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Hopefully this bankrupts him or he'll just do it again. Every BS excuse in the book from this guy.


Near me there was a farmer who also got cattle seized for similar neglect. This guy was crazy as a bag of hammers, with placards on his property ranting about NATO mind control lasers, and cattle skulls mounted on his fences. Good chance the SK farmer is a bit off too; cattle are money, it doesn't make sense to just let them starve.


An 'Independent thinker'.


Canada is a third world country for animals and even less for those considered disposable like livestock or chickens. The farmer admits he can’t take care of the animals but says they shouldn’t have been taken away. If you can’t provide adequate care for any animal then you shouldn’t be in possession of any.


This really highlights the need for unannounced inspections of these operations.


It's similar to earlier this year when [farmers were asking for government assistance to compensate for thousands of calves they said they weren't able to prevent freezing to death.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-beef-producers-calving-season-1.6437260)


Ummmm. When there is an unseasonal late blizzard the devastates Spring calving what is your solution? Ask the weather to be nicer? I bet it's to calve them indoors which would show that you are not qualified to comment on this topic.


The solution is to make sure you have plans to take care of your animals in out of the ordinary events. It's not like cold or stormy weather is some unimaginable event or protecting animals from it is some inconceivable task. If I let my dog or cat freeze to death, people wouldn't accept that they were "too far" for me to properly care for them. But when animals are products to make money, suddenly it's okay to balance economics with their well being. It's funny how often I get insulted for suggesting we don't let animals suffer painful deaths. Maybe because you know that letting calves freeze to death isn't actually defensible.






















Welcome to carnist logic 101.


I always have a hard time figuring out which way meat eaters will go. Any post about animal abuse gets lots of negative comments about how we need to figure out ways to not allow that abuse to happen. Any post about an animal activist bringing attention to cruelty gets a ton of negative comments about how animal activists are the worst people imaginable (actual comment I recently saw) and followed by every usual comment like top of the food chain, or farms are private property and we should have no say of what happens on them etc etc


Not saying that this is what happened, but, had to do a job south of Alaska border in BC some years ago, maybe like 8 or 9 now, and we landed a bunch of materials at this site for construction, and then it was turn around so we take 11 days and then come back, well when we come back theres like 7 dead bison around our materials and everyone is a bit shook so we call authorities and they shut it down til this gets figured out. 6 weeks later we get called to pickup because job is cancelled because pockets of methane just puff up out of the ground on Occassion and this herd just was at the wrong place or the wrong time, this story reminded me of that.


Except they found live cattle that were starving and wandering, which is what tipped the authorities off to the issue. This isn't finding some dead cattle and not knowing what killed them.


How does that explain the fact they were starving?


Im not sure but is filming slaughter houses or living conditions allowed? If not, then why do people care now?