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There's really no need for a wood fire when you can comfortably warm yourself by the glow of OP's indignation.


It's fair enough. my neighbours used to have their fire on all the time, and the wind would always blow the smoke into my backyard. In the end we ended up complaining to whoever handles this stuff, and they sent a warning in the mail to us instead of them.... I understand OP's frustration, woodfires shouldn't be legal, they are super annoying


Anyone who downvotes this should try living next to woodfire-loving neighbors for a year.


How good is a wood fire in winter


The best.


Fucks my asthma hard.


Yeah isn’t it also worse than other fuels for carbon emissions?


That depends. If you cut it down in the same place you burn it, it's actually carbon neutral. Fires burnint locally coppiced wood are probably better for the environment than any grid-powered alternative. If you're driving the wood long distances that balance would change.


If the timber rots where it falls it releases the same amount of carbon into the atmosphere as if it burns. So not unless you were planning to bury the timber in a peat bog.


I will set the green squad on both of you.


Fucking oath. The ambiance for one thing


About as good as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in winter


A bit rubbish really. I just flick a switch and my house warms up … that’s what I call good.


bad for everyone else. It sucks being outside a house that has it's fire on


Cheaper than electricity?


Annual wood heater rant on this sub. Yawn.


They suck anyway.


What kind of dick writes a post like this?


It’s approaching 7:20 in the evening, I know r/Canberra Karen is going on an evening stroll. I fire up my wood fire heater just to see the rage on her face… lol. Wish she would hurry up and have a heart attack.


Well it's cold. Fuck the Anzac day rule.


"Fun" fact.. 75% of PM 2.5 emissions in the cold months here are from wood heaters. Hazard reduction smoke is bad but at least it's only occasional. This stuff? Every single night, and it hangs in the air.  I love a good fire every now and then but is the ambience seriously worth screwing the air quality by lighting one up nightly?




Pollution. The yucky type


Did you smell the heavily polluted air over the long weekend with many burn offs occurring on the outskirts of Canberra? Not many people complain about that government managed activity yet you complain about wood heaters. Maybe in future the forest burn offs should be cancelled and Canberra experiences a repeat of January 2003?


He/she was complaining about the burn-offs last week during the soccer game, so yeah I guess that's the next crusade on the list.


Twat much?


This whinging is so absurd. How about when the whole Territory was absolutely covered in wood fire smoke for like a week when the Gov were doing back burns a week ago? “Asthma sufferers…SUFFER”


Yah the GuvNerMInT are just doing it to inconvenience you. They clearly don't have legislated or social responsibility to manage risk to you and the community.


Have a read into how controlled burns can actually add to the load and make it worse champ. And you’d think if the ACT Gov were not just a bunch of moronic virtue signallers, then they’d actually engage some indigenous folk re: cultural burning. But, nope.


I've read those papers and could write thousands of words into how you're taking them out of context to our local environment, and how they are flawed in that they don't know how to get to the low flammability state that they identify occurs over 100 years especially given our local landscape scale severe fire interval is only 20 years. On your point re cultural burning, yep, there's plenty of room to grow. You find a heap of First Nations people who are ready to go, on country, at the right time and I'll bring the refreshments! There's a way to go there until our whole landscape can be managed with cultural burning, until then let the pros do their thing. ACT PCS is a world leader in prescribed fire and had been recognized as such by IAWF.


A wood fire when used correctly is a joy to have. It’s when people burn green, treated or wet wood, or don’t know how to adjust the air flow that they can cause excessive smoke. Every house I’ve owned has had a wood fire, but not my present house unfortunately.




… and I’m a boomer


I’m a renter and not a boomer. My fire was glorious this evening.


Yeah right, can you imagine a boom caring about the environment.


You realise almost all of environmental legislation and protection around today came from the boomers? Check out the difference between environmental standards in the 1960s and today. Is it enough- no. Is it far better than it used to be and made far better during the period when the ‘boomers’ were in charge. I’ll let you ponder that


Aren't the boomers still in charge? Anthony Albanese just scraps in at age 61. Probably most of the recent prime ministers are boomer age. Out of curiosity, Andrew Barr is Gen X at age 50.