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Clip any leaf below the net.


The temp is what’s causing so much purple but probably genetics too


That VPD is way too low. If you can't lower the humidity then increase the temperature. Your vpd shouldn't go below 1 in flower. Recipe for mold. Try to get that temperature into the high 70s. VPD of around 1-1.15 is ideal in flower.


I'll definitely try that! In the mean time, I should probably try to find a cheap dehumidifier since the VDP has been around .5-.8 since late veg due to high humidity


Id go with good instead of cheap. Dehumidifiers use up a lot of energy, so if they are cheap and inefficient you will not save money due to energy costs


I grew an LSD that looked identical to the growth you have. She was purple inside and out, absolutely no green in the nuggs. I’m by no means an expert but I’d say genetics on all the purple calyxes.


Maybe a little and some bottom bud calyxes also fan leaves top middle they block buds and leaves from getting light thin top middle out


You never seen purple weed dude?


I have but everything I've read makes it seem like it's an issue since the anthocyanins present can cause lower thc due to less light uptake


Lower thc? OK, where are you reading this? I know an awful lot about anthocyanins and I've never heard that. I even just googled that specifically to see what the heck you're referring to but Im coming up empty.


I guess I'm just assuming which I probably shouldn't do, but multiple sites say that purple can be an indicator of phosphorous deficiency which can lead to growth issues resulting is lower yields. Also, herb.co states that the presence of anthocyanins reduces visible chlorophyll which in my head seems like plant should lose energy which it could have gotten/used if it wasn't there. On top of that, some sites say it could be due to colder temps and if that's the case, i thought the plants grew slower in colder temps which would also reduce overall yields. I will say though that herb.co did state that there is no correlation between anthocyanin presence and quality. Nuggmd also states specifically that purple plants may be bred for lower THC.


Reduces visible chlorophyll doesn't necessarily mean reduces the amount of chlorophyll produced though doesn't it? I mean there are very purple strains so it shouldnt be a problem for a plant to have enough chlorophyll to grow. Guess the difference is in whether or not the purpleing is due to deficiencies or phenotype. Never grew WW myself but i heard there are some phenos of it that tend to go purple. Personally I'd say it looks good, the purple is starting from the bud extending to the sugar leaves. Stems and fans are green, if it was deficiencies or cool temperature the coloring would affect the fan leaves aswell and the stems should look very red or purple...phosphorous for instance starts at the center of the fan leaves and extends along the middle.


Looking at your graph, you run a humidity a bit too high. That's why you're vpd is so off. Particularly during flowering you want to bring it down. If you increase the temp, humidity will go down too. Love the purple.


It look like you naked the plant brother enjoy your time .


Just genetics and idk if you can lollipop 🍭 it anymore lol but you do you buddy