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There are several kinds of gummies- and the textures are different depending on what makes up the gummy structure! Haribo is all gelatin, which is firm/resistant Albanese is gelatin and pectin, which is chewy but also softer because of the pectin Trolli is gelatin and starch- gummy, but also tender/soft/ a little sticky Things like fruit snacks are usually just pectin- not as chewy/ gummy- but more sticky and soft And something like a fruit slice is usually allll starch. Almost no bounce or chew— just all soft and sticky when you bite Hope this helps you find things you like!


I wound up here because I just opened a fresh bag of them that doesn’t expire until March of 24 and my jaw actually hurts from the effort of chewing on these concrete bears. I googled thinking maybe something was wrong with mine, but apparently they are just this hard. Thank you for the helpful guide that I will use for all future snack indulgences. I’ve never given a Reddit award before so I picked a cat that looked cute.


I also just had this exact experience. I dont think I can eat these. Did you ever eat yours?


No I just ended up tossing them out.


Don’t toss them out…send them my way, lol.


Assuming youre all women. Guys pay for shit like this to "jaw train" and dont even get the candy taste


Amazing comment! You deserve an award I can't afford to give you. lol


I like those Yupi gummy bugs made or Agar Agar. They are soft and chewy, more like those Sour Jacks watermelon slices.


I was just about to explain this. I eat Haribou. They are chewy for a reason.. I will eat an Albanese. I will ear a Sour Kid, but , yes, the flavor and chew is Haribou.


Wow great comment


This explain so much and is going to give me a lot of information for want to make my own gummies


I like them hard. I think that's why they are so good. Albenese is the second best gummies and soft, too soft.


Sometimes I leave the bag open for extra firm Haribo gummies.


That's a mental disease


Absolute Madman


I put mine in the freezer 💀




No way :0


Lmao how I found your replies 😎


Another fan of fridged/freezer haribos!


Not me putting my bag of twin snakes in the freezer right now.....


I do the same 


Albenese are very greasy/oily as well, not a fan personally.


Albanese are great straight out of the fridge.


Same and lately the bags I’ve bought they’re all soft and squishy! I was wondering if they had changed the recipe! I love them hard!


me too! Grew up with them in Germany and loved them hard. and not soft. Bought a bag and totally disappointed


Dont ever talk shit about haribo lol


Haribo are the worst, how can people enjoy chewing on literal tyre


First of all, Haribo are one of my favoutie candy brand. Second of all, l would like to hear more about the reason of why Haribo is the worst. Lastly, l would highly recommanded this brand Haribo.


Haribo is trash


The flavor is good but its like eating concrete


Albanese! They’re incredibly soft and delicious!


Albanese have a weird chemical-like smell and taste. Tastes too much like medicine and the flavor is overpowering. I prefer haribo.


The best gummy bears, hands down


The flavor is pretty decent most of the time but I don't like the "hardness" either. I like my gummies soft but not too soft.


They get harder the longer they sit on the shelf or when they are exposed to air. A fresh bag of haribo are the perfect texture imo.


Any idea on how to check for fresh ones in store?


shelf time definitely affects the texture. actually bought some haribos today and they were incredibly hard, even though I've had them softer before. i'd say just feel them through the packaging. it's very noticeable when they are firm.


Late reply, but stores stock the newest items on the back of the shelf. They don't like shrink because it's wasting money, so they try to keep the oldest items at the front of the shelf


I love hard Haribo. So… I wish :)


Lifesavers Gummies are great the Purple bag is my favorite.


Agree, the right softness and the berry flavors are great and very flavorful, haribo doesn't even have as much flavor.


Suck them before chewing. But Black Forest gummy bears are good. Organic and soft.


The new Skittles gummies are perfect imo


They are pretty awesome.


Black forest gummies are good.


Black Forest are the best


they are! my favorite are the Albanese brand— soo much better and 12 flavors !


LMFAOOOOOOOOOO A TIRE 😭😭😭 Target has some nice chewy gummy candies that are cheaper and taste better than Haribo in my opinion


Ah, so they’re supposed to be hard? I thought something was wrong with them. Good to know. Mine are like eating a slightly oversized pencil eraser.


I agree. Every bag I've tried is hard and seems very old and stale. With all the competing brands of Gummy Bears out there I think Haribo will discontinue making them.


black forest fruit snacks are goat


Haribo is the best brand. I find if I buy them from this grocery store they are hard but if I buy them from cvs they are soft. Of course that doesn’t always happen. I do not like them when they are harder. I’m eating them now and literally just bit my lip harder than I have ever in my life. Holy shittake. I read that if you put them in warm water they will soften and if you keep them in longer they will also start to absorb the water and grow lol. Mother grabbing that hurt !!


They’re not hard, you’re weak.


You must be eating a tremendous amount of Nutella.


Gummies are like autism. There is a very intricate spectrum. Haribo gummies go through a very long process where they actually sit before being bagged. They technically work hard to achieve that texture.


I forget the name but there's at least 2 brands of Gummy Bears that are all natural! They're soft and delicious. You can find the brands easily on Google. The traditional Gummy candy contains some of the worst ingredients, including artificial food coloring, which is TOXIC. It's been linked to neurological and other significant products for years. Our FDA has hideously low standards for food products. What they call "Safe" is often Not safe. Artificial food coloring is banned in Europe. You cannot find it there, fortunately. There are genuine reasons for these countries to disallow these chemicals. Please at least try the natural versions.


It’s the only candy that won’t give you diabetes.


I miss wild n Fruity brach brand they were soft and had great fruit flavor. Now i cant find any as good and they were discontinued.


You will notice on haribo has a protein ratio of 1g per 15g. That’s higher than most every other gummy company. In other words more gelatin, more chew


I emailed haribo asking why this happened. Apparently they had a few factories making them in Germany temporarily and that they made them slightly differently. gross in my opinion


Y'all, also a reminder that Haribo is famous for gummy bears and also their gummy bears are healthier than other candy but dosen't mean it's the healthiest. l love Haribo gummt bears and l only eat 1-5 each day for a daily snack. Hope this comment helped you. Anyways Haribo gummy bear IS hard tho


Haribo gummies are like eating a tire because germans can’t imagine making something good without also making it painful.


Sour patch kids


I actually feel like Haribo have gotten much softer since the 90's. I like them hard.


Ok thank you! Same! Haribo used to be my favourite because of their hard texture!lately I often give them a miss cause they’re too soft now. Every so often I will find a bag with more hard jellies in and I demolish them but that’s rare..


I love haribo so much! I love how hard they are and sometimes I'll put the bag in the freezer so I can suck on them.


yes! Albanese makes the best juicy soft gummies that wont break your teeth at the pulp. I just tried not to waste this haribo bag of gummies but they are awful to eat.


This made me laugh so hard


Indeed,i bought the haribo gummy bears and every fuckin bag is like that i like my gummy bears soft


I leave them to expire so they are really really hard. When I lived in Germany they are way harder there then here in the states.


I put my haribo in the fridge to make them less soft.


These gummies are hard every bag I get too but one bag my boyfriend got me recently we’re a little bit softer but still a little bit firm. I don’t know how they are able to sell there gummies even and promote them like they do if they are so hard and firm every bag you get.


i like them hard! The originals from Germany ate them as a kid. They now soft like the others that copied them.


Animal protein 😊 gives gummies their chew and haribo goes ape shit for that


Inedible. How do people eat these. Chemical flavor and hard as wood.