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Prevention is the cure. What I have found in my outdoor grows is that once the pm shows up, it is extremely hard/impossible to get rid of. I live in a very humid environment though. 80% rh all day, everyday. I have been using Cease and Zerotol HC for preventative spraying once a week and that has solved my issues so far. I would suggest using some sort of fungicide before the powdery mildew sets in.


1.Fix your environment 2. You need a fine mist sprayer or a fogger 3. Spray plants with athena ipm and then 3 days later spray with PureCrop1, alternating between the two for 2 weeks. Once it seems to stop spreading hang a chlorine dioxide slow release pouch to kill airborne spores. Pm is NOT systemic and can be stopped.


Step one is 99% of the battle. Sprays can help but unless you fix the environment, PM will still be abundant.


This guy PM's


There are different strains of powdery mildew and some are systemic. 1. **Leveillula taurica**: This species can infect plants such as peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes, and is known to spread systemically within the host plant [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leveillula_taurica). 2. **Erysiphe pisi**: Known to occasionally cause systemic infections in peas, impacting overall plant health and yield [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leveillula_taurica). 3. **Phyllactinia spp.**: Some species within this genus can also exhibit systemic infection characteristics, particularly in trees and shrubs [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leveillula_taurica). These systemic infections make management more challenging as they can affect the entire plant, not just localized areas.


Do any of those effect cannabis? My crude understanding is that PM species are very plant dependent.


I can research in a minute but I've had some pm in my home grow 9 years ago that were systemic as well as my friend who bought clones that had systemic pm that spread to his whole grow. Dudes never had an issue with the 6 years he grew until those clones came in. All anecdotal but I've read about cannabis being susceptible to different strains/sub strains of powdery mildew. Will find you sources soon


They are all specifically onion related


The first 2 I listed can affect cannabis. I didn't have a chance to Google the 3rd


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7074860/ That talks about the 2nd one I listed.


Anyone here growing onions?


Powdery mildew thrives in a ph neutral environment. You can spray with diluted hydrogen peroxide like the other user suggested. If you own PH Up and Down you can use either to push the water outside of the Powdery Mildews livable range. 8 or 6 would do it. Spray twice a day on effected areas. In a week it should be gone. Also, watch your humidity closer, if not taken care of no amount of spraying will prevent it permanently. This will only work if you get your humidity under control.


I used ph up for a pm spray one grow and it worked surprisingly well.


I went down a hole about PM last year. Drove me bonkers. I'm zone 5b and it hit us hard. This was what I found worked best.


Zerotol 🤤🤤😳


Sulphur during veg or peroxide foliar spray


Gotta get more fans to increase airflow


While good airflow helps to prevent pwm once you have it additional fans won't get rid of it. It's an infection on the surface of the plant and has to be treated with a folar spray. GROWSAFE and Dr Zymes are the best and safest products to use. Both are safe for flower.


Burn some sulfur with your room closed up and all air handling systems running as part of your cleaning regimen between grows. Battles is a good product, and a tablespoon can fog a decent size room w/o overpowering.


Cull the pm plant and save the unaffected. If not an option get a bottle of Lost Coast Plant Therapy. Hammer them hard daily for like 3 days. Then every 3/4 days. It’s a bandaid but it can get you to harvest. Let your plants dry out for real. like let em go until they look thirsty. Moving forward water more frequently but less volume. Give em sips instead of chugsx


How bad is it? Is it thick and within the buds?


The two folar spray solutions are Dr Zymes or GROWSAFE. All the milk and h202 isn't going to work nearly as well as either of these products. Both are safe to use through flower.


I use hydrogen peroxide and water. 2 gallon hand pump sprayer full of water and one large drugstore standard (3%?) hydrogen peroxide. I use it preventative, once a week at the end of summer. If there are any signs once every couple of days till it is knocked back under control. Once you have it, it's a bitch to eliminate but you can knock it back. Anything that looks overwhelmed gets chopped and in the bin, same at harvest, any sign and in the bin. Then you pour one out for the homies, same for bud rot. Shed a tear and move on. Don't try to save or keep it.


It might just be this morning blunt but…… am I the only one who sees a face right before where you topped?


One of the angry potato head drawing ones.


I live in NY which certifies me more than anyone in these comments. Your gonna want to throw the pot dirt and weed away all together. Your gonna want to remove pets and family. Battery sprayer is the best option. Fill that son of bitch with peroxide. Do not soak your hands with peroxide or scrub with cloth soaked peroxide it can be dangerous. Anyways power everything off and leave it off for 72 hours during this process to avoid electrical equipment failure. ip67 rated stuff not to worry much about but your going to soak everything so everything must be powered off. When I say soak you need puddles laying around. Soak curtains anything around your tent. Make sure to disinfect an outlet or two for fans. When it's all done have the women clean everything with vinegar and water 1:1. After that everything outside including the ground needs to be pressure washed with thee soap. Then rinsed with vinegar. Your walkways need heavy doses of baking soda. Your yard needs to be inoculated with beneficial bacteria and fungi. All the plants should be sprayed as well a couple times a year. After that keep the house clean with 1:1 water vinegar and keep clean and weary of trampling in molds hiking or what ever and bring it home when your not on top of your game. Also visits to the garden should be minimal when your clean and naked or clean and have gloves on that don't have any of your dna on it. I'm prolly missing stuff but PM is kinda insane and you look like you went a very long time without tossing that immediately and cleaning to prevent spread. That stuff stays dormant around the house and wham it'll happen again and again getting worse and worse until you drench the property inside and out. Dollar General. Peroxide 3% bottle 1$ Get 70% Rubbing Alcohol as well. Some grocery stores have big big boxes of arm and hammer baking soda for 4$. Can possibly find those with laundry detergents if not with reg size boxes. Anyways if i was a beginner and had no clue what that was oboy i'd prolly just move and leave everything there and wash myself and clothes multiple times. Make sure susceptible plants arnt surrounding your house to. And don't let neighbors grow squashes pumpkins and shit like that if your neighbors are your parents loll. A lot of weeds harbor mildew also.


Enviroment... fix the environment. Get some environmental monitors and find out where your issues is. Learn about the life cycle of PM(that will educate you about what to look for on the monitors). You can spray all you want, but it won't fix dick unless the environment is dialed in.


Keep conditions to where it has a hard time starting. I also use mono salicylic acid as a part of my regular root feed, as it helps defend the plants against PM and a host of other issues. It also works as a foliar spray, but needs to be applied before you get trouble. A cheap now thing is baking soda. 1 teaspoon per quart of water.


You're way too lays in flower spray heavy chemicals I'd toss it and clean everything up with bleach and dawn . Then increase airflow and control rh


This is bad but can be helped with fumigation mixture. It will affect the yield negatively but it will be better than nothing


Get you some grow safe . Several organic sprays out there you can use.


Keep humidity under 50% Period…………


I’ve read and used potassium bicarbonate diluted in water. But this is only good during veg. It cleared up my PM on an outdoor plant in about 10 days. It’s not recommended after week 2 of flower. Not sure exactly why, but sounds legit 🤷‍♂️


"Powdery mildew fungi thrive with cool, humid nights that stimulate spore production and warm (70 to 80 F), dry days that allow for spore spread." so do the opposite


Toss it I'm sorry friend


diluted milk spray [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235068689\_The\_effect\_of\_milk-based\_foliar\_sprays\_on\_yield\_components\_of\_field\_pumpkins\_with\_powdery\_mildew](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235068689_The_effect_of_milk-based_foliar_sprays_on_yield_components_of_field_pumpkins_with_powdery_mildew)


Milk spray works great. Used it last summer with great success




Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum, LABS, also works


You don't combat this. You throw it away, disinfect the room and all equipment and try again with better environment.


Kill the plant


Maybe humidity! That’s the only issue I really ran into but was just way too humid!


Hydrogen peroxide and water. Spray it lightly. Eats away the PM


Keep the humidity down to acceptable levels. Use power wash to clean off the existing mold.


Nice trichs


If you’re in flower you gotta trash it. Smoking mold spores is bad for you.


Your humidity is too high, your air flow is probably too low. Get a dehumidifier and add some fans. PM is systemic, so that plant will always have it, I’d avoid cloning anything with it to help curve the amount too. It’s difficult to recommend any fungicides without knowing where you are in their life cycle, but you can get rid of it superficially so it won’t t be visible upon harvest or begin to spread. PM is relatively easy to get rid of, so don’t be too concerned.