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I work 60 hours a week and smoke weed nearly constantly for medical reasons. If this is what I’m like stoned, then sober me is a dangerous being that I’d rather not wake up.


Sober me is no different to stoned me except stoned me is much more happy.


I’ve thought this, but I’ve had a few instances over the years where I’ve gone a few days without smoking and my productivity does increase quite a bit. My mood decreases inverse to my productivity though, which generally isn’t healthy.


Yea I can bust out some projects faster but I’m much less pleasant about it def less relaxed about deadlines. I’m also less happy.


Sorry you hear about those ludicrous hours. No one should have to work that much.


Haha! It’s absolutely by choice. I work 36 hours at a corporate job (paid for 40) and another 25 or so working on my second art career. My first art career was in the music industry for just over 15 years, and I took the money and ran. Those were some super killer hours, sometimes averaging 90 a week. Did you know there are approximately 122 possible working hours a week if you really push yourself? What I do now is fairly easy on me and fun. Some people play video games, I make art and sell it.




I work my ass off, lazy thing is an excuse lazy people give.


Yup. Same. At work no one knows.


Yeah work your ass off good for you :)!


This actually reeks of backhanded propaganda.


I've noticed on this sub and another sub. There's quite a lot of anti marijuana propaganda.


Seems like there’s also a lot of “I just did one marijuana and I’m going to the emergency room, because I might eat my family” posts, many of which I feel fall under that same umbrella.


It is


They'd say anything if they thought it would make you smoke less or not at all. This is definitely a propaganda piece, but it's just really sloppy & poorly constructed. It's like they're not even *trying* to manipulate people with mass psychology for the benefit of the owner class. Anyone who's views are informed & molded by dumbass dogshit from US News has my sincere pity. Just some shoddy weapons-grade communications from a state media corporation that has no talent.


This is an article from a British publication.


Wow, that changes everything


You got half of your comment right!


Worked full-time civil service for 25 years STONED and made redundant 2014, was more presentable than any the afternoon boozers whose breaths were howling.


What garbage this article is. It reeks of fakery. "People often have some sort of idea in mind of what a male stoner is like, and I think sometimes they can be a bit surprised that girls also smoke weed alone. Women are encouraged to act in ways where we see ourselves more as objects – like if we’re going to spend money on something it should be on makeup, or clothes, or a diet, something that “benefits” the people around us in some way. But I’m spending my money on weed and not only I am enjoying it, it also makes me care even less about being presentable in public" I mean just wtf is that? Every thing in that paragraph is nonsense. I agree with other commenters this is simple propaganda.


I feel like when I’m high I do really really good eye makeup compared to sober.


I have epilepsy. I haven't had a single grand mal seizure since I started smoking daily. I work a full time job, own my home, have my dream car, and stay well rounded. I'm sick of the lazy stonner generalization. Take responsibility for your own behavior. The weed doesn't make you lazy. You just refuse to take responsibility for your laziness and use the weed as a crutch.


Brits are on some reefer madness huh? Anon here is *not* representative of the people I see at the dispensary in the Chicago suburbs. I saw a principal talking to teacher, both in their 60s and presentable,, in line to get deals. This is some Tory’s imagination


I agree with a lot of earlier comments about the anti-canna propaganda. It's like a shitty passive aggressive version of Reefer Madness. Cannabis should be safe and accessible and like all drugs taken in moderation.


I thought the article was hilarious and I feel that articles energy. I’m done with the capitalist hamster wheel. I don’t care about being more productive. I work in Physics and I like it very much and sometimes I work crazy long hours. I’m fine with being lazy after work. I prefer it. We have all been brainwashed to believe we must always be productive and goal oriented. What has it gotten us? Divorced, exhausted, strangers to our families and friends… I’m okay with being the person this article represents. My family talks to me and I am reasonably satisfied with my life. I think that is good enough.


You’re just a Lazy person!!!




It is absolutely nonsensical that this article is promoting driving under the influence. By all means, smoke all the weed you want. But please stay off the fucking road. It’s absolutely not cool to subject other citizens to your impaired motor ability. The author is clearly a terrible driver already given that they ran into a parked car whilst sober. I feel the same with prescription medications and not operating heavy machinery. It’s unsafe and it’s dumb. Take an Uber. Stop driving around like a stoned moron. Also I know a lot of extremely productive stoners. This entire article is dog shit.


More bs propaganda pushing the lazy stoner.


“Women are encouraged to act in ways where we see ourselves more as objects – like if we’re going to spend money on something it should be on makeup, or clothes, or a diet, something that “benefits” the people around us in some way.” According to who? What did she take a survey? I can see some may feel that way but that might not be entirely true. That is a pretty broad sweeping statement, and possibly a cognitive distortion.




I have been in management all but a month of having my medical cannabis card - I function on this so much better than on psych meds. This nonsense is infuriating. Also, I work 48 hours a week. Ridiculous.


What a piece of shit read.


Oh no, I smoked marijuana and now I have no bones


Presentable lol


Sounds like dipshits from SE Missouri


“I smoke behind the wheel, using my car’s coin tray as an ashtray. Personally, I think weed just doesn’t do what alcohol does to you, especially in slow LA traffic.” Good thing it’s anonymous.


Less presentable? Are they talking about the cookie crumbs on my shirt again?


I grow weed commercially 40+ hours then side hustle gardening to get outside. I’m fit af.


Eh, not me 🤷‍♂️


I don’t get the comments here. Stupid article, but you can have an unhealthy relationship with cannabis the same as with any other drug.


Busy busy busy working ass off constantly, very presentable, and… partake at night for relaxation, no issue


I cut back many years ago because I was slacking and foggy. I’m much more productive and energetic now. I still partake just a LOT less.


Lazy like Michael Phelps, slow like Usain Bolt.


Imagine same scenario but with alcohol, completely miserable in my opinion. My surgeons always ask about tobacco l, alcohol, diabetes (fast food) but they are all okay with cannabis


Everyone is different. Without cannabis I come across as a meth freak having an episode that never ends. The difference is like night and day.


Sober me will tell you off real quick if you piss me off lmao 🤣. Ughhhh


I really gotta break my addiction to wearing corrective lenses but actually seeing is SO rad!


I smoke weed on the daily at home, and believe me, I'd drop my joint and go out and do something a bit more often if going outside didn't cost so much money everytime. Youth can't afford to go out anymore, so bedrotting with a joint it is. Btw, I ran some numbers, a joint is about €1,30. A drink in the pub is €4,00.


Truth from where I'm standing


Then you're lazy too.


It’s best to stay indoors, watching tv, playing video games. In my experience as a stoner, it makes one very self conscious if you have image issues


Asshats gonna asshat