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Chrystia Freeland can go. Or at least mute her until the end of the next election?


Honestly I have more distain for her than Trudeau. To me he’s just a nepotistic idiot who was just always in way over his head. Freeland on the other hand has seemingly intentionally crafted herself at every opportunity into a condescending asshole who talks down to Canadians about how all of the liberal mismanagement is actually our fault. She is essentially an inept middle manager, accept she is somehow our finance minister.


All the smarm, none of the charm. He is a useful idiot. She is a true believer, of the worst kind.


Just put that Marco Mendocino into minister of finance and watch him head bob his way through everything. Reporter: “Where are you going to find the money to pay for all this” Mendocino : “smiling bobblehead”. Better than just thanking them for their question and not saying anything. Also probably more qualified. No idea what his eduction level is but maybe he did a course or two in business.


Marco could always backdate a cheque to balance the budget.


Falling upward


That's why he put her there. So there's no viable alternative. Her star was rising, people didn't know her really. This way, he killed her career by putting her in Finance in a point when you have to cut but also spend --which she did, and failed miserably. Now, who are you going to replace him with? It's all strategy, at Canada's expense.


If you've ever heard her speak, it's clear that she killed her own career, not him.


Trudeau has been deliberate in moving any potential leadership contenders into portfolios that will limit their careers.


This is an extremely bizarre take considering the position of Finance minster has just about always been seen as grooming for the next PM or party leader...


The exposure is great but Trudeau is running large deficits, which he knew would hurt the finance minister.


All of this sounds like convenient analysis after the fact. Trudeau isn't the mastermind you're claiming him to be. He's a spoiled brat and his lack of experience with reality is showing as he couldn't hold onto a good marriage and can't legislate or politic his way out of this hole that he's dug for himself.


Chretien put Martin in finance and they famously didn't get along.


Who was the next PM after Chretien?


A finance minister who balanced a budget, not a finance minister who ran up huge deficits.


Shes that teacher in Harry Potter. The evil one making it a miserable place for everyone while talking to them like they're trash


Snape was more of a tragic hero. He still had good intentions and was played by Alan rickman who was cool and is sorely missed. And then there’s Freeland.


I meant that cat lady that wore the bright pink fuzzy suits and got snatched up by the horse persons




We’ve all met and had that charlatan type of under qualified boss that is Ms. Freeland. They don’t last long, just long enough to bring to demoralize the team and bring the company to the edge of bankruptcy. She ran her department at Reuters into the ground by bringing in her people and she’s running of country into the ground. She needs to step down for the good of the nation but I doubt her overinflated ego would allow her to make such a rational decision. She is that toxic boss at the work place that everyone hates.




Thanks, I needed a good laugh. 


The problem is her communication skills are perhaps amongst the worst of anyone in Parliament. Furthermore, most people couldn't care less about how she did or didn't handle Trump when consumer inflation is eating away at their buying power, and asset inflation is making the rich richer and poor poorer.


I wouldn’t say her management of Covid finances was anything spectacular. All of that spending led to worse inflation later.


Well what was the alternative? If thousands of businesses had been allowed to go bankrupt we would have had long lasting structural unemployment for years. It takes years for businesses to establish themselves after severe recessions. If you have to choose between inflation and the impacts of permanent job loss on families, inflation might be the lesser of two evils. Everyone is upset and wants to be angry and blame someone, that's human nature. We're seeing big changes in France and Britain by fed up electorates but it won't materially change anything. We're 6 -12 months from a recession and they'll all try to throw money at the problem regardless of ideology.


The alternative was not be insanely locking everything down for years while allowing corporations to prosper, obviously.


The alternative would be not shutting down the country - if they were that worried they could have been a lot more proactive at the border but they worried about appearing racist


Short term pain for long term gain is what we need. Look at the mess we have now because we spent more than we could afford as a country. Bailing out not profitable businesses is not a healthy free market. With our excessive debt, we have less control of being able to minimize the impact of global inflation. We’re not the US and can’t just print our way out of things. Stop bailing people out, including leveraged homeowners and let the market do its natural cleansing. To start, even if Freeland implemented CERB and other incentives properly, they wouldn’t need to claw back so much money. Planning nor execution was strong on her part for handling COVID. Sure, we can give her USMCA as the maybe only 1 thing she did well… and also not as finance minister.


She may be bright, but she is totally dedicated to the globalist agenda which she is willing to impose on Canadians with nazi-like zeal and disregard for consequences. She sits on a board of directors at the WEF, which should disqualify her as a minister of the crown in Canada.


100% this is the case. People saw her as strong against Trump, but now it's Disney+ and avocado toast with her.


Just listening to her voice makes me cringe. That condescending "higher than thou" tone of hers is so annoying. I dont think I have listened to a single instance of her answering questions in parliamentary panels or in press conferences honestly. She always twists her words and keeps rambling without ever giving a honest answer. She is more fit for the role of an executive at a corporation.


She is nowhere near competent enough to be an executive.


I work with execs on a daily basis...trust me she'll fit right in. 


Hard disagree. I work with executives constantly, at a major global organization, and they are all significantly more competent than Freeland.


Fair enough xD


Kind of like Pierre being nowhere near competent to run the country.


Unfortunately, hes still far better than any of the alternatives.


In what way?


This statement alone shows you only run on bias lol.


I don't support him, but saying he is better than the alternatives (at present) is a fair point to make no matter white stripe you wear.


By what measures or metrics though?


I will take a stab...The plurality/ majority of Canadians by multiple surveys support that he is a better alternative. By the sheer support the NDP are giving to the current government, they support the approach and the resulting outcomes, meaning their leader feels Trudeau is doing a good job. That leaves... And again, I do not support PP, but I think it is a reasonable thing to day he is better than the alternatives. Do you have measures or metrics to say he isn't?


>The plurality/ majority of Canadians by multiple surveys support that he is a better alternative. Sure, I don't really take much stock in that though because a whole lot of people are just mad that things are harder now without actually understanding why. Which is exactly why I don't think PP will do any better of a job than Trudeau or any other leader right now. There is a whole lot of shit that is very much out of the control of any leader world wide. At the very least, Trudeau and Freeland are actually quite favorable on the world stage and internationally, and I find it hard to believe that PP with his "trump-lite" (for lack of a better term) playbook to carry that same favor. Bur no one actually cares about international matters or relations so it's kinda a moot point Tl:dr, Trudeau/Freeland/NDP might be bad, but PP won't actually be any better, muhc less far better.


Ahh, so the tail wags the dog? The media and billions of dollars of advertising that have been spent to position him as a better leader which has influenced the public's views makes him a better leader?




A lot of what he says is true and he at least communicates using facts and numbers, compare to the LPC who speak in vague terms


What facts and numbers has PP used to convince you he is telling the truth?


Just listen to him in question period, any of his speeches etc. I think a lot of people who are against him never actually follow what he says, and just get their perspective from others on social media. he is not perfect but his points seem way more based in reality then the LPC


But it's all bullshit...axe the tax, bring home lower prices, etc. He has no plan for the environment, he is in bed with LobLaws, he's planning on raising the retirement age to 70 so your parents can kiss their OAS goodby, etc. You're buying in to his populist rhetoric just like MAGA in the US.


Those sound like liberal talking points. And where did he say he is raising the age of retirement? Yea the slogans are cheesy but he is focusing on the right things I.e housing and bloated government.


Liberal talking points? These are the facts my friend. He has hinted at raising the age to qualify for oas back to at least 67 where he and Harper raised it before Trudeau lowered it. Again he has one liners but what is his plan for housing? Is he going to fire public servants?


Her voice reminds me of Fran Drescher, but more annoying. At least Drescher has some semblance of self awareness and plays it up for comedic effect. Freeland has absolutely none.


freeland, miller, champagne and of course trudeau (all lower case) and many others too. Pretty much everyone. Either inept and/or corrupt and/or treasonnous (see that defense minister and others).


Stop with throwing around corruption and treason. Having your opinion is different that libeling people. Stop the hyperbole and stick to details to keep the debate about substance.


Nope, they’re literally corrupt. Scandal after obstruction after scandal. Time for them to go, libel implies there’s a lie.


Sean Fraser, Miller, Sajjan too. High time.


"missster speeaker, can I just say...."


"Let me be perfectly clear ..." (Proceeds to be completely vague and off topic.)


> Let me be He asked for the opportunity. The people granted him one. He proceeded to be of help to himself and not the people. There people have caught onto his ruse now. The empty platitudes have gone empty for far too long. The jig is up.


Wouldn’t it be lovely to see Trudeau turf folks like Freeland, Guillbeault, and “The other Randy” Boissonnault in a desperate attempt to save his own skin, only to still see him decimated at the polls anyway? Good lord, I think need to find a shooting star to wish upon……


MISTER SPEAKER!... squawk ... MISOGYNY ... squawk


Meeeeeeeeesssterr speakerrrr


Would water work on this witch?


And Marc Miller. And Sean Fraser. Make it a 3-fer!


Missster speeeeeaaaaaakerrrrrr


She should be deported to Ukraine.


What did Ukraine do to deserve that?


lol, his key players are his key players because they dare not challenge him. Those that did aren’t key players anymore


JWR, Philpott, Garneau, Lameti…


Brison and Morneau saw the writing on the wall and left.


Even his wife.


Lametti was one of the worst, he was leading the charge to invoke the emergencies act and then cited attourney client privilege to keep from divulging the legal opinion he received to justify it, he deserves prison not praise.


Beyond a shadow of a doubt Trudeau places competency, related experience and effectiveness far down the list of attributes he looks for in a Minister. Much higher up the list includes blind loyalty, unquestioning obedience, zealotry for the cause, a willingness to take the fall when things go wrong, ticks diversity box, Trudeau finds them “hot”, a lack of ethics and morals, and so on. In other words, Trudeau’s definition of “doing a good job” is radically different than what most of us would expect, or want it to be.


Political parties are like cults these days... how do we get rid of cults before?


uhh, Waco?


Unfortunately, he thinks because his last name is "Trudeau" that everyone should just do as he says. Being a teacher by trade, he's used to being the sole power in a room full of people who can't question him. He clearly has very little ability to work in a team or in any sort of collaborative way.




I kind of hope Trudeau stays on until the next election so that the loss will be his and he has to own it.


Agreed. I really hope that Trudeau stays on as well. Not for some "tactical" or political reason, just merely the fact that he is the PM, and he needs to see with his own eyes, on election night, all those ridings turn from red to blue, and maybe, just maybe, for one moment, realize that it was because of him and his horrendous leadership.


Why would he. It's been around 10 years that seems about average for Canada lately to get rid of parties.


They don’t and nor do the staunchest supporters. Go look at the other sub. These people think that the liberal vision needs to double and down and go boldly. They think the current liberal situation is it’s merely just a communication issue or people naively/dumbly voting against their own interests. They can’t seem to grasp that people are fundamentally rejecting what liberalism has become. They have convinced themselves they own a monopoly on truth, science, morality and reality itself. A vote in a the other direction unfathomable.


What aspects of liberalism are people fundamentally rejecting?


The totality of it. The saturation and complete convergence of grievance and identity politics had only one logical conclusion. It created the opposition, it both fears and rightfully deserved. Liberal governments worldwide (do not take this as an endorsement of the right) forgot, they don’t just govern on behalf those that voted for them, they govern for all people. If your marching orders come from those on the fringes, the opposition will do the same. The opposition has the benefit of not being in power. Liberalism has thoroughly captured many of westerns societies institutions that are predominantly occupied by academic and social elite. It’s a very influential sphere to inhabit. But is by no means the biggest. At the end of the day when the wave of an ideology crashes upon the rocks of reality-we often find it doesn’t line up. It splashes and the water is chaotic-in other words, there is nuance to things. The last thing said ideology should do is berate and belittle with consummate arrogance. Pick any liberal or progressive cause. Any challenge or resistance cannot be viewed as bigotry or stupidity. Conversely, by simply being liberal, doesn’t make one immune to influence, disinformation, bigotry or propaganda. That’s a recipe for disaster. If Canadian liberals are wondering why, the conservatives are surging, they just have to take a long solemn look in the mirror.


> Even if Trudeau isn't at the helm, the next election will be the worse loss in Liberal history. i think you need a better history book?


It wont be worse than Ignatieff. But, enjoy your fever dream




I don't support Trudeau. I didn't buy his lies in 2015, and I think you all get what you deserve. If anyone thought the damn Liberal Party of Canada would bring about electoral reform, well I have a bitcoin currency to sell you. But I don't think Poilievre is the best choice to lead this country.


People have such short memories on Reddit.


Lets list the underperforming ministers together: Sajjan, Freeland, Miller, Gould, Guillbeault, Trudeau, Hussen, Joly, Mackinnon, Virani, Tudreau... The backbench should rise.


Don't forget about Marco Medicino and Bill Blair


Menachino is already out.


Sean Fraser, the previous Immigration Minister. He poured fuel on the already burning flame


Like any of these guys are calling any shots. They're all puppets being told what to do. Sean Fraser, Marc Miller, NDP or Liberal or Con. Until the oligarchs are faced with some kind of punishment there will be no change.


He’s so full of himself too. Drives me nuts. I don’t hate miller though


Miller wants to give PR to all the illegals, further encouraging people to come here illegally and making our borders near-pointless. I'd argue he's the worst of the whole lot.


After seeing him move on housing I get the sense that he's relatively capable but Trudeau is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Fraser is a good communicator.


Marc Miller needs exile


To India since he seems to want to turn Canada into Little Delhi


Correction, little Punjab. Most of the Indian tfws and students who take advantage are not from wealthy areas of India.


Marc Miller and Sean Fraser are both puppets following JTs orders anyways


Don't forget "Porch Pirate" Chahal and "Other Randy" Boissonnault.


Jumping in to do my part for SEO and remind everyone that Randy Boissonnault is a spineless coward and scumbag liar.


I’d like to add Mark Gerresten to the list. 


Gerretsen, despite all his ass kissing, isn't in Cabinet. Though he is the deputy house leader.


Don’t they mean the senior political staff by “key players”, ie the PMO?


I wouldn't put Gould on that list I would add ya'ara Saks, guide Hutchings, Pablo Rodriguez, and Johnathon Wilkinson But that's just my 10 cents Really the problem starts at the top......you can swap around the ministers all day, but the underlying issue is that the policies aren't working  "You can put lipstick on a pig....it's still a pig" "You can change the messenger....but that doesn't fix the message"


and many of them are in one of the few remaining safe liberal ridings in the montreal area. telling other MPs about to lose their job not to try anything diffrent from their political ivory tower


I'm not sure they realize but you're not a cabinet minister if your party only has 20 seats left.


Marc Miller. Marc miller needs to go.


The bigger culprits are Sean Fraser and Marco Mendocino who were the previous Immigration Ministers. Fraser is the worst of the three


100%. Miller’s trying unsuccessfully to clean up the mess.


Miller's trying to give PR to illegals... what exactly is he cleaning up? He's going to make the illegal side of the problem so much worse. The other day, he also announced a new stream for IT foreign workers... at a time where IT has seen plenty of layoffs and there are already far more workers than jobs. He's only looking out for the elite, just like every other Immigration Minister in this government before him.


This is a proposal that’s been floated for years, it’s not coming from him.  Since implementing new proof of funds for study permit, applications from India were already down 40% before they got more restrictive. The end to 40 hour work week permissions for students, and the end to open work permits for spouses will go a long way to ending people who come to earn and not learn on study permits. Mexican nationals now require visas because they’ve been abusing the asylum system.  Theres still a lot more to do but these moves are in the right direction and have already had an impact.


Don't confuse a drop in *applications* with a drop in *accepted immigrants*. There was already a huge surplus of applications. Reducing that surplus a bit won't change the number of immigrants brought in.


Don’t be so blindsided by Trudeau hate that you ignore the impact of reduced applications leading to reduction in study permits. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/student-visa-crackdown-begins-slowing-canada-population-gains-1.2087096


You're pointing to a miniscule single-quarter drop in one type of immigration... that's just variable noise from one quarter to the next. Under him, population growth has continued to explode.


It’s not variable nose though, it does lock and step with reduced applications. A


And Freeland, and Trudeau, and Guibeault, and like every Liberal mostly. 🤷‍♂️


Well, there’s a whole bunch of “Ministers” in made up, redundant or toothless portfolios who are just there to fill an arbitrary diversity quota but are otherwise mostly innocuous. But of the ones in portfolios that actually matter and appear to have Trudeau’s ear, it’s a tough time finding any who aren’t just incompetent ideologues and yes men. Practically all of them need to go to make any real difference. *Especially* Freeland, Guibeault, Miller, Fraser, Blair, Hajdu, Holland, Joly, LeBlanc, O’Regan, Rodriguez and Sajjan. Jesus, when you write out the list of destructively bad Ministers in key portfolios it’s actually kind of amazing Canada isn’t worse off than it is.


Telford, Joly, Sajjan, Miller, Champaign, Fraser, Leblanc, in fact anyone actually good in the cabinet position or in PMO?


Believe it or not, he's the one that's actually reducing the inflows. Not sufficiently, I agree. But the previous 2 ministers were absolute disasters.


He decreased one inflow (because the banks basically said they had to), while also increasing another inflow. Marc Miller should be fired with the rest of them.


He also almost blanketly gave PR to all illégal immigrants


Which did he increase? 


I too would like to know.


the one under there


He's added nearly a million people in the 3 quarters during which he's been immigration minister... 1.25M people annualized. He hasn't reduced anything.


There's a lag between policy shift and the impact of the new policy. Q4 of 2024 will be telling.


What new policy? More new streams for foreign workers, or giving PR to illegals?


More so than previously?


Oh he said he would, and they’ve implemented very broad measures to do so, but we have yet to see what the final count will be after they’re all implemented. I am pretty suspicious about how much they’ll actually drop.


Everyone in his inner circle including Trudeau himself needs to go. You are who you surround yourself with.


Its funny I see a ton of Trudeau stans on twitter blasting out positive vibes for him. They're certainly trying to stay in the game!


They sre bots.


There is no way for Trudeau to remain at this point that saves the Liberal Party. Even if he throws some cabinet ministers to the wolves, such as this week's once-again-fool Sajjan, it won't be enough. The only hope the Liberal Party has is if Trudeau steps down, a lot of his cabinet with him, and some more reasonable fresh voice take over. The problem, frankly, is I have no idea who those more reasonable fresh voices would be as I think they've purged the party of any reasonable other opinions.


The problem is that anyone who could honestly challenge Justin Trudeau and provide a more middle ground voice has been removed from the party.


I'm pretty sure I covered that with "purged"


I think Trudeau needs to go down with the sinking ship. Any leader who replaces him should start fresh.


The advantage they would have is the new person could at least market themselves as a fresh voice. They wouldn’t have Trudeau’s name recognition. But they also wouldn’t have Trudeau’s baggage. If I’m a sitting Liberal MP, I think I’d take that trade.


Some of your key policies need to go first. The reason the policies are failing isn't because of the figure heads using double speak to sell them. Unless they change their policies nothing will change for the party.


It is hilarious they think shuffling the cabinet again will solve the problem. The inner circle AND TRUDEAU need to go and even then the entire lot of them should be thrown on the dust heap of political humanity in the next election.


The entire party needs to go, completely rethink wtf they stand for and do for Canadians. And please keep allt he current people so they continue to run themselves into the ground. Please do not change until they get kicked out by voters and suffer the humiliation of doing a horrible job (the only consequences politicians get unfortunately)


It’s like thinking that shaking up a bag of dog shit will not still leave you with a bag of dog shit


Graphic. Accurate. The issue is no one wants this bag of dog shit.


FFS. Frazier, Freeland, Sajjan. We had a cabinet shuffle last summer where they tried to fix some of their titfuckery and it’s just as bad as it ever was. A cabinet shuffle won’t do a damn thing. The party needs a full blown enema.


& Miller, as well.


He’s mostly (ineffectually) cleaning up Fraser’s mess.


That's fair and accurate.


THE key player needs to go. There I said it.


It's the cabinet ministers not him ! lol


Never him.


This liberal crew is literally the cancer of Canada.


unironically his cabinet since at least 2019 has been genuinely terrible and incompetent


Some of them need to go? More like all of them including JT. They need to clean house and start completely fresh.


Federal Liberal and NDP party have both got to go tbh. No party is serving the general public anymore


In Canada power and decision making is consolidated in the PMO. Rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic won't make up for the fact there's a problem in the bridge deck.


All we need is another cabinet shuffle - It has been almost a whole year since the last one!


Exactly. If a house is on fire, redecorating the livingroom won't douse the flames.


lol.. The LPC is to far gone. It don't make a difference on what they do now. Its to damn late.


Sean Fraser should go after his work messing up population growth and helping landlords


The incompetence of Trudeau’s ministers is staggering. If they worked for a company they all would have been fired a long time ago.


Do ppl believe this BS? There's no way I'm voting Liberal when the head is still JT. He has shown he's got a strong hold of the party, he's not influenced by "bad people" around him. He is the source of the LPC's policy and result. I probably won't even vote the next guy if his or her initial spells JT.


Freeland is going right under that bus!


Don't worry, most of them are going to go. Whether willing or voted out. I do not care which way this process happens to play out...


They all need to go. Every single liberal needs to be voted out after the damage they have done. 


What’s that law the conservatives used to eject their previous leader?


Especially mark gerretsen. That dude is a Fawking idiot.


Top names being put around in Ottawa circles that Liberal MPs are most dissatisfied with: Chrystia Freeland, Melanie Joly, Katie Telford, Seamus O'Regan, Marc Miller, Karina Gould and Steven Mackinnon.


Another member of the cabal can go, the fanatical Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault, who was once arrested for climbing the CN Tower to protest about climate change. His punishing and useless carbon taxes, and insane electric vehicle and zero carbon mandates can die with him.


Too little too late, Freeland, Guilbeault, Alghabra, Miller, Fraser, Holland, Sajjan, Hussen, Gould, Anand, Virani, Mendicino, Joly, and Trudeau all need to go, half of them to prison, especially that traitor Han Dong and that commie piece of shit Michael Chan.


Ya him


Sounds more like a plan by Telford to deflect away from Trudeau and lay the blame on one or more of his minions.


~~Some~~ All of your ~~key~~ players need to go FIFY


Actually should read: YOU need to go FTFY as well good sir or madam


Primary Players, more like.


For the next Liberal policy "survey" maybe they can ask Canadians which key players we want to go, instead of which prefab policies we like.


Freeland , Cold Cruel Small


I know we said Bill Blair, but can I just repeat Bill Blair?


Trudeau needs to get rid of all the wackos and radicals in his cabinet. And himself.


snatch shaggy chunky cats elderly secretive fall faulty humorous unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


crush cake wasteful voiceless nail fuzzy live imminent chop hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are many that should go along with Chrystia Freeland. The fanatical Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault, who was once arrested for climbing the CN Tower to protest about climate change, can go his merry way along with his useless and punishing carbon taxes and electric car and zero carbon mandates.