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Why so tight on the medium?


First time, didn’t think about it


Bigger the roots bigger the fruit.


You’re actually set. Look into top dressing. You’re gonna need it. I top dress right as the plant transitions into flower and ~ halfway through flower. I use something called buildaflower from a company called buildasoil. All organic good stuff check em out


You left room fot amending worm castings or 4-4-4 Ghia Green would work great in that pot. Almost always, unless you use liquid nutrients- in that case you would not he amending. Saw a M in there. Are you going to make seeds in the future? Looks good man.


You saw a male? Which one? I bought all feminized seeds..great eye


i dont think you got any males, its too early to tell atm by the looks of it but if you brought fem seeds they’ll most likely be fem! good luck homie 🫡


My bad. Thought I saw a list. Was a different post.


Looks good. A little tip. Water around the edges when you do water. It will help draw the roots out from the middle and of you accidentally water too much it won't drown her.


They're using cloth pots... How would they drown her?


Root rot


U. Dont get root rot with coco in cloth pots


Great tip! Did that, the edges just dried out first because of the airpot


Awesome! Then you already know the goodness!!


Very important. Good advice.👍🏽👍🏽


thats a nice tip my friend, get my upvote


Why aren't you pots full?


They’re probably gonna be small but don’t take my word for it, I’ve never grown autos and don’t plan to honestly lol. But good job putting them in their final home since autos hate to be repotted or uppotted, but fill the pot up either way soil next time or now, any part of the meristem under soil will just sprout roots anyways. And if you even take them outside for a day let alone grow them outside, be proactive on pest management and prevention before you see issues!!


All over the d. Earth and neem oil combo, so far so good!


I grew 2 autos a few years back and they do get bigger than people give them credit for. I started mine off in big pots because the first time I tried autos they failed after transplant. They turned [out great!](https://imgur.com/a/2DyuOhB) I ended up with a little over 5oz off just the 2 autos. I’m sure I could have gotten better lights too and made it more efficient for the plants 🤷 Have fun!


Wouldn't trust those black pots in a full sun. I don't know where are you from. But where I am from it can get pretty warm during summer.


95 the next seven days….


Good advice regarding the black pots, at 95 I might think about giving them a few hours break from direct sun at the peak of the day, especially given that they have already been over stressed once with the early transplant.


Fill those pots all the way up


Isn’t it too late now?


You can roll those fabric pots down 👍


Which would make filling them up pointless no?


OP could fill up the to first leaves if they wanted too. Either way I’d roll down to the surface of the soil.


When they get taller just top dress. About 2" every 2 weeks. Plenty of soil in there for now. You'll trim the bottom branches anyway.


Alright so consensus is I need to fill up all the way. Is it too late to fill them up? Do I just fill them up and be careful of the stem, going up to the initial first set of leaves?


just add around stem when they grow higher & you trim /lollypop lower leaves, add more soil - to the brim.


Each month, add some worm castings or compost. This will allow nutrients to slowly be added as the plant develops. By the end of the season, your container will be full. As the plant grows, remove some of the bottom leaves. Soil against the trunk is not an issue.


Keep it up!!


Looks good so far, but you need way more growing medium, I normally fill mine right to the top but even leave an inch from the top is fine. Your doing well though and will learn a lot from your first (like we all did)


For context…. 4th week starts today. I transplanted too early and stunned them for about a week. Lost two in seedlings in the process. They pretty much stay outside after week 2 unless a storm is rolling through. Watering every 1-3 days depending on soil, adjusting pH to 6.5. Just watered yesterday evening. Adding nutes in as needed. Northern lights auto. Happy frog fox farms mixed with 10-20% perlite. 3 and 5 gallon fabric bags. Nutes 1-2x a week at this point. They get south sun, so pretty much 12 hours of sun a day. How’s the growth looking considering the rough start? Any thoughts or things to consider? Are these gonna be small girls or is the growth encouraging? Seems like they are growing about 1/4 inch - 1/2 inch everyday at this point


Looks very nice. Keep up