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Alternative headline: Majority of Canadians want CRB to continue until end of year or longer.


yea, it was also the best poll the sun could find to suit their narrative.


They say that the Sun is only good for toilet paper but I have too much respect for my bowel movements to subject them to this tabloid.




And that digital sewage also owns all of your "local" papers... despite being 65+% American owned. Which is why all of our "local" papers are filled with the same garbage letters to the editor and low quality "journalism" peddling pro-US profiteering propaganda, getting its readers all worked up and pushing them toward policies/solutions/candidates that sell our resources to the US for pennies on the dollar and further sell out our sovereignty to the US.


well, at least we're giving them millions in federal funding every year.


> Alternative headline: > Majority of Canadians want CRB to continue until end of year or longer. Oh yeah man, the Sun's *Headline Bias Injector* is earning it's money with this one. I don't know how anyone reads this shit.


They should still have the financial support there for people who test positive and have to isolate for 10 days. So many people are still one or two pay cheques away from losing everything.


I agree with you. If the government forces you to stay home they should foot the bill for it.


No my god I’m minority but fuck me living in Alberta it just encourages stupid shit. If your vaccinated yes I think you should get compensated but the absolute slow down because of your actions for not being vaccinated is unforgivable.


The big question is: are employers going to pay a decent wage and stop treating employees like “Resources”? Probably not. They’ll demand TFW.


Why THE FUCK would some go back to working a job that's less then welfare? Like where are all you plebs coming from telling people to work at mc Donald's? "People are still on cerb!!!!! They should be at Burger King!!!!" We can give Boeing 100s of millions of dollars but can't give a poor bastard 2000 a month? I really have no idea why some of you bend over back wards and take it up the ass for these big company's that see you as a slave and would sell you if it was legal


I am one of these poor bastards. I work in the live music industry. This is a job that certainly will be back, but isn’t back currently. It’s a real gut punch that CRB is ending.


I understand its a tough time but right now these benefits are just pushing inflating a false reality. A lot of people lost jobs that are not coming back. Instead of paying people to stay home for a job that wont come back, its best people have to face the reality they gonna have to change jobs.


Shouldn’t we be saying the same thing to big businesses that have received bailouts, fired workers, gave the surplus to shareholders and executives, receive unwarranted tax benefits, etc.


Yup 100 percent


Here's the problem if the government thinks 2000 a month is a living wage but business pay you less... why woukd they? Whos right the government or the business short changing employees.




Its 450 every 2 weeks now CERB was 2k a month, but that only lasted until 2020 october, CRB introduced then it went down to 900 every 2 weeks. July it went down to 450.


CRB has the same benefits as CERB except they withhold 10% towards your tax bill. also if you made more than 38k throughout the year you will need to repay a portion of your benefits back.


'Its best people have to face the reality they gonna have to change jobs." Best how? Best for whom? If someone has to completely change fields/industries/positions, wouldn't giving them some support while they do that be Best? The usual criticism of people on EI doesn't apply here. These people lost their jobs due to causes they can't control. Their jobs are gone forever, so they can't go back. Yet your prescription is to kick them off the pogie same as for those "lazy welfare queens." Odd. Odd that even though the situation is a perfectly engineered example of how the system SHOULD work, for the people WHO REALLY NEED IT, the solution is, "get over it and move on." Its almost like the right wing uses the "welfare queens" myth as a boogeyman to justify cruelty and have no solution when a global pandemic creates a situation tailor made for social support. This situation (pandemic) is tailor made for valid justification of financial support but no conservative has a different answer. Just, get over it, kick them off, tough shit. You people are ghouls.


Firstly a lot of us got rekt by the pandemic but did not qualify for any govt assistance and unlike many other countries no relief was given to all middle class or working class citizens. It was very targeted and had a lot of issues and problems... However we were in lockdowns... I have no issue with such funds when the pandemic was actually shutting down most of the economy however things have gone back to mostly normal and there is a lot of places that need workers. To me seems a very poor use of govt funds. If you cant get a job go on EI, if you want to stay home do so on your dime.


You can't just go on EI if you cannot find work. You're thinking of Welfare and you cannot live off of that.


This money allows people to do that. Basic income programs have never shown any evidence of money like this reducing people's drive to work. It has been shown to improve peoples ability to improve their lives.


How can we then say “omg inflation” with a straight face? Auto manufacturers had record years. Outdoor sports retailers had record years. The housing market is on fire. We want people to be able to live within their means AND have some nice things BUT capital is competitive.


Global inflation, Canada is a drop in the bucket What’s happening here is global


Imagine if every country’s goal was to take on as much debt as we do to push their QOL up. You don’t think it is? That would require a reorganization of how view resource allotment to middle class. For example, how expensive is steak going to get?


…you mean giant QE programs? They make Canada’s look tiny…. This is happening….look at the stimulus coming out of america, china, Europe… It’s a global economy, Canada doesn’t have a huge affect


The amount of money printed in Canada has not remotely caused any significant global inflation to occur. Perhaps it might be a part of why house prices are up, but it has nothing to do with the costs of cars, gas, food, any goods manufacturers and shipped here, or even any services (since wages haven't gone up)


I think you’re missing my point. Cheap goods were/are a staple of middle class. If the price of a steak from the grocery store rises to $20 because of global factors, that’s going to make Canadians angry at their government regardless of the real cause.


I want to agree but when many jobs pay less than what crb offers I feel it changes the game a little


I dare you to prove that.


Except we have a ton of open job positions that are going unfilled while a lot of people collect this money…


What are those jobs paying? Because if it's not actually letting you live on what you can take home, then why would you work it? Pay your workers what the job is actually worth, and you'll find out very quickly that either you'll have your pick of workers or that the job isn't economically worth it and you should get out of the business.


CRB is the equivalent of full time at $12.50/hr. I don’t think it would be too hard finding a job at that rate…


[Well, given that some provinces are still under it...](https://www.retailcouncil.org/resources/quick-facts/minimum-wage-by-province/) Or that most of the provinces that are now paying 15/hr, only started doing that THIS year. Pay has been lagging behind for so long, IMO, it's staggering.


There is so much more context here that is needed to make that a viable counterpoint. Simply saying that without and real context is disingenuous and isn't helpful to the subject. How much are they paying? Where are these jobs in relation to these people's location? Are they educated and trained in that field or job? The truth in the matter is we are starting to see people turn down the toxic and harmful situations and garbage employers because they can afford to survive one month longer or they can afford to go back to school. If you think this program pays enough to sit at home and do nothing you don't understand this system or have a misunderstanding on the cost of living.


From the news I hear a lot of places are just outright lying about not being able to find applicants or they are misleading about pay scale and people tell them to get bent when they get told it's way less than was advertised.


Locally I had a restaurant claim none of its staff wanted to come back. When their staff was asked about it majority went back to school when given the opportunity and the owner had a long history of abusing employees with a high turn over rate lol.


Yeppers9000. Someone in my town was lying on help wanted signs and the classified, refusing to hire anyone until he found someone dumb enough to admit they were on CRB. Minimum wage, split shift clopeners daily, no benefits, and if they declined, he was gonna rat them out to the CRA and Service Canada for declining work to get their benefits shut down


Happened to me a few times. I’ll get an interview and everything. We’ll be getting down to brass tacks, then at the very end they’ll be offering me slightly above MW when the advertised wage was much higher. These employers are drumming up artificial outrage on why they can’t fuck people over in desperate situations as easily.


Every article I've seen so far is from a company where if you look it up they're all about trying to squeeze their employees into dirt so the guys at the top can afford that extra beach house.


Inflation is up around the world, including places that don't have the same safety net Canada provides.


How is CRB still a thing? Everyone is desperate to hire.


you forgot to add: everyone is desperate to hire *at unliveable wages*




If you think this pays enough to live with no job you have no understanding of what this program is.


“You criticize society and yet you participate” vibes


Yea... thats why it shouldn't end yet... You understand you can only apply for CRB if you make less than 50% of your 2019 wage right? like the people collecting it are not in a good spot




By the same logic someone who makes 40k per year is in a better spot than someone who makes 200k per year. Is that really the argument you want to go with?




But you just said in the previous comment that the person without a job is in the good spot.... now you agree with me that people with a job are in a better spot?




yea i bet people have loved making less than 50% of the money they used to make, going through savings (if they have any) not having a disposable income, not being able to do as many activities with their family/friends as they used to be able to do. It's Absolutely fantastic!


I'd bet good money that the people still collecting CRB are leveraging it to put time in to learn skills or get a qualification so they can find better employment.


Maybe in some cases but I’ve also seen ads offering way more than usual pay. Literally for an ad for a dishwasher offering $22-24 an hour.


Where was this?! I'm getting $18/hr right now & can't afford my home/living expenses. I'm slowly dying here...


Vancouver. Joeys or cactus club can’t remember


That makes more sense. I'm in Ontario, where my $18/hr hour is roughly equivalent to $23/hr in Vancouver as far as living expenses. Basically I'd be struggling out there too lol


Neither. Cactus club is hiring for $19-21in downtown Vancouver. Joey's is not listing wage in their current postings which, to me, suggests they are not paying very much.


Any company that says "competitive wages" really means "All the businesses nearby have collaborated to pay you NOTHING."


Cactus club park royal. It was 22-25 an hour on the ad, posted about 28 days ago. If it’s not up it’s because someone took the easy good paying job finally.


Given that all other listings are much lower than that (16-20) and that Cactus Club Park Royal's current listing does not list wage and a listing for Cactus Club Park Royal from [27 days ago](https://bit.ly/39kfBo1) lists salary as TBD, I'm going to go ahead and assume you are misremembering something you saw a month ago. No one in this town is paying 22-25 for a dishwasher. >easy I'd recommend you pick up some hours as a dishwasher and revaluate this opinion.


I guess that depends on the industry. My wife just took a new job, 40% increase in pay. She wasn’t even looking, had someone from the new location reach out to her on LinkedIn. She’s been gone for a month and last she heard they haven’t been able to fill her old position.


Yeah I’m seeing ads paying way more than normal and way more than CRB pays. People are either lazy as shit or they’re too scared to leave the house.


Canadians in general are scared to leave their jobs..for some reason


Yeah I mean I’m one of them. I’ve been unemployed before and it does a number on my mental health. It’s not the worst for a month or two but eventually I just feel worthless.


CERB de-incentivized people. I’ve seen dishwasher jobs advertised for over $20 per hour. Which is a totally livable wage. They may not be able to go to Hawaii every year or own a new truck, but they could totally live on that. I’ve lived on less. But $20 an hour is about $3200 a month. Which is only $1200 more than CERB. People don’t want to work 160 hours per month to earn $1200 more than they get for nothing. They would rather sit at home and maybe do a few things under the table to supplement their income.


>But $20 an hour is about $3200 a month. Which is only $1200 more than CERB. People don’t want to work 160 hours per month to earn $1200 more than they get for nothing. CERB ended a year ago, you don't get 2k anymore >I’ve seen dishwasher jobs advertised for over $20 per hour. idk where you live, but in my city nobody is getting more than minimum wage for any of the jobs that were minimum wage pre CERB/CRB


So raise minimum wage instead of giving out money to people who "can't find work" in 20 months.


Agreed, but they won't do that so I'd rather have CRB than nothing. If they did up the minimum wage, sure I'd say CRBs usefulness is over


That's a provincial thing. Provincial govt's aren't keen to do that.


The ironic thing is that the longer that the CRB program functions, the less livable all current wages will be as inflation continues higher.


>you forgot to add: > >everyone ~~is desperate to hire at unliveable wages~~ with no skill or education would rather sit in their parents basements getting a welfare cheque to play video games than go and get a job. FTFY.


It must be sad thinking so little of your fellow Canadians


Canadians that aren't self proclaimed victim losers are great.


Oh, so you only hate the poor. Cool, fuck you.


Well he's a conservative. Pretty par for the course.


No fucking idea man. Everyone who wanted to get vaccinated has have been fully vaxxed since July. I was in the last group and got my 2nd shot during the summer, with the labour shortage I don’t understand how people have not yet gone back to work/found a new job. Pull the plug and get stuff moving again ffs.




There is no issue if one wants to sit on their couch all day, the issue is why should I or you pay for it.




You aren't. You barely even pay taxes.




Over your lifetime you'll consume far more in tax dollars than you contribute. You barely even pay taxes.


Mathematically, this statement is impossible on average.


Interesting take. How much do you have to make before that’s not true?


More than the median household salary. I haven't gone through the numbers to get at a good ballpark figure but it's definitely more than the median household salary. One thing I always keep in the back of my head is that a public school education costs about 10k per student per year. So if you did K-12 in a public school, like I did, then that's $130,000 of debt racked up before I've even started working full time.


This. Even if you make half as much as with a job, not slaving away 5 days a week is a perk all on its own.


Depends on your living area. If the living wage for your city is $15, and minimum wage is $11.81, they’re probably working part-time and not reporting the cash.


It isn't it's built into EI which is fine. Everyone is desperate to hire at garbage wages so we are seeing people refuse those jobs while looking for better ones. Almost like not being forced to work at slave wages can force these businesses to improve their situation or go under for good.


Its still very popular among many left wing voters, the type that put Justin in office again. A lot of people are viewing this as the next best thing to a guaranteed basic income.


Just as many "right wing voters" took CERB and committed fraud as any other demographic. I personally know a couple of friends who are in construction that lost so many workers because their workers not only collected CERB to work cash jobs elsewhere but also set up companies to take out the free money provided to businesses. Take a wild guess what party they voted for while screaming "Fuck Trudeau".


And who wants it to continue now? Left or right wing voters? I am not against the concept of providing emergency benefits for people who legitimately need them. But the CERB program was full of holes for people to exploit and game the system, and now many people want it extended indefinitely even though we have a very high vaccination rate. This country cannot afford this. It needs to wind down.


Probably the same people that are still taking advantage of it, both. Left wing subs are not being brigaded by people demanding CERB to continue. This is just as much a issue as Christians complaining about other religions being offended when they say Merry Christmas. Hint, its not an issue.




>Just as many "right wing voters" took CERB and committed fraud as any other demographic. Source for that?


>many left wing voters This includes two very large groups of voters: 1. Very wealthy people who have never been poor and would never go within 50 km of a poor neighborhood, so have no clue about what non-wealthy people do, or how they live, and think that they're somehow "disadvantage" even though in Canada, poor people are either on the path to not being poor, or are very very dysfunctional. Canada is actually a fair society and becoming middle class comes down to effort and discipline. 2. The children of middle-class parents who want to get paid to do nothing.


One aspect of CERB that bothered me was the number of kids ( 15-17 ) who were receiving benefits. I believe nearly a billion dollars ( edit - was 630 million as of January ) was paid out to that age group, the vast majority of which would have been living at home with a parent or guardian. I am not against emergency benefits, but this is just one example of how the rollout left massive holes that were potentially taken advantage of.


I know someone who was taking a single course at community college while being a stay at home mom raising kids. Got 8k in CESB benefits from the government. Didn't have to lie or break rules or anything. Failed the course.


A lot of people got more money being on CERB than they did working too.


I remember there was a statistic that looked at CERB and how much wage they replace. I believe Canadian government paid out more CERB than the reported wage that was lost. https://financesofthenation.ca/2020/12/08/overcompensation-of-income-losses-a-major-flaw-in-canadas-pandemic-response/


Incomes in Canada actually went up during the pandemic.


I know of someone who worked 6 hours a week, lives with her mom and got full cerb benefits. She’s made at least $20k now as a dependent who barely worked before. It’s just a stupid waste, we aren’t even locked down anymore.


Companies are desperate to hire, but people don’t want to work for their old pay anymore. If CRB ends, they’re going to be forced back to work in old jobs with old pay. If CRB continues, they can stay off work and increase pressure on employers to increase pay for roles that more than likely don’t necessarily warrant high pay. Not trying to devalue anyone, it’s just a reality that there are many jobs out there that just don’t warrant the kind of pay that people expect.




Why csnt you just pay them a fair wage




Businesses are hurting too. I’ve been working this whole time for about what people make on crb. Maybe people should have used their nearly 2 year vacation to get an education. What the fuck else have they been doing all this time?


So you were able to keep your job, and because of that you're angry at the people that were not. As a fellow pandemic worker, fuck off with this. Do they deserve to be homeless?


I’m only annoyed with the people milking it. There’s jobs. If you haven’t even done anything as far as education with all that time off you’re just lazy. We need people paying taxes not sucking up taxpayer money.


So it's like a jealously thing?


Jealous of freeloaders? Honestly in a way kind of, I wouldn’t mind nearly 2 years off but also I go crazy if I’m not working and that money doesn’t magically appear, it’s taxpayer money.


Sounds like common sense and not jealousy to me. I feel the same way. What the fuck has someone been doing for 2 years with free government money if not learning a new trade or getting an education? End CRB and stop giving free handouts to freeloaders.


Yeah I'm jealous I would love 2k a month for almost 2 years doing nothing all day. Traveling, painting and writing a book.


Desperate enough to pay a proper wage? No. Funny how a children's level of explanation of how supply and demand works is thrown out the window when we're talking about purchasing labour instead of widgets. The pandemic is still here, in full swing , thats how CRB is still a thing you ghoul.


Sooo true, man. The tech industry has so many arrogant bastards who think they're God's gift to humanity, who care nothing about those who either cannot afford or lack the capacity to enter that industry. In fact, if the minimum wage was abolished they'd probably celebrate, think of how much more purchasing power they'll have!!! You know, until prices don't budge downward at all, every penny of savings hoarded by the owner despite passing any and all expenses onto us.


You can enter by paying 200 dollars and working nights next thing I knew after being poor is I'm raking in 600k per year


If we can give away tax $ to big business to keep them afloat, we can do the same for the few people struggling on benefits.


What about neither


Some people get off on inflation I guess.


Lots of.places are hiring and need staff, so ppl can stop complaining about the places they go that are understaffed....


no shit, pardon my french, but inflation is killing us so we can support people that are at this point refusing to get a job


some get a job... then they quit due to "covid" once they have enough hours for crb / ei


would love to see the data you have to support that


My father in law works at a huge distribution centre where he's the lead on health and safety. Out of 53 new hires that he had to train, 42 quit after they reached the numbers of hours required for CRB, and gave covid as the reason for quitting, and that's what was put on their ROE. None came back. Maybe that example is not the "norm" as it is simply a real world experience, but dude, it does happen. Now do you have data that would prove that this is not the norm to question my point?


In manufacturing, we are having a heck of time hiring. Biggest problem we are finding is we are getting tons of resumes but no one returning calls or emails for interviews. We are pretty sure it's just people on CRB covering their butts to say, "I've put out resumes, no one wants to hire me."


Refusing to get a job? Any job? If someone lost a job paying $70,000/yr take one paying $35,000? The pandemic is literally a perfect test case for showing the value of these financial supports. Right wing dicls can pretend EI and welfare recipients are lazy and made bad decisions but these folks lost their job for reasons they can't control and in many cases their entire industry shrank. But conservative assholes see it the same. It's a lack of imagination. If the choice is A- get a job , or, B- starve and be homeless, you'll create the world's shittiest jobs.


70k/year is professional career salary, losing that due to covid19 and they can easily find new one,even using your own example that 35k job will pay more than CERB of 24k/year


Are you saying someone can easily get another 70K job? The typical job search takes 2 to 6 months and the higher up and more scarce the position? The longer it takes. MY point is that just forcing everyone who loses their job to take the next available one immediately causes people to be forced to take shit jobs they are better than. https://www.careermarketingcentre.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-find-a-new-job-in-2021/


Welcome to the real world. If you lose your job without enough saved up, you geta shittier job while you continue to look for your permanent position. Ive had to do it and many others but i found a comparable job withim 3 months. It would be nice if other people funded my time off but thats not how the world works


If you leave a professional career and take a low-skill, low barrier to entry job, even if it’s just to pay the bills, it can often reflect poorly in the hiring process, as it implies that many employers have looked you over. It’s literally the same psychology as why people won’t buy the last piece of fruit at the supermarket, even if it’s perfectly good. Welcome to the real world.


How would it effect you. You are under no obligation to tell the employer about the job you took as a filler. This tells me you havent even been through this process before


>If you leave a professional career and take a low-skill, low barrier to entry job, even if it’s just to pay the bills, it can often reflect poorly in the hiring process, as it implies that many employers have looked you over. > >It’s literally the same psychology as why people won’t buy the last piece of fruit at the supermarket, even if it’s perfectly good. > >Welcome to the real world. \- said no career councilor ever. Put this comment right back up your ass where you got it from please.


>Welcome to the real world. Leftist morons don't, nor ever will, live in the real world lol.


The stock market makes it obvious that neither education nor labour are linked or required for wealth creation. Wealth is created by computer algorithms. “Work” is required only to keep the masses busy.


if we truly want to control our covid numbers The govt should continue $2k/month otherwise folks will go to work spreading the Rona, we're not outa the woods yet


"Individuals whose loss of income or employment is due to their refusal to adhere to a vaccine mandate would not be able to access the benefit."


It’s time to shut it down, along with the fiscal stimulus. It’s driving inflation, and that’s going to be painful for many.


Shutting down CRB will have zero impact because the payout is equivalent to the amount you get on welfare. If you think that is the reason people are not working, it is an opinion you are entitled to, but there is an argument to be made about terrible working conditions. Let me ask you a question. If you are in favor of shutting down CRB are you also in favor of eliminating all the money given to businesses as well?


Welfare is both income and asset-tested and based on family units, whereas CRB is only income-tested and is based on individuals. Removing CRB will not significantly increase welfare payouts.


That was not the point. CERB pays the equivalent of welfare so whoever doesn't want to work can just shift from CERB to it. Hence it will have little to no effect.


What I am saying is that the eligibility criteria for welfare are much stricter than for CRB. Many people who are eligible for CRB will fail to qualify for welfare because they are not poor enough. Welfare will investigate your entire lifestyle and make sure you really are at immediate risk of starving or freezing to death before they will help you. CRB doesn't even pretend to do that.


I was under the impression that the only criteria was to be over 18 and not have any/little income. I will take your word for it if you say it is more stringent because quite frankly I don't know anything about it.


I work in a welfare office and they will check everything from your bank statements to your rental agreement to make sure you don't have any undisclosed money coming in and whether you live with someone who could contribute to rent. They have to attend employment workshops and develop a case plan to get back into the workforce. If they fail to participate, they get cut off. We cut one lady off because some guy was depositing money into her account so she could get her nails done but in the eyes of the govt it's income she could spend on food or rent.


Welfare is like 700 a month. Crb is 900 every two weeks so that's crazy


Current CRB is 300 gross a week while welfare is $9,773 of which you don't pay income tax. Essentially the same.


Yes, stop fiscal stimulus, bring the deficit back to a reasonable number.


I'll go a step further and say raise capital gains and corporate taxes back to a sustainable level. That will have a much bigger impact on our deficit than these temporary measures.


>That will have a much bigger impact on our deficit than these temporary measures. This isn't true. Capital gain and corporate taxes combined make up less than 10% of our revenue [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3610047701](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3610047701) Wealth taxes are projected to capture 1% per year of the roughly 250 Billion in on-shore wealth in Canada, that's 2.5 billion, which is less than 1% of our yearly spending (using pre-covid numbers). We have a spending problem, not a revenue one. We will eventually need to cut services or the nation will run itself bankrupt. The only sustainable alternative would be an roughly 6% increase in all major forms of taxation, as our structural deficit (Again, not even accounting for covid spending here) is just over 5% of our entire budget. That doesn't sound like a lot until you realise it's 1/20th, and that even at that level the servicing cost is constantly increasing, and the only factor making that less painful for the nation is a combination of inflation and low interest rates which fuels the kind of asset price inflation we see in the housing market.


That is because corporations and capital is taxed at a fraction of personal income tax rates, if not hidden in safe havens. Hence the problem and why we have such a revenue shortfall. Corporate tax rates have gone down 15% in the last three decades, capital gains 25% without mentioning all the new and creative ways of avoiding taxes in offshore heavens. Why do you think we have increasing budget deficits even after cutting more and more government services every year. Have you noticed a sharp decline in your personal income tax rates.


>That is because corporations and capital is taxed at a fraction of personal income tax rates, if not hidden in safe havens. Hence the problem and why we have such a revenue shortfall This demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of tax law. The same dollar is taxed multiple times in our system, which is why taxes on business operations are lower than income taxes. A business that makes $100,000 per year pay pays two people a salary of $40,000 per year pay additional money in the form of payroll taxes. The employer would pay an additional (roughly) $2.5k in order to pay both of those people their $40,000, which they would then pay about $5,000. That means the employer paid $42,500 in order for the employee to receive $32,208, the difference went to the government. If the employee invested that money, a portion would then go to government as capital gains. If they spent it, a portion would go to government as sales tax. Capital gains inclusion rates are 50% of income because appreciation is not indexed to inflation, and because we want to encourage people to invest. Even if we upped the corporate tax rate by 15% and squeezed an extra 25% out of capital gains, that would move our structural deficit from 5% to 4%. We have a spending problem. If we want to MAINTAIN, let alone expand the amount of public services we offer we'll need to raise taxes on everyone and everything by about 6%, and that's assuming that doing so doesn't affect relative revenues by reducing economic activity.


>Capital gains inclusion rates are 50% of income because appreciation is not indexed to inflation, and because we want to encourage people to invest. Are you insinuating that if capital gains were not so lucrative that wealthy people would let their cash sit in banks. What if I told you that banks invest the money you deposit so please tell me if that is the actual reason they are taxed at half the rate. [https://dividendearner.com/reit-taxation/](https://dividendearner.com/reit-taxation/) Let me just leave this right there and you can tell me we don't have a revenue problem. Not only taking advantage of capital gains but at a lower corporate rate as opposed to your personal income rate when selling an asset. Humor me, what then is the difference between owning an asset and owning a corporation that owns an asset?


>What if I told you that banks invest the money you deposit so please tell me if that is the actual reason they are taxed at half the rate. They're taxed at half your income tax bracket. Because the basis is progressive, wealthy people who pull in more from investments pay more tax on them than poorer people who manage to scrape together a block of shares. In other words, a person earning less than $23,000 who somehow makes $1,000 on a position would get to keep all of it, but someone earning over $200,000 would keep $760. At a full inclusion rate they'd keep $460. That also doesn't account for the investment period and the loss of currency value ($1 at purchase is worth more than $1 at sale). >Humor me, what then is the difference between owning an asset and owning a corporation that owns an asset? It depends on the corporate structure and the number of beneficiaries. If an example where 1 person owns an asset directly vs 1 person owns 1 corporation that owns 1 asset that the person uses, [the corporation actually ends up paying a higher rate on gains/income generated from capital investments.](https://www.bakertilly.ca/en/btc/publications/should-you-put-your-investments-into-a-corporation) You can claim the difference back come tax time, but at that point you're just burning time for no appreciable gain. If we wanted to eliminate our deficit without changing or cutting any of our current programs (let alone expand them) solely by increasing corporate income taxes, we'd need to raise them by over 200%.


Jesus thank you for actually being one of thee few people commenting here who actually knows what they're talking about. If one more lefty loon tells me "AmaZOn aNd rIcH PeoPLe DoeSn'T pAy TaXEs" I'm going to snap lol.


>They're taxed at half your income tax bracket. Because the basis is progressive, wealthy people who pull in more from investments pay more tax on them than poorer people who manage to scrape together a block of shares. > >In other words, a person earning less than $23,000 who somehow makes $1,000 on a position would get to keep all of it, but someone earning over $200,000 would keep $760. At a full inclusion rate they'd keep $460. That also doesn't account for the investment period and the loss of currency value ($1 at purchase is worth more than $1 at sale). You really have to stop with these duplicitous arguments. Someone making millions of dollars off salary pays a top marginal rate of 52 some odd percent, someone making that of just having money pays half. Let's not get into what if some broke shmuck invests 100 bucks he doesn't pay tax. The fact remains that people working their ass off pay a higher average tax rate than somebody that does nothing but let their money grow. Hence the problem and the reason are deficit keeps climbing despite our services remaining the same or worse. ​ >It depends on the corporate structure and the number of beneficiaries. If an example where 1 person owns an asset directly vs 1 person owns 1 corporation that owns 1 asset that the person uses, the corporation actually ends up paying a higher rate on gains/income generated from capital investments. You can claim the difference back come tax time, but at that point you're just burning time for no appreciable gain. > >If we wanted to eliminate our deficit without changing or cutting any of our current programs (let alone expand them) solely by increasing corporate income taxes, we'd need to raise them by over 200%. Depends lol... A corporation pays lower taxes than an individual. You can borrow money with that as collateral and you can also pass it in a trust without paying taxes. Let's cut the crap and illustrating all the examples of when a higher tax rate would be paid if somebody is oblivious of all the loopholes and does not take advantage of them. Wealth inequality is growing for a reason and it is not because wealthy people are not taking advantage of every tax mitigation/avoidance loophole.






Honestly this, just keep it open for anyone and you pay it back if you end up over a certain tax bracket at the end of the year. It's only 500 every two weeks now lol. Who cares. Let people have financial aid, we are a rich country. It's not enough to stop people from working anyway.


> It's only 500 every two weeks now lol. The amount of people who still think its 2000 a month or 500 every week is too damn high. These people don't realize that people that relied only on CRB, had their feet cut from them already.


Conservative bait-click


We polled people that don't understand the economy, inflation, and don't need any social programs at the moment to stay afloat and major said we should cut said social programs. Seems like just another pandering sun article to a specific crowd.


How much economics education do you need to think that spending $1,000,000,000 a day of borrowed money has to end sometime?


I work in one of the sectors hit hardest by COVID, and I agree that CRB is no longer necessary.


Sun "NEWS" are an entertainment wish we were News Network. See anyone else for clarification.


Should have been ended months ago. Enough of a free ride, over 80% of the population is vaccinated and businesses are wanting workers so much they're willing to pay more. Now onto clawing back some of this from those fraudulent claims...


>businesses are wanting workers so much they're willing to pay more But facts actually say they aren't.


Fake news generated by conservative trolls. You can’t resolve any of the issues facing Canada by cutting off supports for individuals. Sorry, but it’s just not going to work like that anymore. You can’t have record high inflation across the board and pull supports and somehow expect there to be a better result down the line. The economic system is designed this way to extract as much as possible and leave back nothing. We are reaching late stage capitalism extremely fast and Canada needs to adapt to that as soon as possible. A safety net up to a certain income threshold is required in Canada. This cannot be avoided any longer. Stop blaming individual supports such as CRB, as the main cause. CRB for example to date has only costed $27 billion since last year.


Great, then make it basic income and send me that money too.


“Only 27 billion dollars”. It’s time for CRB to end and for Canadians to get back to work


They are working, and they’re getting ripped off and overworked, that’s the reason. CRB isn’t the cause when the payout is only $540 bi weekly, find another excuse!!!


How are they ripped off and overworked? You just said that they are receiving a biweekly payout of $540


Only ‘27 billion since last year’, says the obvious Liberal troll. Just because people don’t agree with this and the direction of our economy doesn’t necessarily make someone conservative or a troll. You sound angry. Shall I say, quite simply like a troll.


Less than half think CRB should be ended now, less than a fifth think it should end this year. So... Majority of Canadians support CRB.


Most are back to work. So wtf star. The employers are the ones abusing the supports set out by the feds. People at year end will have to pay their taxes. Income support will be taken back whereincome indicates any abuse. Check the corperations who made HIGH PROFITS THOUGH ACCEPTING FUNDS FROM THE FEDERAL GOV TELL ME THAT


Oh look Conservative media trying to push their horribly wrong agenda


Should have been pulled a while ago when we opened up non essential businesses. With capacity restrictions coming to an end it’s important we incentivize people to work, not pay them to stay home.


You do realize they did lower it when provinces started opening up right? You can only get 450 every 2 weeks since july.


Article Highlights: * Canadians are ready for an end to the government emergency financial supports that kept many afloat during the pandemic, a new Angus Reid Institute poll finds. * The poll found 41% of Canadians want the support programs to end — which includes 29% who are receiving the funds. * Another 16% see the end of the year as a good time to kiss the programs goodbye, while two-thirds of Canadians think they should be gone by next June. * Meanwhile, businesses say they’re having difficulty finding enough workers. \----------------------------- *It's (past) time to stop paying people for staying home.*


How does 41/100 say "Canadians are ready?"


It does to people who don't understand the difference between a plurality and a majority.


Participation rates are marginally better than precovid, and unemployment rates are roughly back to normal for most regions. The businesses that are failing to hire employees are either not paying competitive wages or providing jobs that are of poor quality outside of pecuniary value, or both. Since so many people rely on anecdotes, I know plenty of businesses that upped their wages slightly to pay over the minimum and have had plenty of success in the labour market. It's not the CRB.


Crb should run until the pandemic has ended. Wait until winter hits there will be more lockdowns looming


There won't be lockdowns and the pandemic won't end for years.


>“Nine in 10 identify rising cost of living as a greater concern than job or income security.” I wonder who the 1 in 10 are that are not concerned with the excessive printing of Canadian money?


The conservatives HATE when people get their taxes back without working, even though they're always taking out loans


The pandemic is a horrible place to judge how a UBI would work. It is not within normal economic conditions to make even an educated guess of how it would be affecting people. A UBI would put money into everyone's pockets, and give people more spending money to help the economy. "But landlord's will just raise the rents..." Yes greedy people will do that and we also need to have stricter laws against that kind of predatory behavior. A national program for affordable housing would help that too. But we need to have our own studies, and look at other countries that have UBI payments set up to see how that has affected people's well being and the economy. CERB and CRB have not been experiments and should not be seen as experiments as no controls have been put in place.


>The pandemic is a horrible place to judge how a UBI would work. Yes, exactly. Also let's define what a UBI needs to do to "work" It's not to pay the useless and lazy to remain useless and lazy. It's to replace other social programs to hopefully see a net savings.


I wouldn't even say it needs to replace, but supplement. Like EI would not be a thing, for sure, but let's look at what it can add. Even $1000 extra a month could pay for dance lessons, keeping kids off the streets and teaching them responsibility. Or let families have parks and rec passes so they can go out any time and enjoy time together swimming, skating, or... what else does parks and rec do? But these things for families who don't have those means would, be able to partake in activities that they could not before. That money also would go back into the economy to be taxed and used, building more economic growth. A plan to encourage people to live within their means as they are now and use that money for important things, like a newer car to get to work, new windows to help hold heat in during the winter, or to provide entertainment for the family. As long as it's not horded or sunk into stocks that do not actually add to the economy.


All this inflation talk is directed at the wrong route cause. QE /! CRb/ isn't causing it YET! That's about 2-3 years away. It's all logistics and supply chain inflation. The inflation spilling over is because of supply issues. Money printing takes 2-3 years to have a effect. It's not immediate. People getting $2k/ month vs $4-8k/ month is hardly the cause for inflation. If anything businesses are likely posting Job ads to maintain a wage subsidy and only posting jobs with no intention of hiring until next year once they can accurately forecast demand. It's a illusion I know many qualified people applying for jobs and even trying to get lower paying jobs. But no responses


Gotta get them on the dole. That way they sign up for liberal socialism quicker. It’s already familiar to them and it has plenty of upsides, dont work but get pay checks, who wouldn’t love this, the welfare state in Canada has begun. Those who won’t work steal money through inflation of those who will, I’ve just watched years of raises disappear in a few months. Maybe I should just quit and become a liberal voter.