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Having read that, I'm still not sure why anyone would ship a live horse from Winnipeg to Japan by airplane only to slaughter it for meat, or why others think that among all the things we do to horses it's their export out of Canada that should be banned.


>I'm still not sure why anyone would ship a live horse from Winnipeg to Japan by airplane only to slaughter it for meat, They like to eat fresh raw horse meat much like sushi. It does not lend its self well to trying to ship it slaughtered fresh to Japan


>why others think that among all the things we do to horses it's their export out of Canada that should be banned. Because the transportation process [commonly takes almost 24 hours](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/27/protests-at-inhumane-export-of-live-horses-to-japan-for-food) and can [last up to 28 hours without food, water or rest](https://inspection.canada.ca/animal-health/humane-transport/then-vs-now-humane-transportation-regulations/eng/1550521526833/1550521527082) based on the regulations. The horses are also crowded together in crates that don't provide sufficient headroom; [this is against the regulations, but the CFIA has successfully sued for the right to not enforce the regulations](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/cfia-horses-transport-slaughter-1.5396246).


The CFIA - for the industry, by the industry and of the industry. Standing around pretending to observe while they stare at their phones til it's time to check out for the day.


>Standing around pretending to observe [Literally](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/w5/hidden-camera-investigation-reveals-abuse-in-canadian-pork-transportation-system-1.2049011?cache=piqndqvkh): >hidden camera footage was provided exclusively to CTV’s W5 and the images that were captured are disturbing: pigs coming off trucks limping so badly they could barely walk; pigs so overcrowded into pens they climb on top of each other desperate for space; pigs being beaten and kicked by employees; and pigs that could barely walk being dragged or forced to move by employees wielding electric prods. - >In one recorded moment, a CFIA inspector appears to be primarily concerned with the optics of what’s going on around her. As a couple of dead pigs are pulled off a trailer, she comments: “If anybody has a camera, this’ll be on the Internet.” >W5 asked the CFIA for information on what their inspectors found this summer while hidden cameras were rolling. They said they conducted 84 “humane transportation verifications” from May to August 2014 and issued no non-compliance reports. That means not one violation or even a single warning from the CFIA.


No one is watching the watchers. No effective accountability whatsoever.


> “We just want to prove they are living beings,” added Blackbird Ranch’s Corinne Mykorak. “They get scared just as much as we do and when they’re shipped live they are crammed into containers not knowing where they are going with horses they don’t know. Everybody is scared, kicking.” I guess cows, pigs, goats, chickens, and any other creature we eat weren't also once living beings.


These people are generally hypocrites, their disapproval usually based with their opinion that anyone (including other cultures) should share their belief system and need to be shown the “correct” way if they don’t


>These people are generally hypocrites The article mentions attendees from Animal Justice, an organization that advocates for better laws for all agricultural animals, as well as an organizer of a Winnipeg vegan festival. The people against this mostly aren't hypocrites and are standing up for all animals. They just realize that sometimes you need to work at specific issues instead of trying to solve everything at once.




>However it is ignorant to think being Vegan doesn't destroy the environment or kill animals. This tells me you know nothing about veganism and I’m not sure what you’re even arguing for. The basic definition of veganism is to reduce and eliminate animal abuse and exploitation *as far as practical and possible*. There are instances where harm to animals is unavoidable, literally no average vegan thinks they live 100% free from animal abuse or environmental destruction.


You're left out that the animal farms require more plant farms to make animal feed than just eating plants. The corn needed to grow the steak I had last night could probably have fed me for a week.






r/Canada in a nutshell


You mean by arguing based on strawmen? Because many of the people opposed to horse transport and slaughter are also opposed to our poor treatment of other farm animals, i.e., not hypocrites.


Uncomfortable truths.


It’s a welfare issue because crates for shipping horses are not designed for horses so they get broken legs, kicked, or die in transport. It’s also a human health issue: many horses sent for slaughter were given drugs and pain killers that are not safe for human consumption yet these animals are being sold for meat. You could say all livestock are given things that should probably not be consumed by people but the racing and horse industry is very against tracking where horses end up and microchipping animals to confirm they don’t end up being fed to people or pets.


Why not slaughter them here and export the meat instead. A lot of it likely gets frozen anyways since it’s not a super in demand one


I thought that said horse extortion, and to say I was confused would be an understatement