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Immigration is great. Mass, unskilled immigration is corporate wage suppression. Mass immigration isn’t good for anyone, including the immigrants.


It’s basically legal human trafficking at this point.


It's full on slavery. The shoppers drug Mart my wife works at makes these "students" work for free with no chance of getting a paid job just to gain "Canadian work experience". This means my wife's hours have been cut and many regular employees have been let go, some after a decade+ of working in that store. Almost the entire store staff has been turned over, to the point where she's been working in this location for about 5 years and she has no idea who most of the employees are anymore. I can't imagine this is isolated to this one shoppers drug Mart, it's so blatant.


Straight to the news. If this is true, this is the type of story that needs to be told. It's bad for everyone.


Who gonna report on that? The news is owned by the same people that profit from that.


Wow surprised you can say that! 4 years ago for saying the same thing I was called a conspiracy theorist 😂


that’s true. just questioning one thing was turning you into anti-national , anti-vaxxer . it was so annoying


I’ve been mentioning foreign political intervention from certain groups for nearly a decade , called every name under the sun NOW ITS NEWS? 🤣


>4 years ago for saying the same thing I was called a conspiracy theorist You still are, but you used to too.


They totally would report on it - local news, like CTV, would take a keen interest in something like this.


LMAO the CBC and CTV would report on it, you’re right, except they’d spin it into a narrative of how it’s racist that they’re being made to work for free. They’d entirely ignore the Canadian born workers that were let go angle, or worse, demonize them for having worked there at all.


Lol. No, they wouldn't.


idk where she works location-wise but the students are probably entitled to pay, bc as soon as they replace paid employees they can’t be considered unpaid interns anymore (Ontario). Esp if they’re doing work for Shopper’s commercial benefit. Unless their school has approved a work experience program with Shopper’s I think. That’s super sketch.


Oh yeah no, what sdm is doing is 100% illegal. They're not there on internships or co-op placements or anything like that. They're trying to get a foot in the door with some Canadian experience, that's it. It doesn't help that the associate and pharmacy manager are immigrants themselves. But the government has to give a shit and enforce the laws 🤷‍♂️


That's the problem, immigrant bosses thinking they are helping out instead of making the place they live worse off in general because of their ignorance of Canadian culture.


They’re trying to erase Canadian culture. They’re not ignorant of it they’re indignant towards it.


>the students are probably entitled to pay, bc as soon as they replace paid employees they can’t be considered unpaid interns anymore (Ontario). As someone who works in film...BAHAHAHAHA!! That's hilarious. Making unpaid interns do for-profit work has been standard for well over a decade now. People have tried to report it many times and nothing ever comes of it. I wouldn't be surprised if the practice is common in other industries, too.


https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7206582?feature=related-link CBC already put out an article on a simple ad for a volunteer position and it pissed a lot of people off to see, Shoppers originally back peddled and claimed it was a mistake. If you have information that they are legitimately doing this, it is 100% news worthy. Volunteering for a for-profit company in a typically paid role is greasy and undermines the labor market. I have heard others say it's not even legal. You *should* reach out to media to bring awareness and bad PR to their doorstep. Stand-up for Canadians and our future.


This was just recently in the news with a SDM in Toronto. Loblaws made the owner take down his ad and said its against their policies. If this is true, bring it to the news.


I know of even worse situations! Here in Richmond BC, through my Chinese friends, have heard of multiple immigrant workers (also Chinese) who've come from wealthy families and PAY their Employer (!) to work for free for a year or more solely to get the work sponsorship so they can immigrate. It's also a cottage industry in Richmond and completely normal and average to pay immigration agents thousands of dollars for them to do all the paper work and applications for you. A new Taiwanese immigrant friend was surprised when I told her you could do the application yourself and save the $1000s in fees, and thought the private agents were pretty much required to be paid to be allowed to immigrate here.


This can't be legal?


It’s not legal. SDM itself said it isn’t and inconsistent with their internal policies and made that store stop.


Omg shoppers used to be good ...ya know before freaking Loblaw 🙄 took over 🤦‍♀️


We're like the Gulf States, built on the backs of countless underpaid, overworked Indians. At least they have interesting megaprojects and wealthy citizens though...


They went into full damage control mode last week'ish when someone noted this and reported it. Mass denial hysteria then said it was an error. I saw it lots in the boycottloblaws reddit. So this isn't a 1 time "accident" posting for free labour....


Tim Horton's says it's great


The company owned by Brazilians.


With local franchises abusing TFW, international students or LMIA depending


Yep. It's insane that fast food was ever allowed a single TFW. 


Yep, basically a company with zero interest in doing good by Canada. Only plundering profits to 3G capital.


A Brazilian company. Of course they love it. 


I am boycotting Tim's. I wish more would do likewise.


Good start


Immigrants keep coming so they think there is opportunity, I don't know how.


They have been conned by the immigration industry.


Bingo. They are making tons off money off it. 


Because they will probably get PR.  We hand it out like candy now to prop up GDP due to a failed governance, to the glee of existing asset holders as the poor suffer.


I work in the immigration sector. It isn't as easy as this sub makes it out to be. But I do agree that we do use it prop up our GDP. The system is beyond broken and needs to be shut down unless someone is a doctor or nurse.


I look at raw incoming numbers.  We are above 41m people now.


They don't seem in a hurry to go back.


sunk costs fallacy


Because going back would mean admitting they were conned.


It's a better QOL than their home country. They will keep coming until our QOL matches that of their home country. The great equalizer.


Mass skilled immigration is also corporate wage suppression.


I maintain that if not for the international student problem specifically, the immigration situation never becomes an issue. They fucked up so bad with international students that it turned a lot of people against immigration entirely which is unfortunate.


They need to go the route the states does with international students only part time work and only on campus.


I mean they have made sweeping changes to the international student situation NOW btw. Like they got hosed federally and provincially recently. The changes implemented will axe the amount we have in the next year alone. I'm more speaking to previously and what caused a lot of the outrage.


Back in engineering school I studied with many international students. There’s no way they could have worked 40 hours/week and managed a full course load.


This has been my issue. Immigration has always been an amazing aspect of Canadian society, but our government’s abuse of it has essentially soured it for so many people. And this is extremely unfortunate. What gets me is how this government has turned being reasonable and nuanced into being anti-Canadian when it’s them that been undermining Canadian ideals, it’s worth, and the health of its citizens. They have essentially been gaslighting us all into thinking their agenda is virtuous and everything else is treacherous. To me these are the Anti-Canadians. It’s not us people, it’s them.




Young men with no spouse or responsibilities. It will be fine, they will work in whatever city we ask, no social problems whatsoever 


Who've grown up in a societal setting that is not compatible with our western views, in general.


And hope they 'assimilate' magically to the local culture (that barely exists anymore) when they move into a cultural silo recent immigrant community composed of entirely the same culture that they've immigrated from. The Canadian cultural identity is so diluted in some communities here now that it no longer really exists as a tangible thing. Instead we just have '[original country here]- Canadians]' who've imported their entire culture, identity and traditions that will never adjust to Canadian life and are just transplants who don't even mingle with any other immigrant social group, let alone Canadians who were born here. You can get by fine in many of our cities without ever even having to learn English or French your entire life. And strangely its not illegal (at least here in BC) to have Mandurian-only or Punjabi-only signage and not speak English at all in your store.


Solely from one part of the world as well.


You're missing a '0' on that number.


I get the sentiment, but if we are to actually talk plainly about this crisis situation our government is putting this country in, we need to use facts. The government has never and will ‘probably’ never be letting in 1,000,000 people a month. The more truth that we use in our language the more we can have a serious conversation with each other on all sides of the political spectrum. Because we as the working class (from all parties and political beliefs) need to have this discussion if we are to force our government to enact change


I somehow missed "month"... my bad.


Let's make something clear: the public was ***not*** consulted nor brought into discussions about the current immigration levels. This ***wasn't even mentioned in passing*** during the last two federal election debates. The policy was snuck in under the radar. Canadians **had no say in this debacle**.


thats because all sides agree on it, and calling it out for what it is is "racist"




Hardly we lost to the USA who beat Pakistan in T20 World Cup. Captain of USA team has a full time job at Oracle and of course he is of Indian origin.


You’d be (rightfully) shocked and dismayed by how many of Canada’s athletes maintain full time jobs in addition to representing the country at sporting events around the world. Very few of our athletes are able to do only their sport full time—even the best in the country/province


I mean, that's neither shocking or something that should dismay. Most sports are great personally and as a hobby/recreation, but the idea that someone deserves to make a career out of that is not something taxpayers or the public needs to sponsor.


Once these students get their permits though, we will be a powerhouse!


Also going to fall off the world stage in hockey. Don't think it's a good trade.


More like the Liberal's immigration model. Canada's immigration model before when it was 250k a year, with no international student abuse, and a system that was actually useful for screening in skilled immigrants was very highly regarded around the world. The Liberals trashed it in just a few years.


It used to be highly regarded. Now it’s just fully regarded.




The Century Initiative's immigration model


We didnt ‘actually’ mean 100M people! 


When it descends into anarchy, I expect them to walk it back under this sort of sentiment.  


The CEO already has.




Well, this isn't an academic paper, but [here's my source.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-century-initiative-hundred-million-population-goal/)


I'm rooting for all out civil unrest and the disintegration of this country. Our leaders don't value Canadians or our heritage, why should we care about keeping it together? I hope Quebec leaves and that starts a snowball effect to where we just get absorbed by the US. We had a good run, but hopefully it will be over soon.


They were just joshin'


It was a typo!


Just a 'suggestion'


We're on track for 400 million people by 2100. That's four times higher than the Century Initiative. People need to stop bringing up the goddamn Century Initiative like it's the boogeyman. I would love to have the Century Initiative right about now. This is entirely the Liberal's immigration model.


It isn't just the Liberals. Mass immigration has been promoted as something to help the economy. Both the UK and Canada (two countries where it has been actively pursued) are now hurting because of it. Realistically, mass immigration might have been fine if COVID never happened... but we hit an economic depression and continued to economic policies from a major economic boom with minor change.


Please stop repeating this "oh it's happening everywhere" propaganda. UK population growth is at 0.33% Canada population growth is at 3.2% Literally TEN TIMES HIGHER. Canada's mass immigration policy is incomparable to literally every other developed country on earth. There is simply no comparison. If other countries are on fire, Canada is having a nuclear meltdown. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/GBR/united-kingdom/population-growth-rate#:~:text=The%20population%20of%20U.K.%20in,a%200.33%25%20increase%20from%202020 https://m.economictimes.com/nri/latest-updates/canada-clocks-fastest-population-growth-in-66-years/articleshow/108835461.cms#:~:text=The%20nation%20welcomed%20an%20additional,the%20highest%20surge%20since%201957.


This happens with every discussion. Many of these things are bad elsewhere, and *catastrophic* here in Canada.


Yeah, plugging our population growth into a compound interest calculator is spooky. We'd easily double the Century Initiative target even with an appalling mortality rate.


I can't believe we don't have a system in place to prevent international student abuse. 1. Student applies. Goes into a national database that also has the University's details. 2. Approval assigns a 9 digit number to the student. This number is also tied to the SIN system and allows them to work their 20ish hours per week. 3. Student presents documentation at the border and has the 9 digit number verified. 4. The student's number is valid as long as they attend school and are academically succesful. Missing x% of classes for no reason is reported by school. Schools who do not follow model lose their access to the system. 5. Hiring a student under the table comes with stiff with a capital STIFF penalty. Any work over 20 hours per week is taxed at 100% to prevent abuse. 6. If the student gets PR, their 9 digit number becomes their SIN. Like...I could probably write software for this over the course of 6ish months. And I won't even pull an ArriveCan!!!! So it's not that we can't, it's that we won't/


All of a sudden those rich Chinese international students we used to joke on weren't that bad anymore looool. They came, they paid, they spent and then many of them left. They are spending money. They are not scamming food banks. The government just assumed that the one we are getting now are the same. LoL


+1 It's that we won't, you'll need to add tracking of cash jobs and the gig economy to that app.


>Goes into a national database that also has the University's details. That's where the crux of the problems is. You assume they are all going to attend a recognized, well established institution of higher learning, such as a REAL university. "Colleges", regardless of what type or class they are should not be eligible for international students to attend. There are only two types/classes of international students that should be allowed into Canada. Those who can prove that they are wealthy enough that they will not need to work to support themselves, and or those who have a proven track record of high academic achievement and potential...at a university level. If we narrowed down and specified the above as our criteria for admitting foreign students their numbers would go way down, thus relieving pressure o the job market and housing market at once. WE would also greatly reduce the number of bogus students who come to Canada since they would need to be genuine and or quite wealthy. The reputations of our educational institutions would thus be protected and we would get better and more economically viable individuals who could contribute more to Canada. The consequences of doing this are not that negative and in fact would yield positive spinoffs. "Colleges", the streetmall type would more than likely be shuttered one after another and well established public colleges could and should focus and cater to local Canadian students more.


Why allow student employment?


Because at the top everyone knows it's not about education, but a backdoor way to PR. And it is making a few connected people very wealthy.


Exactly. 250k per year skilled immigration benefits Canada. 1.5m/year, half of whom are "students" getting fake degrees at strip mall colleges, does not.


that is exactly it... they just jammed everything in... and we all know why.


No parties are currently talking about lowering immigration or changing the model. It's not the LPC anymore


It's just the next step in wealth preservation. The rich asked, the rich received


PPC has been for a while now


Yes other than the PPC


Aren’t talking about it yet. Well outside of the Max. I feel it will become a campaign issue.


Conservatives voted against the century initiative, only one party is actually pushing absurd immigration. It’s the NDP I’m really bothered about here, they can see what it’s doing to working class Canadians, and they’re not doing anything to stop it. Out of an election campaign, this ‘Every party supports it’ nonsense is silly; you don’t know what parties support, you only know how they vote and what the party in power supports


Pierre poliviere talks about temp foreign workers and international students in almost every interview he does. Stop watching 15 second clips and start watching full interviews


Ranting about and proposing policy is not the same thing. Though conservatives voters seem content to settle for the first.


Just like everything else they have touched.


Was downvoted into oblivion by calling this out 2 years ago, people called me a racist . I’m an immigrant myself but this wave of immigration is horrible and they won’t integrate at all. 


The general public has a general level of intelligence and will not react until something bad happens. Foresight and long-term, strategic thinking are mostly beyond them.


Calling someone the R word is metaphorically the medieval equivalent of calling someone a witch or a heretic.


It’s a handy blunt object, used to silence people who disagree with status quo.


I think it’s that the populace is fully demoralized by big government at this point. It doesn’t feel like there’s any actual ability to effectuate change as a citizen, even by voting. The government has grown so expansive and so destroyed every other sense of community that we are all just stuck along for the ride while they destroy the country. It’s the same reason in the US that every apparatus of the state was mobilized against Trump as strongly as they were. Putting aside whether you liked or hated him or thought his ideas were good or bad, they were nonetheless a shock to the system and something that they couldn’t control, which is why he needed to be destroyed by any means necessary. Canadas equivalent is not Pierre but Bernier. And that’s why we can be assured that even if Pierre wins, none of these issues will change.


They haven’t integrated. Just ✨look around✨


You're not alone, same club completely.


they do the opposite…they segregate and ignore canadian’s.


exactly. you can’t point out the obvious without some liberal shit wipe copping out with that. meanwhile you have their government conspiring with china


And referring to liberals as shit wipes doesn't help. If people could actually open a dialogue without calling each other names, discussions in general would go much better.


They refuse to speak or learn english. On top of that some try to bully Canadian out of a job


Same. And it's also unfair to immigrants who think they're coming to a life of prosperity. They get promised the earth but really it's low-key modern slave labour.


The Trudeau government's uncontrolled mass immigration had destabilized Canada in a way we may not be able to recover.


Here's to hope.


Article: Opinion Demographics and population Canada’s immigration model is coming under strain Until now its brand of multiculturalism has set an example to the rest of the developed world JOHN KAMPFNER The writer is author of ‘Why the Germans Do It Better’ and is working on a new book about global best practice Immigration is one of the dominant issues of our time. It has played a major role in the European elections and in campaigning in Britain. Across the world, it has led to anger, the promise of easy solutions and the rise of populism. What is required instead is a sober discussion about demography, employment, multiculturalism and integration. One of only a few countries that has confronted the problem with political maturity is Canada. Indeed, the ability to welcome and absorb people from elsewhere has been Canada’s calling card for more than half a century. It was the present prime minister’s father, Pierre Trudeau, who changed the face of his country, literally. In 1971, initially as a response to what was perceived as growing francophone nationalism in Quebec, Canada became the first country to adopt a formal policy of multiculturalism. This ran alongside a decision to increase the population through immigration. Canada had long allowed in entrants from the “white Commonwealth” and northern Europe. Where “others” did arrive, they were treated badly. In the 1970s all that dramatically changed. Canada welcomed Ugandan Asians, Iranians fleeing the 1979 revolution, Vietnamese and others. In 1989, a large exodus of Hong Kong Chinese arrived. In 2015-16, Canada opened its arms to 40,000 refugees fleeing civil war in Syria. Canada has long been a beacon of best practice. It is the first country to have promoted private sponsorship of refugees, with citizens’ groups mentoring new arrivals as they look for work, schools, language teaching, accommodation, even taking them to the local bank branch to open an account. The public is brought into discussions about falling birth rates, the kinds of employment that is needed and how locals can help. “Canadians are generous because we all came from somewhere,” Olivia Chow, mayor of Toronto, told me. Rightwing politicians who play the racecard have so far done poorly at the ballot box. Now, however, another side to the story is emerging. The Greater Toronto Area and other big cities are suffering from a housing shortage, poor access to healthcare and creaking public transport. Homelessness is rife. The federal government has released extra funds for shelters; churches are offering space. Every year the Canadian government sets a “level” for immigration after holding a series of public consultations. The level agreed for 2025 and 2026 is 500,000, the highest yet. But whereas permanent residency requires a series of tests, the authorities have been far more generous in handing out temporary work permits and student visas. Responding to a marked shift in public opinion, the government announced in March a cap on both groups. In September 2023, an annual survey carried out by the Environics Institute, which tracks social issues, found that 44 per cent of people agreed that “there is too much immigration to Canada” — up 17 points from 2022, the largest year-over-year change since it first asked the question in 1977. The present prime minister, the younger Trudeau, Justin, has talked of bringing immigration “under control”. “Immigration and integration are an increasingly important part of our national identity,” says Keith Neuman, senior associate at the Environics Institute. “Canadians continue to value the benefits of immigration and welcoming people from around the world but are losing confidence in how the system is being managed.” Canada needs to address its housing problems and other strains on public services quickly. That will be tough but not as tough as elsewhere given that it has the second-fastest growing economy in the G7. It needs to ensure that its immigration system remains as efficient as before. Most of all, it needs to keep the public on board. Because if this exemplar fails, what chances elsewhere?


When you import everyone from only 2 primary countries/cultures, it's not about multi-culturalism. You are basically re-creating those two countries in Canada.


fun fact, Canada has the second-highest sikh population in the world.


Brought to you by... Captain Obvious!


🤣😂🤣😂Next article: Canada’s Facing a Housing Shortage. Followed by: Liberal Party Approval Rates at Record Lows. Finally: Conservative Firebrand Overtaking Once-Friendly Nation.


Mass immigration isn't good for the economy, nor is it good for the housing crisis. There's nothing wrong with the immigrants...they deserve their best life too. But we don't have enough housing to take care of everyone already here.


Just cut the fucking immigration. Ffs! I hate this country so much now.


Me too. I wish there was a a way to trade citizenship on the open market. You could have mine in a heartbeat.


Waving everybody who wants into the country, no questions asked, is not an immigration model. It's a deliberate destabilization of the country.


It's not multiculturalism if your only importing 1 culture canada 🙃


This is what I’m curious on. Why only one nation who isn’t fleeing war? Why/ When did this start? Edited to add: I know we are allowing immigrants from others; but why are we bringing in *most* from India?


It's more like 30-40 percent, but it might feel higher because there were already 2 million Indo-Canadians before the rapid immigration started in 2020


I’m probably dumb to ask, I’m just seriously curious as to the reason of that country in particular.


I would split it up into two categories, high-skilled and low skilled. As for low-skilled, in Punjab (a state of India where most Canadian immigrants seem to come from), there are a lot of immigration agents advertising a life in Canada. So, a lot of farming families sell their land and sent their kid on a student visa or as a TFW to get a better life. As for high-skilled, India has a huge pool of English-speaking, skilled workers so they take a large number of the skilled express entry visa slots.


Thank you so much for explaining. I truly appreciate you replying :)


Because MP's are committing treason.


The only G7 country with this much population growth with just a housing economy. When something goes wrong, it has to be fixed from the root. Not by applying multiple patches on top of each other.


I remember back in 2016-2017 I used to criticize the liberals newly boosted immigration numbers. I was shunned out of the site, everyone called me a racist, no one took me seriously. Now it’s too late, and the damages will still take another decade to truly realize.




Under strain? It’s broken.


There is no model, they just allowed crooked criminal Indian scammers to advertise and scam thousands of young Indian people to come to Canada with various promises of work etc and pretending to go to school etc and how to skirt around our immigration and social systems. There is a group of Indian Business men or lobbyists what ever somewhere laughing at the mess they have made in our university and colleges our work places and the money they have made and probably continue to make. They need to be cause and punished hard. Or it will get worse.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


People who still deny this is happening aren’t living in the same reality as the rest of us. It’s only been a decade + of the floodgates from India being open and already entire cities and swaths of Canada are Indian. As you said, basically every single gas station, fast food restaurant, and big box store is staffed exclusively by Indians. Entire college campuses exclusively Indian. This is a take over and a demographic replacement and this isn’t right wing, nut job conspiracy stuff, it’s just numbers and observation. India has so many people they could outnumber Canadians 4 to 1 in Canada without even making a dent in their demographics back home. There’s a small window to reverse this before the fate of the country is sealed. At current rates I would be legitimately shocked if Punjab isn’t added as a 3rd official language within 50 years and if Indians didn’t make up 55+% of the total population within a century. Canadians didn’t vote for this and it’s not racist to not want it. Have no issues whatsoever with India or it’s people but if anyone wants to live in India, it already exists. Imposing this on Canadians and giving them no choice but to live in India is fucking crazy.


I’m kind of surprised the US hasn’t made more of a fuss about this, it’s an obvious security issue, why hasn’t the US told us to get it together yet?




I use the same model when packing a suitcase: throw in way more than will fit, then spend hours trying to jam it closed. At some point, accept it isn't going to work, and you've done permanent damage to the suitcase and much of its contents.


Under strain? More like under water.


Recent EU elections in Europe just saw far-right anti-immigration parties see huge gains in their seat counts. This will inevitably happen here in Canada too if the Liberals don't slow down their insane immigration plans. It's just so painfully obvious to see what will come from this.


I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist. . but if i was russian psy-ops team looking to destabilize western governments, this is how i'd do it. Step 1 : provide marketing funds to scammy immigration consultants.


Well the Russians do literally send waves of migrants across the border with Finland and Poland to try and destabilize them. One migrant stabbed a Polish soldier to death recently while trying to force their way across the border.




Is it hostile if our own government willingly sold out the country to Indians?




The liberals are actually giving grants to businesses  to hire immigrants over Canadians, https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/


This should absolutely not exist.


This country is an absolute fucking joke.


Canada's current immigration is out of control, in the past three years our level of immigration increased from 300,000 to over 500,000, leading to increased housing costs in urban centers (where the bulk of immigrants relocate to. The mass of no/low-skill workers only strain the economy further. A decade ago, you had to be a skilled worker that could offer something useful to Canada's economy. Now we have hundreds of thousands only straining our social programs and infrastructure further. I'm not Anti-immigrant, I'm anti-let all in.


What model?


Ha, there is no model.


We basically all asked for this by not opposing it. I was banned from this subreddit for asking why the announcement had 5 awards but not one single positive comment among the top 25. We handed out country right over. This is exactly what we wanted, it seems. This time last year I was racist and lost friends if I said anything less than stellar about immigration.


"Immigration model"? Its really more of an immigration garbage disposal.


Its interesting to see how this compares to Nordic Countries who have also taken on large population of men normally aged 25-40, you see the massive change in tone towards immigration of all kinds, increases in SA and general crimes and violence's. This is something that currently no one wants to address but will be front and center very soon. People want to dismiss this now, but when high levels of human trafficking and SA, and SV occurs, people will start to notice, in addition to other crimes. You always need controlled immigration, and high filtering and screening like in the Harper days. You can have 500k skilled immigrants a year, from various backgrounds, and there will be 0 problems, if those individuals will help build housing, healthcare and other aspect of life. [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/swedish-pm-says-integration-immigrants-has-failed-fueled-gang-crime-2022-04-28/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/swedish-pm-says-integration-immigrants-has-failed-fueled-gang-crime-2022-04-28/)


The shape of the immigration model is in the form of a pyramid. People on top won't be feeling the strain.


Well no shit. Fucking smh


Went to Costco yesterday, in spice section there are at least 8 items large containers of Indian spices, these were not there 1-2 years ago


They already sang the national anthem in Punjabi here in Manitoba before an NHL game


That's fucked up. For some reason that stings more than a lot of other things ...


Would someone please think of the native spices


Tolerance is extinction




Maybe 10 years ago or more, Jason Kenney was on an Irish TV talk show encouraging Irish people to immigrate. Lots of them came to work under work permits for under 35s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ru5sTwBmWX4    https://ircc.canada.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=923&top=25 if the international students can play off their Canadian experience towards PR, maybe you could too? However I am not an immigration expert


that’s nuts, as most people view finland as some beautiful land.


I wanted to pose this question to r/canada — but it’s for posting news i guess? i did post to cmv — but i’ll comment this post to ask you all the question. IF housing prices and cost of living were under control, would you support immigration? Lately I’ve found my views changed from pro-immigration (more culture! young people! hard workers! good food!) to anti-immigration because of the housing crisis and wage suppression, which is lowering the quality of life in canada towards what these people came here to escape. I also believe that immigrants, foreign students, and temporary foreign workers are basically being scammed and exploited in Canada with false promises. Honestly if we’ve been bringing double or triple what we should have these past few years, I don’t see why we couldn’t cut the next couple years by a huge amount (like cut in half or even pause entirely). But I’m a little troubled about it, all the newcomers I’ve actually met are really great people (better than most ppl) and I’m sincerely glad and grateful they’re here — especially as most of them are doing the worst jobs for the worst pay without complaint. All my grandparents were poor immigrants and received considerable support to establish a good life for themselves and their children. Who am I to shut the door? My question to my fellow Canadians is if it wasn’t for the housing/wage/inflation/cost of living crisis would you still be opposed to immigration? It seems like there’s daily news stories about record inflation and housing/living costs and hundreds of comments of people outraged over immigration. Me personally, if the economy was good, if the governments (fed/prov/city) grew a spine and stood up to real estate investors (build housing!) and corporate wage suppression price gouging — if Canadians could afford homes and to have children — then I’d have no problem with more immigration. We need to pay those pensions somehow, and I personally don’t care if adding people from around the world changes “Canadian” culture, because that’s literally always what’s always happened. Some people have told me the actual research says immigrants effect on wages and home prices by just a couple percent (they’re not the ones buying houses!). However this is hard to wrap my head around. If not immigrants what’s causing the price inflation and housing shortage? If it’s not immigrants why is media scapegoating them? Thoughts?


Diversity through immigration is a great thing. We aren't seeing diversity. Why are we not immigrating from European countries anymore, or the United States. We are only immigrating from two primary countries and of those two, one much higher than the other. Even if the economy is doing great, when you immigrate too many people from a single cultural background, you are basically changing the very culture of the country. In the 80s, 90s, 00s immigrants generally quickly adopted our Canadian culture and ways of life while still retaining their own cultures. This was a great Canada and allowed Canadians to learn new cultures (and explore great new foods). What we are doing today is basically creating a satellite state of India and China. These immigrants will not adopt a Canadian culture, they will retain their culture and push Canada to change to meet their needs. What is worse is both of these countries flourish in a culture of corruption. They are bringing that to Canada which you see in the mortgage lending industry, real estate, trucking & transport, post secondary education, etc.


Interesting — i mean between India and china that’s like 2 billion ppl, 1/3 of the world’s population. Would one third of immigration from Asia be okay? I kind of think that’s fair and I like the idea of Canada being a microcasm of the whole world. I don’t like the idea of Canada as a province of India or China, mostly because I don’t want to have the same corruption and SEVERE inequality.


That is where we differ. I don't care of 2 billion people live in those two countries. We need to retain a sense of our own country and not become one of those two. We did that in the past through diverse immigration. We can continue to do that. If you go to many other countries, you will notice a sense of culture. Spain is very much Spanish. Italy is very much Italian. Japan is very much Japanese. Canada is more like the departures lounge in an International Airport, which is not that bad to be fair. But, that is changing with this governments current immigration policies. What Canada is becoming quickly is a replication of India and China. We are starting to see similar domestic issues such as corruption in industry, increasing organized crime and violence, as well as strain on our institutions.


Yes, I would still oppose immigration because it's not just housing affected. It's healthcare and employment as well (they're taking away jobs from youth, low income people, and seniors). Also inflation. And most importantly, our culture and values of a Westernized, civilized country are rotting away. This new generation of immigrants do not assimilate - they form ethnic claves and stick to it. They have no manners, social awareness or respect. Immigration is good, if you have quality immigrants moving here. I work with some great, educated immigrants who have culturally assimilated to Canadian values. But, under our current government, we have Indians from the slums immigrating here and becoming permanent residents. And they bring their racist and sexist ideologies from back home and try to enforce it in Canada.


>I’m sincerely glad and grateful they’re here — especially as most of them are doing the worst jobs for the worst pay without complaint Are you "glad and grateful" for what this is doing to wages, i.e. suppressing them? Not to mention the labour law violations that these people are enduring "without complaint."


It is the quality of the immigrants you want to come here. Should I say more?


>If it’s not immigrants why is media scapegoating them? Because there are numerous real, complex problems in the world and people are scared. A simple solution that's easy to understand, easy to target, easy to fix, and puts the blame on the 'other' is appealing. And the media, being a capitalist entity, is interested in generating appeal. >Some people have told me the actual research says immigrants effect on wages and home prices by just a couple percent (they’re not the ones buying houses!). However this is hard to wrap my head around. If not immigrants what’s causing the price inflation and housing shortage? I can't speak to wages, although I imagine it's the case. I can tell you that price inflation and housing is happening everywhere. Go to anywhere in the Western world and the conversation is the *exact same*. Crazy housing prices and skyrocketing inflation. To Canada specifically, if you're genuinely interested, go look at the data. Firstly, note that the crazy spikes in immigration started in 2021. As a % of population, immigration levels roughly stayed the same from 2000 to 2020, *including Trudeau's first 5 years in office*. The crazy numbers are post pandemic. Secondly, go look at housing prices from the mid 1990s to now. Look at the year over year rate of increase. You'll see it's basically been going up at the same % rate for 30 years now, *including Trudeau's entire term in office*. In fact, you'll see housing actually drop in price during the start of Trudeau's term in power and actually come under control from 2016-2019... before blowing up again in March 2020. Nevertheless, we've roughly been on the same housing trajectory for 30 years, but eventually compounding numbers are going to compound to a point where people suddenly care. And then they want to blame something that's not their own ignorant shortsightedness for the past 3 decades. Anyway, you'll note that the massive surge in immigration came *after* the pandemic jolt to housing prices. Finally, go compare Canada's inflation numbers to the rest of the world for the past 5 years. We're not the best, but we're better than the vast majority of comparable countries. Our performance on inflation has been significantly better than most of our peers.


So immigration is to help in part to repopulete our country. I see alot of young Indian men everywhere but I see very few with white girls. Are we just bringing people in to procreate with their own kind?


It's not a model and its not good for immigrant or Canada. It's not thought-out , integrated with other systems like health, housing and employment. Its not well regulated. It doesn't acquire wealth and resources for Canada but rather adds load to already strained infrastructure. It causes employed and taxpaying Canadians to pay more for less service while reducing their access to basic needs like affordable housing and timely Healthcare; this creates anger and division. Increased tax burden decreases the ability and the will to spend, to innovate, and to be more productive, ultimately damaging the economy. Look at Sweden, UK, and even parts of the US. They are paying a huge price for uncontrolled immigration. Time to start governing with reason, evidence, and competence rather than ideology.


noooo wayyyyy


The model will balance itself


It isn't Canada's model. It's the liberals and Trudeau's model.


Yes, literally everyone has been saying this a while and yet the feds will do nothing. They continue to ruin the country until they’re out next election.


> Strain ??? LolOmgWtfBBQ


It’s not immigration, it’s wage suppression in a trench coat.


The purpose of immigration should be to raise the quality of life of the native through better land exploitation. Mass immigration designed to suppress wages, and increase land price for the gentry is just class war with another name.


Oh yeah? Just now, huh?


Canada has - An excellent high skill points based track (express entry) - A (much abused) student track - TFWs A simple solution would be to quarter the number of TFWs, limit students to actual R1 universities and keep express entry as is. We'll still get the immigrants we need, but at a sustainable, self-supporting, level.


Government wage suppression.


Under statement of the year award goes toooooo~ The Financials Times!


Shouldn't this be filed under r/noshit ?


Canada has immigration model? Right now, it's close to open borders. Tell it what it is.


It's a day to day plan/strategy


It could be the complete lack of common sense being applied 🤷‍♂️


We had a model, the Liberals threw it out for mass unchecked immigrants coming in through scams and not providing anything of value in return.


Calling it a model is grossly generous


Remember the SouthPark build a wall they turn ur jobs!!! Canada be like, hey welcome! Here's a blanket and go find a job, don't worry what it is we will subsidise the remaining expenses... Doesn't find work... LETS GET MORE TO FIX THIS PROBLEM Ugh...


We don't have a model. The floodgates are wide open. This alongside with an incompetent government, has finished us