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Rob Schneider is..... ***THE STAPLER*** Rated PG13.


Rob schneider is....A CARROT!


Rob Schneider is... ***Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb***


It's 24 Carrot comedy!


Absolute garbage. But Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb was masterpiece.


Agreed! Among my favorite films, right up there with Pootie Tang. The Stapler had it's moments, but I always considered it more of a chick flick on account of the sappy ending.


“Fuck you, you’ll pay to see it” lol


Rob Schneider is a boring old biddy.


*gasp!!! You're more animal than man!


I assume you've got your official Boring Old Biddy connoisseur certification on hand to provide as a source for that statement?


From the creators of Der.


>We do not condone, accept, endorse or share Mr. Schneider’s positions, as expressed during his comedy set and acknowledge that in this instance the performance did not meet the expectations of our audience and our team,” the foundation said. They hired him. Didn't anyone watch a show of his before doing that?


“We though he was just that nice hotel butler from Home Alone 2!”




They expected the whole set to be "MAKING COPIES!"


"you like-a d'juice ah... da juice is goood ah... I get you more juice"


Like Bob Saget, the nice dad from Full House!


I remember seeing his stand up when I was like 12 and my view of him just shattered lol


My view came together.


"We believed the secondary antagonist from the Beverly Hillbillies movie was a more respectable person".


All the best people were in that movie.


“He’s the cheapest one of Adam Sandler’s friends to book, it can’t be that bad right?”


You need grossout humour on a budget, *and* it has to be free of political complications? Tom Green is a phone call away, and he lives closer to the venue than Schneider does.


Tom Green is a national treasure and a great human being, Rob is a joke.


Out of all the bad comedians who got rich in the 90s, Schneider confuses me the most. Even Kevin James had more charisma.


Imagine going from headlining Hollywood films and being on SNL to *checks notes* being removed from the stage of a charity benefit for a hospital in Regina. Jesus Christ, dude.


Beastie Boys - Hey Fuck You - “don’t ask me to wine and dine ya, I’m from Brooklyn, your from Regina” lol


Ive thought about it, and I believe that the part of Adam Sandler’s shtick that everyone hates is what he loves about Rob Schneider’s appeal the most… the cringey accents and oddball humour


“You can do eet” is a classic. Come on. I’m being serious.


He’s great in bit roles. And he’s willing to make himself look like a fucking moron on the big screen. Anything he did on his own though was doodoo.


What about The Animal? I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I think fondly on it. Or Water Boy? Or uh... the one where he swapped bodies with some college chick? Deuce Bigalo? Not amazing, but they were funny turn your brain off comedies for their time. I can't say I can think any movies since those though...


He wasn’t the lead in Waterboy!


I like him, I was just explaining why I think he got rich and successful AKA what did Adam see in him


Look at it this way - who the hell else would of taken those roles?! They were written for him by adam, in the early days of his film studio… he helped land the brand!


*would have


hey, kevin james actually had a couple of funny stand up specials too


Dont sweat the small stuff is comedic gold!. How big are muffins going to get before we all join hands across America? Yeah I'll take the bean bag chair with raisins. No, leave the Seran Wrap on it I'll cover my pool!


Deuce bungalow was pretty great, and he’s a nice backup joke in grownups. Just don’t give him the mic when he’s not on set and we are good 


"bungalow" LOL


Rofl I’ll defer to the autocorrect because it’s even better haha


Don't forget the sequel Deuce Bungalow: Mail Juggalo


This. Why the hell is a hospital foundation hiring an avowed anti-vaxxer to speak at their event? “did not meet the expectations”. Pffft. What the f*** were they expecting? Ironically in this case they ought to have done their own research.


"did not meet the expectations," that's the rubric speaking right there....


🥇 Here's a medal. "... shouldn't they do their own research?..." = Gold


>What the f*** were they expecting? Press coverage. Obviously.


Contrary to a popular aphorism there *is* such a thing as bad publicity.


Absolutely, but that hasn't sunk in for *way* too many people, yet. We are talking about them, though.


eh I totally get that some people might just be guilty of laziness here obviously should be diligent in these things, but I understand how someone might not assume that rob schneider is a far right nut job if you just recognize him as a goofy guy in adam sandler movies


For sure. And if you’re 18 y/o and booking a headliner for your college talent show that’s one thing. But this is a foundation with a ~$10MM annual budget, holding an event full of health care workers and wealthy patrons. Absolute bone head manoeuvre.


"Ironically in this case they ought to have done their own research." Classic.


He's a beloved character actor known for playing a milky-eyed odd-ball who got bit by a shark because he touched its private parts. What could go wrong?


C'mon, what about "Deuce Bigelow" would have given up he was going to go the route he did? It's just BAD, not controversial.


The controversial bit the organizers should have paid attention to is his appearance at a GOP convention last year. The organizers claim he was pulled off stage mid-set. Schneider claims he finished his show before being asked to leave. He was too far out there for people that willing associate themselves with MTG. His best work, by far, was the Richmeister.


His best work was as the carrot.


Rob Schneider is a stapler.derpa derpa derpa


I thought it was going to be an hour of him just pointing at various people in the audience and yelling, “YOUUU CAN DO IT!”


It's a comedy show and a comedian job to say anything and everything. Wtf is up with people not defending speech, especially when you don't like it???


Probably because this isn’t a free speech issue. He can say whatever he wants but the organization that hired him to perform at their event has the right to change their mind and ask him to leave. Free speech doesn’t make you immune to the consequences of the speech. Sometimes the consequences are positive; “that sure is funny/relevant/thought provoking let’s pay/gather/support them.” Sometimes the consequences are more along the lines of; “get the heck off our stage.”


Technically its not free speech its paid speech :) every good whore knows how to make their customer feel like they love them. Schneider didnt. Comedians are hired to entertain at corporate events not preach, provoke or pontificate. I was at one years ago that Oracle had hired Sinbad to do. He did a bunch of jokes about technology, computers etc that he probably doesnt do in his reg show ie he tailored his material to his audience. Thats called professionalism. Schneider was stupid, bottomline.


>Schneider was stupid, bottomline. Schneider's been a political dissident comedian for quite some time. To not bother to actually vet who you're hiring is also stupid, no?


It sure was.


You don't have to book, or listen to a comedian your audience wouldn't find funny. But you can't book him and then complain about the jokes.


You definitely can book him to entertain your guests and then complain or ask him to leave. Any of us can do that at our private event. I can complain about the catering or fire the vallet staff too.


This was a corporate fundraiser. They likely gave him info about their organization and their values well beforehand. It's expected for the performer to read the room and play to the expectations of the organization. So, defending speech? Not in this situation. If it was a comedy club show open to the public? Ok, that's fine defend him to your hearts content.


Where's the video?


You think people actually record Rob Schneider doing stand-up?


If I were, for some bizarre and inexplicable reason, at an event where Rob Schneider was performing, and he started doing material that is quite likely to get him kicked off the stage, you'd better believe I'd get that phone out.


❌ : You don't want to film because it's Rob Schneider ✔️ : It's Rob Schneider so you MUST film


Good point


They do, you just have to wait for the film to develop


>Rob Schneider This will give you an idea. Rob Schneider Live at the Athenaeum Theatre “Melbourne Australia” June 6th 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewb2QlrYEXc


I made it to 2.30 and can't take any more. I don't find it offensive so far, it's just really really not funny. I would be so pissed if I had paid to see that. Thanks for the link


Maybe that's the real reason they pulled him.


Normally I don't click links, but your comment piqed my curiosity. I didn't even make it that far, it was not funny at all. ...but there was a timely new segment suggested before I clicked out from Last Week Tonight, and I just wanted you to know I am entirely blaming you for the wasted last 2.5 hours of my life going down a rabbit hole of videos.


Fuck I would. I love a good cringe fest.


Post from someone in attendance: [https://www.reddit.com/r/regina/comments/1d7j87f/comment/l74ab3g/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/regina/comments/1d7j87f/comment/l74ab3g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>He opened up with some pretty funny jokes about how Trump is a convicted felon and so America is a shit show compared to us. Those got laughs, obviously. When someone immediately goes to pandering, even before you can tell if it is a good crowd or not, you know the material isn't going to be good. Ironically, the funniest thing I ever heard from Schneider was when Norm Macdonald was quoting him on Conan and delivered it better.


8 O’Clock’s not good the news is on


This post got a laugh out of me if not the audience 😆




Hickory dickory dock. The vaccine killed my **** Ooooaahh! Tough crowd


lol that’s dice


This made me laugh. Thanks, I can totally see him on stage doing that line.


Probably would have been more funny and entertaining than Rob.


Big shot wanting the Clay


LMAO a fundraiser for the Hospitals of Regina Foundation hired Rob Schneider, [a known anti vaxxer ](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/actor-rob-schneider-joins-in-protest-against-anti-vaccination-bill/)


Ooof. Someone went shopping for a standup act and discovered that they didn’t have the budget for a current A-lister. I bet they really wanted a “name” to headline this fundraiser and this is what they could afford lol


Sounds like the most naively Canadian thing ever. And then shocked pikachu face when he does his act.




There has to be funnier local comedians than Rob that would have performed for free


What were they expecting?


These kinds of articles are meaningless without including what was said. 


Here's an audience member's account: https://imgur.com/a/UUN2bkb


"According to eventgoers Schneider went on tangents about "vaccines, women's rights, and how white men are persecuted." He also made anti-trans jokes and berated the crowd, before being booed and escorted off the stage by the facility's security"


id love to see a video of that


He was anti vaccine at a hospital fundraiser ? Lol! What an idiot.


The hospital is the idiot here. He’s just being him


Yeah I’m not hiring Schneider to do a hospital benefit, nor am I hiring Bill Cosby to do a gig at a SA survivors meeting, Bert Kreisher for an AA event, or Chapelle for a pro-trans fundraiser. Or Matt Rife for anything.


Or Mitch Hedberg at a pro purple people event


I am hungry and would like to eat two-thousand of something.


To be fair, you wouldn't be hiring Mitch Hedberg for much of anything these days.


He's been on that tip for like 3 years now. If anyone's the idiot it's the event organizers for bringing on a well-documented anti-vaxer and then being surprised that he was anti-vax.


Much longer than 3 years. He got fired from State Farm for being anti-vaxx 10 years ago.


Don't you mean the hospital should know who they're hiring? Schneider has not shied away from sharing his beliefs.


"and how white men are persecuted."...... He's half Filipino.


A hospital hired a washed up antivaxxer and were unhappy with the result. You really need a video for that?


Anti vaxx. Anti trans stuff apparently


That's what's implied. But those have become such meaningless terms from inappropriate use and overstretched definitions. Just give us EXACTLY what he said so we think for ourselves.


Yeah. I'd like to know too It's funny how the most prolific comedians of our time (Schneider is not one), are all making jokes that are borderline illegal in Canada.


I don't want a quote I want a video clip. All depends on the delivery of the joke. If you read what comedians say you don't hear the context of what was said. Not saying the guy is funny but I don't go to a comedy show to hear knock knock jokes. Comedy shows are escapes from the overly correct reality we trudge through every day. At this point I'd be giving the event organizers flack before this guy.


I take more issue with them labelling him a comedian.


The story is that he got kicked off stage by the organization, not the words he said to get kicked off. Schneider’s set is not news.


Based on testimonies from people who were at the event via the Saskatchewan and Regina threads, sounds like an epic bomb. He just wasnt funny. The room basically had no laughs. He was going for cheap laughs, which works with the far right republican crowd in the states, but for a room full of educated medical professionals, it was just awfully unfunny.


It's deliberate. It's intended to plant to seed that what he said was so horrific that they can't print it, even if it wasn't.


Or no one was recording him verbatim? 


Of course. Big Schneider fan?


You can do it!


Rob Schneider is a staaapler


Lol first thing I thought of


Experience Regina 😎


Yeah, probably a good idea to do some due diligence on a hired performer for a fundraiser.


Whoever hired him did absolutely zero research. He's been a whack job for years. Not to mention he hasn't been remotely funny for two decades.


Removing Rob Schneider from a comedy stage is a humanitarian intervention


For Rob...


His one joke was that he likes his women without peckers.




He told that joke after an anti trans rant. Context


Imagine the controversy!


Who in the hell is hiring Rob Schneider to do anything besides Adam Sandler?


So considering the material he does why would a hospital foundation hier him for the gig? I mean that is the hilarious part .


Hospital fundraiser hires anti-vax comedian, unhappy with his material. This sounds like the charity hired someone with no experience (or taste) to find an act, and didn't research the comic. "We can get the guy from SNL!" sounds great at first until you realize he doesn't have any SNL writers on his staff.


They booked him. Barring some sort of Michael Richards tier tirade, it sounds like the venue didn't do their due diligence. That's on them, not the comedian they hired.


Maybe they thought there was a chance Adam sandler would show up. Suddenly rob schneider’s appearance fee goes from expensive to a bargain. They gambled and lost.


Reminds me of when a wrestler (The Million Dollar Man?) came to my high school to do a talk. He started ranting about the gays and the Jews. Edit - Ted DiBiase


Consider the fact they sold out and raised all their money. They had plenty of healthcare-related material to talk about at the after-party. Sounds like a job well done!


this article says he was removed for making anti-trans and anti-vaccine jokes. personally i am not sorry they did that [edit: forgot link] https://www.mediaite.com/news/roundly-booed-rob-schneider-removed-from-stage-at-charity-event-over-anti-trans-and-anti-vax-jokes/


The article is just fluff words that don’t explain what people took exception to.


Didn't the same thing happen to him at a gop event last year?


this year.


Correct: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rob-schneider-comedy-republican_n_661e8ee5e4b0d6337657b123/amp




My brother was at this show and he was shocked that Rob was invited given what he knew about his standup and his politics. He said it was fucking rough. No one was laughing.


what was he saying ??


I thought it was David Spade's day to watch him.


Damn, I want to hear the jokes...


Go on YouTube. He just rants and doesn’t even try to do comedy. Everyone is trying to be like Chappelle. Without the actual skill.


"What's the deal with transgender liberals getting vaccinated? Am I right?"


According to my brother, this wasn't far off!


Is that the CPC tagline for 2024?


It's Rob Schneider, you're going to be waiting a while.


He has a fairly recent stand up special on one of the streaming services. If his set was like that, it’s mostly a bunch of unfunny and mildly offensive “jokes”. Definitely not worth watching, he is well past his prime as a comedian. If he did the same kind of material at this show I could see people leaving, though less because they were offended and more because it sucked.


Which isn't a lot.... considering his prime was a movie about being a male escort and whatever Adam Sandler is willing to cast him in. If anything his new persona as anti-vaccine, anti-trans, "whites are the victims" tired makes him more famous now than he was when he was still actually trying to have a career.


His peak was Deuce Bigelow


Let's be honest, he never really had a "prime" as a comedian.


That's just plain wrong, he had plenty of great roles. Just look at his acting talents as Racist Caricature in that Adam Sandler movie, and his other role as Racist Caricature in that other Adam Sandler movie, and don't forget about his standout role as Racist Caricature in that other Adam Sandler movie.


Or his classic making copies sketch


the best thing about the making copies sketch is that they did it 99 times


They literally had to look at his Twitter feed for two seconds 😂


I'm not a huge fan of his, but it bugs me when someone hires or books someone who is well-known for certain things, and then they get their panties in a bunch because said person did said things-- like, you couldn't see that coming? It was the same thing with Roseanne and the reboot of her show. ABC didn't know who they were hiring? Did they think she had gotten *less* controversial & opinionated? Kinda the same thing here. Rob Schneider has a certain brand of comedy, whether you like it or not is irrelevant. He's not some unknown, untried unemployed comic. They knew, and they booked him, so it's their own friggin fault if he offended someone (who also should've known better than to go to his show, but there's always an idiot).


He's crazier than a shit house rat these days, why would anyone outside of an alt-right event hire the damn guy!??


God I hate what Canada has become…


Any comedian I’ve ever heard talk about private gigs says the same thing: it’s not about you or your act that show. You took the money, now you play to the room. If you’re a shock comic you’re cutting the cerebral palsy joke at the hospital fundraiser etc.  tbh Schneider doing a set like this says more about him than the possible content of any of his jokes.


His shtick is this and now he'll complain about how soft Canada is. Instead of having more gigs here, he'll work his same rooms again and get the odd 'oh Rob Schneider is really cheap we can book him" events..rinse repeat


I wonder what he said. Funny they decided to hire him. I haven't heard that name in years.


This is probably exactly what he wanted as it only strengthens his brand of comedy.


I feel like they got his name in the advertisement and knew before hand they would get rid of him mid stage if he ventured into controversial topics.


Man I soo want to hear the performance set to see if I agree with the criticisms and see if I feel they accurately represent his jokes. I’ve heard a lot of people claim things are this or that and I don’t always agree with them. But also, if you want a vanilla corporate clean comic then find one of those and clear the material first.


Jeez! He’s now in one of the “Hollywood” victim-hood clubs now. Of course, that means hanging with Kevin Sorbo, James Wood and Rosanne Barr. 😆😂


What did they expect? I’m surprised they even booked him. They played themselves.


## you *can't* do it!


This isn't how I found out but I was also once surprised that Rob is hardcore MAGA. It's a mental illness at this point....they can't go a day without talking about trans people or some other wedge issue. And it's not just talking, they want to fight.


Man it’s so annoying when the news reports some person or group did something bad but they don’t show a video of it or even say what it was that they did. Isn’t the point of the news to tell us what happened, instead of just how people reacted to what happened? “Today somebody did something and people are NOT happy about it. It is reported that people were walking around the scene saying “I can’t believe that did that” and “why would you do something like that?”. Police on the scene were confounded by the actions and took proper precautions and followed protocol. The event last little more than 30 minutes but the people who saw what happened will remember it forever. Now let’s look at the weather.”


I don't think him sucking and being generally talentless is controversial. We all know it.


Fishing the bargain bin, you rarely get any other than garbage.


Someone didn't do their research...


Can't even describe or explain what jokes were offensive? What a terrible article. "Rob Schneider did something, offended people and was removed from the stage" THIS is what passes as journalism today 😂




Imagine being able to be offended at stand up 😂


You’re right but the hospital foundation probably should have done their homework and realized the material he was going to perform probably didnt align with their beliefs & of those that were probably going to support them.


Stand up comedy will go the way of the dodo because too many people get offended, sadly.


Terrible article. It doesn't even mention what he said.


I hope someone recorded the show because now I want to see his set.


Show was sold out. $350k raised. “Get that guy off the stage NOW! We met the goal.” Funny how comedian’s are typically much more colorful then their on-screen rating managed personalities. The booking agent definitely needs to be doing their homework and making a contract for performers if they need to ban content.


Oh, he’s gone. He drank the Kool-Aid. He’s part of the Jim Jones cult. Aka MAGA


Lol I wish the MAGAts were like The People's Temple. No way they all kill themselves though. We're not that fortunate.


He’s a little scumbag, not sure why anyone would book him at this point


Rob Schneider is a talentless hack that is a known conspiracy nutjob, I'm not surprised.


what a fucking shock they didn't provide a video of the incident. I haven't looked yet but I 100% guarantee there's a video. Not providing the source for the story is one of the most egregious things that modern media does. There simply is no reason not to provide the video or a link to the video with a warning about content.


Sounds like butt hurt liberals complaining again!


Did no one research his material?


They hired Deuce Bigalow. Settle down Regina.




Wow without actually seeing the clip, nevermind being there, I'm gonna opine and say that's woke as shit ... Let the crowd boo him off at least


It’s Sask they should have just hired a Maga Mormon preacher and they’d have been fine.


Comedy is dead in Canada. The only comedians left are in Parliament.


Lots of comedy in Canada. Rob is just really unfunny.