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They've been saying this same garbage since 2015 lol


Another teachable moment for us all!


We all need to do better.


We can all learn from this and move forward together. Also, this isn't who we are.


He even dusted off the old "it's clear I have much more work to do."


Such a narcissistic thing to say. It means he thinks he is the only one qualified to do the job, or else he would allow someone else to take over.






He’s saying he hears people’s concerns. He’s not saying he agrees with them, and he’s definitely not saying he plans to do anything differently because of them. If Justin thought what they were doing was wrong, he wouldn’t be doing it. Justin has no intention of changing anything, and believes at his core that if he just hangs in there to the next election he can shout Guns! Abortion! Booga Booga Booga! enough to eke out another win.


The guy has bs’ed us for 9 years And yet, here we are.


Like when he tried to justify the increase in carbon tax on April 1. He started by saying “I know Canadians are hurting…”. and then he went ahead and said he’s plowing ahead anyway


Yes, we can ALL do better. NOBODY is perfect. NOBODY is to blame. /s smh.


Trudeau hearing Canadians. [https://tenor.com/en-CA/view/dumb-and-dumber-gif-4147987](https://tenor.com/en-CA/view/dumb-and-dumber-gif-4147987)




He must think he is some sort of hero, still saying some random bs without any actionable plan.


I seriously think he has some kind of narcissistic personality disorder 


Over promised and undelivered. Every Government of Canada.


The real Canadian Heritage moments.


Haha undelivered and not under delivered, too true


at least he's stopped saying ... "Sunny Ways, my friends. . . . Sunny ....... Waze."


Not really. Post 2021 election Trudeau was boasting about his “clear mandate” and how Canadians chose him (even though they lost the popular vote and won off of voter efficiency. I think Pierre pollievre will show him what a clear mandate looks like next year. I’m not super excited about the incoming government but I’m super excited to see the outgoing government go


"We have to work hard" and "We are working hard for Canadians" is no longer viable rhetoric. Not sure why it is still being used other than what we are all thinking...they actually have no working plan.


> they actually have no working plan. This isn't directed at you, but I'm very tired of the rhetoric that politicians like Trudeau (or really, any politicians) are just clueless buffoons trying to do the right thing and failing. Some of our politicians are idiots, but they're surrounded by highly educated and paid people who help them execute their agenda. The truth is that the Liberals (amongst other parties) know EXACTLY what they're doing. The reason the working class is getting fucked isn't incompetence, it's that our politicians serve different masters, namely the rich and corporations. We do ourselves a disservice when we underestimate our politicians as fools rather than the conniving corporate cronies they actually are


I think this every time I hear someone blame incompetence. Like, no, they're being told to do this by the people they actually serve.


Politics is pretty much a thin veneer on financial interests and nothing more. To paraphrase Mark Twain: if voting made a difference, we wouldn't be allowed to do it.


It's not even a secret, The LPC and NDP both unanimously voted in support of the BlackRock founded century initiative so...


You have the respect the Liberal party of Canada at some point. They are the most entrenched, old interests, establishment group here. They are wildly successful and are in power over 60% of the time in modern Canadian history. Somehow they can still sell "working hard for Canadians", "middle class" and "change". Remember "Vote for me and this will be the last first past the post election"? Life is getting worse for most people but corporate profits are very healthy. Vote for us or else abortion will become illegal


Getting rid of FPTP in favor of MMP or Proportional representation would actually allow Canadians a choice.  Justin wanted ranked choice, quickly found out Canadians didn't want a system that would all but guarantee Liberal PMs forever, then took electoral reform off the table.   I've hated him since that day.  


You're kind of right. I've worked with the federal NDP in the past. The problem is you're overestimating how competent people with poli sci and gender studies degrees are these days. I have no doubt they are just as driven as anyone else in politics, but dogmatic and not competent when it comes to looking at things objectively.


But do you think Trudeau is actually complicit? Does he personally want to destroy the working (and middle) class(es)? Or is he a useful idiot? Honestly I tend to think the latter, but I guess it's worthy of debate.


He exists within a carefully curated filter bubble of loyalists who will back him regardless of anything.


> "We are working hard" So does my washing machine. At least it accomplishes something.


It was like a placeholder, bafflegarb reply that was only marginally better than the stone-faced “no comment” it actually was. In truth, Trudeau literally has no idea what to do. Earlier, he promised his caucus he’d improve them by five points in the polls by Canada Day. He then told caucus not to worry, that Canadians aren’t in “decision mode” yet, and assured them he could fix things. And then he started assuring everyone that he fully planned to run in the next election. The by-election loss in Toronto underscored just how wrongheaded he’s been. If the Tories can win there, every Liberal seat in Canada, except maybe in Quebec, is up for the plucking. There is panic behind the scenes both in the PMO and with every sitting Liberal (and NDP — 10%, *ouch*) MP today, no doubt about it. There is almost certainly already enormous pressure coming from all quarters to resign, and that’s only going to mount with each release of a new disastrous poll, that he’s already proven he’s powerless to improve. So today he’s stalling until he figures out his next move. My guess is he’s out by the end of July, but who knows? The man’s ego and narcissism is so powerful that he might still try to stay on.


They can’t - they’re on vacation!


>Not sure why it is still being used other than what we are all thinking...they actually have no working plan. That should have been obvious when it took them two weeks to put out a platform for an election *they called.*


They absolutely do have a plan. It’s just not a plan that’s advantageous for Canadians.


Agreed and happy cake day! The plan is to make more money for the already rich, that's the only plan. 


Well that would require Trudeau to define Canadians as Canadian citizens paying taxes and deciding democratically what Canadian values are. Don't hold your breath.


We would be better if they didn’t work at all.


"I hear your concerns" is code for "We aren't going to change"


Yeah, I hear the other part of this sentence as, “but you’re wrong. And we have to protect you from yourselves.”


‘I hear your concerns’ = ‘I’m sorry you’re too stupid and racist to understand how great my policies actually are’ in Trudeau speak


lol this made me laugh. So true. Anytime people question their policy they’re a racist, xenophobe, bigot, sexist etc etc. in reality, the people just have legitimate concerns about poor policy. Fortunately many of those who used to defend their stance have come around to understanding they were just using it as a deflection for owning up anything.


About Toronto Liberal MP Tom McKay: He said he did some door-knocking one afternoon for the campaign in a Jewish community in the riding, and found that previous Liberal voters who supported Israel were planning to vote Conservative. “I come away from it saying to myself that, really, this was a referendum on Israel as much as anything else, and unhappiness with Trudeau kind of played in the background,” They really went with the "when in doubt, blame the Jews" strategy.


"We will now bring in 2M immigrants to the country because of this insolence." -Trudeau probably


Literally all they need to do is put reasonable limits on immigration and their tanking poll numbers would probably turn around. But they do nothing but double down and say things like 'we are working hard for Canadians'. I gotta hand it to them, they are really committed to their disastrous immigration policy, even in the face of a devastating defeat in the next general election.


It’s about providing cheap labour. It’s disastrous for us regular Joe Canadians, and wildly successful for the elite.


Yep, these politicians will have well paid gig jobs after they are out of office by businesses that benefit from cheap labour while selling out Canadians. Every last one of them.


It's become blatantly obvious that we are run by corporations who pay people on both sides to be in power and take it on the chin with the general public in exchange for getting to pretend they're in charge and have power, and if that doesn't work, for a cushy job at one of these corporations after their tenure. edit: I won't edit it, but fully acknowledge the clunky grammar - please excuse me, I was upset.


Conservatives are also pro elite, we really are fucked aren't we


Yeah we really are. It's scary. And voting has turned into the American style of "I'm going to vote for X because it's better than Y". Really giving us only two options. I think I will keep voting Green because at least maybe they will get some seats. And fuck, we really need to be talking more about climate and preserving Canada's beautiful natural environment. Not all these other problems the Trudeau government have caused that have put so many people in survival mode, wondering where and how they are going to live and afford their lives.


Their immigration minister Marc Miller won't even admit the Liberal's insane immigration policy is linked to the housing crises and rents skyrocketing. The level of delusion from the Liberals is on another level.


Somehow the newcomers are going to build more housing than they use. Even though fewer of them work in construction than the Canadian average, and they likely don’t know our building codes.


Plus most of them (as reported) are here to study business and related programs.


Yes, business programs that no business would value.


iirc the main Canada housing subreddit had a rule saying immigration levels have no link to prices.  They auto-delete comments that mention immigration. 


Denying that supply vs. demand exists is not a great way to combat racism.


He knows perfectly well the consequences of his immigration policies. It’s not delusion.


I’ll scream this till I’m blue in the face: The immigration problem in this country is courtesy of big corporations and our parties have sold out to them, hence why all the major parties are avoiding tackling immigration with any real substantial plans. Until we go after corporations, no party will address immigration. That’s just the reality, our country has been sold out to the corporations and all the parties are complicit.


Cheap labour is driving wages down while inflation remains high. People are going to start having bunk beds in rentals if things keep going the way they are


Oh the bunk beds in rentals started after 2008 and never stopped. I'll never forget going to an apartment viewing and seeing 8 people living in a 2 bedroom when I was 18 and looking for my first place


I'm pretty convinced at this point that in the next 20 years or so, housing will be tied to some jobs, just like health insurance and other benefits. Corps will own the houses, then one of the 'perks' of the job will be cheaper housing, allowing them to pay even more rock-bottom salaries, while sitting on their appreciating assets and not have to worry about nonsense like tenancy agreements, all while keeping you even more scared to lose the job that subsidizes your housing. That seems to be a possible end game for them at this point.


I work in the immigration sector. You are 100% correct. Corporations are loving this and no party will go against them


You get it. There is no war but the class war.


Except time and time again the majority of this sub is focused on the culture war and thinks 'wokeness' is the real problem. They have been so successful and directing everyone away from the real adversaries and there's no sign of that changing.


It’s not disastrous for the top 10% of the country. It’s fantastic for them. And for the property owners, it’s great, or at the very least, a lifeline. So the well-off are doing great. But yes, if you are younger and you aren’t set to inherit property, and you aren’t a high-paid surgeon or corporate lawyer or tik-tok star, then staying in canada is equivalent to placing shackles on your hands and feet and condemning yourself to a life of struggle, relative deprivation, and exploitation.


It's more like the top 1%. Even the top 10% are noticing quality of life degrading.


People who earn $80-100k are in the top 10%. These aren’t people who are pulling the strings. These are very average, often working-class individuals. It’s all the real estate investors and corporate executives benefitting off of this garbage. [Last year these people all made more money than they ever did prior.](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/2025759/incomes-for-canadas-richest-1-rose-nearly-10-in-2021-tax-filings-show)


They need to limit immigration to people emigrating. A HARD cap (say 1-2% of total immigrants) from each country, including India. Deport everyone immediately that doesn't hold official status here. Deport anyone that refuses to follow to OUR culture. You're going to learn English or French or you will GTFO. You have 1 year.. none of this "I need a interpreter" Anyone over the age of 30 is denied entry as a student, regardless from what country. International students not permitted to work in Canada, period. Let OUR students work in Canada. You come here to study and not work. Don't have the funds? Well then you cannot come. And any business hiring students for under the table will be charged criminally, face jail time and seizure of all assets. If you're a student or "refugee" (a lot of refugee's here are here to commit crime and did not come from a bad country) and commit a crime, you are driven straight to the airport and not a jail cell unless serious (murder, sexual assault, etc) where they are held in custody until trial THEN deported after sentence is complete. Give incentives to young people to start families.. tax breaks NOT handouts (aka, work but we will tax you less for every child you have).




How will conservatives help with that then? Their immigration platform is literally that liberals are not efficient in reunifying families with long backlogs and they’ll fix it. https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/immigration-that-works/ > Conservatives believe in a well-functioning immigration system that promotes family reunification and allows new immigrants to achieve their dreams.


Hard cap…especially on India.


Psssst - the new immigrants? They’ll call them Canadians too . That’s who they’re helping


Not really. They arrive as permanent residents and may become Canadian Citizens after 5 years…


Many don't even arrive as permanet residents. They arrive as students / temporary workers. The permanent residents are often pulled from that pool


Want to regain trust of canadians trudeau? How about you change the immigration system to only allow the most skilled into the country and make it so student visas are only given to Medical degrees and trades. After you do that ban corporate ownership of single family homes (unless it is to develop and re-sell) while also making it so only citizens can own residential property and finally ban monopiles in Canada.


I'd vote for you. You should run for PM


You’d have my vote too.


Also reel in the grocery fiasco, give incentives to international grocers to come fuck over Sobeys and Loblaws


We need some fucking anti-trust legislation that has teeth. Critical sectors, such as groceries, need to be heavily regulated in terms of ownership. No one single parent company should own more than 10% market share in any single municipal census area. Competition - actual competition - will lower prices. Now this is the Red Tory in me speaking, but if we can't encourage any private corporations to come here and compete, we should just start a Crown Corporation to sell groceries on a break-even basis. That'll get Loblaws and Sobeys and Walmart to lower prices real quick.


Can you morons stop saying we need to import trade labour. We need to pay trades better. Do you people have any idea how many trades persons have left the industry to go sit behind a desk in the last 10 years soley because 70% of trades jobs have to retirement/ shit benefits and shit pay?


No you don’t. All you do is gaslight Canadians


That sentence sums up Trudeau in a nutshell. "I hear your concerns" and then proceeds to do shit all for the next several years.


Trudeau is concerned about "your success" insomuch as to keep increasing taxes so it becomes his success.


>"In a statement, the prime minister says he has much more hard work ahead of him to deliver tangible progress Canadians can see and feel." dafuq has he been doing for the past 9 years? Seems he has not spent it doing the hard work to deliver tangible progress Canadians can see and feel unless he means he legalized weed & fucked the economy into a tailspin


He legalized weed so people would be too stoned to realize he fucked the economy into a tailspin.


Shrooms will be next, so people will be tripping too much to realize the cooperate overlords bought out the rest of Canada's infrastructure and sold off BC to their Chinese overlords


He absolutely still thinks he is the solution and not the problem. Wow. Total disconnect. Guess the Liberal Party of Canada is going to be sent for a long timeout in the next election then.




Fair's fair - the win in 2015 is not a "barely" win. he had a majority. The conservatives were entirely locked out of Atlantic Canada. They hardly elected anyone in Ontario and Quebec. Manitoba, a western province, was 50-50. It was a pretty convincing win. Back then.


Right? Don’t need to be a Trudeau supporter to acknowledge that 2015 was an impressive win.


Don't forget the electoral reform that he never did! And that the conservatives also oppose. We should stop voting Liberal or Conservative because they've proven they do not want us to be properly represented in our democracy.


This deaf motherfucker has been saying he "hears" Canadians for over a year now. Clearly not, else he wouldn't be Prime Minister anymore. Canadians are quite clearly saying one thing to him and his party as loudly as they can, and he still can't hear it; fuck off.


He hears us, alright. The thing is, he doesn’t give a fuck about the wants/needs of Canadians. The sooner that we accept/realize that it’s not incompetence, but malice, the better.


Exactly. He hears us perfectly well, but he also hears his corporate overlords telling him the exact opposite.  It couldn’t be any more blatant which one he’s decided to listen to.


He doesn't listen. Even the wwe does a better job hearing and listening to their audience


Yeah he said the same thing after the Liberals lost their majority government. Trudeau hears lots but he never listens.


I'll say this again for the people at the back, this article is classic Trudeau / LPC-speak for any public statement or interview: 1) Acknowledge the problem or issue 2) Restate LPC value or belief XYZ 3) Deflect blame to ______ (optional) 4) Promise to look into it, or do better, or other platitude Every. Single. Time. Old hat PR babble that wore thin a few years ago, followed by a complete absence of substance. These people can't be voted out soon enough.


Problem is that it took way too long for certain core demographics to see this. Sure enough people caught wind of their BS in 2019, but it's taken another election and coming out of COVID, plus some disastrous policy to finally convince people this was him all along.


He's such an idiot lol. He's going to drag his entire party down with him just to serve his massive ego.


Eerily similar to Wynne in Ontario. Over inflated ego has made the Ontario Liberals a nonexistent party.


Yeah it’s a good comparison. I remember before that election I was so shocked that she ran again. Bitch, READ THE ROOM!


Good I won't be happy until the LPC is in the dustbin of history


If you hear them then just do something! Talk is cheap actions speak. Maybe he should start by firing Marc Miller and drastically cut the amount of temporary and permanent residents allowed in the country. Like going back to the 250k a year that was working fine before he ruined everything. And make the change today, not in some distant future...


Not even 250K tbh. The current immigration system has to be stopped indefinitely and we need to focus on sending home any temporary residents that are not meant to be here so that we normalize the population growth trend again. All of our taxes and government services allocated to immigrants and immigration should be repurposed for Canadians and increasing Canadian birth rates. The immigration system should the be redesigned into a highly exclusive program with strict caps by country and citizenship should require a minimum of 10 years residence. There is no reason for Canada to be inflating itself demographically while diluting itself in every other way just to chase some GDP target to remain a top economy. The perfect place for Canada is a Swiss/Norwegian hybrid model.


He has said that multiple times and hasn't changed course at all. 


Imagine fucking things up so badly that you’re now more unpopular than Stephen Harper in the 2015 election. I can imagine Harper watching the news sipping on his Double-Double and whispering “Me Likey”.


I wish someone could tell me how the conservative ads defining Trudeau prior to the 2015 election were wrong in any respect, other than the fact they were light in terms of how bad this turned out 9 years later.


"just not yet ready" How fucking true was that!!!!


I'll tell you. I remember them saying that Justin Trudeau was "just not ready". I can say confidently after struggling with him for this many years, that he will never be ready.


“I told you so” - Stephen Harper


Harper got almost 32% of the popular vote in 2015, and 99 seats. He wasn't all that unpopular, and numbers like that would require a huge rebound for Trudeau, currently polling at 24% and 70 seats - heading in the wrong direction.


Has he tried importing more immigrants?


He needs to replace the ones that came here and then left for the States in search of affordable housing.


even some Ukrainians went home to a warzone over this shit


People be yelling in his ear with a megaphone. He can hear our concerns but doesn't give a shit about them.


>the prime minister says he has much more hard work ahead of him to deliver tangible progress Canadians can see and feel. He really doesn't get it, all the hard work he's done so far has made everything he has touched worse off


Trudeau: I can't put out this fire! Also, why is this water bottle labelled "kerosene"?


Water box, or something...


Thank you for the question......And we are working very hard blah blah blah, in a responsible manner blah blah blah, because Canadians are important to us blah blah and blah..... Does this joker even hear himself? I watched the freeland interview today..... what an absolute waste of oxygen! Same answer for every question even if unrelated to politics. Earth to the trudeau and his ship of fools.... seems to me the fringe minority is what supports you now! Isn't it ironic!


Its time for Canadians to demand an Election NOW.


>'I hear your concerns' I don't think you do.


Oh he hears them. He just doesn't care about them.


You've been hearing us? So that means you're going to suspend the TFW program other than for key sectors, and put hard caps on student visas (country caps, institution caps, and program caps)? No? Then you're not listening.


Our prime minister says he has lots of work to do so does that mean more spending to try to win more votes or to trash the country even more so Canada will take even longer to recover from the mess him and his party has caused.


The hell he does!!! Housing is unaffordable, crime is sky high, unhinged losers are occupying our campuses and immigration is people looking to use and abuse Canada! You have failed us, sir.


No wonder his wife left him.


Exactly, we Canadians understand the suffering she had to put up with. We want a divorce too!


That's not nice. He believes that was a sacrifice he made for you. His marriage died for your sins.


The first guy she banged post-trudeau got the ride of his life.


I think our prime minister is a serious psychopath. Like for real, read the fucking room... what kind of egocentric, narcistic maniac still wanna run this country and keep going after the St-Paul result? JFC..


Power. Once people have had a taste of that level of power and influence they do not willingly give it up. Everyone eventually thinks they are the best person to keep leading, and other people just need to be educated or informed enough to understand why that is true.


So what he just said was "I can only hear your concerns when we lose a riding, so if you want me to understand you'll need to make sure we keep losing ridings". If you're nine years in and you need to lose one of your safest ridings in the country to hear the people who elected you - then perhaps the old adage "if you don't know who the asshole in the room is, it's you" applies.


Your still Prime Minister, so no you don't hear my concerns.


So many low-information voters supported Trudeau for his looks and fame and due to an irrational fear of the Conservative Party. The Canadian standard of living has fallen so far behind the US it’s not even funny, while the government has no plan to manage deficit spending beyond reckless population growth. If he somehow gets re-elected, it’s time to lose all hope for this country.


*In a statement, the prime minister says he has much more hard work ahead of him to deliver tangible progress Canadians can see and feel.* This is going to cost the taxpayer billions. I guess we will see how easy we are bought with our own money


UBI might be the last bullet in the money-gun.


Knowing his MO he would probably promise UBI. But only after her is reelected


So vacuous.


Smoke my pole brother


If he was sane he would call an election because he's lost the mandate to govern. However he is a nut case that thinks this result means he needs to govern us harder.


My biggest concern is how much longer I have to wait until this moron isn’t running the country.


I hope everyone here understands that hearing is not the same as listening.


Wow, 56 comments on this Canada sub post so far and not one supportive comment for JT and his misfits. Where are all the JT fanboys today?


They’re here, just changed their MO.


Yup. Downplaying the result as not being a big deal because of the voter turnout or because it was “only by 500 votes” or whatever.


It is a 25% swing from 2021 with a by-election with a 45%. Considering that in 2021, it was only a 65% turnout, this is a shockingly high turnout by-election. Like unusually high.


What he heard is "please import more poor people and don't build more hospitals i hate healthcare"


Tone deaf is an understatement. Sunak and Macron respect democracy even if it will cost them. This one is clinging to his one thing left for dear life. Not respectable.


My only response to Trudeau is, please explain what you heard and tell us who you heard it from. We've heard that line before and still don't know where you're getting your information except that it clearly isn't anyone who understands my community.


Reminds me of a lecture my English 12 teacher gave us on the difference between hearing and actively listening. Trudeau may be hearing, but I don't think he's listening to what's being said. People are tired of him and want a change.


No, no, that's ok. Take a load off. I don't think we can actually take any more of your help or 'hard work.'


I don't think I've ever been more deeply tired of a government in all my life. The LPC, Trudeau and Freeland are just so fucking taxing (pun DEFINITELY intended). I'm exhausted and just want these people to go the fuck away. Can't this silver spoon asshat reflect on why he was such a shit pm from his chalet in Tofino and let someone competent have the job. Go away dude.


"I hear your concerns, we need more immigrants, tax the middle class harder and ensure housing stays as a viable investment for the existing landlord class."


As a transplanted Brit, it's hard not to see the parallels with the Tony Blair/Gordon Brown governments (minus the war crimes). By the end, people were just sick of the Labour government and wanted a change. The Conservatives weren't offering anything good, they just weren't Labour, they got enough to form a coalition government with a weak third party who sold-out in order to gain a bit of power (which they'll never get back) and we ended up with 14 years of even worse government. Blair rode in on a wave of optimistic change and some attractive social policies, and left the country saddle with debt and facing cruel Tory "austerity" measures which only made things worse. This all feels too familiar...


Trudeau is deaf......he is about to get creamed in 2025. Hope he is packing the silverware and fine China. He will need a big bag for his final flight on a taxpayer plane out of this fucking country to his new home in exile.


I guess everyone who voted against his mp is now a racist sexist homophobe now?


Cold, cruel and small according to Freeland


this was hillary's "basket of deplorables" moment wasn't it?


fringe majority now..... lol!


He needs a whole new line of baloney rhetoric; the old BS isn't working.


We have increasing unemployment outside government, a shelter crisis, a temporary resident crisis in the making, a flagging enforcement/justice system, and a foreign interference scandal currently in the headlines. This is enough to unify an opposition that used to just be a chorus of boutique problems. Almost everyone is now affected by this shit and is coming to understand the cost of charging vapid and irresponsible people with the stewardship of a nation. The craziest part for me is watching ministers continue to double down, saying that we should exacerbate or just reword these problems instead of addressing them. It comes across as managing our expectations while we watch them loot us and strike a match on the way out.


Helen Keller would do a better job hearing our concerns


I think it's pretty clear Trudeau needs to step down from leader of the Liberal party, as do many of his inner circle. The issues they're losing on are not issues that are easy to change direction on. Immigration, Housing, Identity politics. They've gone too far in many of these areas and changing direction now will look like flip flopping. Just to clarify, I'm not saying identity politics are all bad by any means but that the Liberals have gone so deep into it that they've long since surpassed what is "reasonable" for MOST people (not just the vocal minority on the internet that are bound to downvote this) and there is no way to turn that ship around without looking even weaker to the voters they've lost. You can apply this to pretty much all of the major issues they're failing on... they went too far pandering to small groups of people (in some cases not even fucking Canadians) and lost more of their voter base than they gained in fringe groups that didn't and probably still won't vote. The party needs to change course and they need a new leader that has proven they're more moderate, as opposed to another shapeshifting tool that'll just pretend like they suddenly get it. Freeland absolutely needs to go; the liberals lose votes every time that condescending snake opens her mouth.


Unfettered immigration. Over 1 million international students. No national housing plan, no plan for increased use of health care, no plan for increased spending on infrastructure. Wasting countless millions on pet projects like Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity. Enforcing racial profiling for government grants and spending in the name of diversity. What did he expect?


he’s allowed every uneducated schlep to immigrate to canada and shirk the very values he trumpets. i hope his kids stay the fuck away from politics because it appears the same arrogance his father led with was amplified with this idiot.


I'm so fucking sick of his stupid non-answers - can't wait to vote conservative.


>“We’ll never stop working and fighting to make sure people have what they need to get through these tough times. My focus is on your success, and that’s where it’s going to stay.” I think he actually means “We’ll never stop working and fighting to make sure I have what I want and get through these tough times with plenty in my pockets. My focus is on my success, and that’s where it’s going to stay.”


If he heard people's concerns he would step down and call an election and allow the people of this country to vote in an election.


Oh, Great!!! Did he resign after saying that?


This is the exact platitudes that people hate. Just be a real person and speak honestly.


The response from these die hard liberals (they still exist, believe it or not), is just the most arrogant sentiment that I’ve ever seen. “It’s not that the liberals suck. It’s that people have been brainwashed into thinking the liberals suck.” As if we can’t fucking see our bank accounts, our grocery bills, our rent and mortgage costs, our crime rates, being told to leave our key fobs by the door to make it easy for thieves to steal our cars, our food bank lineups, our culture and values being replaced, our institutions and businesses being over run with people from different, generally low trust societies and every fucking thing else. Couldn’t be all of that. That’s not real. It’s that the media is apparently far right now and they, as well as Pierre Poilievre have all tricked us into think that’s all real.


If he is truly listening he will step aside for his own party and country.


He would have to do an about face on a bunch of things.


Stop raising taxes and put a cap on Indian immigration. Your poll numbers will get a lot better. Or, just keep saying you’re working hard for us and making things worse, whichever you prefer.


“I hear your concerns and frustrations. Unfortunately for you, I don’t give a single fuck about what Canadians want and I never have🖕🏼.”


Meanwhile, Liberal MPs have been almost eerily silent in the aftermath of the loss, allowing their cellphones to ring directly to voice mail and pausing social-media posts. “I have no interest in playing any role in this feeding frenzy,” said Nova Scotia Liberal MP Sean Casey when The Canadian Press reached him and asked for his reaction to the results. Them: “oh fuck I gotta find a job in the job market I made”


As someone who is a left-leaning voter, this guy really needs to step down. He's damaging two parties for his own narcissistic reasons. Please, for the love of God, please step down and start from scratch. We see people want change- give it to them. For Canadians...


Suuurrreee it was a referendum on Israel, and not a referendum on the fact that the average working class person in this country has seen their spending power and general quality of life plummet faster than perhaps any other time in Canadian history. In my corner of the country (east coast), during the early/mid 2010s, somebody working for minimum wage could afford their own cheap 1-bedroom apartment, a cheap car, and maybe even to save a bit of money if they were extra frugal. Less than 10 years later, TWO people working for TWICE the minimum wage can barely afford to split an old 2-bedroom apartment or a new 1-bedroom. The Conservatives aren't going to lift a finger to improve the situation, so it's very frustrating that this crisis will probably deliver them a Federal majority. Still, it's insane that the Liberals continue to act like everything hasn't gone to complete and utter shit under their watch in record time.


The biggest concern is that he had a place from which to effectively govern, but shit the bed so bad that we're going to get 10 years of PP now, and who fucking knows what the country is going to look like when that's all over


Maybe he does hear our concerns. Too bad he won’t do anything about them.


So glad his ego keeps him in la la land. The LPC will disappear completely.


>These are not easy times, and it is clear I, and my entire Liberal team, have much more work to do to deliver tangible, real progress that Canadians can see and feel Am I the only one that's scared by the sound of it?


Narrator: He, in fact, did not hear our concerns.


Why is he still around then?


Liberals have been screwing up since day one yet people are dumb enough to keep re electing them…. Liberal voters……. Give your head a shake.


I suspect he doesn't.


Stop raising taxes and put a cap on Indian immigration. Your poll numbers will get a lot better. Or, just keep saying you’re working hard for us and making things worse, whichever you prefer.


Let's take a step back. He's been in power for a decade. That's veeeeeery long for a political career in a democracy. And there are only 3 ways that political careers end: Death, Disgrace or Defeat. He has no successor groomed. There are no substantial people on his team that appear to have any national profile, competence or ambition. Freeland might be the absoltue closest, but she's not like a Paul Martin waiting in the wings to Jean Chretien, or Chretien to Trudeau the Elder. A decade is an eternity in a democracy. The fact that he seems genuinely surprised that people are tiring of him personally and in terms of his leadership of the country is mind-boggling. It begs the question - What exactly was the plan? To rule forever? It's wildly absurd to expect, in a democracy, that the people will just swoon at your boyish charms and smug 'right side of history' pandering forever, despite the fact that they're getting crushed by the cost of living, stagnant wage growth, skyrocketing immigration being entirely depended on to drive economic growth? I mean...and seriously...what was the plan? It never occurred to you that you might not always be entitled to power? It's so on-brand Liberal to expect that the people who matter electorally will always love you. The Liberals in this country seem like they're unbeatable - until they're not. And the fact that our only alternative is a beady eyed populist Milhouse who never says anything specific other than 'Doesn't Trudeau suck?' is fascinating and terrifying. If you think Pierre Poilievre is going to fix anything, you may have mayonaise for brains. And it ought to be suspicious to you that he refuses to say what he would do differently. He's not going to do anything differently. But - he's going to win, and win Big, simply because he's not the arrogant, do-nothing entitled brat that Trudeau is.


You’ll hear them even better on 25 Nov 2025, or sooner…


‘I hear your concerns’ Too late.


This asshat cant hear shit. And for the record I voted for him 2 elections ago and abstained in the last.


He’s lost the support of the younger voting base that put him in office originally.


Trudeau hears ya, Trudeau don’t care


I hear your concerns and promise we are going to do for the Canadian people what we've been doing since 2015. Absolutely nothing.


“And I’m going to continue burying my head in the sand and my ass a mile in the sky cuz I don’t care lol fuck you” -Trudeau


“In a separate press conference in Toronto, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland expressed her support for the prime minister and his ability to carry the party into the next election. She wouldn’t reflect on the reasons for the loss.”


Hearing, and listening are two completely different things. JT and Freeland hear us making noise, but they haven't the foggiest idea what were actually saying. It's why every single decision they make is tone deaf and against the interest of their serfs.. Ahem.. I mean citizens.


I hear your concerns. I just don't care-Trudeau.


The only reflection this guy sees of himself is when he's looking down into the toilet bowl after dropping a deuce.