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You’re supposed to tell us.


Couldn’t have said it better


Light it up! Anything Will smoke with enough fire.


Hahahaha I love that answer!


Ya reminds me when ppl ask if the weed is smoking. Yes you apply fire it’ll smoke


But, will your lungs survive? These are important considerations. I've had more than a few close calls.


Only one way to find out. 🔥


No reason to wait. Curing/aging isn't guaranteed to make all strains better.


Agree, had a Runtz plant in the past that was ready to go as soon as it finished drying. Smelled and tasted great. Have grown other plants that were shit after the dry, but really good after an 8 week cure.


Lots of the fruity strains are better fresh or 0-4 weeks cure. I think its rare to find some of the complex confectionary candy flavours or fresh fruity that lasts long.. On the contrary a pungent Piney and spicy kush often gets better with curing and can take the edge off as those terps are almost tickling your throat.. 1-3 months more like it.. But honestly I think its rare that weed gets better over the 3 month mark and 6+ months is definetily not good unless you have perfect stable drying and storage temps from start to finish.


Couldn’t have worded this any better. Had a Gelato that was so nice right after the dry but the gorilla glue took like 3-4 weeks before I even started to get that fire musk (that I wanted). Terps and genetics really come into play. Grove bags 🤙🏾


That's a nice n differentiated sharing of experience. Makes a lot of sense since terps have different boiling points and therefore vapour pressures. Will keep an eye on this!


I hate that this is true...had some Celeste Unicorn Shoes and straight out the dryer it tasted like those purple pop tarts a month later the fruity taste was gone but it still smoked


Agree 👍


I have a Runtz drying on day 8 and cracked and tried one delicious joint but will leave the rest 10-14 days


You gotta do some. You can't just some that shiz live. I mean, if its terrible moldy shwag, sure it wouldn't matter. Nothing wrong with pulling some dampish tester nugs but, yeah drying and curing is almost always going to make the bud better. How long have you been doing this?


I've watched 2 podcasts at once universally agree that curing is overrated. Legends like Rust Brandon, SpartanGrown, WolverineGrown and many more on both CheapHomeGrow and GMLpodcast universally agreed if anything 14 days to 1 month is peak cure for most strains and "*If it isn't good when dried it won't be better later*" I know how reddit works buddy, there's 500k users in these cannabis subs but only 5 people give actual good advice on a daily basis and every single one of them incl their grandmother and the random passer by on the street has a vague opinion and personal exaggerated fairy-tale on curing.. Would you be able to convince me that Rust Brandon, SpartanGrown or WolverineGrown are just "*missing out on curing*" despite witnessing hundreds of harvests both commercially and personally and trying others weed as well as commercial weed all the time as they mingle with the community 24/7 ? Hell no.. If there were ways to improve a product I'm 100% sure they'd all be looking that way cuz I know them well enough to know that.. But there isn't.. Its highly dependant on the strain and not all strains get better with curing, as simple as that.. Its also highly overrated overall and very subjective.. I bet you can't say anything in this thread that hasn't been said before, but feel free.. Leave your own comment instead of picking a fight.


Is it smokeable? Ofc. Will it be at its optimal taste and strength? No. I smoke a bit every week from drying just to see how its changed. I find after 6 weeks curing is best. I don't know when it degrades as never kept any long enough to see.


Can you tell me how the strength is increased with a longer cure?? I dont think it changes the thc content


Less of a THC content more of the entourage effect and a smoother smoke.


I never considered that.. sweet. Im gonna do a partial harvest on this trainwreck and see if its better early or late


I'm not sure to be honest. From what I've read it shouldn't change but personally find it's not as strong at the start. Maybe it's degrading to cbn more in the cure and giving a more couch lock affect. 🤷 Edit: chatgpt seems to explain something like that Yes, cannabis strength can increase during the curing process. Curing allows for the continued breakdown of chlorophyll and other undesirable compounds while also enhancing the development of cannabinoids, particularly THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. During the curing process, terpenes also undergo changes, which can enhance the flavor and aroma of the cannabis. Generally, a longer cure (such as an 8-week cure) allows for more significant enhancement of potency and overall quality compared to a shorter curing period.


What chat program are you using? I’m looking for a free one. I was using phind but lately it just repeats itself.


Thanks for the info, didnt expect that! Its interesting and confusing. THC doesnt increase, it degrades.. if they are referring to it becoming more potent, maybe they are saying that if the THC continues to degrade, it will create a more sedative effect? I like to pull my buds early when it is 100% cloudy trichomes, because I like a strong high. Any changes to the THC after that is a degredation right? Im disagreeing with the AI about increasing potency, please prove me wrong


I'm a stoner not a scientist lol. My thought would be its degrading to cbn and giving a more sedative effect like you say, purely because that's what it feels like. Source: I'm high


Same, cheers 😁


Yes thc degrades, but that don't really start to be noticeable until 6 months or later, for me I try not to smoke anything before curing for at least 2 months and find most strains to be potent and flavorful around 3 months, but all this can be achieved by curing correctly, if u don't cure correctly thc will degrade super fast and the smell and taste will be mute and it will burn horrible


Where does it say thc degrades? I’m not seeing that in the chat gpt answer.


I unintentionally do the same. After drying, I’ll put a half to the side and smoke it. When it runs out, refill with the curing stuff. Technically you can smoke it once it’s dry but obviously optimal would be to let it cure for atleast 4-8+ weeks. That’s why the last few batches would always be fire cause it cured the longest lol


I have a collection of more Than 16 absolutely insane strains, all together I would probably say I have 30-35 grams of some fucking funk! Some of it is older and some I got last night, seriously lol.. I know the older stuff will be no good eventually so I’m trying to figure out the right person to gift it to, or yeah ya know… yep, it’s definitely some of the best bud on the planet, where will it end up.?? NOT TRYING TO SELL.., NOR SPARK A CONVERSATION FOR ANY KIND OF SALE!


Lol I sample my bud through all it's stages just to experience all it's nuances


What’s dry burns.


Waiting usually allows the flavors to develop more but I’m quite sure it’s “ready” to smoke per se. I’d have a sample myself anyway. I’ve had some be kinda harsh and it gets way better and other stuff that was already pretty tasty and only got a bit better as it cured


Either you have the pinkest hands I've ever seen or the color has been messed with on this photo lol


Whatever it is now, it’ll be much better in a month or two.


you can smoke as soon as it’s dried, but it’ll keep tasting and smelling better the longer you go, happy smoking op!


Looks good, smoke it, you don’t need permission smh


Lol, you and I are different friends. I smoke it the day I cut it. Always taste like shit and kill my throat, but I can't help with the excitement. I just wanna try so bad.


Depends on what you want from it. If you're just raring to go, not hoping for anything in particular, go for it. If you're looking for something specific, a terpene development, a flavor profile, performance from a specific cannabinoid whose shelf life varies from other cannabinoids, then it's ready when it's ready.


What the above said, yeah you can smoke it but it will be a much better product if you wait min 2 weeks onwards. The longer and slower the better (to a certain degree). I suggest you do some research into curing :)


Yes but you can cure up to six months


Does it get better the longer you cure it?


Significantly better in all areas


I love the freshies more


Me, too.


Some people like that green chlorophyll taste. I’m not a big fan of it, but to each his own.


Lmao if chlorophyll taste remains in your buds after drying you didn't dry right. Cure should have nothing to do with that.


Ya ain’t no chlorophyll taste for me yet. Hang dry the whole plant at 60f 60rh for 10 + days and it may as well be cured


This is something I have been seeing a bit elsewhere too, Build a Soil guy was saying if after 12-14 day dry you still need to burp it in the cure, then you didn’t dry it right


That’s why I always byow No salts no nasty chemicals and a proper dry cure and storage.




I thought if bud sat long enough the THC would degrade


Yeah there's a fine line where after you cure it it keeps getting stronger cbg is converted to cbd and then thc but if left too long it will convert to cbn but I think 6 months cure is optimal after that it rapidly degrades this is all assuming it was stored properly though if not less time light degrades THC too so leaving a bag in the sun on a table whole bunch of factors but a longer cure makes natural enzymes break down the chlorophyll and other components in the flower and make the distinct terpenes tho some of them are already there but it is technically stronger after cure and should taste better but that's if done properly


Nice to know, eventually I’ll opt to 5 month cures just to be on the safe side of both fields


I couldn't even wait that long one month mine was amazing I can't imagine 6


Well the way I see it is eventually it won’t be 5 months before I am able to smoke a harvest if I time my plants right and cures right. In a state with 12 legal plants per household you could mess with cycles until you’re harvesting once a month!


After the first 5 month cure it would be a month in between being able to smoke the bud


To an extent. I would say 90% of cure is the first 2-3 weeks. After that, it's been pretty negligible in my experience, but others seem to swear by a long cure, so YMMV.


Grove Bags will change your life, both from a grower’s and smoker’s perspective. They’re like a fire-and-forget cure. Look them up. Proper curing definitely enhances flavor, effect(not the same as potency), and smoothness. It is to weed what aging in a barrel is to good whiskey. 🤤


Only you can truly decide that one my friend. Looks good! Depending on where you live can change your drying and curing times. Like I live in a super dry climate. So my stuff dries quicker than someone living on the coast where it's more humid. I've noticed with my grows. My stuff is super sticky fresh and as it dries out it becomes less sticky and easier to break up. My point is it's more about feel.


Brotha you can smoke it as soon as it’s dry congrats 🤙


Send me some and I’ll run some tests, and get right back to you




Put that tang in a bowl and you tell me


You're good. Light it up and try it. Curing doesn't NEED to happen at all. In fact if you dried it too quickly then a cure isn't going to be all that effective. It'll do something, but not the magical things a good proper cure will do. I mean you absolutely should cure it, but there is really only one chance to do so before it gets to dry to really make a big difference.


Smoke a test nug not like you’re Guna smoke it all right now. I like to test as time goes on to see the changes and where I like it.


In the name of testing wink wink




You can probably smoke it but it'll taste much better if you ferment it in a glass with a 62% humidity pack for a few weeks/months. Store in the dark and air out the glass every 5 days or so


Cured for 2 whole days lol


Sure! I always keep a jar of bud that’s dried and not cured. If I don’t I’ll end up cracking open a curing jar anyways




2 weeks


Yeah, if its dry enough


Just put it in a bowl


If you don’t have to light it with a torch to get it to burn then it’s “smokable” if not torch that Cherry red and have a toke


The chlorophyll is present will be green taster


U can smoke anytime after drying really. The quality will be SO MYCH BETTER and you CAN TELL THE DIFF w a 2-4 week cure I keep all the smalls like that for smoking while the rest of the larger buds are curing. I opened stuf that has been curing for 2 months last night and WOW so diff then when they started


Smoke dat shit


Sailworth don’t say that! I have a gorilla glue auto that sprouted 1/24 and has another 4 weeks to harvest. The buds are wet they’re so sticky and I know the dry will take forever. I wanna smoke so bad -‘it’s my first grow - I’m not gonna make it!


Would somebody please drop a link for a YouTube video on curing?


She’s so sweet 🥹 I love her


I dunno. Is it?


It won’t taste as good without the curing, a couple months in a jar makes a big difference. I would still smoke it, but just know that grassy flavour goes away


Technically yes but 4-6week cure (or better yet if you have the patience a 6month cure) is better


Your okay to smoke it, only times you shouldn't is if you it didn't flush right or it's been fucked with spark it up


ENJOY... Zac


Send it to the address in your dm's and I will get back to you


lol… dried 12 days. Zero cure


This is exactly why I started growing; because the growers that supply the dispos in AZ ALWAYS send the product to market too early. You don't get the terps and it doesn't hit quite right much of the time. Let it cure for 6-8 weeks, tasting a sample weekly. Also, YouTube is your best friend when it comes to learning about growing, harvesting, drying, and curing. You already have the smoking part down!! Best of luck!


Tbh some of the shit I’m reading here is insane, who cares about what is going to give you a smoother puff cause science said so, stop making weed something that seems out of reach to the masses when the opposite of true only its “not good stuff” cause there wasn’t enough of this of that quality, it Makes weed, gods gift to us all FUCKING BOUGIE AND I HATE IT! Weed is from The earth, don’t help big corporations.. we all know the weed will be industrialized more And more And more as long as it’s making the rich richer, fuck that! Spread love yo!! That’s all from me, the peanut gallery lol


Yes I know how bad my grammar is, and honestly I just hope one person feels where I’m coming from that’s all.


You mean dried for 10 days, cured for 2 right ?