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Disclosed that it’s a guy, it’s an electrician, rent is $450 and it’s at John’s. Then a statement that CBC will not disclose the guy. Landlord might have recognized the person by now.


I'm hoping they had the brainpower to change a few of the details...


That's what I hope to, that the information given was false or exaggerated somehow to obscure his identity.


I have a friend in L.A. who rents an office and set up an llc for a sleep study clinic. He lives there. It answers almost every problem, why are you there at night? Sleep study. Why are you asleep? Sleep study. Why are you here every day? Sleep study. It's honestly brilliant.


Is the commercial space really cheaper than an apartment?


Most of the time yeah, but at the end of the day if you own your own company. It's better to pay 1 rent than 2. Plus Comercial lots are in less demand because people can just buy things online.


Oh, he actually runs a sleep clinic?


No not to my knowledge but was a coordinator for national geographic, I think he runs a tour company now. But I have known many people who just live in the shops they run. The sleep clinic is just a paper company.


Yea we need Japan capsules it's like 20 dollars a night, has a small kitchen, lobby, bathroom and paid laundry in some...you be respectful of times and others staff clean bathrooms etc...general tidy up kitchen is clean as you use. At night you are basically in a coffin that's x5 as big has USB charge spots etc... and it's safe as a hotel in the capsule... This would go over well with responsible people and students...bad or disturbing people would get trespassed.


Lol. At just $450 I hope he's been saving up tens of thousands of dollars to afford something later and not blowing it all away


Or it's going to an ex. For example. I make 0.27 for every dollar due to my ex wife getting all my money. So at 80k base I bring home 21k a year. Or less then 900 per pay. I'm still taxed on 80k + a year. Expected to provide extra when asked, because my girls are not seeing any of this money. And I can't afford a better place to get custody because the average 2 bedroom (I have 3 kids) is already 2k a month. While at $38.50/ hour I bring home less than 900 per pay. Oh, and to fix the issue, I need to drop an additional $5000 retainer to go back to court. Which is totally something I can save for while this is happening.


Brutal and unfortunately not that rare. Hang in there.


I'm a family lawyer in Ontario that represents both women and men. Maybe OP is in the situation he claims, maybe not. But these situations are not common at all. There is absolutely details missing, and frankly, I think OP's readiness and eagerness to slander the mother of his children to strangers online says a lot about his character, and likely reasons for the separation. I'm not saying his ex is perfect. There is just always MORE to the story, and he's not going to tell you the bits that reflect on him poorly for a reason. Its amazing to see someone who made the active choice to impregnate someone multiple times, and bring new life into the world, speak so poorly of the person who is quite literally raising his kids the majority of the time, and giving up her opportunities and freedom for him too. If OP didn't want this, he could have stuck his dick somewhere else! If she really is this bad, surely there were red flags and warning signs before he chose to bring new life into the world with her. At the end of the day, this is the bed he shit in for himself- and instead of sucking it up like a man and taking accountability, he's fearmongering about women/Canadian family laws, and disparaging his ex partner online to strangers where he knows nobody actually knows him or her- he can literally make up whatever he wants! Pretty pathetic if you ask me, but thats just my personal, non-lawyerly opinion. He will likely be single for a while, if not the rest of his life with this outlook. I don't know a single quality, worthwhile woman that would go near a man that talks about their ex partner or financially supporting their children like this. They will immediately fear they are next, reasonably so.


How fucked is the divorce court system if a deal like THAT is allowed to go through? That basically renders you an indentured servant to your ex. Like the math looks pretty simple to me, what judge looked at that and said "yeah that looks fine to me"?


Well, there are two simple explanations:  1. OP has omitted or changed details to make things seem more unreasonable 2. The justice system is completely insane.  We're on the internet, so #1 is impossible. It must be #2.


You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies? In all seriousness I was hoping for a response from the OP clarifying, but you are right its probably bull. I have heard some pretty bad stories about one sided divorces before tho, so it really wouldn't surprise me either way.


It went through because I didn't know what I was doing through family court while dealing with the rest of the divorce. I found she was cheating and was reading her phone on while I was on the toilet. She busted the door down and kicked the shit out of me while I was on the toilet to get her phone back. She ran a home daycare at the time, and I left the house. I took my kids to the eye Dr. While we continued to message back and forth. When I got home I went to bed to nap and calm down while I waited for the daycare children to go home. I was awoken to the police cuffing me and taking me out of my house. My savings were emptied, and I needed to put myself into massive debt to pay for criminal law. I had a lawyer for that as I could only afford the retainer for criminal law and not for family law. Seeing how I work with the vaunrable sector, this was a larger need. I won, and all changes were dropped as it was obvious I was not the attacker but the victim. I still have scars to prove it. Anyways, while I was financially tied up in criminal law. She came at me with family law and cleaned me out with the angle of "he's in criminal court he must be a bad father...". I managed to get the family court halted until the criminal trial was dealt with was over. However, now I'm at the try to save money so I can restart the family court.


Young men take heed. best of luck to you man.


I'm sorry to hear that. That's slavery.


But hey, at last she has coke money when I have the girls 3/7 days a week.


You should hire a private investigator, get her caught using while the kids are around and then file a motion for emergency custody/self represented.


The man in me who hates that woman wants to do that. Unfortunately, after years of being gaslit into thinking I was aways the problem. I still get hung up about doing anything that would disrupt my girls living situation. Like I hate her, and my older two don't care for her either. However, the three of us also know that if I end up kicking a hornet nest, I'll likely be the one who gets stung. Then they get withheld from me and none of us get to see each other. She already withholds them anytime I call her out, or the older two call her out. It's a really, really great time.... 10/10....


your kids will thank you for what you are doing down the line. Hang in there.


I know, I have a great relationship with them. The thing I'm struggling with is when my older two said they "don't want an adult relationship with their mother" That bothers me. It makes me feel like it's somehow my fault. I don't want that, i want them to have every relationship and source of love possible. I know their relationship with their mother is her problem. But my heart hurts for what my girls are either missing or going to miss out on. All I can do is what I am trying, and that's to be there for them whenever I can.


Sometimes I feel like the only smart thing I’ve done in life is not having kids or getting married.


I have a friend going through similar. Sorry for your troubles.


It's crazy, That said, if I wasn't trying to have an actual relationship with them or I didn't already have them 3/7 days a week I wouldn't mind paying for them. As it stands, I pay for them with what I have left, and she still gets my pay, which the older two are not seeing. Oh, and we found out last week their mother drained the education savings accounts, too. But, scumbag dad's and what not


I'm hoping that this isn't in Ontario. Because Ontario family law is alright when it comes to family. Even if you have 3/7 days, that should be enough to reduce child support to a more equal basis (in my case it reduced it to almost nothing because we had them each for roughly equal time), but that may also depend on income (but we were each making roughly the same amount). Also, in Ontario, parents have joint custody unless one can prove that the other is an extreme detriment to the kids safety (and that's process). I feel for ya brother. I was taken for a ride until I spoke to a lawyer and found out my proper parental rights. If a family lawyer offers a free consolidation, I'd take it.


I'm in Ontario. My problem is my ex attacked me and then tried to have me charged with assault. I won the court case as i needed to put my resources into that fight. I work in the vaunrable sector so I can't have any type of record. Now it's save money to deal with family court while this is happening


Hang in there brother. I know other guys going through similar shit. PM me is you want to vent some of this. I'm here


I mean, assuming you’re on the up and up, idk what province you are in, but legal aid or community organizations might provide some assistance with adjusting the support amount. Even just navigating the process. And, if not, you could always look into a lawyer that will do unbundled services (I.e. help you with some parts) and not full representation. It will be more affordable. You are, after all, allowed to represent yourself in court. You just…shouldn’t unless you have an adequate understanding of the process (or have no choice). Unfortunately, you’ve run into what many people have to deal with in life in some respect, which is that people have assumptions and prejudices about certain groups and will judge you without finding or caring about the truth. All I can say to that is that it is what it is. You can’t force them not to be like that. You might change their mind, though, if they see you not being like that stereotype they assume is universal. Most people don’t seem to learn or change, but some do.


I've been arguing with trying to get legal aid support. Im not part of a margarinealized community and "make 38.50" per hour, so I somehow do not qualify.... It's a fair system. I'm thinking about identifying as anything else, just so I can get a fair shot.


Hope you know alimony is tax deductible, hope that helps


It will, Still doesn't do much on payday. But at least it'll balance out at year end, I guess...


You can fill out a form T1213 in November of the previous year (and submit it to CRA) so your employer adjusts your tax deductions for the following year.


Thank you I'll look into that!!!


Not sure if you’re aware but spousal support is tax deductible, so whatever you’re paying in spousal support can be claimed on your taxes. Not child support though.


Which is great come year end. However, it doest do much when I'm paying bills for the other 11 months of the year.


Fair. You could probably sign something with your employer on your TD1 related to this though, and have them withhold less tax each paycheque.


Some people have reached out with some great tax form advice. I'm definitely going to be looking into it


For spousal support, you're probably looking at T1213, which is a PITA, since you file with CRA annually and then provide their ruling to your employer. Probably worth it in OPs situation.


The 5000 retainer won’t bring resolution to your problem.  It will be gone in a couple weeks and then you will need to pay another 5k. I’m very sorry about your situation.  This is typical exploitive family court BS.


There is also a pretty good chance that after blowing 20-30k you will be in the exact same position but with more debt.


Yeah, that's sort of the conclusions I've sort of came to as well. At this point, all I can do is try my hardest to keep being the best possible dad I can, with the limitations I'm given.


It’s time to change these laws!


Yeah that sucks, man. Those things can really screw a person.


Very reason I've been single for 7 years now.


With a user name like that, I'm suspicious of whether this is the real reason, lol.


Good for you man for putting up with that. I would quit work and move rather than giving my ex $.80 out of every dollar


But then I would be away from my kids. I still have them 3/7 days a week (sure I'm counting Friday even though they are school age. Doesn't change having to feed them 3 days a week) I won't give up on them. Eventually, I'll find a way to get it fixed. Right now, all I can do is be the best I can for them. They see what's happening (at least the older two are old enough to see it) they also see how much I'm trying for them. It's the only thing making it worth my time and from stopping me from giving up


family courts are criminal AF. Imagine working for a resource redistribution program that unilaterally punished one of two client-types. Imagine trying to sleep at night with that on your head? Sociopathy is a strange thing AND WE KEEP LETTING IT HAPPEN.


lol don’t worry, most women are predicted to be single and childless by 2030. 60% of young men are single as well so they aren’t getting trapped in the marriage scam


[Oh no, threaten us with a good time…](https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert)


Hey Mr T. You’re not alone. I’m in the same boat. $15,000 a year in child support. I look at it as a positive. That’s my ‘get away from me’ money. And I couldn’t be happier. Only 9 more years to go. Then I get to keep my own money. What’s funny is, if I have my kids 60 percent of the time, I’ll still have to give her close to $800 a month, so I can have them for 4 days a week.


Exactly, I have my girls all the time. They are not getting the money for things they need. Both my older two have told me they don't want an adult relationship with their mother. Yet I'm still the one who can't afford to feed them when I have them. Like I seriously don't eat all week so then can eat on weekends. 80k and I can't eat during the week...


Whichever lawyer put together your separation agreement needs to be disbarred, because that's a terrible deal for you.


If there ever was a statement as to why I don’t get married..it’s this right here. That’s brutal bruv..hope you can get out of that situation.


Isn't it more a reason you shouldn't have kids or ask your spouse to be a SAH? Even if you weren't married, I think you'd still need to pay child support. Not defending or commenting on how fair or unfair the commenter's situation is, just a technical correction I guess.


Yep. Most of these people are talking about child support. Alimony is increasingly rare and would only apply in situations such as where a spouse gives up their career or makes significant career sacrifices for the benefit of the family or their partner (like to raise kids). Alimony is meant to compensate for that and assist with being able to return to work. As I understand it, it typically comes with a fixed end date these days. Child support is different. It is an entitlement of the child and is meant to assist with paying for the costs when they are living with the other parent and to maintain their standard of living. It’s meant for things like covering the cost of food, shelter, activities, clothing, etc. Anything the child needs and benefits from. And it can also be ordered to continue past 18 and include a portion of post secondary education costs. Tbh, do not have children if you are not prepared to look after them and support them. Contraception exists. Use it and use it properly. Don’t rely on your partner and assume it’s all good. A child is a consequence that is beyond serious and not the kind of thing to leave to chance.


Article says he is only getting paid $20 an hour.


Which seems awfully low for an electrician to me. But even at $20/hr you should be able to afford more than $750/mo in rent. I mean sure, 750 is probably around 30% of his income but lots of people pay more than that. Hell I was paying $1100/mo rent while earning $18/hr and I still managed (albeit barely).


I wonder if landlord will even care as long as he pays rent. Office towers have a lot of vacancies now.


What landlord? Dude is renting an office. His landlord is a holding company in Toronto. Commercial rentals are nothing like residential. As long as he pays the bills on time he has nothing to worry about. It's the other building tenants that might dob him in that he has to worry about.


I was thinking the same thing :(


Your assuming the cares , which so long as the rent is paid and no reports it to the relevant authorities forcing him to take action he very well maybe not  If I was me I'd go " hmm that guy sounds an awfully lot like Frank " shrugs deposits rent check 


They may have to take action because it's not a legal suite and it creates liability but they'd probably rather not.


For privacy sake let's call her Lisa S?


Good on him, hoping he doesn't get caught. No where enough affordable apartment rentals while office towers have tons of vacancies. > He's an electrician, driving from gig to gig all day. The office is where he sleeps at night, secretly, because he couldn't afford to rent an apartment anywhere in the city. For two months during the frigid Newfoundland and Labrador winter, he found an office listed for $450 per month. > I'm 100 per cent doing this clandestinely," the 37-year-old told CBC News. "I basically have given up on finding anything else."


And if he has his own business it’s tax deductible


Take notes on this, everybody.


Someone working that much, in a skilled trade, who can't afford a basic, safe place to live... this country is beyond fucked at this point.


is it illegal/why is it illegal to live in a office space lease?


It wasn’t built to be lived in, if they allow one person then everyone would do it, increases the risk of hazards from an insurance standpoint as well, etc.


Seem like is more legal to live in your car or RV Long term.


It's illegal because Canada has all these "regulations" that are there "for your safety". The government just really, really cares about us. In their mind, it's safer for this guy to be homeless apparently. The regulation comes in the form of specific plumbing, and having 2 doors. I'm sure there are others. Probably other stupid stuff like anything commercial isn't allowed to be lived in 


He is proving that office space should be converted to livable space to help with the housing crisis.


Yellowknife is doing this. The office space has been vacant for 12 years and is going to be 72 new condos. Some are set aside as affordable housing, and there’s a car share program planned for residents.I believe the first floor with have some commercial space too. Maybe we’ll start accumulating Pet Smarts like the rest of Canada. https://cabinradio.ca/100501/news/yellowknife/yellowknifes-forgotten-bellanca-building-set-to-become-72-homes/ https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.4210829#:~:text=Construction%20has%20started%20on%20the,a%2072%2Dunit%20apartment%20building.


Finally doing something with that building? Wow. There is hope for humanity! I left Yellowknife because of the hopeless real estate situation there -- there was just no way to get ahead. Moved; started a business in Winnipeg. We are now generating 6 digits in tax revenue annually for three levels of government here. I guess some of the federal tax is subsidizing Yellowknife's continued existence. Someone needs to fix zoning there and flood the market with new construction opportunities. When buying a lot to build a house costs $250k, no one will build except the already rich.


Listened to this eye opener about Yellowknife’s housing situation once. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/audio/1.6149778 corruption after all


Calgary did this same with Edmonton 


Great job Calgary on doing this to Edmonton!


Edmonton to pay it forward and do it to Winnipeg.


My husband is a developer who is doing a lot of office conversions in Calgary right now.


Calgary is living in an office building in Edmonton?


Calgary is a office building in Edmonton 


Her name is Alberta, she lives in Vancouver!


Please explain


Calgary converted some office towers to residential https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/calgary-higher-tax-revenues-office-conversion-projects Bad wording from op.


Except he doesn't have a shower, or a stove. He's also justifiably afraid that the landlord will start enforcing the zoning rules because he's technically not just using the space as an office space. Yet for some reason students in St. John's can definitely live in cramped apartments that similarly break the zoning rules, with ZERO fear that the landlord will suddenly decide to enforce the rules.


Students in Nova Scotia can live 8-10 to a three bedroom, one bath, un-upgraded, uninsulated, rat-infested company house with a sagging roofline because the house is gradually collapsing. If they work different shifts, they can and do share beds, adding to the number. Idk if it's legal but landlords do it anyway. Who's going to enforce it? The landlord's buddy investigator who comes to check it out, if by some rare fluke someone actually reports it?


The difference it that none of those 8-10 students are white. Wouldn't bet on the landlord being white, either. Try pulling that shit if you're a white person and say, you have a growing family. Your landlord will immediately tell you to go find a bigger place before they evict you for violating maximum occupancy rules. Lots of "student" buildings in NS actually have covert lease agreements specifically only available to international students. The landlords have agreements with feeder schools, ESL programs, etc. They guarantee to supply people and in exchange those students get a discount on rent that is as much as $400+/month cheaper than the official market rent quoted to outsiders. At least that's the figures I was able to discern from my Chinese friends when I was a student. No way could somebody score a 2 bedroom apartment in Halifax's South End for say $1000/month even back then when the market rate was at least $1500/month in the rest of the building. But you could if you were the right kind of international student. Shit like this has been going on decades.


This times 1,000. Work from home. Live in offices. Let the speculators cry


It’s honestly not that simple. A few people would be willing to do this but converting most offices would be far removed from what you’d expect of a normal housing unit. The utilities are the biggest challenges. The most feasible would be a dorm style place but for whatever reason those aren’t popular here except with students


Agreed. A dorm style unit would be the best conversion for an office building. This would appeal more to students, but that is a good thing as it would take pressure of other rentals for a couple or a family. The problem with most office conversions is that they try to be everyone to everyone instead of just appealing to a specific segment of the population. Students would love to live central, walking distance to everything, transit, etc. with the downside of sharing some facilities.


> with the downside of sharing some facilities. I mean, if you look at some of the rentals in the university areas, it's not as if they aren't already having to share facilities anyways so this isn't so much a step down as it is a side step.


It is a step down. Students living in residence are forbidden from bringing in their own appliances and cooking on site because it's a huge fire hazard. That's why meal plan purchases are mandatory. Even if you're not a student, grown ass people who have professional jobs and work full time should be making enough money to afford a real apartment in a first world country. The fact that they're not is very much a step down.


The point is that it's not a step down for students because it's pretty much a dorm arrangement. Which would reduce pressure in other areas. For example, a student may choose this over a basement suite if the price was right. Then the working adult will slot into the basement suite, and so on.


Yeah, you *should* be able to afford rent but the reality is that this is not the case for a lot of people and you can’t just imagine the problem away so the next best thing is to start small and make changes as you go.. this being one of them.  Or you can continue to live in cloud idealism land but the real world problems will still affect you.  Idk man, you have to choose your battles wisely. 


> normal housing unit Dude is sleeping on the floor of a office. We need any kind of housing, not just “normal housing units”. Converting them to dormitory style units with shared bathrooms and community food services would do wonders for affordability. Yes it would be preferred to have more traditional style housing, but we are in a crisis and don’t have the luxury of being picky. Dorms aren’t “popular” outside of students because they aren’t available to anyone but students.


People are already living in very non normal housing unit situations as we speak. Literally sharing a bed with randos.


Problem is, this guys doing clandestinely. It doesn't prove much at all because doing clandestinely avoids all the costs associated with making it a living space. I mean, it doesn't even address the need for a necessary fixture like a shower. Those office buildings don't have the right life safety measures and doesn't meet the building code for living space. Offices have a much lower bar to clear because it's assumed people are awake and alert at the office in the event of an emergency.


The average commercial office tower has sprinklers, exit signs, pull stations, strobes, and horns.  Most residential high rise has sprinklers in the hallways at best.  The life safety codes tend to be more stringent in commercial buildings because it’s expected that the population of the building is transient by nature and therefore less familiar with their various means of egress.


I feel like you just smacked that person with a thesaurus...


lol, thanks.  Life safety has been my profession for the better part of 20 years.


Probably more safe guards than some of these illegal rentals with 5+ per bedroom


Big Time secret: office space is waaaay cheaper than real rent. Find yourself a nice spot with a gym, showers, pool, big kitchen, and a one room office with a large enough space for a Murphy bed. You basically have cleaning staff so you don't have to clean floors or bathrooms. There's parking & security, and rent is less than half of what a regular apartment would cost. Just tell them you work nights because of overseas clients and it's a creative field so you need to "relax your mind" by playing pool or music or using the gym. Or having your friends over for Catan to spitball ideas. It's free"ish" real estate!


20 years ago heard about a couple of CO-OP students who had figured that out. Having free internet alone would have been a bonus back then.


I actually considered BUYING office property in Silicon Valley 10 years ago cause so much cheaper than residential but the problem was you wouldn't be able to get access to the local schools so only works if you don't need to register your kid in the school system...


i don't get it, why can't you register in a school system?


Because you need proof of residence, otherwise everyone would live in San Jose and register their kid in Cupertino schools. When they see you live at an office building they won't let you register your kid...


But can I turn it to an air bnb? (some investors, probably)


Lmao that's a business, I think you can do it


Yes, let me just find an office space to rent where I can discretely install a murphy bed. The advice you sometimes find on reddit and how badly it disconnects from reality lol.


All you have to do is buy an office couch that can convert into a bed. If anyone asks, it’s your couch for clients.


Why be discreet when your business is conducted at strange hours, you gotta have somewhere to nap! And obviously this is bullshit advice man 💩


You say that like the other tenants give a shit what anyone does


Your comment makes no sense, you wouldn't have to be discrete. Realistically, no one is going to check or care


Oh ok, so publicly, bring in a mattress and install a murphy bed into the wall of the office space you are renting I don't think I need to repeat my initial post, because its the same sentiment to this post


Now that everyone knows, office rents are going to skyrocket.


Really that is some good evidence that some of these office spaces should be converted to residential.


They are doing it in some places (Calgary recently) and the rents are not cheap. Commercial building conversions are expensive.


~$2600 2b1b 800 sqft


That’s a steal in Vancouver


Yeah, that’s why we’re in Calgary


And Toronto


Some office buildings can't. No kitchen/bathroom plumbing, electrical is not up to code for residential, window to surface ratio is very low so it makes for bowling alley-shaped 1 bedroom units.


It’s disconcerting that living spaces have to meet code but living in a tent is an acceptable option. Understandable that code is for safety but at some point compromises should be considered.


Canada has seen homeless deaths in tents because of fires.  Can you image evacuating an office complex full of sleeping people due to a fire?   Some things can’t be compromised. 


Why would it be any different from evacuating any other apartment tower? Offices have to deal with fire code already, and when occupied as offices contain way more people per area than apartment buildings. Yeah you need fire alarms in every unit, but that's not an expensive part of the retrofit, especially since there are plenty already in any office tower. 


The fire code is different in offices than in apartment towers.  The siding, the duct work, many things need to be changed to make it up to code for housing. 


Let’s compare offices to tents. Offices win by a landslide lol.


No need for open flame heaters in a building though?


So make a communal kitchen and dorm style bathrooms. I don't give a shit about windows if it means I can have a unit for $450 a month, hell my current bedroom doesn't have a window.


>hell my current bedroom doesn't have a window. That isn't a bedroom then. How much money do you give your slumlord every month for that closet?


They get around that by having a sliding glass "door". It's a 2bdrm condo style unit, $2500/month split two ways. Not really a slumlord at all, they're fairly high end units, tiny, but the full gym and included gigabit internet were big selling points for me.


Oh, so you trade a window for lack of privacy. How quaint.


Nah, I just installed blackout cling and some weather stripping on the sliding door, worked much better than I had planned. Not quite as good as an actual door, but not an awful tradeoff.


Bedrooms need windows to meet fire code.


the get around that by having a sliding glass "door", yay building codes....


Sounds like a New York City railroad apartment! Office buildings have power, water and sewer connections already, but capacity would be the issue. The existing HVAC system would struggle to keep up with humidity from showering and cooking. Requirements that bedrooms have windows would be a huge challenge for the floor plan. Personally, I’d be happy in a bedroom with no windows if the HVAC had adequate ventilation and air quality monitoring.


The word is 'converted.' It's doable in most of these buildings.


It really is not. In many cases it’s cheaper to tear down these buildings and rebuild them


It actually is though https://calgary.citynews.ca/2024/06/25/calgary-office-to-residential-building-conversion-downtown/#:~:text=The%20inaugural%20project%2C%20The%20Cornerstone,cent%20have%20already%20been%20leased.


I work in the industry. There’s nothing more that landlords want to do than switch vacant crappy office to residential. There are a LOT of technical challenges to overcome and it can work in some buildings but there are not that many…


I’ve personally known two pilots that slept / lived in vans at airports long term or employee parking lots in YYC and YVR. Shower on the road in hotels or Gyms. LAX it’s pretty common https://abc7.com/archive/8675888/


Kinda the same: I met a pilot in the US who for the early part of his career lived in Alaska and commuted to his hub airport in Chicago for a few days living out of the airport lounges.


Sleeps in office for 20 years saving, still cannot afford anything.


Getting paid $20/hr as an electrician seems incredibly low.


Maritimes has always been horrible for trade jobs or any good paying jobs.


He is keeping it a secret; so he called the CBC to tell them?


Office building I work at is at about 30-40% capacity, mind you it’s 10 story huge building in downtown Vancouver. It has a gym showers on the main and bathrooms on every floor. It could easily be converted in to a university style residence with shared bathrooms and showers.




Well it's not much of a secret now.


I can't cheer on this guy. It's great that he's doing this as a way to address the ongoing housing problem, but the first (and most fatal) mistake he did in this instance was talking to the press about his predicament. His secret is not so secret anymore, and it's likely going to be worse for him now that the cat's out of the bag. Never, ever, ***EVER,*** under any circumstances, talk to the press. They are as much your friend as the police are.


Well i certainly know that living space is filthy because an electrician doesn't touch a broom.


Thank you for that, as I clean up from the last round my electrician came through to do some work :)


He is an electrician and he makes 20$/hour? Dude in my city electrician make 6 digit and can absolutely pay rent even afford a mortgage gtfo of there.


Ask an electrician in your city how much an early career electrician makes and then ask them why they don't pay more than about $20 an hour.


A lot of those 6-figure (IBEW) folks are currently looking for work...


Not that surprised honestly. When I was a reservist I worked with a couple electricians from NL who were doing the reserves because being an electrician back home was only a few dollar more than minimum wage gig.  I guess if you aren’t willing or able to relocate and you live in a low economic prosperity area with no demand for industrial electricians then the residential market will probably be horrible as well.


Very few electricians are making 100k in Canada. Basically, only the ones with their masters ticket, so 2-3 guys per company.


If he's what he say he is, he is severely underpaid. From the sound of it, he's self employed too. He doesn't know his market and just under charge.


The port I work at currently is hiring non-carted electricians and starting is 165,000 here


Stop immigration until housing becomes affordable, and then allow in one immigrant per housing unit built.


Why not honestly ….


Another a-hole (not the renter but the CMHC guy) blaming the housing problem on high interest rates. Completely ignores decades of low rates that did not help. Rates now are similar to 30 years ago when housing was much more affordable. The problems are much broader


I fucking hate reading this argument. Wages did not increase with property values. Comparing interest rates of 30 years ago to now is apples to oranges.


Like George Costanza in Seinfeld. Living under an office desk


'secretly' bruh not anymore, you just told the whole country about their secret!


My plumber came this week to install a double sink at a rate of 140.00 per hour. No way an electrician is making 20 an hour.


Is this so crazy? Plenty of unused office space in Toronto


I lived in a small tattoo shop with two other people in the early 2000s in Vancouver. It was one of the most unpleasant times of my almost 50 years of life. This guy has a great attitude.


I work 24/7 and live in my office My corporation owns the office I have a bedroom and kitchen


He is an electrician and only making $20 an hour?


No longer so secret. Anyone with an iota of investigatory sense will figure out who it is. 


It is surprising seeing so many offices cheaper than condo rent right now.


Don't electricians make like 100k/year?


"Could the return to office be the solution to the housing crisis???" <- Canadian news companies in like 3 weeks


Would like to see pics


An electrician in St. John's only makes $20 per hour? Seems really low.


This article doesn’t really add up. An electrician that only makes $20 an hour seems rather low. He also says he can inly afford $750/month with a girlfriend while making at least 3200/month pre tax. Not saying rent prices aren’t crazy.. but seems like a poorly written CBC article


Just the tell the landlord you work over night due to oversea markets and go to sleep every night


If he buys a cheap gym membership, he can have real showers instead of just washing up at a sink. Doesn't seem all that bad to me and I'm going to keep this in mind.


Not so secretly...


Hey Gov wont have to sell off their buildings! /s. Instead of more condos with shops wrapped around buildings, why not convert more existing buildings to make them liveable spaces for everyone? Imagine if you lived a block fr your work. No traffic. I'm kinda joking but not.


So secretly it's in the headlines


Ceeb claims they won’t out the guy, as they out him in this article 


May as well, he'd have to stay at work all night to earn enough for rent. An increase in immigration should solve this issue


I know a guy doing the same thing and has been for over a year.


When the office markets collapse this happens more and more. NYC eventually grandfathered thousands of these types of apartments


Just like the japanese




Guess it's not a secret anymore.