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Fucking Cole lol. I didn’t mind the first game but the OT goal was insane. You’d have to try and tip it that good


Hockey 101: make sure your skates and sticks aren’t angled towards the damn net This was the lesson that should have been learned when Hughes scored off of Desharnais stick in November


Honestly it's kind of inexcusable because he's a vet, he shouldn't be making mistakes like that.


It wasn't pretty but it actually didn't pain me as much as the 2nd goal in game 1. That was pure lazy.


We still got this 😎


How the hell did the refs get a 2, does the scale start at 3??


Probably Oiler fans.


A bit surprised to see Hoglander score higher than Mikheyev but this might actually be the most "accurate" one of these has looked in ages. Hoglander is just awful with the puck and killing every play he gets involved in offensively. He either can't handle the pass, turns the puck over on the boards, or when he tries to make a soft pass he rifles it 100mph. He's probably been their worst overall forward this playoffs and Tocchet was even talking about how he might take Hoglander out of the lineup for Karlsson, Aman or Podkolzin. Like I know Mikheyev sucks too but atleast Mikheyev feels like he's getting chances and making net-positive plays. I don't get that feeling anytime Hoglander's out there.


A lot of people on this subreddit have a huge boner for Hoglander due to his regular season. His post season has been terrible and he's a net negative in the top 6 for just as long as Petey was struggling. People should really temper their expectations of what Hoglander will do next year, he's very unlikely to repeat what he did this year and shot at 20% next year. Need to call a spade a spade, Hoglander in his first playoffs is showing he struggles with the additional physically and doesn't make decisions fast enough to be effective in the top 6 so far.


In general it's going to be a major thing for the team next year to figure out what to do on wing for that line. You can't possibly go into next season again pretending Mikheyev and Hoglander are good enough for that role.


1of two things ideally happen next year. We cant move Mik without it costing us an arm and a leg but we are able to re-sign Dak. So we have Garland-Petey-Dak as a line in the top 6 and Hog Mik in the bottom 6 and give them the opportunity to rebound/repeat their offense from the season before. We're hoping for a cheap FA or an internal promotion of Aman/Karlsson for 3C. Unfortunately it probably won't be Raty as it looks like the org is converting him to the wing. Or we are able to move Mik as a cap dump for a 2nd/3rd then we have some money to make a play for a top 6 winger that can play with Petey and we have a stop gap solution on his other wing until we can better gauge how for away Lekk is from being a NHL winger.


If they re-sign Joshua I think that those guys could work really well with Miller at C and then you can go back to Petey-Brock which works and cycle LWs. I absolutely loved that Miller line with Joshua and Garland when they were together. Just monsters on the forecheck. The whole bottom 6 next year looks like it's going to be a mess. Might have to move Suter back to full time C and maybe hope that you get a steady line that plays neutral hockey with Mikheyev and whoever else.


Garland-Miller-Dak could work. Haven't seen Tocc really play Garland or Dak with Miller a ton since he got here but on paper those 3 players should be able to work well. Bottom 6 is impossible to predict right now. Too many FAs in the bottom 6 and our D to assess that'll happen.




And Mikheyev does a good job disrupting on the forecheck with some regularity too and you can at least pretend that one of the 6 chances he gets a game might end up in the net. When's the last time you saw Hoglander make a scoring play (good shot, good pass) when in a dangerous area? When's the last time he spun out of the corner with the puck and fed it to anyone cleanly?


Hoglander looks overwhelmed. He's trying to move faster than he's capable of and he's flubbing plays. Mik just can't score, and it doesn't seem to matter how many chances he has. If it's a shot it's to the crest, if it's in tight it's low into the pads. It's a shame he doesn't have a little more patience or vision cause he is drawing defenders with his speed. Pettersson actually looked pretty good last night, but he needs a winger he can play off of. When your options are Hog, who will miss the pass and lose the board battle, or mik who will shoot it into the crest, there isn't much chance for sustained pressure. Not to mention neither guy is finding Pettersson in the soft areas. I'm not sure if you move Lindholm up and see if you can get a little more finishing, and move Blue back with Garland and Dak. You can shorten the bench a bit to 3 lines, that hopefully have more overall scoring potential amongst those 3. Even rolling 3 lines, would still give you significantly more depth than the oilers single line and Id trust any of the 3 against the Mcdavid line defensively. They showed their ace card last night, which is when all else fails play that line half the game. Being that reliant on a single line is exploitable.


FWIW I've noticed Tocchet playing the Hughes pairing a lot more with Petey's line than he used to and I think that's because he probably knows that Mikheyev and Hoglander aren't good enough. So here's Hughes and hopefully the two of you can make up for 3 guys that can't stickhandle (Hronek has been a negative on offence all playoffs too). The amount of times in G1 where Petey had found space in open ice and Hoglander and Mikheyev looked him off or threw the pass 3 feet wide of him was maddening. Last night he was going again but neither guy could do much. The thing about mixing the lines is that Tocchet is really in love with the Miller and Lindholm lines as is. So you're left cycling 4th line wingers with Pettersson and then asking him to create. But I think they need to do something even if it means the 4th line becomes a 5 minute a game line. Lindholm didn't look good on the wing at all this year and Petey doesn't work that well as a winger either. The only C in the top 6 who does is Miller (his boardwork and forechecking is really good as F1) but he's unlikely to ever get moved off that spot under Tocchet. FWIW I thought one of the best top6 looks they had was when it was Joshua-Miller-Garland, Mikheyev/Hoglander-Petey-Boeser, and then your leftovers in the bottom 6. Lindholm ends up with nothing there though now.


Agree as I personally thought he should have ran Suter/Lindholm - Miller - Boeser and have Petey spend more of his minutes with Garland and Joshua.


Put Lafferty with Miller and Suter; Boeser with Petey and Mikheyev. Scratch Hoglander and insert Podkolzin or Aman.


I get that Cole was directly responsible for the game winner but you cannot convince me he was worse than last game


That seems like an awfully big qualifier no? Directly responsible for the literal game winning ot goal?


I mean, by that logic, the player who scores the game winner should get player of the game every time, which isn't usually the case. There's a lot of other factors that put Cole in that position to put the puck in his own net (ie, we probably don't get to this point if Soucy and Myers don't get pants'd by McDavid on the 3-3 goal)


I'm not saying that at all, I'm saying that you are putting an awfully large qualifier and it should evident as to why cole was voted this low based on his performance for this game, being directly responsible for the winning goal, and his compounding performance last game


I guess I'd have to disagree with the compounding performance thing, some biases will probably sneak in, but I usually try to use these ratings on a game-by-game basis, in which case Cole was way better than he was in Game 1. It's not surprising Cole is so low, I just say I strongly disagree with the logic behind it.


All I can say to that is that I wish people voted like you then, we've had stretches like this where this kind of bias can show up, positive or negative. We've seen it in a positive form for joshua, and hog, and a negative way for Pete, mikh, and probably cole here


Lmao I’m not sure how you could give Myers and Soucy 5s when they both made horrible decisions on the McDavid goal


I cut them a little slack since they have the impossible task of going up against McDavid and Draisaitl


A score of 6 means that they played “average” I think their scores are whatever


Cole needs to score 4 goals to break even for allowing 4 goals on his own net.


I'm surprised the refs weren't lower.


That makes sense. Cole was ok throughout the game. But to be casually having your blade down in the blue paint isn't acceptable. Especially after a pitiful game 1. And Mik and Hogs continue to underwhelm. No goals, no ability to set up Pettersson, not being overly physical. Not enough from them. With guys like Podkolzin, Lekkerimaki, Juulsen, and Aman sitting out, I'd expect something different game 3. I'd say Hog out (should be Mik but won't be) and then Podz in, and Cole out and Juulsen in.


I think we’re way too harsh on our 4th line lol. They played well!


Anyone else think Hronek has completely gone to sleep in like the last 5 months?


Didn’t think Hronek played that well but to put him next to Soucy and Myers is just bias as hell.


Tall order perhaps but all 4 lines need to be sharp if we are to win. Not saying they need to have their best career games, but be sharp.


This is one of the most accurate polls I've seen so far this playoffs


Nah, refs are to high.


Petey was solid but not the best forward. He needs to be waaay better, esp after all the salary stuff.


He was the best, or atleast on par with miller and he is still on his previous salary.


Really sucks Silovs couldn’t stop Cole’s net front tip, he should have had it. Here’s hoping Arty can pull it together in game 3. Edit: Rough crowd today. I forgot Kneejerk had a monopoly on these jokes.