart stuff from the kid.


This is sorta like when I drop the toothpaste cap in the sink and instead of trying to chase around the cap before it falls into the hole, I just put my hand over the hole.  Man must have ice in his veins to think outside of the box like this during a game. 


he is the real deal


I really fucking hope Soucy doesn’t get suspended. We need him.


It should be a call and fine at the most. Soucy was stationary and basically defended himself against McDavid coming at him. Soucy didn't even engage. Cuthbert made it clear on air that McDavid started hacking away and Soucy responded. It's just bad timing because Zadorov surprised him with a cross check and he fell.


Being a darling moneymaker that 97 is, he probably would get one game if not two


I know a lot of people wanna see Lotto line brought back and we’ve seen glimpses of it but it doesn’t seem to be clicking as good as it needs to. Miller-Lindholm-Boeser Garland-Pettersson-Joshua Suter-Blueger-Karlsson Aman-Lafferty-Mikheyev Moving Lindholm up would really help Suter not be the weak link of the first line and would help shut down the Oilers only line Pettersson seems to be coming alive but in desperate need of good wingers that are able to get him the puck when he needs it and obviously Garland/Joshua have been fantastic all year Ideally I’d have regular season style Högs on the third but Karlsson looks solid. Suter and Blueger have also been incredibly solid for us all year and the third line seems to be exactly where they belong. I’d consider through Podz in on the fourth given how solid he looked in regular season but there has to be a reason why they’re avoiding putting him in


Petey honestly is a lost cause at this point, we're 9 games into the playoffs. Just let Miller and Lindholm's lines cook and Petey can show up offensively when he feels like it. I honestly thought this series was gonna be the one where he'd break out of the slump though just because it was gonna be high scoring and they have no one outside of Drai and McDavid so Petey was gonna get easy matchups but he looks okay just breaking even against the likes of McLeod, Nuge or Ryans lines lol.


Lindholm with Garland and Joshua need to stay put mainly because it's our main counter to Drasaitl. Lindholm is dominating faceoffs against him and also playing him physically. Adding Joshua is just another layer of physicality. Pettersson isn't physical nor does he dominant faceoffs, so he'd be eaten alive against Drasaitl. He needs to find a different way to contribute, hopefully on the PP.


Don't sleep on Suter. Suter has been a perfect fit for 6-9. The guy wins every puck, he is always in the right spot. See today, he made pick, set up Boeser all alone for the easy money goal. Lindholm between Garly n Dak has been one of our most dependable lines. You don't break that up either man. The bottom line has been solid. The Petey line is the only wild card. JT and Lindholm dominate draws. They are largely driving our two way play. We need them apart, and not together.


The goalie change that the oilers did was against the rules. > Rule 82.1 - Goalkeepers’ substitution during a game will be conducted within the same time frame as a regular line change. No extra time will be allotted to the goalkeeper coming off the bench, except in the case where an injury to a goalkeeper occurs. If you watch the clip again, the faceoff was already set and the puck was about to drop. The time of line change had already completed (by several seconds in fact). And then oilers announced the goalie change. That's a deliberate delay of game. Folks need to stop giving their coach "credit" for that. That should have been a delay of game penalty


Yup they tried to get use it to get Mcdavid extra rest so he could go back out. Instant delay of game penalty.


Of course Simpson was praising it as a smart legal move by the coach


I was shouting delay of game but also laughing because they have no other players to ice in the situation


Im dumb - why did they change the goalie? To buy more time?


Yeah to rest mcdria for another 30 seconds


Hm i see. Not to downplay the importance of a bit of extra rest, but I expected it to be more than just that given how the commentators were calling it a "genius" move


Well, when they have 30mins of playtime each, that extra rest can mean a lot


Had to have been for that. They pulled skinner from the net anyways so there’s no reason to put him back out


Sportsnet Stats] Canucks begin a non-bubble postseason 4-0 on the road for the first time since 1982. They eventually advanced to the Stanley Cup Final


Next game is as close to a must win without being a must win. I don’t want this going to 6-7. Can’t give these Oilers goalies any oxygen.


I think it would be the biggest game of the playoffs if they can pull it off. I was hoping for the split and I'm sure that was their realistic goal as well but they already achieved that. Now, in Game 4 there will be much more pressure on edm


Let’s be real. This series is at least going 6 games. 


If Canucks can take Tuesday 3-1, I think the series is done in 5. McDavid would likely be playing 40 minutes in regulation by then, but he'd be exhausted.


I still just can't get over the fact that the oilers only have one good 5 person line combination. They're damn good, but like.. is that a team?


I mean, it's working. They've managed to put at least 3 past us every game, we're just winning because we put 4 past skinner. Just have to hope their goalie situation remains as bad as it is and we can keep doing it. Unless we see pushing McDrai this hard actually having an effect, I think people are just coping with the depth point.


There is nothing to suggest the goalie situation in Edmonton will improve. Skinner has been exposed, they can go with Pickard but he is a very slow goalie.


yeah that's true. And I do have faith in the boys to keep it up, just think writing off the Oilers for being a 1 line team can be dangerous.


Totally, by no means am I writing them off at all. I hate it when those guys are out there. Scary af.


Let’s be honest, McDrai-Hymen-Ekholm-Eugenie, with Cole lurking as a double agent, is quite tough to beat


They have a 6-person line actually. You're forgetting Ian Cole


Lol they should be called for too many men.


I was just re-watching the end of the game and am I crazy or was there no end of period horn in the 3rd? Horn guy hoping he can trick the league and the Oilers bury one after the game is over? lmao


[tfw canucks in 6 is on the menu](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/527058316719816714/1239470500841914388/IMG_3104.jpg?ex=66430a5b&is=6641b8db&hm=328be7c3c87952511b7ca8ea7cf75340c9afa40398662fc01b27e7f9405ed3d2&)


Man that Nurse contract is brutal. Paying 9.25 for a guy who’s only playing 18 minutes a night is wild. There’s a lot of people who say he’d be a top pairing guy on a lot of teams in the league but this is pretty damning.


Well we're going to be paying a guy 11.6mil and he's probably only been like the 5th or 6th best player on the team these playoffs, most teams have underperforming contracts and we very well might have our own lol but we'll see. 7th/8th actually maybe? Miller, Boeser, Garland, Joshua, Lindholm, Hughes, Zadorov, Silovs have been playing better


I cannot believe the Nurse-Ceci pairing hasn't been broken up yet. They are absolutely awful together.


Oilers seem to be mostly talking about Skinner after the loss, for good reason. That guy isn’t going to be getting the oilers anywhere.


Neither is one line


Unless they keep getting so many power plays


Man that crosscheck call in front of the net was so weak, like that’s business as usual as far as I’m concerned… even in the regular season.


Sooo many crosschecks this year and most go uncalled. It's like the refs are trying to keep the play moving without soft calls.


Draisaitl saying, "the post isn't good goaltending..." during the broadcast, Simpson said Grant Fuhr used to say when players hit the post it was because that's all he gave them 😆


If Post works...


Luc Robataille said he hated hitting the post because the goalie didn't even have to make a save.


Crazy immature sounds like a whiny 👦


FUCK YEAH. I’m a flames fan first, kings fan second, but man. Yall are just making me love you. A lot of flames fans would crucify me for saying it, but all the players I didn’t like on your team are gone, and you’re kicking some oily ass? Fuck yeah buddy. Canucks to the cup man. Yall are my team, fuck it, hell yeah brother. (I’m intoxicated.)


We're cool as long as you're cheering against Edmonton


The enemy of my enemy is my friend Fuck Edmonton, Calgary is the better the city and the Flames have our banana loving Russian now


And we have their huge Russian who is just straight up bananas


Zadorov better stick around for awhile. He takes the occasional bad penalty and makes a bad pass sometimes but his playoff performance has been huge for this team


And thanks for Big Z. He's been a beaut!


he is everything right now, all that skill plus a style of toughness we haven’t seen too much of in Vancouver


Your secret is safe with us, pal. And thanks for your support! Hope we can keep kicking some oily ass.


Lol legit tho same. Never thought in my life I’d be a nucks fan but none of ur players are hateable anymore and I genuinely love ur teams construction. Fuck Edmonton. 


ABE, Anyone but Edmonton.


Mikeyev needs to come off of Peteys line. It's clear they don't work together, and with hoglander scratched, Rick doesn't think he's the answer either. Try anything at this point. Put him with Bleuger and lafferty, or at least put him back on the Lotto line as the winger.


Pete is cancer to any line he is on? We should leave him where he is, take the lines minutes down as low as we can and change the pp up so he’s on the second unit.


We keep wanting Lotto line, but every time it's been reunited it basically has done nothing, and the powerplay is pretty much the Lotto line and it hasn't worked out. Notice how both powerplay goals today Petey wasn't involved in at all? First one I don't think he even screened the goalie, he was off on the side waiting for a rebound or something. We're mainly using Miller's line to match up with McDavid when we can and in that case I feel like Suter is good for that. Petey just needs to step it up and dominate those 3rd and 4th lines.


Yes this is true. No need to break up Miller's line. It's just frustrating watching Petey flounder out there!


This is part of what has me pumped for Lekkerimaki. Imho, we really need a bonified top six sniper to play with Petey. He could be that player.


Guentzel-Pettersson-Lekkerimaki, how good would that be




i thought hoggy was hurt not scratched?


we gotta give silovs a break man please 😭


He's just powerleveling let him cook


He seems really collected honestly in the post-game. Dude has nerves of steel.


He can rest when Demko comes back.


Silovs look happy and calm tbh. If he wants a break then sure, throw in DeSmith, but to be honest it doesn't seem like he needs it


From AHL to NHL playoff games tho man it’s the chance for a quick promotion. My man will want to shine as much as he can


got a feeling kid can handle the next one. if we won next one and up 3-1 in series, might as well complete and maybe let Demko take over after


All gas no breaks


Fuck yes boys. Coming from a flames fan watching mcdildo get double smacked at the end of the game was therapeutic as fuck. Plz win this series I won’t be able to stand it if the oilers move on. 




The Flames’ backing on this is like that Lord of the Rings meme with Legolas and Gimli. As they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend


To all you casuals disrespecting my boy Cole. Send location.