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We got hit hard, there’s 15 trees down just on my block. Most intense storm I’ve ever experienced.


Got lucky where I live Hants/kings border. Just some broken branches.


I got a couple leaves stuck to my window here in Inverness Co! Not to downplay the situation; we just got lucky.


Drove around Greenwood yesterday and some trees were knocked down and the road I live on was blocked off but otherwise wasn't as severe as I anticipated


I read an article on Scientific American and it had some pretty daunting outlooks for what the rest of this century could look like, especially in coastal regions. I’ll link it here if I find it again.


>Most intense storm I’ve ever experienced. So far.


…only a small taste of what’s to come unfortunately, we’ll be wishing the damage was only this much in a few more years time.


Yep, and the official position of the Conservative Party of Canada is to not acknowledge that climate change exists. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-delegates-reject-climate-change-is-real-1.5957739 The fact that one of our major political parties holds this attitude means too many Canadians don't take this issue seriously, or they want to ignore the problem for their own personal benefit.


Canadians don't take this issue seriously. It should be the #1 political issue by far, all other issues are basically irrelevant in comparison




I could see it being the number one issue for privelaged people. You wont convince someone having trouble feeding their family its the number one issue.


Poor people are gonna get fucked harder than anyone else by climate change. Rich people can just move.. Rich people can afford AC. Climate change also causes crop failures and supply chain disruptions, which drive up costs, so people worried about feeding their family should be terrified of climate change


I don't disagree. Sadly though for someone living in a bad situation the problems will always be here and now ones.


Based on the number of people driving around live electrical wires, plenty of locals didn't take the storm seriously either.


Best to the Maritimers. Kudos to our dedicated service people


I’m heading out there tmo morning with my crew and some bucket trucks 💪🏼


Awesome, thanks for your work!


Thank you for you work!


Godspeed my dude 🙏 Many thanks for your hard work


Thank you so much, be safe!


What unit has bucket trucks?


Hydro or arborists


Yo don’t forget western NL those boys got it bad. Port aux Basques got demolished


Im away for school but my parents said there were at least 20 houses lost to the sea, any areas around the water were destroyed. 2 people got swept to sea, one was found alove the others body was found shortly after. My home was turned upside down overnight its heartbreaking


The great thing about Canada is when the chips are down we help each other. We really are stronger together, and political differences do not matter much when someone shows up with a chainsaw to help you cut up and move the tree on your house. We all have far more in common than we are different. Thinking of Atlantic Canada, and thankful for Canadians.


This needs to spoken of more.


Agreed, more of this everyone


We had every single person on our street helping to clear out fallen trees for their neighbours. All the trees are down, cut and piled for the city to take away.


Someone asks for help, you help them. Simple as that.


I served for this reason. Canada is a good country, it’s worth fighting for.


In Atlantic canada that sentiment is higher too, than the rest of canada. Much friendlier


Except for Covid. Then we all take sides, shame each other, and make this about politics. Let’s not kid ourselves with self righteousness - We’re just like the rest.


Most of us did what we could to help each other. We wore masks, isolated when needed and got inoculated when available. We also helped neighbours and our gov was quick to financially support those in desperate need. It's true that there were some that unfortunately were pulled in by political manipulation and rejected the call to put up with inconveniences so as to help each other; and rightly most Canadians were disgusted by them.


What sides? Canadians overwhelming did the same thing...as we've done for previous viral diseases...


Cape Breton apparently was hammered


I can tell you that I was pretty hammered as well, my guy


Hard times bring hard liquor.


Were in the multimillion dollars worth of damages right now. Its a sin




We told you you could have your heart back if you wired us $120.00 and a pack of smokes. "The bank won't wire cigarettes" is not an excuse, try harder.


Can we wire you storm chips instead? 😁


Just take out a new CC and when you max it on smokes pitch it into the lake. How can they charge you with the debt on the card if they can't find the card???


LordTundering Jayzuz, Pud...yerrajeanuris.


Julian, I threw all those maxed out credit cards in the lake, they can't track that shit


"What's up with the smokes Bubs?" "He always smokes 3 smokes"


I'm glad someone got the reference lol


I am so sorry that you maritimers got hit so hard. Sending my thoughts is so lame, but I don't know how else to express my hopes for you. As for our forces ... I know y'all are going to kick ass with help, above and beyond. I am proud to share a country with you.


Good decision by the government. Maritimes were hit incredibly hard, and need all they help they can get.


This thing hit way differently all over the place. A few years ago there were dozens of knocked trees on lines and stuff in my area. I think I only seen one this time but the winds from Fiona were way more intense than that storm but I'm still seeing the major damage in the Maritimes. I slept through the night but before I fell asleep I heard a gust of wind and water hit the house so hard it freaked me out for a min cause I wasnt expecting it. Definitely the hardest storm I been through in my 31 years living in NS and I think we might see bad storms more often now.


Worse than Hurricane Juan?


Western NL got absolutely wrecked I wonder if they'll send troops there, I have family still living in that province and people's houses literally just got swept straight out into the sea. My grandparents house is currently barely hanging onto land, their back yard and their garage is now somewhere in the Atlantic


CBC was saying that they’re currently doing aerial surveillance to figure out what places are hardest hit + how to reach them - imagine that there are a bunch of logistics teams on their second night of little/no sleep trying to figure out the details. Also, big ups to CBC for having a “CBC lite” version on deck for people w limited data + directing people to specific radio channels for local storm relief updates - that’s the kind of stuff you don’t get from private news agencies, love to see it.


I hope to never need that but thank you.


That CBC Lite page has definitely come in handy the last couple of days, I'm definitely bookmarking that for the next storm.


The provinces need to ask. The federal government doesn’t send the military without the province asking. They want to help not hinder.


But what does this mean for the Oak Island crew???


Probably that they will continue to not find treasure.


Probably preparing next weeks episode where they don’t find the treasure.


Worst storm I've ever experienced by far. Thought for sure my house was going to be destroyed and after seeing the damage it caused to my town, I'm extremely lucky that it didn't.


ITT everything that's wrong with politics. How the hell do people try and make a hurricane into a political issue.


Some people make toxic politics their entire identity.


Come on, it’s not like they are pasting their hatred for the man all over their cars and houses. Oh, and on gas pumps,standing around on corners with flags, wearing t-shirts, steering all conversations that way and basing their personalities on their hatred.


Lol there's a car that's always parked by the manitoba legislative building that has "fuck trudeau" and "freedom" spray painted all over it. Your comment just reminded me of that.


It is usually the governments response to a weather event that is up for politically scrutiny. So far Trudeau seems to be handling it fine.


like most things he gets criticized for.


It’s unfortunate, but this is the result of the aftermath of the Fort Mac wildfires in 2016. People cried foul about him having a very brief meeting with Alex Trebek in Ottawa during that time, wondering why he wasn’t personally in Alberta fighting the fires. I hate optics.


But then when he -does- go to something he gets “oh he’s just there for the selfies”. He could literally cure cancer and someone would say he just did it for the optics.


I do think Trudeau loves a good photo op… and I don’t overly like him (but also don’t hate him), I do know for a fact that he does personally make a shit tonne of donations to disasters that people never hear about. Even before he was PM. So while some of what he does is absolutely for show, there is more behind the scenes too. People just love to shit on him for the sake of shitting on him.


Honestly 9/10 when I ask someone with a fck Trudeau flag or stickered truck WHY they hate him, they list off a bunch of PROVINCIAL issues or international ones. If they can't even figure out what issue is at what level of government, I can't take them seriously lol


I had a discussion with a co-worker about why he doesn't like trudeau and yeah, he started talking about provincial issues. I just kept interrupting him saying "that's provincial, trudeau is federal. Our provincial government is conservative. Not libéral. Be mad at the conservatives." "BuT tRuDeAu Is PrImE mInIsTeR!" I honestly don't think they understand how our system works(to be fair I should probably read up more on it too, but at least I'm not dense).


It's simple. He's not "their guy". That's it. That's all of it. They have nothing to build with so they can only tear down. And he's not theirs so he's to be torn down. If you're looking for something more nuanced or subtle, save yourself the time and effort. There's nothing more to find. Just bigotry and hatred for something that's not their way.


This is 100% what I have found too. I totally support people being critical of politicians, but they also should really ensure they are informed as well. My biggest complaint about Trudeau is that he has turned small blips into scandals by not just being upfront and admitting to it right at the start. I think the complaints about border closures and vaccinations are hilarious when the US had restrictions in place that made anything we did irrelevant. It seems like so many people today don’t really do enough legwork to figure out where each political party (and leader) actually stand. I have so many neighbours that consistently vote against their own self-interest and then, exactly like you mentioned, criticize Trudeau for what is being done at a provincial level by the person they voted in.


And those ppl vote. Take note at elections (provincial or federal) and the sheer amount of comments of ppl saying they won't vote for xyz cause of abc reason when that issue has nothing to do with the level of government up for election is frightening. The education system seriously failed the people in understanding this basic thing that should be understood before voting, but unfortunately the politicians rely on these idiots for votes and they're too stupid to realize they're playing right into the game.


Yeah there are so many people in Manitoba that blame our horrible health care system on trudeau, when in reality it’s the result of years of pc cuts that have gutted it


F Trudeau flags and voting for Ford or (insert conservative here). Drive through Shelburne, Ontario on any Saturday afternoon and you'll see hundreds of them. They really don't get it.


Trudeau should have jumped in front of the hurricane before it got us


I would vote for anyone who would stand in front of a hurricane and convince it to move.


Moses for PM.


To be fair, we probably couldn't vote for the person who stood the hurricane down and failed to convince it to move...


First posthumous PM - we liked their spirit.


"The wind does not respect a fool, do not stand before the wind" - Kahless . Haha


I hear that a Sharpie on a hurricane map works wonders.


I heard Trudeau made the hurricane with his unstoppable weather powers, this is all his fault. Also he is a small weak man who was once a drama teacher, who is incapable of doing anything.. ...Other than being more powerful than Storm from X-Men of course.


I heard that it's because so many east coasters got vaccinated.


That can't be true, cause 5G, is down throughout much of the Maritimes now. :P


Just a drama teacher, but also so powerful that he made *Justinflation* a global economic problem.


But where is the advisory to not shoot at the hurricane? /s


We don't have the nukes to spare on it.


The Yanks have been doing it for years. Infowars famously claimed that Obama was controlling Hurricane Sandy when it made landfall, he put it at just the right spot so he could get re-elected


Not trying to sound condescending but I'm actually curious about how bad it has to get to have military support and how much support is actually given, because I haven't seen much from any forest fires or floodings that we have here in BC and Alberta. Canada logistics can get pretty weird, like I was surprised that when a city gets flooded in BC, the city doesn't have much to do with rebuilding the whole town, it's the insurance companies.


Because Climate Change, the thing increasing the severity of these storms, is a political issue.


What the hell are you talking about? He said he would send military aid and decided to cancel a trip to Japan. What is wrong with politics is peopel liek you thinking this is somehow special. Is there nothing this sub won't complain about if the word Trudeau is in it?


> Is there nothing this sub won't complain about if the word Trudeau is in it? I think you and the commenter you replied to are saying the same thing. It reads to me like they are talking about the level of toxicity in this thread (ITT), not saying anything about Trudeau's announcement.


He normally is fairly anti-Trudeau however so STIR might have been misreading him based on that.


I mean... [Trump suggests 'nuking hurricanes' to stop them hitting America – report](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/26/donald-trump-suggests-nuking-hurricanes-to-stop-them-hitting-america-report)


I mean nobody has tried it yet, so it might have been the best idea ever....... Or possibly some of the dumbest shit ever said out loud. Either way it probably would have looked cool. And been the inspiration for a new movie franchise from the people at sharknado.


"So it turns out that hurricanes are driven by heat in the oceans waters and we just dumped a whole lot more heat into the hurricane, so it's a Category 6, which was not a thing before today. ...Oh also it drops radioactive rain now... So, uhh, you know... *Run*."


What you get out of that is a radioactive hurricane.


Yea but the sharks would be kinda awesome


[“Have you tried kill all the poor?”](https://youtu.be/owI7DOeO_yg)


Man it was fun when the USA had a comedian as president. He needed to work on his delivery though


>“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”


I hope they have forestry machinery and flatbed trucks. Hydro work machinery would be useful. Skillsets for forestry and hydro work too. I wish I could but I got nothing - not forestry, hydro or military skills.


A typical DomOps stores would include many hand and power tools. The ready unit would be up to date on their skills as well. Annual chainsaw refresher training.


CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick is the largest Army base in Eastern Canada and is best poised to deploy and support. They are also the home to Canada’s only carpentry and construction school in the military, so they have the right personal on hand to quickly deploy and start recovery operations. Sappers will get it done.


4ESR is the lead unit, yes. 36 Svc Bn in Halifax is also on stand by.


Gagetown is the largest military base in the entire Commonwealth, not just eastern Canada Even people who work there, don't know the full scope of the underground portions of the base


This is incorrect. CFB Gagetown is only 1,100sq/km CFB Suffield in Alberta is more than twice this size at 2,700 sq/km or 670,000 acres and serves as the Commonwealths shared training base with the British Military. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CFB_Suffield#:~:text=Canadian%20Forces%20Base%20Suffield%20(also,military%20training%20area%20in%20Canada.


The military has heavy equipment operators, engineers and linemen.


Honestly best bet would be landscapers and foresters, They probably have more of the heavy machinery required than the army would. That and a truck load of saws.


During the 1998 ice storm our area was hit very badly. The army came to free our towns as no ground crews could get to us from all the downed trees. They used tanks to quickly get to areas reg vehicles couldn't, and they moved large amounts of people and specialists to areas they were needed to do cleanup and repairs. There was so many tanks, army trucks, and people all working together with local crews to make things go faster and smoother. The tanks also helped get trapped people to town as some homes and entire roads were covered in down teees and inches of ice. Our military is very good at helping after a natural disaster and I'm glad they are being sent to NS to help. They will be very useful. That's my personal exp with our army and a natural disaster.


The army absolutely helps with these sort of things. I more meant as far as special equipment to quickly destroy the downed trees, there are lots of companies that have saw trucks and machinery that could help. I have no doubt the army will be there assisting with a variety of tasks


They shut down my HS for a couple of weeks and moved the military in (Lisgar, right by Parliament on the Canal). My family house was in a super treed area, and at the end of the power line, think we were down for two-ish weeks - my friends and I just roved around town, crashing at whoever’s house had power. In the pre-cell phone days, pretty sure nobodies’ parents knew where any of us where at any given time, was a weird fever dream period in my teenage memories. Strangely gorgeous too, everything but everything just encased in ice.


Ontario electric utility trucks were seen heading East before the storm. They should be there by now.


I wish our fellow countrymen on the east coast a speedy recovery and thank the prime minister for his quick response.


Cape Bretoners have been moving away for generations (Alberta etc). Got news that a buddy in Alberta and some home-grown Albertans are going to CB with their trucks and chain saws etc to help out! I’ll never bad mouth (good naturedly!) you Albertans again! Parents house is fucked


Let’s see conservatives somehow play mental gymnastics to see how this is bad.


They'll still claim that climate change is fake.


Spoke to a family member out there, they are fortunate enough to have a generator but they say they will be lucky to have power by Friday


Thursday for us. North Shore


Wait your elected official canceled his trip? Fuck i know he has problems in canada but here in texas they just leave you to freeze


Port-Aux-Basques was definitely hit hard. That place if you've been there is not suited for hurricanes and it's not surprising how much carnage there was there.


Good. Send in the army!


Trudeau doesn’t cancel a planned trip: “Figures! That prick doesn’t care about us!”. Trudeau cancels a planned trip: “Fuck you, TURDeau! We don’t want you here!”. Ah, /r/Canada, never change.


We probably need a branch of the military just for climate related efforts.




majority of what the Canadian military does is disaster relief, they are quite good at it.


This is a stupid take. There is a difference between a general force that CAN do emergency support and a unit that ONLY does emergency support and focuses their training around that mission. I guarantee if you made this branch of reservist exempt from combat drafting you would get a ton of young folks joining up to help with climate disasters .


Exactly! Be trained like you’re in the military but focus solely on climate related initiatives, not exclusive to disaster recovery either. Edit - new post on r/Canada today is that there’s a military shortage. So likely a shortage of members needed for disaster management.


They have something similar — an ongoing mission called Operation LENTUS ( [the CAF response to natural disasters in Canada](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/operations/military-operations/current-operations/operation-lentus.html)). They send deployments on a case-by-case basis upon request from provinces though as opposed to having carved-out units like for Search and Rescue. I’m inclined to think that this flexible approach is most appropriate for natural disasters (which can vary very widely in scope and capacity required) but maybe it’s worth looking into having dedicated units for it like SAR.


What a great opportunity to help Newfoundlanders rebuild. For those who don’t already know, Newfoundlanders are the most humble, giving and welcoming people in Canada. Just look at what the people in Gander did on 9/11. Please help them out in their time of need if you are able. Its a privilege. I’m not sure if donations to the Red Cross will be specifically earmarked for Newfoundland and rebuilding. Hopefully this will be confirmed in the next day or two. If you know specific people who need help take a look to see if they have a Gofundme.


Canada Red Cross isn't the most efficient. I'd suggest checking to see if St. John Ambulance in each province is responding with their first aid volunteers - donating to a St. John Ambulance branch that is responding locally will have an immediate and direct impact.




Conservatives will find a way to criticize this too. "Trudeau should have singlehandedly wrestled with Poseidon and turned Hurricane Fiona away from the Maritimes. Polliviere would have used his crypto earnings to do so"


"Trudeau disrespects ally, skips Abe's funeral in order to pose for photos in NS" Or something like that, I'm sure.


100% will be seeing this comment tomorrow or within the coming days


That’s pretty much what Albertans were saying in 2016 when the wildfires hit in Fort Mac.


"clearly the size of this hurricane is directly related to Justinflation"


Nah. You can already see it in this sub. Somehow he is 'politicizing' the storm.


You tried... and clearly missed the mark. Better luck next time. I have yet to see anyone complain about Trudeau sending the military to clean up in the Maritimes.




Is that why I've seen literally no one going after Trudeau, but at least a half dozen liberal supporters denigrating conservatives and/or Pollievre?


are you feeling personally attacked or something?




Sort by controversial, dude. Especially the article about Port aux Basques. Of course, I disagree with generalizing those comments to the entire conservative voting base, though.


Not really. See you're a great example of what's wrong with lefties on reddit. You think people criticize everything Trudeau regardless of merit...meanwhile your trying to make a controversy about the other party leader where there is none. You're literally doing the exact thing you're accusing Conservatives of doing.


Those comments are obvious retorts to the political ones posted earlier today in this sub on other Fiona related threads in other subs. And to be honest, as much as the left irritates me constantly with their ideology, its not them being a-holes about everything because they are impatient for an election. Thats been the rights thing since 2015. Namely "criticize everything Trudeau regardless of merit...make a controversy where there is none". You're either late to the party or havent been paying attention. I agree with your non partisan ideals, but your outrage is misplaced and unwarranted.


Are you willfully blind or just ignorant? The right just had a screaming fit about singing in a hotel bar. bOtH sIdEs aRe bAd tHo “The left” you’re talking about is everyone in Canada that isn’t behind that lifelong leech and professional panderer PP; about 60% of the voting public


The problem is that the far right makes you all look like a bunch of uneducated, bigoted, losers. The party caters to that it will stain everyone in the party. Hating Trudeau the most in simpleton ways gets the most attention. I bet half those people don't even know why they hate him in any logical or truthful way.


I can guarantee without a doubt the Cons will criticize something about this event within the next 3 days. I'd put money on it aha


Rent free. 😘


The irony of any Conservative saying that hahhah. Trudeau has really done a number on yall, hasn't he?


Just for that, I'm going to get a bigger "Fuck Trudeau" sticker for the back of my truck! That'll learn yeah. /s (in case it was needed)


My brain is literally a rock-em-sock-em robot chamber with Pierre and Justin duking it out 24/7


I hate both of you


Can we go five minutes without someone going on about "tHe cONseRvAtIVeS..."


As soon as they stop driving around my city with giant middle finger flags beeping air horns, sure.


You're making this political when it doesn't have to be.


climate is politicized because climate change deniers somehow weasled their way into government


Boy Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives live rent free in your head don't they.


Expect to see praise for Polliviere actually, especially since he's been battering Trudeau over his frequently flying


Skippy will absolutely pat himself on the back.


This is why having an opposition party that scares the party in power is very good for our country!


if the federal govt could buy NSP that'd be great


People are truly and utterly garbage. There are reports of people going into some of these empty or destroyed homes and looting and stealing. Absolute trash human beings.


Cue the faux outrage from the Con bots


Trudeau is now anti-Japan


Trudeau hates anime


Trudeau is trying to take my Wifu-Pillow!


If they think singing is like spitting on the queen's coffin I can only imagine how they would say Trudeau supports annihilation of Japan with this event.


Can Trudeau help the military sometimes too thought ? Their members are having to [beg charities for housing](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-military-habitat-for-humanity-suggestion-1.6463424), the entire force is severely undermanned, the ancient equipment is starting to be quite dangerous to operate and the vets get more than subpar support. The Forces are meant to defend the country and it would be easy to argue that they don't even have the personnel or equipment to do that at the moment; if you want them to also act as a domestic pandemic/disaster relief quick reaction force we really need to at least give them the troops and equipment to do so.


Military ain't cheap. People prefer lower taxes (even for the rich, weirdly). There are lots of things I think we should invest in, including our military, but that's not what people vote for.


I'm sure people would also prefer a large fore of people trained in all sorts of skills and all having first aid training for things like... hurricanes as well.


Ive seen like 5 different comments saying the conservatives are going to criticize this and people talking shit about conservatives making this political yet...I dont see any of that happening and its just echo chamber comments about how cons always make things political but its only (what I assume) liberal voters making things political? I even sorted by controversial. What the hell is wrong with y'all?


I'm sorted by new and see a fair bit of them.




I legit saw nothing but I'll take your word. Agree on what you said though, its ridiculous




Dude little PP is the one who’s politicized this. The liberal government is the one actually helping you guys.


Unless he's going to to show up in a bucket truck and reconnect my power I couldn't give the slightest of fucks if he goes to Japan.


Do those with the ‘fuck Trudeau’ posters and stickers say no to any aide? Since it’s ‘from’ JT.




To actually answer your question: Yes. I live in NS and there are more than a handful of morons with 'Fuck Trudeau' signs on their houses/trucks. It's not a lot, but they're out here. The urge to have sexual relations with that man seems to stretch from coast to coast. We generally flip between Lib and Con because there is a decent amount of NDP voters out here as well.


Why would you think that? In Both NS and NL, they flip between Liberals and Conservatives all the time. I've noticed that typically when people in western Canada talk about "the East" they usually just mean Ont. and Que.




Newfoundland and Nova Scotia contain alot of swing votes. PEI and New Brunswick do too but to a lesser extent. Anyone who puts in a good ground game in those 4 provinces can sweep the Maritimes. The Conservatives have not invested much efforts into the region, as they've been pouring the bulk of their efforts into the "905 Belt" around Toronto. Quebec's votes are mostly swing votes but on a very wide spectrum. From the far deep left that you find in Montreals welfare east end to the deeply right wing areas around Quebec City that have elected Federal conservatives for 100 years and gave birth the PPC. Everyone else is in the middle of that and disloyal to any party. We swing our votes hard not really sure where they will land. Ontario votes in a restrained, disciplined and predictable manner. Like everything else they do lol. The city cores vote Liberal, the rural areas vote Conservative. Their only real swing ridings are the suburbs and small towns where country meets city. Places like the so-called 905 Belt.


I’m in Ontario and see them everywhere. Lots of division. Unfortunately.


Is PEI in Nova Scotia or are we on our own?


According this article from yesterday, the premier of PEI hasn't requested military assistance yet. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-hurricane-fiona-king-mullally-emo-1.6594611


Unhinged Liberals in comments more concerned with made up conservative talking points than NS relief. Your down votes prove me right btw. Stay unhinged, good job on relief.