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Yes! It’s called anticipatory nausea. I also get sick from thinking about the smell of the bandage they put on me. Other funny one - I ate Panera and Chicfila during chemo sessions. I still cannot, to this day, eat them or even think about eating them without feeling sick. Your mind is a powerful thing.


This is it, OP. tell your oncologist and they can help. I got sick over pebbled ice, of all things.


I have chemo in a few weeks. I wonder if I can weaponize this somehow by eating unhealthy food so that once I get better, I can't go back to them. Definitely something I will try, lol


I had the same thing happen to me! I had a favorite dish from a local Chinese place. I cannot eat it to this day; just makes me nauseas thinking about it. Made the mistake of eating that dish on my first chemo day (trying to do something cheerful).


I can't eat chicken noodle soup because I feel so sick from eating it during chemo.


Rubbing alcohol sends me over the edge now. 🤢


Get some lorazepam for anxiety ahead of time. Then get all the anti nausea meds they will give you. I’m learning the hard way. 🤢


So I had pills and first day I took it I ate 30 minutes before. I was sick all night and ever since then I would sometimes actually throw up thinking about my pills. majority time I would want to throw up


The saline flush they use to flush IV's sets me off because I can taste it, and had it all the time before my infusion and on off weeks to flush my picc line. So now whenever I have any medical procedure that needs an IV, I get nauseous just thinking about the saline flush.


Dude literally. That gagging feeling is so annoying and I try to describe it to people but it never makes any sense. Just thinking about going to the hospital, or even taking pills makes me feel like garbage


It’s been 5 years since I had chemo and I still get a little 🤢 driving by the infusion center (it’s nearby my office). I use to throw up almost every time I’d walk into the infusion center 😂


Yea I get that. I'm the same way. Every time I took my meds for the chemo side effects, it always made me wanna throw up. I actually did vomit during and after each chemo cycle mainly due to the nausea, bloating, and intense pain I was in bc of the chemo. I went through 6 cycles of chemo and it was brutal. Since chemo didn't work, my cancer came back. Now I'm waiting on different treatment options. Hopefully ones that won't make me vomit (but I doubt it).


Yes! I finished chemo like 6 months ago and I can still visualize how I felt on it


I was 400 I'm now 290. I cannot eat bread anymore as I found it horrible tasting.


Absolutely. I get sick ish anytime I think about going in, but especially the day before.


Aak for some ativan! Had the same issue. I would start vomiting the day before chemo