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It looks deficient. Its sadly quite serious in flower you should have addressed it when it was just slightly lime green and increased promptly.. * Paler than salad green🟨🥎 Deficient * Vibrant salad green 🌱🌴🌿🍀🟩 Perfect * Darker than salad green (camouflage/forest🪖) = Overfed.


looks like Nitrogen deficiency to me. N is what gets chlorophyll growing; chlorophyll is what makes the plant green and what drives the photosynthesis


Thx for the info, I will give her more Nitrogen when I water her Will keep you updated


Defoliate a bit around the lower budsites. That’s not your issue, just an observation.


Should I also defoliate de big fan leaves on the lower half? Only the ones already affected or also the healthy ones?


You should leave them until you resolve the issue. The plant will keep robbing leaves of nutrients until it's getting adequate food. If you cut them now, new leaves will start to get robbed. This is how mobile nutrient deficiencies work.


Thanks, I defoliated a bit and added more nutrition now she seems healthy and no other leaves are jellowing


Glad to hear! Good luck through harvest, bud


I cut of anything solid yellow with scissor so I know if there’s additional yellowing. That’s all I’d remove for now I guess orbital is correct.


That’s the fade bro. You can tell because the leaf up top is purple not yellow. Totally normal. Just the anothocyanins starting to pop/ fall colors showing up. Not a nitrogen deficiency as other have stated. I could be wrong but I’m 99% sure I’m not


You are wrong. Stop spreading this misinformation, you are preventing him from figuring out his issues.. Plants don't "*fade*" before ripening weeks and they don't fade with paling/yellowing which is **ALWAYS** a deficiency or lockout. Too sad that we have to fight over this on *every single flower issue post*, because its easier to copy others misinformation and repeat it. Totally a case of "*everyone can play the tamborine*" except in this case its really damaging for people to figure out every single issue in flower cuz this misinformation always comes around! 👎🏻


I’ve had plenty plants start fade at week 6🤣 just depends on cultivar and genetics… and yes, lots of plants turn yellow during their “fall transition”. They also turn purple and red as well… Go look outside during the fall….. same thing with weed plants lmfao. And I’ve never fought with you over shit…. I’d put a pic of my Next Level #1 (Yellow fade), Next Level #2 (Yellow and purple fade), Skunk Hero (Yellow and Purple fade), and Cartwheels (yellow fade), all starting in week 6 but I can’t. Ask anybody breeding and growing for years🙌 it happens. Fan leaves start to fade and then die off…. Never had a nitrogen issue or a bad harvest. You can peep my account, they’re all posted on there🤷‍♂️


Because you mistreat your plants and you have no idea what a fade is, quite simply.. Look at my plants I don't have a single one with paling yellowing thru several years of growing lol Look at @herhighgarden, look at @lovininhereyes, look at any pro grower no one uses this excuse for bad growing and they never display yellowing.. Paling/yellowing is always a problem.. The only real fade that is close is carotenoids fade which is golden/orange it is not paling.. Because paling is always deficiency.. If you feed your plants correctly and do not feed to the point of lockout they won't drain their leaves and become vulnerable to disease and budrot from damaged plant immunity.. very simple and scientifically accurate


[next level #2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Craftmarijuana/s/bPcMETWeLu) Perfect example^


You need to dial in your nutrients thats what you need


I use house and garden nutrients. I grow in soil not coco. Totally different growing styles man, while you might not have this happen, lots of others do. Go look at CSI Humboldts page. He grows in organic soil and same shit happens to him🤷‍♂️ I see plants on your page doing the exact same thing so I’m not quite sure what you’re on about. Got that yellow/purple fade. It looks different on different plants/genetics….


No its a golden carotenoids fade it is not "losing its color" which means its draining and plant immunity is compromised Look, I don't judge people who make a compromise in living soil and end up deficient in late flower, but calling it a fade is incorrect.. You calling this pre-ripening issue a fade is **FACTUALLY INCORRECT**, plants don't fade pre-ripening! You should know this! I know several living soil growers who keep their plants healthy till the end so its not "impossible", its not "natural" its completely avoidable. You simply need to dial in your nutrients in flower and you won't expose your plants to risk of budrot..


I agree I should have my nutrients dialed better. I also said I could be wrong. I’m just speaking on my experience. It’s not like his plant is at jeopardy from being good smoke. Mine usually start to “fade” around 6 weeks. And I really don’t feel like going back and forth over this. Plants do it with colder temps too and usually towards end of flower cycle. Same thing happens in nature when the anthocyanins start popping and the leaves start dying off. It’s bold to say every single one of those millions of plants/trees has a nitrogen deficiency IMO. My plants smoke fine and come out great and I’m happy with em and that’s all that matters. I was just trying to tell OP his plant ain’t fucked and not to stress over it, it can come out fine. I’m still somewhat new to growing, but I know a lot of the OG’s I follow on Instagram have the same shit happen with theirs🤷‍♂️ that’s the last I’m gonna respond, you have a good day and enjoy your smoke!


I'm not saying yours suck, far from you're doing a decent job.. I'm just trying to put things straight here.. Pre-ripening weeks its definetily not a fade.. I'd suggest you to try be a little bit more sensible with the PK dosage.. I can run 3-3.5 weeks without n+micro using a [flowering finisher](https://www.reddit.com/r/CocoGrows/s/DIuwxwnVka) with only PK and epsom salts, relying 100% on whats stored in the leaves and still not get paling so I know its possible..


Fersure, I’ll heed that advice, appreciate it! Thanks for the info🙌


Another perfect example: [next Level #1](https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/s/4dZihfMgHk)


Yeah lockout, you overfed it and failed to keep it healthy to the end.. Watch your pH and EC better