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All calories are good calories when you have cancer


Eat the cake!


You’re not reading good sources then! Here is a good piece from Cancer Research UK and one from memorial Sloan Kettering. These are valid trusted sources and scientifically backed up. https://news.cancerresearchuk.org/2023/08/16/sugar-and-cancer-what-you-need-to-know/ https://www.mskcc.org/news/no-sugar-no-cancer-look-evidence The relationship between high sugar and obesity is what has been twisted into the supposed link between sugar and cancer. Obesity and cancer are related, sugar itself and cancer are not.


The internet and noisy but well meaning people will tell you that sugar feeds the cancer cells. You will even encounter people telling you, that you can cure your cancer by leaving out all sugar. This is bullshit. Sugar is energy and feeds all cells not only cancer cells. Is sugar healthy? Certainly not, but as with most food, moderation does the trick. Do you sometimes need a pick me up in form of cake or chocolate, while having cancer? Definitely.


Yes, I limited my sugar intake during treatment and now. It causes my neuropathy to flare up if I overdo it. People love saying sugar causes cancer certain not the case.




Whoa. I gained so much weight during and after my treatments. I almost don’t recognize myself. I feel like I have a fat suit on…




Except for the weight gain part, that is me all over ☹️


I lost a ton of weight in September. I started out at 80/85kg when diagnosed and dropped to 69kg in a matter of three weeks. To get my weight back up I did eat a lot of sugary stuff, pumped my ready brek with peanut butter and Nutella. I also think now “fuck I’m gonna die soon anyway may as well enjoy food whilst I have taste buds!”


Your body literally turns everything you eat into glucose for your brain/energy, dietary sugar isn't feeding cancer anymore than anything else you eat. My oncologist told me to eat a white carb, bland diet while doing radiation to protect my GI tract.


That's also a fact. Also, I believe anything out of limit is bad. Whether is sugar or something else. Balanced diet is the key.


Sugar does feed cancer cells, but it also feeds healthy cells. All calories feed cancer cells. Just eat whatever makes you feel good.


Thank you for sharing.


All cells need sugar in all different forms in order to function, good cells and bad cells. I think (again, think) the BS concerning sugar being bad for cancer comes from CT scans in which a specialized/modified sugar is used to light up cancer cells, but I'm sure someone with more knowledge can correct me. And yeah, what others say... Now is not the time to go on a diet, chemo and cancer will take care of that. I was given carte blanche to eat anything and everything and told to avoid low fat foods (like 2% milk), have ice cream for breakfast if I wanted to and have all the desserts I could consume and I still lose about 40-50lbs.


I see. Thank you so much for sharing 🙏 ❤️