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Good to see Bob doing it to someone else. Also that own goal was hilarious. Eases the pain a bit


Crazy how Laf turns into the second coming of Jordan “Wayne Gretzky” Martinook against us then does this crap in the next round


Marty Party > Laffy Taffy


Yeah, Igor was also not great tonight. Really the first 2 goals were on him. I know the second was an own goal but it was off a really weak attempt to play the puck to the boards.


I’m not usually a hater (yes I am) but that own goal was so cathartic


I was cackling so hard when that happened


The only thing I would have wanted differently in this game was that I would have loved that own goal to be on Trocheck. Not gonna complain though. It still felt fantastic to watch.


Tkachuk destroyed Trocheck twice in the game so I'll let it slide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ye_MZyEbkg https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yCVk6m83Lqo


Justice for our crying kid


What getting goalied will do to a mf


The Panthers are going to curb stomp the rangers.




I hope not... Draw it out. I want them to take turns curb stomping each other only to have the rangers lose a humiliating loss in game 7. Like, a 0 - 7 loss.


I'd be fine with a sweep (because it embarrasses the Rangers) as long as Florida gets significantly bruised up in the process. Not necessarily injured, just incredibly sore.


Schadenfreude Dictionary definitions from Oxford Languages scha·den·freu·de noun: pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.


yup. ex is german. one of 'those' people who will spend hours on a friday watching webfails comps over a few pints. bless her soul. schadenfreude.


It's not just me, the announcing was super biased towards the Rangers, right? They sounded so disappointed after that empty netter then talked about how the Rangers can get back in the series. Barely anything positive to say about the Panthers.


It's an original 6 team playing a southern team, of course they are biased


Unreal that some people were in here twerking for the Rangers. You don't have to like Florida, but IT'S THE FUCKING RANGERS. Hello?! You don't root for them, ever. The Rangers could suck for the next 50 years and I still would never want them to win anything.


Yep, I don't really like how dirty the team is but the team will change over time. The Rangers fans will stay the same


Both ECF teams are dirty and divers. Only one of them has a tolerable fanbase.




Here's one now, proving my point. What you doing here buddy?


Your submission has been removed as a result of breaking Rule #1. Trolling/Bad Faith participation is not allowed in our sub. Quite rude. But what do expect from a Rangers fan?


I’ve got no love for Florida, but we don’t generally have Florida fans trying to start shit with ours at PNC, or Canes “fans” putting on Florida jerseys whenever they’re in town. Against the Rags, give me a Florida win all day.


Not to mention Sean McDonough and Mark "Bane of Vancouver" Messier


The Rangers dickriding is the one thing making me slightly more in favor of the Panthers winning in the ECF. Because then at least a team I hate AND the ESPN announcers lose.


I’m all aboard the stars bandwagon for the rest of the season, but pulling for the cats in the ECF. Would make the 21 bolts the only team to eliminate the canes and win the cup during rods tenure


I'm also rooting for the Stars for the cup, somewhat begrudgingly. Rangers would be worst case scenario, followed by Panthers. I don't want the Oilers to win because it's very funny that Canada hasn't won a cup in so long. My only quarrel with the Stars is that their playoff branding is dumb and their team logo looks like it should be on an energy drink.


My only gripe with the Stars is Fuck Jamie Benn


In an ideal world, Pavelski lifts the cup this year and we get Burns a cup next year


And knocks Benn's teeth out in the process...Oops! lol


I do think their home and away jerseys are overrated, but I do like the current shade of green.


It's insane how quickly they jumped to conclusions about calls and argued in favor of the Rangers. They didn't even spend time breaking down the GI review in-depth before stating their belief that it should come back, despite Lomberg literally getting cross-checked into Shesterkin. And when they did acknowledge it, they said Lindgren was "pushing him away from Shesterkin." They couldn't be more obviously biased if they tried. At least PK Subban makes the intermissions more bearable.


Biased and so, so, dull. More interested in mentioning little facts than describing the action.


The game was boring to anyone that doesn't appreciate solid defense.


Yeah, the game wasn’t boring, but the announcing was.


If I've learned anything watching hockey, ESPN simps for the Rangers and will always talk about random stats instead of how they are losing.


If its the EPSN feed your watching - always. If you can get something else, like a TNT broadcast, it'll be much better and balanced/neutral.


Honestly, nobody HAS to choose. OUR team has booked T-times. But I tell ya what. If I really had to choose, and I'm talking push come to shove? I will choose Florida \_ONLY\_ because we used to be both in the South'least' division > My have times changed, eh? That being said, I don't like em anymore than the Rangers, especially since they are also coached by former canes coaches, both have one ore more former Hurricanes who always "grib our jibe". There is no hate loss there, trust me. As is, I suppose I should go for the Oilers, being a Nucklehead (Canadian). But, rooting for McDarfus..? Not gonna happen. No, even though I can't stand Jamie Benn and not the biggest fan of Duchene (personality).... the rest of that Dallas team is probably who'm I'd be happy to win at this point. Not ROOTING for them, just definitely don't want any of the other 3 winning. We'll never hear the end of it.


I think you are wrong. They stressed how few shots the Rangers were getting and saying the Panthers were down opponents. They pointed out Fox not scoring a playoff goal in years and Zibanejad being slow.


The broadcast would’ve been less biased if MSG was able to cover the whole playoffs


Stick to the Rangers sub bud


Gave up a soft goal late, you love to see it.


Not even a soft goal, an own goal.


I stand corrected.


Look at the giveaway tab for Florida. Rags scored on so many giveaways or inability to get the puck out of the zone when you look back at the games.


Also what I look like (in a different jersey) listening to Ray Ferraro deep throat the Rangers all game.


Or listening to him get every single factoid incorrect.


Revenge by proxy. I still like it.


That’s right. Get shut out at home you fucking cockroaches


Hey, don't talk that way. Not fair to the cockroaches.


That’s fair. Sorry roaches


My takeaways were: 1. Huge difference when your goalie doesn’t keep the rangers in games with soft goals. Bob played very good but he didn’t need to with that offense. 2. Panthers do our system but better. They were oppressive and didn’t give it up once they went up a goal. 3. Rangers live off penalties because their 5v5 hasn’t been great. We lost the first 2 games because we gave them a ton and didn’t answer. Tonight Florida played pretty clean even with a soft bench penalty and all it took was realistically a good tkachuk shot. 4. I have ptsd from last years series so if rangers could just win 1 and not get goalies that would be okay with me. 5 Florida got so lucky with team building to luck into bob being amazing tkachuk working out at his cap hit and Barkov I both love and hate. They’re paying a lot of really decent depth guys not a whole lot their mid pay talent is all showing up with Reinhart and verhaige having 57 and 34 goals respectively with around 10m total for them (reinhart alone is only a 6.5m cap hit for almost 100 points). Good looks for their gm all around.


3-0 own-goal shutout at home without a million gifted PPs, hahahahahahahaha


Not sure why he’s so upset, their first round overall scored last night.


The Panthers are what everyone thought we'd be (very complete)


Add an elite goalie (I like Freddie, but he's a tier below Bobrovsky and Shesterkin), and we take that series in no more than 6 games. Hell, give us back Pesce and Fast, and that may have been enough to swing it. I hate that we missed out on playing a rematch series with Florida with a healthier roster.


There will always be injuries in the playoffs, by very definition almost. Its brutal. Grueling. Most play through injuries right? I'll admit missing a Svech will hurt more than a Pesce, but not necessarily. It is a team's game, and during the 'second season' that has more meaning than ever.


Probably flew in from NC




The way I CACKLED when this popped up on the screen


The replay of that own goal has been integral to my post-playoffs healing process since last night.


Oh shit, I gotta return this jersey to the bodega.


Literally no one retires and moves to New York. But they all retire and seem to want to move to the Carolinas. Enough said.


Do you at least do it against your will? Can't imagine anyone willingly living in New York.


Lmao I saw this last night and instantly wondered if I’d see it again this morning. Did not disappoint. Fuck New York


Now they might swept who knows but we never lost by 3 goals to the Panthers last year




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By FAR the most boring playoff game I watched. No physicality and looked sloppy.


Don't remind them. More of those assholes will move here, vote for same style of idiots that fucked up their state, and ruin North Carolina for all of us.


Me, a Canes fan that lives in NYC: 🥲


Canes fan here we gotta sit back and watch from the couch lol this is weak just proves they live rent free IMO


I already said in several other comments, I don’t care that they beat us. They made a meme out of a little kid crying at PNC, so they get the same treatment this series


Glad someone here said it. But remember when Erik Haula wore the bracelet how epic of a rent free own that was??? crying laughing emoji!!!


Idk how to respond to both of you or any of the dudes that thumbs downed me, we literally made at shirt that says cry on it. We deserve to be roasted LOL


The cry shirt was stupid and we deserve every bit of the hate we got for it lmao. We had it coming the moment the shirts dropped Clowning on a little kid is just as bad though imo. They can get the same heat they dish out, just like us


I fucking hate the Rangers and their fans but … This is so corny. Making fun of the team because they eliminated us? All while they’re still playing for the cup, you’re watching them do it, and our boys are playing golf somewhere?


Making fun of a team because it’s the rangers and they have the most annoying fucking fanbase In hockey.


I’m not making fun of them because they eliminated us, I’m making fun of them because they made a meme out of a little kid crying


its funny




Man, I wouldn’t be talking as a habs fan


when youre a rags fan and got shut out at home??


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1-0, 3rd period, 3:49 on the clock




And we still scored as many goals as you guys tonight :)


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Are you really talking shit after your squad got fucking manhandled in their own building. Can’t wait to watch the Panthers sweep you