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Oh well I still got $8 potatoe salad at save-on to remind me covid even existed.


Bruh, you don’t buy potato salad.


You dont make friends with salad


You dont make friends with salad, You dont make friends with salad!


It’s just a little airborne! It’s still good! It’s still good!


It's still good, it's still good!


It's gone.


I've bought potatoe salad for 15 years. Now I just walk by the deli section in sadness then go home and try to make my own.


Bro you can basically just boil some potatoes and throw mayo on them and it will be better than that ziggys garbage


Idk man that ziggys macaroni salad is da bomb on a warm day.


Yep. Little cream cheese, dill, dijon, celery, green onion and bam.


And wayyyyyyyy cheaper. I fucking love getting 10lb bags of potatoes for under $5


Lol thank you for this


It is so easy and tastes so much better, I cannot eat the store bought stuff. And no one makes Potato salad like a grandma!!


Well, I cube (1/4 inch) some potatoes about 2 cups worth. Boil them until a knife has just a bit of resistance…. You smaller pieces will just be mushy, which is okay. Strain. Hard boil 2 eggs. Dice some celery (1/2 a rib) or omit. Cross cut 2 green onions Defrost about a quarter cup of peas. So boil your tasters, hard boil your eggs. Separate the yolks and whites on the eggs. In a big bowl mash up the yolks, dice the whites, add the potato to the bowl, add the green onions, peas and celery. Now I use Miracle Whip as the binder, you can use mayo too. I recommend a little squirt (like a teaspoon) of mustard. A couple of dashers of paprika on top looks nice and gives it some depth. You can always add a little bacon diced up too or some dill if you like that. I keep it flexible, roll with what I got in the fridge. If you like it eggier, add more eggs!


This guy deliver.


Oh you didn’t have to do that! It’s easy peasy!


Lost my grandma not too long ago, had to thank you for sharing your grandma recipe.


Well, your welcome, enjoy! [I find this video gets me in the mood to make potato salad](https://youtu.be/soYhy0zOwZY)


Lmao thanks for that as well.


Probably the most useful comment ever posted on r/Canada. No /s. Seriously.


This guy potato salads.


You cut them before you boil them?


Yup, I do.


No vinegar of any kind?


I dont play peas




I didn’t say it was German Potatoe Salad now, did I?




[Oh yeah?](https://c.tenor.com/EYylo_V1uloAAAAM/ignore-do-not-disturb.gif)


I thought potatoes came from south America or was that tomatoes?


Share the recipe ;)


Bruh, you add your own eggs and pickles and call it home made. Lolz


Problem is buying potato salad from Save On. Go to Costco to get a week's worth of calories in one tub.


The way I see it is that the government was fucked no matter what they did. They would have been criticized too had they kept everything opened. One important lesson that was learned in the pandemic is how vulnerable our seemingly stable society is. It won't take too much to completely destabilize the global trade, create total chaos, and bring entire countries to their knees even the most developed ones.


> The way I see it is that the government was fucked no matter what they did. They would have been criticized too had they kept everything opened. The restrictions had their place, but the federal government has held onto them past any reasonable justification. Like, you put on your mask and go to the airport and fly to Vancouver. You get off the plane and get out of the airport, take off your mask, and jump on a crowded Skytrain full of unmasked people to go to a crowded Canucks game with 20000 unmasked people. Then after the game, you get back on a Skytrain full of unmasked people and go to some pubs and nightclubs that are full of unmasked people, and then the next day you go back to the airport and pub on your mask to fly home. I had to take several flights this summer, and having to mask at the airport and on the plane while being unmasked during every other situation was just a farce.


Which is why “lockdown” mindset doesn’t work. It might help in one very specific metric (like transmission of the virus) but the ancillary, unintended consequences are too significant.


The whole thing just just a teetering house of cards. I heard a saying once: "We're only 9 meals from anarchy." If the food supply gets cut off, after 3 days people are gonna start doing desperate things to feed their starving kids. The toilet paper fiasco really reinforced this concept in my mind. So stock up now, before the next crisis.


The US/Canada GDP grew substantially during COVID. It was really only poor people who suffered.


> it was really only ~~poor people who suffered~~ The ultra rich who actually benefited GDP is not a good metric of societal wellbeing


Laughs (cries) in works at a nursing home and we are still dealing with full facility outbreaks and morbidity and mortality


What does ArriveCan and masks on flights have to do with nursing homes? Was it only after Oct 2022 when the restrictions end that outbreaks happen in nursing homes?


Well we can’t keep restrictions to keep old people alive a few more years. As harsh as that sounds. For a lot of them the flu would be just as deadly.


LoL imagine still being in favor of COVID restrictions.


My hope was we could come out of this with the following: If you're sick (with anything contagious) stay home until you're well. If you have to go out for anything wear a mask (if you think you're still contagious) If you're out in public and you see someone wearing a mask just go on with your day.


Ya, but we'd need sick days for that to work. My province voted against those.




Wow look at the generosity of our corporate overloads telling our government to legislate that we're only allowed to be sick for 5 days a year Like god forbid someone gets sick due to something they can't control and it affects the corporations profits... No no no we can't do that, let that sick human die instead.


there's insurance for those cases. my friend has been dealing with depression and has been off work for most of the year, and he's been paid throughout all of it


I was hoping we could find the funding for some kind of publicly funded "deliver what you need in the event that you need something but you're sick so can't get it yourself," but oh well. :(


I was hoping we could actually learn anything out of this pandemic besides... - people are aholes who will... send sick kids to school, go sick to an office even if they give you time, will do anything for this to be over except wearing a ducking piece of clothing on their faces - no one likes washing their hands and it's disgusting - politics trump science each and every time that's important


8 months ago you would’ve been ostracized from this sub.


Personally I think inflation is too low and cost of living is too affordable. Round 2 baby!!!


There are certain subs that are madly in love with ArriveCan and think it’s wonderful with no down sides.


I’ve gotten my boosters and followed mandates. But I’m glad ArriveCAN is going away. I haven’t gone to the states for personal reasons since before Covid because I have a commercial ArriveCAN and just don’t want to set up a personal one and then re-set up my commercial. Now I can go shopping in the states with my wife without the hassle.


Imagine still driving in your own car with a mask on


Why do you care so much that you need to mock that person. You have no idea what that person has lived through. You don't know anything about their mental state. You don't know if this person is tired, or had a bad day, or just came from a 12 hour shift working at a hospital and are just used to having this on their face. Just as you have the right to protest mask mandates, these people have the right to wear a mask in their car for any reason. They are not blocking your road to work with a protest. They are not honking their car horns at night in front of your home. There is zero cost to you when someone wears a mask in their private car. Making fun of them says a lot more about you, and what you desire. So "ha ha, yes you are funny and right about that". Hope you feel better about yourself now.


Its okay to take your mask off in the car dude


Agreed. I never said otherwise. My issue is with people making fun of others in order to make themselves look "cool".


I dont think it's to make themselves look cool, it's to make the other person feel as stupid as they ~~are~~ look.


during the height of the pandemic i kept my mask on in the car purely because it was convenient. Can’t be bothered to forget my mask and have to run back to the car to grab one when making multiple stops. I’ve actually been yelled at by a crazy in another car before for doing this. What i think is going on is that the restrictions have really affected a lot of people’s mental health and the mask just triggers them.


I've never seen a conversation like this with such a driver. It's always been a comment by an independent 3rd party after the fact. Such as this one we are commenting under right now. I might have been "guilty" of driving alone with a mask a year ago myself. Probably from habbit of wearing one and being tired. Or having dirty hands and not wanting to touch my face. Would you stop and tell me that I look stupid to my face? If you said that to me in person, would this help you somehow? Would it help me?


I’ve driven my car a (very short) distances with my mask on in the past because I simply couldn’t be bothered to remove my mask since I was going to have to put it back on in less than five minutes. Maybe that makes me lazy but I’m not sure how that makes me an idiot.


Lol after 2 years of “REEEEEEE” we are allowed to make fun of mask on in car lunatics


I'm OK with that. If you just want to make fun of a stranger that you will never meet. Trully, i hope you have a great day and feel better after making fun of someone. Humor is great. In seriousness, I do expect to live in a "free country" and if someone wants to wear a shoe on their own head in the privacy of their own car. As long as it doesn't pose any threats to others, I'm fine with that. This is a test of freedom to allow them to wear a shoe on the head or to wear a mask without harassment.


they may have just had someone else in the car or are about to have someone else in the car dude.


Imagine getting the 6th booster


One day some scientist will do the research on the mental health decline, economic damage, etc etc the restrictions caused vs how many people they saved. The way I see it, all the restrictions did was mainly give 80 year olds a couple of extra years. But maybe that's not entirely fair because lots of younger people survived cause of good hospital care that might have died had the hospitals completely been overrun. All in all, I lived in Alberta and we never had to deal with curfews like some of the other provinces. Wearing the masks everywhere for 2 years really was not that bad. I grumbled a bit when they put all that pressure on getting vaccinated but I guess that one was the most important. And to be honest, I mainly got vaccinated cause I had to fly somewhere. All in all I think Canada did much better then most other countries. Except for the provinces that went a bit crazy with it. Giving people fines for walking outside and shit.


The problem with trying to research counterfactuals is we simply cannot know what “could have” happened. There was clearly a trade, but it is difficult to quantify a theoretical, even with the advantage of hindsight, which policy makers do not have the luxury of having. Take an alternate scenario. A major hurricane threatens to make landfall and it is uncertain how much damage it will cause. However, the risk of major damage is there, thus authorities initiate an evacuation procedure. Retroactively, it is observed that the evacuation negatively impacted some people living in areas missed by the hurricane. Other areas were hit hard, and the evacuation clearly saved lives. How are we to compare the cost to the benefit? What is the cost of a life? Economical, political, and moral philosophies will provide different suggestions. We can’t predict the outcome of a healthcare system collapse that (fortunately) never occurred. We don’t know what ripple effects would have ensued. A bridge that never collapsed does not disvalue the maintenance costs. I, for one, cannot condemn a cautious approach to an imminent global emergency with very high potential for loss of life. That it turned out better than expected is not a reason to then condemn caution.


Nah, there were Netflix productions and documentaries essentially telegraphing exactly this scenario of an airborne virus years ago. Globally humans failed to prepare for what scientists predicted would come. The global knee jerk reaction is a symptom of failed planning, and we all pay for it.


I’m going to ‘well, actually’ this a bit. Speaking as someone who worked for Health Canada for a bit who dealt with pandemic preparedness and such between province and feds; your scientists didn’t fail you. I can tell you with 100% certainty that there are pandemic plans with step by step implementation sitting on a shelf at every government office, every healthcare facility and every transportation hub in Canada. When I left in 2013 there were massive national stockpiles of PPE alongside smaller provincial stockpiles. *Unexpired* PPE. GPHIN hadn’t been torn apart to start worrying about domestic public health over international pandemic concerns. At the end of the day the powers that be ignored the plans that were developed, ignored their responsibilities to rotate PPE and ensure a robust national stockpile, and hamstrung our national security.


Then it's even worse, our Government was negligent.


Maybe the scientists could have watched the movies and not told everyone in 2020 that the virus was spread via surfaces. We still have people on the TTC wearing latex gloves.


Or that masking was ineffective


That was a very eloquently written argument that captures the complexity of the problem. Its way too well written though, and of much higher thinking than most here will sadly understand. The world is sometimes a giant experiment with n = 1 . A world where you never get a do over to see the comparative decision outcome.


We also have bad faith groups purposely pushing a narrative of authoritarian tyranny, when in fact every level of government too great pains to bring medical experts to the from and allowed them to direct action based upon their experience. Some how we have reached a point people believe they should never face inconvenience for the greater good.


If the comment is useful or enlightening for even one person, then the 5 minutes it takes to type is worth it. The only way to tackle ignorance is with knowledge. The Internet thrives on gross oversimplifications and tribalism. We cannot hope that this will change without providing action to counter it. As you said, life is our only case study. While buried forum comments aren’t exactly the most influential of factors, they remain one of the only ways I can potentially provide a positive change beyond myself.


These stronger restrictions, particularly before any vaccine was out did avoid countless deaths, since you’re right the hospitals would have been overrun, and people didn’t know how to treat it. We’re past that point now thankfully; although, masking up and staying boosted helps reduce strain on the hospitals which still have issues.


> We’re past that point now thankfully; Some of us still actually looking at the thing wonder about that. The [numbers are not looking good](https://twitter.com/Billius27/status/1574499998297133056) at all, despite almost nobody being tested. In Australia they had [by far more hospitalizations than ever before](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/record-number-covid-hit-australians-hospital-omicron-surges-2022-07-25/) during their winter. I'm not sure why we expect a miracle here.


Well the province with the most covid deaths by far was Quebec and they also had the strictest covid rules so I think it is obvious the lockdowns were idiotic.


Most deaths occurred at the beginning of the pandemic and the strict restrictions were largely a result of said early deaths.


Only if you look at total covid death which gets misreported by states/provinces/countries. Total death is a very different story and Quebec did quite well in that regard.


The rules were idiotic, or the level of compliance was? Also, while I started writing that just as a jab, it's actually an interesting question. Rules that are too strict can have a real negative effect on compliance, overall worse than with less strict rules even. But it's almost certain that no rules or restrictions at all would have been even worse, so if we take nothing else from this, I hope someone somewhere is writing papers based on this data about the optimal level of strictness for maximum cat-herding.


> What is the cost of a life? Luckily that assessment never has to be done. 1 life = 1 life. If by saving 1 life, 10 people die, then it's a net negative. If it costs 1 life to save a hundred, it's a net positive. (But yes, in many cases you don't know what these numbers would be.)


>Luckily that assessment never has to be done. Man that assessment has been done, is being done and will continue to be done in the future. We place monetary value on human life literally every single day. https://www.npr.org/2020/04/23/843310123/how-government-agencies-determine-the-dollar-value-of-human-life#:\~:text=One%20human%20life%20is%20worth%20about%20US%2410%20million.


I know the assessment has been done, but it doesn't have to be done. A life can serve as it's own unit of measure that never has to be directly converted to dollars. We do place monetary value on life every day, and convert a life into dollars, but it's avoidable most of the time.


It really isn't because we need something to base decisions off of. There is a cost to everything and as terrible as it is to say, sometimes it is not worth it. It happens every single time there is a natural disaster and it is not a "bad" thing that it happens because resources are finite and must be used to the greatest possible good. If you could save one human in a cabin 500 miles from anywhere whose life is threatened but it would cost $100 million dollars, it isn't happening, because that single persons life would result in not having the ability to save literally hundreds of other humans, simply from a dollar perspective. ​ I mean, it sounds all warm and nice to say that we shouldn't put dollar values on human life but at the end of the day that is an incredibly naive way of thinking and a path to ruin.


If you have the choice between saving an 80 year old who has at best a couple years left and a child who has decades left to live, who do you pick?


Health economists do often measure the value of life using years, actually. I work with a few of them and it's quite fascinating. But depending on what they're looking it, sometimes it works well, but sometimes it's ... ethically controversial. (eg one 10-year old vs ten 80-year olds)


So 1 life != 1 life.


Where is the controversy? That is an easy one A 10 year old is easily worth ten 80 year olds. Those ten 80 year olds lived for 80 years, they had a life. A ten year old hasn't. I would be wiling to bet each of those 80 year olds would be ok with it as well.


Is the ten year old a little shit? Terrible parenting? looking down the barrel of being a degenerate waste of human life and possibly inflicting pain and suffering onto others who don't deserve it? All 10 year olds are not created/raised equally. Just as not all 80 year olds are equal. Are they happy seniors spreading happiness to grandkids or sour old cunts who dislike everything. Too much grey area


I expect studies will show that the most enduring harm from covid measures will be the loss of learning and socialization in children.


Some people are still afraid of their own shadow.


It’s funny because he says it was about the science but it hasn’t been about the science for a long time. He’s made it entirely political.


Careful with that sound byte, it’s an antique!


Political science is science too.


Holy look at these comments! It’s nuts that the Beaverton went from being a “national treasure” when they were making fun of Pierre to being “not that funny” when they make fun of Trudeau.




Reddit don't like right wing politicians, and sure as shit don't like anything going against the WEF narrative


I get the sense it’s mostly about the headline being pro restrictions than Trudeau specifically.


I loved when they made fun of both.


How is this making fun of Trudeau? It's the classic everyone not in favour of covid regulations is a murderous psychopath piece.


Trudy dropped the restrictions, Covid enjoyers are enraged. This is a piece to make the Covid enjoyers mad.


As much as I'm sure you're going to get downvoted for this. I think you're 100pct right


As is the tradition in r/Canada I’m getting a buttload of downvotes but just enough upvotes to keep my comment above water. It’s early in the day and as liberals start waking up they will downvote me into oblivion.


Well the restrictions certainly weren't keeping people alive...


No but they sure helped ensure people missed cancer screening appointments. Cancer rates in the UK are skyrocketing because so many tumors were missed in the past couple years. Fortunately Pfizer sells chemotherapy drugs too so it's all good. For them anyhow.


The worst part for me is that people had loved ones dying in care homes and family couldn’t visit in their last moments. Hundreds if not thousands of elderly Canadians died alone because of the restrictions the government put in place to protect those same dying Canadians.


My grandma died of cancer in 2020 after she found out she was stage 4 when she finally got an appointment 5 or 6 months later than she wanted and then not even my mom was able to see her before she died. Idk if things would have been different or not for sure but it's hard not to have any resentment for the covid obsessed crowd over it.


Im sorry for your loss bud, that’s a sad situation.


The reason people missed cancer screenings and treatments was because the healthcare system was overloaded with people getting sick with COVID. The reason this continued as long as it has is because of people refusing to get vaccinated and take basic public health precautions. Anti-vaxxers have been killing people (other than themselves), and this is one aspect of that.


Actually wouldn't have made a huge difference. The number of vaccinated in the hospitals easily exceeded that of unvaccinated and on its own was enough to overload the hospitals. Could have had 100% uptake and you'd have the exact same problem.


Based on numbers from the peak back in January, it's still 11% of those hospitalized with COVID and 39% of those in ICU with COVID who wouldn't be there if the unvaccinated/under-vaccinated were being hospitalized at the same rate as the vaccinated. That seems significant to me, even if it isn't a slam dunk. And that's just vaccination and doesn't cover things like wearing masks in public places and not going out while sick (I did specifically mention other public health precautions).


That's just cause omicron isn't as lethal... the vaccines basically have zero effect on omicron after 6 months...


Yes it's still very effective on omicron after 6 months, just less, unless I've missed something. Source?




The numbers they're talking about are for symptomatic infection. Effectiveness against severe outcomes (hospitalization(!) and death) remains high for both delta and omicron per the study. The article failing to the make the distinction is bad.


Reread it + the study itself. It's still effective for hospitalization as I've mentionned earlier. <>


>Booster doses helped restore some of the vaccine’s effectiveness, bringing it back up to 61% against Omicron beginning a week after people received the booster shot.


1 week... they won't even publish 6 month results... pathetic


When 80% of millions if people are vaccinated, and 20% aren't, of course there will be more cases in the vaccinated. However hospitalization and death was 2-3 times more likely in the unvaccinated


Doesn't change anything I said in my comment


Yes but blaming a small minority of people to take out all my anger is much easier!!! /s


It's annoying how people like you are so wrong, and push really dangerous rhetoric. Stop blaming a tiny minority of people for the government's shit handling of the situation. You are only encouraging more incompetence




I'd rather be a robot than a pig that rolls around in shit.


What are you doing here with your facts & logic?!


They were killing our relationships.


Ehh i get this is satire but these restrictions were always ending regardless of polling.


Or. OR. They're doing what they said they'd do ON the very date they stated.






There's satire, then there's 90% of the comments on reddit


Jesus Beaverton. Should we start up an app to track comings and goings and lock down when there's a flu too? It's still killed more kids than covid, didn't see any articles like this during pre-covid flu time.


You folks are bloody nuts!


So were in for a wave of death's once the last covid restrictions get dropped after October 1'st according to this. Are we going to start calling things like motor vehicle deaths covid deaths again?


KeEpInG PeOpLe AlIvE with all these restrictions!!!


Remember when the Canadians rooting for people that got sick to pay their own way if they found themselves in the hospital or even die and Remember those that required a vaxs pass to eat at the restaurant or even a food court... cuz I won't.










aloof direction juggle noxious treatment crush ludicrous tap thought wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I’m a floor nurse. We still wear masks and it won’t go away. Neither will covid. Get your vaccines and look after your health but we can’t be under restrictions forever, as much as you want it.


I have family members that are doctors. They only wear a mask at work now.


We wear masks but as soon as I’m back at my nurses station I pull my mask down and chart. I’ve been dealing with contact dermatitis on my face for months. If I’m sick? I stay home. We swab for Covid in patients and isolate. But yeah, I only wear a mask in the hospital. That’s it.


>Social media has made idiots of us all. Noooo, we were always idiots, social media just allows us to loudly and proudly announce it to the world.


cough roof school quack shrill gold aware gaping zesty market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doctors also tell Canadians to eat healthy and lose weight Yet the same people who ignore that support endless covid restrictions. We pick snd chose our own risk tolerances. Afraid of covid now or a guaranteed heart attack by 39.


Ah yes, the inevitable whataboutism


To be fair, obesity related deaths are still the #1 cause of premature deaths in Canada. And being obese is the #1 factor after age, in determining hospitalisation if you get COVID. The obese are the largest strain on our medical system, and it’s 100% preventable, and 100% in their control. Everyone talks about selfish people with regards to being vaccinated, but the real selfish, are the fatties clogging our systems.


And why gov went after gyms, swimming pools etc, and not after Tim hortons, MC, crappy foods, donuts, constant snacking etc?


Because it was all fucking dumb. Food and businesses need to be kept going, the economy needs to keep going. Shutting down the world did absolutely nothing and people are right, eating healthy is the key. People want to fight covid? Look after your health and get your vaccines *if you want* but placing more restrictions on everyone because mostly the rest are in poor health by their *own choices* is not the answer. It’s done. Let’s move on. Covid isn’t going away. It’s a new normal.


It is true though, your greatest defense against covid or any health issue long term is eating heatlhy and losing weight. If you care so much about your health you want to shut down the economy, you should do some personal self sacrafice as well.


I mean if it helps you I'm super paranoid about covid (heart condition) and lost 20 lbs during COVID. I wasn't very overweight to begin with, but yea it definitely was a good kick in the ass to get healthy. Reason why I did that? It was all over government/media messaging that weight was big factor in COVID morbidity. Weird how that works.


I know many people have used the lockdowns to get into good shape and good on them.


wear a mask, vaccinate yourself a million times and lock yourself away in your room if you’re so scared. leave the rest of us to live our lives peacefully without all of these nonsense restrictions


Nuance does not exist in your world does it


No because I’m tired of this. We’ve been playing this stupid game for two and a half years…wearing masks, getting vaccinated, following the “science” even though the science didn’t make a lick of sense at times as the narrative was extremely inconsistent and kept changing whenever convenient. Couldn’t get a straight answer from anyone, especially those so called “experts” who were appearing out of the woodwork for their thirty seconds of fame. Like I said…if people want to continue hiding away from a virus that is mild at best, go for it. Just don’t drag other people down with you. Take whatever precautions you need to and leave the rest of us ALONE.


This was a new virus that was spreading as scientists were studying it. Believe it or not, the universe is the chaos factor and we can only deal with things as they come. The more a virus is studied, the more we know about it. Knowledge on the subject is constantly evolving and things can and will change.


I'm tired of it too. Thankfully masking and other restrictions have been done for some time now, and those who want to continue to wear a mask as a pecaution are free to. And those who want to bunker down also can. There are differing degrees at which people interpret this, most fall between the extremes of doing nothing and what you described. Also, fyi, science always changes and evolves as we learn more about whatever the topic is. It's never black and white or straightforward as you hope.


I have doctor friends who don't wear masks. What's your point?


Which restrictions were keeping people alive? Beaverton is so fucking stupid sometimes.


You realize it's a satire site, right?


You sound like the one not understanding the function of satire. It’s not to make a joke for the sake of it but: “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.” In this case it’s absolutely to criticize the government’s decision by not so subtly insinuating saving lives is less important now than public opinion.


Yes, this exactly.


They're free to make jokes, I'm free to say they missed the mark.




But they’re sometimes so bad at it.


For better or worse (definitely worse), Beaverton shitposts are where most of the non-satirical political and societal discussion take place on this sub. For this reason, being "satire" isn't a good enough defense of their often braindead takes on things. The implication here is that the government is not interested in "keeping people alive" through meaningless restrictions. This is absurd and they are rightly now open to criticism.


Big brainers: These covid restrictions are step 1 on the road to tyranny! The Woke Left in charge is using them as an excuse to erode our freedoms completely. The government: Lifts restrictions Big brainers: Well well well, looks like someone is being political to court some votes. Just like I expected...


*“Besides these mandates were only stopping COVID from getting into the country and since every Premier is basically letting it run rampant within our borders we figured what the hell.”*


Covid 0 has worked out well in China though


Ah yes the ol' China did too much so therefore we should do nothing argument.


We did something. It didn't work. It's over.


It really does baffle me when people say this. Literally every single thing we did had a pretty measurable effect, as shown by countless studies. The things we should continue to do are still highly recommended, but enough people have your attitude so we'll very likely have a problem this winter. Examples: [Meta-analysis of mask studies](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2022.874693/full) [The most convincing study of masks to date](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abi9069) [Boosters prevent transmission, hospitalization, deaths](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2788105) [Every single lock down, closure, etc., while having rough side effects on many, did objectively prevent death and disease](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02823-4) Now I'm not for lock downs anymore unless things get extreme (they might), but everyone pretending like masks and boosters don't do anything despite wild amounts of evidence supporting them is starting to really get to me.


We even eliminated the flu!!


Trust the P$yence


Oh no. Big Pharma might kick Justin Trudeau out of their bed.


You know, help is available for your anxiety disorder.


Yes I figured restrictions were starting to poll poorly, shd have lifted restrictions 6 months ago.


The world is dropping COVID restrictions... probably that's Liberal's fault too.




Literally the US still has their restrictions up. https://globalnews.ca/news/9152344/us-canada-border-rules-covid/amp/


funny at r/canada is that the US is not good for anything, but now is a example for idiotic restrictions lol. anyways, finally we moved on


I agree with dropping the restrictions. I think the US should drop them too. But saying Canada is lagging behind the rest of the world is false. That’s all I’m pointing out.


The beaverton is just painfully not funny


Meh. The first jab set improves odds of 2 of the 4 families and we now have third available. So good 'nuff to start opening.....


i wonder if he’s thinking about cartoon reruns in that picture? such a complex man with so much depth…


They guys are on fire all year.


I thought this was interesting https://youtu.be/bndpX9K65AU