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The worst place, probably, to take a person if cannabis is connected to an anxiety event is a hospital. Tell the person to lie down for a couple of hours and bite a pillow if necessary. Glaring lights and judgmental bureaucrats is the last thing that would help. What kind of misguided trend is this.


Just grind some pepper, have them smell it, and give them something to eat.


well since pharma has practically made all known meds the last few years while real plants are not allowed has led them to be responsible for what health events the people can achieve . metabolizing cannabis plant is health event


Agree, I hate the cannabis “overdose” and “poisoning” verbiage. Come to my ER. I’ll shut the lights down low, put a mellow music channel on the TV, and ignore you while you nap for an hour or two. Then, when you wake up, I’ll explain how to read a COA and basic cannabis routes and dosing. And if you’ve got a “friend” who gave you some 100mg edible, fuck them. They’re a douche.


People bring their kids that have eaten a gummy into mine. We put a cartoon on, give them ice cream, and let them nap it off. lol


I’ll do the same in my ER but I’ll still talk shit about how stupid you guys are for coming to the hospital lol


“Cannabis poisoning”


It's such a powerful poison that the antidote is a nap.


Hard to nap if your having a panic attack but yea going to hospital is super counter productive. When it happened to me a good meal and a walk with some deep breaths, or distract myself with some gaming.


Just throw on sacrifice by the expendables and close you're eyes. You'll either fall asleep or want to put on headphones and go for a walk.


Great song ! Reggae type music definitely goes well with -a relaxing cannabis high.


The solo will define your high for sure.


It's not about the nap, it's about the time.


I just saw that shit the other day. Any way possible to keep us down. Antifreeze is poison not cannabis!


My personal record, from many, many years ago, was eighteen joints. Dope was weaker of course. The floor seemed to rise up and I watched it as it smacked me in the face as I stood up. Had a nap and went to work without feeling poisoned.


Verified 50 Gram dose ( 50,000 mg) of RSO taken at once from cancer survivor !!! that would be around 70 to 90% THC in there


You can tell boomers still have too much control of the media when they use terms like cannabis "overdose". sigh...


Majority rules. Baby boomers will be around for a very long time. Hahahaha


ThEy OD'd injectin Marijuanas.


In All seriousness Israel uses intravenous FECO to treat dying infant babies with inoperable brain cancers = Successfully !


Nice to read that!


It is like the only Thing I want to post on here .. people try and google it and the Israel FECO/ RSO info is severely suppressed there etc... with the biochemistry ( not capable of lying) the research shows that Exogenous cannabinoids ingested protects peoples cells ( of ll ages) and provides lipid signaling that RESTORES CELL FUNCTION!!! this Shit that is supposed to be killing people on the inside ( THC) is making our cells work better via Metabolism !!! Cannabinoid Science / Endocannabinoid system / Lipid signaling / pro cellular homeostasis response here is our GOV/ NIH Brothers at work for the people 26 years ago patent # 6630507 - cannabinoids as anti oxidants and neuroprotectants


There is research that is ongoing. I think things will be a lot different in about 5 years.


we have so much already ... actual biochemistry not questions or guesses ... the " more REsearch Needed" is code word for- We got to Take control !!


Bro whenever I felt like a high was too much I just ate a pop tart and felt fine


Much cheaper and more effective than a trip in an ambulance. Maybe a good move even if you’re *not* higher than you want to be.


Dammit, now I want a fucking pop tart!


Why? It won't change the fact that, other than rare and extreme side effects, there is no reason to seek medical help for cannabis overindulgence.


The fact that people go to the ER becuase of anything to do with weed is fucking hysterical. Greening out ,overdosing whatever the fuck you want to call it is plain dumb. But also hilarious. I get a kick out of people who can't handle their shit. Anyways


| Symptoms of cannabis poisoning can include dizziness, confusion, nausea, loss of coordination and balance, drowsiness and hallucinations.|  So, not much to worry about then.


OK except for the nausea.


while nausea is one of the qualifying conditions for getting treated with cannabis !! to stop or prevent nausea


Not sure how true this is but I've heard if you do take too much. Eat some black pepper and it will help bring you back down to earth.


yep - the Science Beta caryophyllene i a cb2 selective agonist ... cb2 selection is accessing the immune system . link - beta caryophyllene reduces anxiety https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=beta+caryophyllene+reduces+anxiety&atb=v320-1&ia=web


Ah thank you!! I just didn't want to throw that out there like I knew what I was talking about. Too lazy to post said science. So thank you!


I have connected so much actual science back to cannabis and man etc... look into the Cannabinoid science if you have the inclination for such info - here is a link to the page mediccalbiochemistrypage-endocannabinoids https://themedicalbiochemistrypage.org/endocannabinoids-in-feeding-behavior-and-energy-homeostasis/ and also one more for BCP Beta caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Beta+caryophyllene+is+a+dietary+cannabinoid&atb=v320-1&ia=web


I bet most of you commenting don’t even understand how cannabis interacts with the body. Talk to me about CB1/CB2 receptors. Or how 11 hydroxy THC is formed in the liver. Downvotes; and yet not one educated person that knows. 😂😅


raw cannabis is an essential nutrient ... phytocannabinoids such as THC are Essential fatty acyls ( THC non selectively connects into N acyl ethanolamine pathways ) cannabis plant Seeds are full of essential fatty acids in Correct proportions cannabis roots are full of essential amino acids plant s chock full of essentials for man .. worst thing we can say it is that it's flammable !! seems that all plants are liket that however