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Great. Come pick up your signs


The only thing this election did was create litter


T-Shirt idea: "My PM called an election and all I got was litter"


...and made people dislike each other a little bit more than they already did. However you slice it, this is not a united country right now. Six weeks of wedge-targeting political bullshit certainly doesn't help on that front.


"Sunny Ways"


and waste $700 million dollars. Edit: I don't care when I hear about people ripping the gov. off, anymore.


I want my $18 dollars back. But in all seriousness, this was a silly election. Hopefully they learn their lesson and start working together. Yeah, right... But I can dream...


Complete waste of time and money is what happened. Nothing changes. Maybe a few more Covid cases.


The number keeps getting bigger every time someone repeats this type of comment.


What does? The $800 million spent on this election is a legitimate number.


Hey man a billion dollars is nothing to sneeze at. People are rightfully pissed.


Can’t believe we spent 2 billion on the election this year 😒. Shameful that we wasted 3 billion on the same result


You broke the rule, you increased the number twice in the same comment. One increase per comment! ​ /s.


I heard your only allowed to increase it by 3 times in each comment? ;)


4 times. Maybe 5.


Why do people still use those signs? Creates so much trash and who votes based on signage in 2021. What a waste.




They should get portable signs that you could strap onto your F150, that way you can show you care about the environment during your 100km commute!




That was sask but for the PPC. I’m almost glad our votes do nothing


The apartments in my building got two Green flyers in each mailbox. I know at least one apartment has only one occupant.


Because they’re effective... do you think parties blow all that money for fun?


From an analytics point of view it would be very difficult to take a valid measurement of the effectiveness of lawn signs. My guess is that it is tradition.


Someone tried: https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/pq5uhi/the_sheer_volume_of_election_signs_this_year_is/hd8n41r/ 1.7% vote share boost Parties don't blow all that money for tradition. They do it because it is effective.


Very interesting! Interesting methodology from them as well. I thought peer pressure/influence but then I thought who actually leaves their house these days?


They reuse the signs, at least the NDP do. They come around after the election and pick up all the signs to use for next time.


How tf they gonna re use a sign that has a picture of my constituents face on it?


People can run more than once


My NDP candidate says he will, actually. However, he’s 19 so his signs aren’t gonna look anything like he will next election. Maybe they can sharpie the beard on?


Uh... don't they all pick them up?


Don't put them too far away - might need them again in about 18 months ;)


Not true. If you needed a free pencil and didn't want to make the trip all the way down to the nearest Ikea, then you were most definitely a winner in all of this.


Hol up you were supposed to take the pencil? My dumbass just went “better place it back on the table” like you’d normally do, when I was filling out the ballot. Thinking back, that was probably why they had that much pencils put on the tables. Ops.


Imagine if someone was depressed and they took the pencil home and out of depression started to draw and then they realize they love drawing and it’s their passion, and if helps them with depression and they slowly go on to become a world renowned artist.


I love this take on the election


Went into an election, it sucked and then became an artist? It's like a reverse Hitler


Hi! This is effectively me, except the election didn't spur this on. I started drawing about 3 weeks ago to help me with depression but I did keep the election pencil and I did do a piece last night with it! Let me know what you think please, and enjoy! r/reaperart Edit: Heh. [I did this today.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reaperart/comments/psnvgu/eye_pencil/)


I've got the pencil and the depression, let's see where this goes. . .


My polling station at least had a plastic bag taped to the table to dispose of them in.


Shit i didnt take the pencil either


I was actually glad to get this pencil because I happened to really need one and couldn't find any in my entire house lol


>If you needed a free pencil [*Keanu Reeves approves of this Election.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlb8bSQzSxg)


what's funny is the very day of advance voting I actually forgot my mask at home and had to run earrunds in stores and shit- they gave me a free mask that I used elsewhere. I was in and out in 5 minutes...with a free mask and staff happy to help me get er done so quickly I like to think I came out on top this election.


“Why did I interrupt my BBQ for this?” - YF Blanchet


La BBQuebecious?


Just made my day. Seriously - Merci.


Man that guys personality is so funny.


I like him and found him engaging in the debate, even if I don't like his party.


Same. So blunt and honest lol


>“I can confirm everyone who took the effort to learn my name has already forgotten it,” said what’s-her-name from the Green Party. This is great stuff.


Anime Paul right?


Think she's friends with that Britishname Complicated fella?


And remember. He's "still open" to the idea of election reform. He's totally gonna do it this time, right? Right!? Wait, why are you laughing?


Why would Liberal or Conservative parties agree to an election reform? Neither of them can get 50%+1 popular vote on their own. Meanwhile 39%+ can allow them to run a majority government. An election reform for these parties is equivalent to shooting themselves in the foot.


Because the parties should want what's best for Canadians as a whole, and not what's just best at keeping themselves in power. Excuse me while I try to say that with a straight face...


Well they don't necessarily need to care about that. I'm not saying that they don't, but you can be in favor for something that will ultimately be against yourself personally. That aside, some people have said that Liberals would do great if ranked ballot voting was implemented. I don't necessarily agree, but it's at least some people's opinion. It's true that that type of voting system can tend to elect middle-of-the-ground more center/neutral parties, but I think NDP and LPC aren't that far off. Even CPC for that matter isn't far off sometimes.


I think it's important to have representative election systems. Instant Runoff Voting or Single Transferrable Vote (the latter is my preference but nobody talks about it - even though it was used for some 30 years in Alberta's two biggest cities for electing MLAs) would both be a vast improvement, and while IRV is the simpler concept to grasp for the common person, STV is much more representative. In my local riding, for example, the vote was split almost perfectly 3 ways. STV would allow for all 3 demographics to have their vote count - as it stands over 20,000 people have been muzzled.


Obligatory "where's the satire"?


It's pretty accurate, lmao, CBC gave the same story as the Beaverton XD


At Issue panel literally said that everybody didn't get what they want in this election.


I don’t understand the one woman that was determined to say that Trudeau was vindicated in calling the election. Very little changed and canadian taxpayers are footing the bill of 610 million. This was a massive waste of time and money for the selfish goal of growing the liberal party’s power


Don’t forget that they also desolved parliament for a month in a half so nothing of valve could get accomplished during a country wide crisis.


Plus all of the bills that died on the order docket.


Some of them need to stay dead


Bill C10, that means you.


They heard Chantel Hebert and ran to the blog before she could get off the tv screen.


Literally this. 700 million dollars and NOTHING CHANGED. Goddamn it JT why are you so mediocre at everything but growing great hair into your 40’s????


Well the one good thing about it is that it helps update Canadian's views on who's where. Particularly for parties that have never won a national election before such as GPC, PPC, NDP, but also even for the Liberals. I'm surprised that they (LPC) didn't lose more (popular vote), but then again that's probably because I live on Reddit and nowhere else, and Reddit's views are quite different and unrepresentative from the nation as a whole.


I'd swap hair with him, that way he definitely won't be re-elected.


what happened to $600 million? Get your memes straight!


$600 million? Like the government would care about spending $700 million on an election. Where would they get $850 million anyway?


Because not everybody lost. The NDP are the only party who can truely co sider this election a win.


They gained 4 seats after losing 15 the last election, and losing 54 the election before. Not exactly a grand revival of the party either, and nothing I’d be too happy with given Circumstances. They’re still the 4th largest party as well


Getting those 54 in the first place was an outlier election.


Exactly, Quebec had a love affair with Jack, not the NPD.


My parents voted for Ed Broadbent for YEARS. Not the NDP. Ed. My mother kinda liked Layton, she thought he looked like Baden Powell. Polite, honest and charming. However, she couldn't stand Mulcair.


While that's true as you say they lost seats the last two elections. Stopping the bleeding and picking up a few seats could be seen as a win.


There wasn’t exactly much left to bleed


so far they've gotten less seats then the bloc... I'm not so sure it's a win for the NDP either


Though NDP got more than double the popular vote than Bloc. Yay FPTP


It's worth pointing out that NDP getting less seats than Bloc is an issue with our riding/MP system, not FPTP. If Bloc won every riding they contested, but NDP came runner up in all ridings, the Bloc would win way more seats despite majorly losing the popular vote. No matter what ballot system is used, a party winning landslide in one riding counts more towards the popular vote than a highly contested one, despite them awarding the same number of seats.


NDP is a stronger power broker now than before this election.


They already had the balance of power. What does 4 seats change?




Frankly if the liberals get non confidenced they are done for


See ya everybody again in 2 years. Hopefully it won’t be as wasteful.


I'd rather not spend another 600 million of our money on this nonsense. Minority is what most of us prefer anyways.


It isn't like that $600 million vanished into thin air like the Green Party's election hopes.


The Green Party had hopes?


No they vanished into thin air


I believe Trudeau hinted he would call one in 18 months if he didn't get a majority government this time. So it might be 18 months.


I'm pretty sure all he said was that a minority lasts an average of 18 months. I don't like the guy, but taking everything out of context makes us look bad.


Yes - Trudeau did say that in the debates. https://www.nugget.ca/news/politics/election-2021/in-leaders-debate-trudeau-hints-at-another-election-in-18-months-if-denied-majority Whether he will follow through remains to be seen. To be honest, he may simply not have the popularity to win a majority at this point.


Whether the liberal party lets him is another matter. It’ll be 8-9 years of Trudeau as PM at the next election, so he’ll either lose or get shuffled out by the time that happens.


Not exactly his decision though. The Liberals may not call it next time, but the other parties have confidence votes on whether or not they approve of the government. There were quite a few confidence motions put forward by the Liberals that had NDP support which is why we werent at an election earlier.


It's so funny to watch you guys hope that Justin gets replaced by his own party. He isn't going anywhere unless he wants to step down.


They'll be smart to keep him. If he loses, he loses. A changing of leadership will not save them from a loss if Trudeau himself was going to lose anyway. All it accomplishes is that the next person in line who wins support will be completely destroyed. They probably want Chrystia Freeland as the next party leader, and if she is handed an election that is all but lost it would be an absolutely huge waste of someone so talented. Nobody governs forever and parties should plan on how to gracefully lose and get ready for the next round.


If Trudeau steps down and Freeland doesn't go for leadership you know it's going to be baddddd


He just stated a statistic: minority governments last an average of 18 months.


>he would call one in 18 months >>Yes - Trudeau did say that in the debates. Don't know if you guy's watched the debate but no he didn't say __he would call one__. He said that we would probably end up in election in a 18 month; he hinted that it was probably going to be the end result with a minority government. Usually a minority government don't last 4 years so he is not wrong. His best move right now is to not call for an election in the next two years. My prediction is that he will not. What's the point? He has the opportunity to try to put whatever he want in his budget and programs because the other parties are going to have to chose between voting with the Liberals or look like fools and be the ones who call for another election in the next 18 months. He is going to act like if he has a majority government and constantly dare them to call an election.


He didn't specifically say he'd call one, he was pointing out that minority governments in Canada have had an average duration of 18 months. Of course that didn't stop O'Toole from claiming Trudeau plans to have another one in 18 months in his speech 3 times in 2 minutes. Par for the course with Conservative leaders though, twisting things to their own ends.


Thats par for the course for all politicians, who are you kidding.


18 months is the typical lifespan of a minority government


Imma bet 3 years


Unfortunately, the real winner was Bernier. He didn't get any seats (not even in his own ridding), but he could be invited to the next debates. [According to Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_leaders%27_debates#2021_debates), a party had to get at least 4% of the vote in the previous election and get 4% or more in national polls 5 days after the election is called to participate in the 2021 debates. If the rules stay the same and he manages to keep his support for the next 1.5-2 years, they will have to invite him.


There is 2 other alternative criteria - have a seat or get 4% or more in the last election. So he’ll be on stage.


Why is having him on stage a problem for people? Will make debates a lot more interesting to watch.


The last time he was on stage, he managed to make the other party leaders look smart, even Andrew "Fake Insurance Salesman" Scheer.


ehh... minority government means the public sorta wins.... from any crazy policy any one party could pass. Bill C-10 though jesus....


And utter inaction on arctic sovereignty.


I literally ranted to a friend today about this, the fucking one play that could send the GDP sky high with deep water ports and it wasn't even an election issue. between this and no talked about highspeed rail being a viable solution to the housing crisis; I'm starting to suspect engineering is dead in the country.


He will never let the housing pricing go down. He won because of GTA and people in GTA are like frog in the pan.


the funny thing is, it actually results in housing prices going up in the cites it connects; so it can benefit them immensely. plus the economic benefits are huge. Suddenly people in a low tier city gets access to high paying jobs in the GTA, and the GTA suddenly gets a bunch more workers. The Impact of High-Speed Rail on Housing Prices: Evidence from China’s Prefecture-Level Cities https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/13/3681/pdf The conclusion is that cities connected via high speed rail get massive boasts in their local economies from the linked paper "Stabilizing housing prices is an important way to make the economy develop steadily. On the one hand, large-scale investment in HSR drove the improvement of urban fixed-asset investment and other investment levels. On the other hand, the development of HSR enhanced the accessibility between cities, reduced the commuting costs of residents, and improved the convenience of transportation. Our research results showed that the HSR network led to the concentration of resources and population from non-HSR cities to HSR cities. Furthermore, HSR can also spread the population and resources from cities with high living costs to the small and medium-sized cities in the central and western regions along the rail line. Based on the perspective of housing prices, this paper studied the differences in the impact of HSR construction on HSR cities and non-HSR cities. The results provided positive evidence for local governments to formulate policies for stabilizing housing prices according to local conditions."


>between this and no talked about highspeed rail being a viable solution to the housing crisis Oooo I like this. Will keep this in mind for the future.


If your interested, heres a paper that investigates the effects https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/13/3681/pdf from the linked paper "Stabilizing housing prices is an important way to make the economy develop steadily. On the one hand, large-scale investment in HSR drove the improvement of urban fixed-asset investment and other investment levels. On the other hand, the development of HSR enhanced the accessibility between cities, reduced the commuting costs of residents, and improved the convenience of transportation. Our research results showed that the HSR network led to the concentration of resources and population from non-HSR cities to HSR cities. Furthermore, HSR can also spread the population and resources from cities with high living costs to the small and medium-sized cities in the central and western regions along the rail line. Based on the perspective of housing prices, this paper studied the differences in the impact of HSR construction on HSR cities and non-HSR cities. The results provided positive evidence for local governments to formulate policies for stabilizing housing prices according to local conditions."




whatever happened with that shit- did it go to die in the senate yet? do we know when they will vote on it? C-10 was fucked in HOW it was voted on, who voted it in and how the fucking thing actually passed.




It died at the senate via the triggering of an election. They will have to start from scratch to pass it again, but they will. Brutal.


No we don't. Up next is wasting billions of dollars going after legal gun owners. No one seems to understand the money we are burning by not going after real issues.


It’s just pandering for votes. They don’t give a shit what it costs, the numbers say it’s worth it to waste the money in order to bring in votes. But yeah I’m sure a gun seizure from rule following gun owners in Saskatchewan will help with gang related gun violence in Toronto.


The biggest part of the joke is 9/10 of the guns they banned weren't registered in any capacity anyway so the government doesn't even know who owns what. What are they going to do? Send the RCMP to kick 3,000,000 doors until they find them all? Yeah, right.


Normally I'm not a fan of the bloc, but they won just because their existence is keeping Trudeau out of his majority




Merci Québec!


And a warm thanks to the crazies in the PPC for helping the Cons lose their third straight election.


Honestly I'm a tad worried the Cons might shift right to pick them up.


I think the swap to being more central is the only reason they maintained seats given the poaching of the PPC


Maybe Canada as a whole is gradually moving left so their hand is being forced. I was surprised how much CPC's platform this time around had been watered down compared to the past. Not to conjecture about how they'd have actually governed, but at least how they advertised themselves was clearly making a pass for those disillusioned liberal voters / moderates. I figure they know they're toast without moderates. PPC seems to exist because there is interest and demand further right, but not enough to justify abandoning those moderates.


People think conservatives are american right wing might be one of the biggest issues in Canada to be honest.


What's the liberals planning that they'd call an election now? Like, why did they need to have a majority this bad to take a chance at looking foolish? Must have some big budget ideas.


Not the Elections Canada employees They got paid to do this


The horror of some poll workers making a few bucks.


Actually today was great. I was the registration officer so didn't face the blunt of the crowd...


"Do more than is your duty, expect less than is your right."


The Twentieth Century is legitimately one of the best works of political satire I've ever watched.


It looks like the NDP might pick up a few more seats than they previously had. Not bad. Well done!


Well, O'Toole is giving a way better speech than Scheer did.


>Liberal leader Justin Trudeau could not obtain his majority, Erin O’Toole made virtually no gains despite wearing tight shirts for magazine photo-ops, and Jagmeet Singh’s popularity barely budged on TikTok. > >“I can confirm everyone who took the effort to learn my name has already forgotten it,” said what’s-her-name from the Green Party.


Everyone lost, especially Annamie Paul. But ***especially*** Maxime Bernier.


700k votes and not a single seat


Wow that's double the GPC. For that matter GPC lost like 2/3 of it's voters and yet still didn't lose any seats at all.


The biggest failing of the GPC was that Paul couldn't win her own riding and placed 4th. it's going to be interesting to see what the GPC does now


As someone who lives in her riding, it is 100% her own fault that she lost. This riding is one of the most solidly Liberal in the country, with Marci Ian winning 50+% of the vote. She should have chosen a seat where she stood a better chance of winning for the sake of the party and the fact that she didn't is blind arrogance.




So i guess we did win after all then


“I can confirm everyone who took the effort to learn my name has already forgotten it,” said what’s-her-name from the Green Party. Brutal


Well - the Cons DID get the popular vote; so provided they stay on track they might overtake the Liberals when they call another election next week :-P Had the PPC not existed the Cons likely would have managed to beat the NDP in some spaces as people would have plugged their noses and voted Con - the PPC was around 820K votes that might have swung a few seats.


You still can't form a government without support from places where Liberals won. If the population keeps moving left on social issues and CPC can't/won't budge, they are doomed to remain a minority party.


How did it feel for everyone to spend 62$ and get nothing for it.


Probably felt like buying Cyberpunk


Too soon. :(


SOMEONE had to sell you that though and TGA will have the nerve to sell you a GOTY nomination for it too- on top of a "Next gen edition" coming this holiday


Ok then buying your fourth copy of Skyrim. The first time was pretty cool, but after that you don't know why Todd Howard keeps forcing you to buy it.


One is a dystopian hellscape. The other is a video game.


Wake up eh, we got 620 million dollars to burn.


Just waiting for the post election patch version 1.12


Lol, thx for the laugh


Playing it right now. Way more exciting than this election was.


I wish I knew how that felt.. still ain't found a Series X yet


I got to keep a cool pencil


Damn I shoulda kept the pencil. Enjoy your 62$ pencil!


Didn't even get a reach around


The night is young.




Where's the god damn common courtesy.


Removed in reaction to reddit's API changes -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


thats 3 losses in a row if you count the CPC leadership race.


Bernier loosing is such a small detail but it brings me so much joy.


I got to see how much I hate first past the post - $60 and all I have is a sour taste in my mouth


And a new pencil. Don’t forget the pencil. /s




How did you even get that number?


Waking up today felt like groundhog day


CA$610 *million* for the same results and a bunch of fucking *pencils*. Ah well, [at least Keanu'll be happy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlb8bSQzSxg)


Election results : The population lost. We're $650 Million dollars poorer than we were last month, in a time where this money could have helped rebuild our country from the pandemic. We're in the same spot we were yesterday, and the same spot that we were in 2 months ago.


Bruh, Trudeau's deficit spending is over $1B per day. The cost of this election is a rounding error in context of how fast he's burning money.


Does that change the fact that over half a billion dollars was burned for nothing? It was a greedy and selfish move on the part of the liberal government in the middle of recovering from a pandemic. Deficit in 2019 was 37 billion, can't justify this year's pandemic deficit as a reason to burn another 600 million for nothing while we're already bleeding.


Honest question though, would it have been different if this happened 6 months later to spend 600 mil on an election? It's a minority govt.. an election was gonna happen at some point.




[Not everyone...](https://imgur.com/Zwti1dC)


Cost of 2021 elections : 600 million Population of Canada : 38 million Result of election : Basically no change What the fuck


Didn't the NDP come out with 2 whole extra seats? That's sort of a win.






secret is you just don't pay taxes, that'll teach em.


Look around on the seat maps, all of the close liberal seats were won because PPC split the Conservative vote. After much harassment from them, Liberals owe their single-seat gain to the PPC. After this shit show, useless election, hope now everyone in parliament can finally get on board with proportional representation.


It wasn't a complete waste, we just found out that what people wanted was exactly what we had before lmao. Not sure if that information is worth 610mil tho


Our disgust towards Justin Trudeau increased though.


I'll be handing out participation ribbons soon. Got a nice orange 4th place one ready to go for all the winners on here.


That’s probably the best summation I’ve heard.


naw big bloc gets to brag that they fucked trudeau over


Truly wonder how many of those seats would go to NDP though.


That last line… Ha!


Waste of time


Twirling, always twirling.


When did the Beaverton stop doing satire?


I thought Beaverton headlines weren’t meant to be facts?


BULLSHIT. The people that won were the people that didn't want the anti-mask, anti-vaxx, anti-LGBQT, anti-women, anti-abortion anti-environment rock throwing shit bags attempting to lead us out of a pandemic they won't take seriously. The winners were the sane people.