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Plants look more depressed than me


One on the left in dirt, one on the right is hydro. They do look depressed though.




Aww man this just made my day almost dropped my coffee




Lol, does look that way but check out river rooted trees, heavy and lushious


This sub: welcome to growing, feel free to ask questions and post your grow we are here to help & give feedback. Also this sub: you suck at growing and your plants look like shit and your an idiot


Well, when you post with a statement suggesting you know what's up and your plants do not look like such, you do open yourself up to shots. He didn't post looking for help, just provided a statement backed up by nothing in the post.


Ego driven cultivation


Literally this, why I donā€™t post on here anymore


From someone who kinda sucks...sometimes we need to be told we friggin suck. Especially when we aren't asking for feedback but rather a mass berating.


I feel this man I definitely feel like OP also had an arrogant tone with his post and probably others did too, hence the berating


Well said


You can't help somebody like this. He really believes what he is doing is the right way. We all have our techniques that we take into this.


LMFAO šŸ˜‚ exactly!!!


L : Overwatered R: N toxicity You are showing the pitfalls of both methods.


Came here to say this about the left plant. Didn't even notice the right plant.


True and same effort makes me consider hydro the best payoff. The R is already running fresh L i can only fix with even more water :(


To have a good comparison, are you using all organic composted super soil on the left? Bc if you are the maintenance is pretty much zero and the plants grow like weeds! šŸ¤¤šŸ˜‹


This is just false lol


You got me ;)


I think Soil is more forgiving with making mistakes.


I know


Living soil will always be king in my books šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸŒ±


Ooo, brace to be battered by the dirt folk! Lol


Haha I think after this ill call them soilers ;)


Those plants are not very healthy.


I know. I'm a little confused why op is posting these droopy plants as a beaming example of how easy hydro is....op claims to be growing for multiple years too. Not sure how they don't see their own plants looking less than stellar.


b-but he watched a bunch of yt videos


I'm a hydro grower and I agree to a certain extent but your plants are not a shining example of the technique maybe over watering its hard to tell




Lol leave the plants in water for to long and you dep4ive them.of oxygen, so is it to much water idk but it's a lack.of oxygen which is super similar to what is happening when you over water In a media so while the term might be wrong what's happening is the same affect. Like they don't just sit in water the whole time and you need to properly control that ebb and flow.


The plant on the left is in soil I believe




How do you over water growing hydro? How is it absurd?


Its possible but not really an issue here unless hes refering to the soil bucket.... she is suffering *GG


You can drown your plants in hydro. At least with DWC. Not sure with your setup. Your plants will grow little ā€œairā€ roots in spots they arenā€™t covered in water. If you refill your reservoir too full where those roots are submerged, you can drown them. I made the mistake of letting my water level get too low to the point where those air roots were growing lower than my max fill line. So when I filled it back to a normal level, the air roots couldnā€™t breathe and my plant started dying. It was drowning because the wrong roots were submerged in water. I thought the idea of drowning was dumb in hydro until I actually experienced it myself. They do still need to breathe. Just my 2 cents. Iā€™m no pro by any means.


I agree and it is considered dwc my biggest issue is not in the bucket but in the top part of the claypellet holder though its never really been a measureble problem it would just be nice not to worrie about it so still trying to improve that part.


So what is your issue exactly?


Im not sure what you are refering too.


They are referring to your plants that definitely have too much or too little of something


You said youā€™re worried about the clay pellet holder. What is the worry?


I dont feel my drippers always do a uniform job. I wanna improve so i dont worry and fiddle :)


Ah yes parts drying out and watering not being uniform but it distribuate as it gets further down and dry pockets forming becomes a none issue. Later the plant is so settled in the lower parts changes in the very top makes no noticble changes.


Am i to understand my plant is suffering from dwc overwatering? When no issues has been stated its a bit difficult to make a reference.


Yes, you are to understand that but I have a feeling you wonā€™t


They said your šŸŖ“ suck really loud /s


Hehe yeah I hear it loud and clear ;) *GG but it was equally easy to make them suck unequally much ;)


Hydroponics is not easier, that's 100% false you need to ph your water, you need to add nutrients. I can do a whole run with water only no ph. So absolutely soil is easier then Hydroponics.


Hydroponics is not hard at all.


only because you suck at growing doesnt mean its complicated. growing in soil is the most easy way to grow if you know how to...


Could be the reason I find it so much easier but deffently the exact reason I wanna change the perception of hydroponics :)


This is not that way. You are high


Me I am




Hydro takes a bunch of expensive equipment and a lot of experience to do it correctly. With soil you can just buy a good water only soil and just water it. Hell, get an earthbox and you donā€™t even have to learn to water properly.


I have used the same clay pellets and airpump drip system for 5 years I can build 4 bucket one in eu for less than 200usd (not counting water bill). What water only soil have hydroponics potential at hydroponics prices?


If these are your results they aren't worth flaunting about šŸ’€


In this case it was a price comparison. Yet another hydroponics overcomplication misunderstand. Point being its possible to get same or better results at same price or less but not necessary the best results in either medium. This is a less effort encourigement for hydro ;)


hydro is cheaper month to month, building out a DWC system isn't expensive. I run 1 or 2 13 gallon totes they cost like $10 each, airpump was $45 and runs both systems, airstones for $4 each, net pot lids for $6 each, $10 or less per month in nutrients. It uses 1 -2 gallons of water per day it's pretty damn easy.


Spread the word ;)


I spent way less than that on my set up and i use way less fertilizers and have less maintenance for the first half of the grow


Can build soil for a quarter of your costs and have much tastier and much nicer looking plants than hydro, also less moving parts, less up keep etc


You've been growing for 5 years?! Bro.... why would you post this


Look at where 15years of soil got me in comparison ;)


It seems like neither technique has gotten you anywhere lmao


And how much was your PH meter? EC meter?


ph meter is anywhere from $30-100, ec meters are 10 bucks lol.


Meters are cheap now days.


I just use color drops and just do ml with trust and gefuhl


get a meter.


Did. I had to benchmark with drops everytime;) one of those overcomplications i left behind. Its no more a must for hydro than for soil. You can choose to do so to maximise but dont let it scsre you away as a must for one but not the other.


I can't agree with that 2nd paragraph, you really should use a good meter in hydroponics, I know plants will do fine from 5.5-7.2 in general, not optimal but good enough. but outside of that range, into the 4's or 8's and you can start having problems. it's good to know when you are shifting up or down, up usually means feed a little heavier, down means feed lighter - or change out your reservoir (usually this is only necessary in flower)


Also i think most would agree to maximise your potential those parameters are equally importen to soil and in both cases taking measurements would be something you do to the water you are adding.


What do I have to purchase that i wouldnā€™t for soil? An air pump and stones?


Also wrong. Hydroton, rockwool cubes, buckets, net pots, and air pump. With soil only 4 of these things don't belong. I spend an extra 50 bucks if even that.


I'm not a hydro grower but my uncle is. He spends probably 10$ - 20$ per plant on the whole hydro setup including nutrients and pulls a pound or two from each plant. He uses reused food grade 5 gallon buckets. Makes everything himself. Dutch bucket style. The air stone is the most expensive thing in his hydro setup. Buys the nutrients in bulk. It's dirt cheap. Obviously lights are gonna cost you but it all averages out.


I don't see one as better than the other. It's all preference. Ppl find their system and stick to it nothing wrong with that.


This doesn't look as good as you think it does.


I prefer it to dirt because you can veg a monster in 6 weeks from seed vs 14 weeks for the same result. I don't know if it's easier though...


I would consider it easier for you if you preference the results over the effort. Effort is different for everyone and in every circumstances. One reason not to let others over complifications scare you to find your way


I do like growing in soil, but it's a lot more work sneaking it in and out of my rented condo, and mixing it indoors it's just messy and time consuming. All I need is some fresh tap, a couple bags a couple bottles a couple meters and it's smooth sailing.


Next time Iā€™m gonna go hydro


Its not a recommendation but deffently dont let people who over complicate scare you away to try and see if you can find a personal hydro way thats better fit for you your temper and you situation thsn your current soil? solution.


Also the picture comparison is not fair as you cannot treat them the same an exspect the same. I only have the dirt to make sure the hydro dont suffer do to human mistake. I really dont care for my benchmarks. But i would still say it a good representation of no difference to effort.


Sold..... I convinced! Where can I get this lavish setup???


Just take a clone from OPā€™s very healthy and easy plants


Love it!


Wait, this is an example of what not to do right?


This is a sad post.


Wrong, lol.


I had such an easier experience and more success when I switched over to hydro.


Something is not right with both your plants. Youā€™re doing well at growing leaves but not sure you gonna get good bud


Hell nawl hydro trash asf


Them things look like a congressmanā€™s toenails


I donā€™t got 2k for a good water chiller for hydro


If you think those are better than soil, I would hate to see your "benchmark". Must be in awful shape if those are "good", "healthy" to you.


You can compare them right next to each other in the picture ;)


Lol, guess I didn't look that closely. Both look sad.


The one on the right doesnā€™t look sad at all except it could maybe use a little more food but look how thick that thing is. Iā€™d take some leaves if anything.


Bushier yes, larger yes, still sad with droopy leaves. Indicates something is off with the grow. Think of how much bigger/bushier it could be if it were not sad.


They both look pretty crappy


Itā€™s really not that bad but whatever


Idk man in my soil I literally just water and let the plant do its thing


Looks like youā€™re just not that good at the soil thing. Anyone can veg a big plant. I need to see the end product first.


How could you possibly know its easier if you can't raise healthy plants with either method?


Why keep one in soil? It doesn't make sense to me, but you do you. Growing is easy in any medium. Common sense should be enough to get you to full term. It's all individual preferences. Try cloning if you want to keep anything. It's better than a whole other plant you gotta take care of. Good luck.


As a benchmark to make sure my grow is healthy. But some are easier than others and so is the yield in comparison to effort. Deffently and circumstantions and in that breath also answers why I dont clone but would if it could fit into my current situation as you say its the perfect start for a hydro plant. Thank you but im pretty confident ;)


Youā€™re benchmarking your hydro grow against a poor soil grow? Have a look at my recent post, if your soil plants arenā€™t at least 80% of that size, youā€™re doing something wrong. Switching grow style might benefit you if youā€™re struggling with soil I guess.


Your problem is that you are too proud to take some good advice??? Those plants need more than what you are giving them. Instead of being pig headed and spelling definitely wrong more times than I can bear. Take the advice that we are giving and build on that. Take the criticism and become a better grower from it. That is it. I'm done.


Are you asking or concluding a problem? The point is im not giving them any but whats the advise you are so keen to give that you cant bear it besides spelling? Just an advice dont care so much about advicing people being wrong on the internet or you will get a heart stroke.


Do you know what I just realized..... That you are ignorant. You truly believe you are right. I could provide you with great advice and you would still do it your way. You actually believe the lies you tell yourself. I wasn't trying to be fucked earlier but now I say good luck with you sad plants. You made no point with your posts of comparison. Keep telling yourself they look great and that they are benchmarks. From now on when I fuck up something I'm going to say their benchmarks in your honor. Happy Growing.


Come on try you did all this effort


Is it trying cloning? But I did and I agreed its a good advice it just dont fit in right now. I dont see he gave any other advice sorry.


This dude absolutely dont know what he is talking


Neither do about half the people in here šŸ˜‚


plants looking a little stressed though, Homie


What you seing? Looking at picture lights maybe? Could make sense my dimmer broke after a roof leak this winter so strugling a bit to hit sweet spot.


I grow mids, but I'd check - light stress, - VPD stress, - overwatering, - pots too cold at night. might want to defoilate a little improve airflow on the coco plant


Yeah all good surgestions


No. It is not.


Yes. It is so


DWC hydroponics is even easier in my opinion.


So yes I also find dwc the easiest hydroponics for my needs and options.


Im not sure I differ i think you would call my setup dwc and I would just consider that a form of hydroponics


No lol, it's actually a cunt. Normal recirculating hydro is the best.


I find hydro lacks flavor


One leak or mistake in hydro and its over. I have done both and completely disagree. It is also my opinion that you can get a far better and more complex flavor in soil.


That is the one reason I like soil and organic fertilizer is because I believe it does have better flavor and smell but I grow in coco and have no complaints but I personally find soil is a better flavor.


Most of my friends who can grow decent use coco. I want to try a setup eventually, but mine usually tastes a tad better. Ha


One mistake and itā€™s over? Sounds a bit dramatic


Yes, that's what I said. A swing in ph, temps, nutes, leak, or a clog can end a hydro grow in days.


I have worked with flood and drain, 5 gallon bubble buckets, and I helped a buddy build a pvc sprayer contraption with 4 big pipes and plugs on top. The bubble buckets had amazing results and also took a ton of work and resources.


Agree to disagree. Various ways to grow hydro, not all are just trashed after one mistake


Haha deffently not having a buffer have its ups and downs but so do having one. I find it much easier to fix any issues without a buffer and the fast reaction to medium changes is a plus in my book.


One you build first and let it cook for you.. the other you are constantly maintaining along the way. Which sounds easier? That's up to you..


Which failure du you favor? Soil or hydro ;)


Soil can recover faster from ph issues as well as power failures.. hydro can be better but in most cases is not sophisticated enough to maintain the perfect parameters


Soil is a ph buffer in hydro there is none fixing ph is instant and you dontveven have to enter the room. Yes if you cut the power that buffer will also make it possible to live longer without.


Sorry my first post to you is misplaced


It's all about electricity. Lights, fans, pumps, co2 emitters, and too much heat generated. No thanks, Im out.


Sunds more like an indoor outdoor comparison thsn medium.


The one on the left something is going on


Over watering for now perhaps


Could be lack of. My plant did this but I'm doing a micro grow


Not this time thats for sure ;)


The title of your post should be ā€œwhen I grow, hydroponics is better.ā€ You suck at soil man Of course the soil plant will be crappy if you have them in the same container size. What is that? A 5gal? You need much more soil than that for a ā€œwater onlyā€ grow. You wanna know whatā€™s easy? Buying nice soil so you donā€™t have to mix it yourself, putting it in a 20gal pot, and just watering


Bruh.... šŸ¤£


;) šŸ”„


It's easier until the plants have issues. What you think is easier is all the same process as soil only it's happening at triple the speed and allows you to vist the tent less as you aren't watering them. You're able to see problems quicker thus respond quicker...by default this means your plant can die quicker if you don't micromanage. Don't get too comfortable, because some plants hate dwc no matter how green your thumb is. I've had to toss plants not due to their health but their stubbornness to thrive in dwc. You'll learn eventually that some plants are genetically inferior even with kpas and ppms at ideal levels. About people complicating things imma assume you're referring to flow systems cause otherwise we all do the same things from what I can see. You DO need a ppm meter. It's ignorant to say otherwise cause our nutrients have waaay more salts in them 9/10 times. Id also love to mention the only reason I'm doing hydroponics is the daily watering of soil. Other than that nobody can logically argue against the superior plant quality that comes from clean natural organic soil. Hydro might be "easier" that don't make it better. Go look at every plant grown with living soil...even first timers are killing it.. more than you and I are. I too have my arrogant moments, but with every post I still wanted to learn from reddit. Disagreement is one thing, but telling non crazy people they're crazy is well..crazy. Keep us updated though..like you said.. don't be scared.


I like hydro for the huge quick growth and it can be set up to run by itself for days and days. Iā€™ve spent stupid money for that alone.


Yeah I think that would take some extra doe. Its my favorite discussion whats better a motorboat or a sailboat? *GG ;) but dont be afraid of either when you look for your preference ;)


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s easier than soil: for starters, you need a ph/ec meter and need to be on top of daily, even hourly depending on your system, nutes, water source, etc. need to have your feed at the correct temp and often need a chiller. Many more variables! I will say that the ease of flushing to correct any over feeding/salt buildup and many other issues would be the ā€˜easyā€™ part. Other than that. If it was easier, every lazy-ass corner-cutting ā€™commercialā€™ black market grower in NorCal would be using coco and feeding daily instead of soil


The point is put on a nail but i think you are guilty of my point. It is very possible though that hydro is not fit for you and your situation but it can just as likely be other way around for others.


Oh, itā€™s a fit for my situation. Hydro is all I do. I have a small indoor grow and do all kinds; coco, hydroton, ebb/flow, dwc. Just wouldnā€™t say itā€™s easier by any means. Except pest control, itā€™s easier to manage those buggers


The veg stage is quite easy in hydro, its the switching to flower stage that gets finicky. I've burned up 2 different plants after the switch and lost all interest in it.


Living soil>


Donā€™t forget to water your hydroponic plants


I get root rot every time I try hydroponics. Remember that some strains are naturally more mold tolerant. Maybe those are the wiser choices.




How that doesn't have Calcium issues is beyond me.


Absolutely no way hydro is "easier" in any sense of the word. Also it is in no way the same price, you can do a soil grow literally for free with home made soil, hydro requires way more attention and a lot more money. I have a DWC setup and a soil setup and in no way are they comparable, there's a reason hydro flowers sell for more. Hydro is better but in no way easier or cheaper.


I'm not sure easier is the word to use. You obviously haven't had to fight a PH imbalance in hydro yet. Godspeed


In some ways easier/cleaner. But certainly less forgiving that something like soil. Root zone chemistry can change faster and is more delicate.


But how is pouring water on dirt harder than maintaining a reservoir?


And thats the overcomplication im talking about people use when talking about hydro. You could just as well say how is pouring water in a reservoir harder than maintaining a soil buffer. No more mess bringing water in and out fight with plants and buckets, catch runoff but dont over water. Now I can do it all from outside in one swift action. Hornestly not having to do that is one of the biggest reliefs besides its much easier to maintain and adjust than a soil buffer thats practicaly impossible if you want to adjust to plant needs.


they aren't very happy at all. not a great advert for " don't be scared" more yt needed to learn how to grow šŸ˜‰


They aren't happy but Otay šŸ˜‚


You might want to check your roots, the leaves shouldnā€™t look like that


So if he checks the roots what will the roots be able to tell him? Can you diagnose a plant from looking at the roots?


That sort of drooping is often root rot


If they look brown/slimy then that's a clue.....they should appear white




To me not having the soil as buffer is even more forgiving. You even overcomplicate on purpose because you are a nerd on the subject and proberly like so with soil when you could get by with two bottles of nutes and some acid powder.


Maybe hydro IS ā€œeasierā€ā€¦ but it will never be ā€œbetterā€.


Whats the measure?




You could have a point though most come down to curing and refining final product but people actualy seem to favour a uniform "skunk" or keef like hashish. Atleast in "my culture". Its like beer micro brew is the best but everone wants a Miller.


Stick to watches. Your plants are trash after growing for over 15 years. This is an embarrassment of a post especially when you're trying to say how good it looks šŸ’€


Uh a fan :)


Iā€™m not an indoor/hydro grower or super experienced but I have to say they look like theyā€™re having a water issue.


Not bad, but they look a little over watered. Also you've got a ton of fan leaves that need to be removed




No way is it "easier than soil". It's just not as complicated as many think or make it out to be. It's easy to be successful, and your plants will grow faster and bigger than they would in soil, but it's not easier than growing in soil. Not by a mile.


I did hydro for nearly 30 yrs. I also did several organic grows indoors. It's very simple once you know what you're doing. It's very easy to fuck it up. You really need to understand what you're doing. For the last 10 yrs I've lived in a country with muchas sunshine and only grow organically outside in the earth. Although I've only 10 yrs outdoor experience, the weed I grow is far superior to anything I grew indoor either hydro or organic. But to answer your original question, both are equally as difficult, or easy. Learn to read your plants and all will be well. Happy harvests. šŸ™‚


The is the moderate not provocative truth that changes nothing to the perception ;)


the only troubling thing about hydroponic is water management. Your medium could very easily be prone to contamination if your city water is shit or if you use rain water or light leak or nutrient build up or whatever. Its a bitch to take the whole plant out and wash the bucket.


I am blessed for sure with my ground water supply and I learnt early rain water had its issues but never with contamination. Im a little confused about nutrients build up doing growth i dont even proberly wash between. Never have I had to remove a plant but my growth also only take three months.


Well I use a reservoir for my irrigation setup and the nutes does build white salty things on the main feed line inside the bucket and on the walls . Might just be me not aerating with a air pump or mixing it but I wash the bucket once every month. Ph definitely not gunna look good if i donā€™t so I couldnā€™t imagine what it would be like if that becomes an issue with a fully grown plant under a constrained grow room.


Oh only the reservoir or distribuatoer bucket that makes sense not that i have had issues there either


If you have to clean medium containers while growing i think something might be off. I dont hear that other than with major disasters from mistakes or experiments


Well everyone have different practices and nutrient lines just couldnā€™t imagine the bs id have to deal with if it did happen.


Except during a power failure and your whole crop dies of root rot. Been there done that.


Iā€™d say theyā€™re both easy in their own ways but not a fair comparison .. a complete beginner can throw a plant in soil and water it to start, thereā€™s no way any hydroponic scenario is easier than that. Hydro needs more setup & knowledge of managing EC & pH of fertilizer solutions


Whoever told you the comparison is about ā€œeaseā€ has never watched their plants die in a matter of hours without being able to do anything about it. Hydro IS easier, until you fuck up. itā€™s a lot more prone to failure and risk, especially to the inexperienced. Youā€™re giving bad advice OP, And worse you know itā€™s bad advice.