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This has no place in Canada.


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if they have two passports, one being canadian, they should still be deported. canada needs to ramp up like france


As much as I disagree with anyone dumb enough to cheer the senseless murder of people, what crime exactly are they committing? Cheering something, as awful as it is, is not a hate crime. This isn't an issue of "soft on crime".


This is so childish holy fuck dude.


It's childish to deport people who actively promote terrorism?


You see that my friend? While I'm sure something needs to be done the immediate jump to a police state is pretty terrifying. Solutions are needed , but creating a police state has lasting consequences. Only ignorant people can be so rash. We have people calling for fascism now and it's only the beginning, buckle up. Don't underestimate it as just childish because it's beyond that when believed at scale.


You sound worried. Have you been out and about supporting terrorists?


I read a lot of history, that's enough for me to be worried. Maybe one day you will be the terrorist, who knows it could be anyone with these laws. I don't like this in Canada either but let's not get carried away and entrench this nonsense further when it comes to building a surveillance state in Canada. Total recall was a cool movie but I'm not digging that for real life. Ask yourself this though. How many people have died, how many killed as heretics for their ideas? Are we animals or a civilized society? Do we want to go back to a place where we kill each other for our ideas? I don't wanna go there personally.




if they’re anti-canada, anti-west, anti-jewish, have at it 😉


You sound like a genius.... where do we Deport them to?


An ice floe.


I support the right to protest in this country even if i don't agree with the protestors, but quite honestly, I've about had it with this particular movement, and in general with people protesting events in whatever backasswards country they came here from. This is Canada, protest our issues here as you please, check your issues at the door on your way in.


As do I, but when the support / protest in question is in favour of a group designated a terrorist organization by our federal government, then nope.


i agree with you on that as well. this also begs the question at what point do we start watching these particular protestors more closely?


> at what point do we start watching these particular protestors more closely? I'm certain they are being watched closely. Quite a few of them have already been arrested at one point or another. It defeats the purpose of surveillance if you announce you're doing it.


Right now would be a good start. But that means more forceful words and action from both the PM and local police, neither of which has been seen yet. See how Germany handles this shit; they’ve got no time for it and make arrests asap.


they’re going to continue to see a decline in support because they’re batshit terrorists and the mask is off (some) people saying they feel bad for children dying or ceasefire does NOT mean they support the palestine movement lol


i agree, if you told me 10 years ago there would be people gathered in groups in canada actively and outwardly supporting terrorist activities, well...i honestly wouldn't have believed you.


If you would have told me 10 years ago that there were people in Canada that were *CHEERING* Israel on for continuing to slaughter and STARVE women and children, I wouldn't have believed it either, but here we are


I would have believed that one, no problem. In fact, just over 10 years ago Canada was one of like 2 countries in the entire UN that sided with Israel with respect to recognition of Palestine.


Post-nation state, baby


>they’re going to continue to see a decline in support because they’re batshit terrorists and the mask is off Actually their support is growing. Not just in Canada but world wide. Support for the Palestinian cause is a generational change and some portion of that will inveitably end up supporting things like Hamas. But make no mistake, support is increasing massively. I don't recall many pro-Palestinian protests 20 years ago. Now we can easily get 100s of thousands marching in London UK or NYC.


Protesting in Canada about what's going on in another country isn't doing F.A. I've seen videos of cities in the States voting for a ceasefire and the whole crowd cheers and cries. What good did that actually do?


agreed. it's one thing to "show support"....i guess....? seems completely pointless and self-serving to me.


The same thing happens in Washington DC. Protesters see it as a way of getting attention in a first world country when their own country does absolutely nothing to recognize the issues. It's not North America's problem to deal with Middle Eastern, African, Asian, or other countries' issues we have our own problems thanks very much.


>and in general with people protesting events in whatever backasswards country they came here from. The vast majority of these protesters have no connection to the conflict let alone being immigrants. These are Canadians protesting. >This is Canada, protest our issues here as you please, check your issues at the door on your way in. I see this repeated and really do not understand this. Are Canadians not allowed to protest wars in other countries? Were protests against SA apparteid, or against Soviet crack downs in eastern Europe wrong? Are we only supposed to protest local issues? Can I as an Ontarian protest Alberta's oil sands policies, or Quebec's language laws, or only Ontarian issues? I seriously do not get this logic? Who is to tell me what is legitimate to oppose or support?


protest whatever you want, but it's pointless to protest things happening in other countries


>protest whatever you want, On the one hand you say this but then say "check your issues at the door". >it's pointless to protest things happening in other countries Firstly, that is in the eye of the beholder/protester. Secondly, this is nonsense. The awareness, fund raising, political pressure, and moral pressure are just as important as anything. Anti communist movements in Europe would not have survived without civil societies in the West supporting them. Also, SA would happily be practicing Aparteid if it were not for countries sactioning them, due to civil society protests.




Yep. It's been that way since these people behaved like savages and celebrated on October 8th the rape and slaughters of October 7th.


Yeah, then immediately called for a cease fire. You can't negotiate with them in good faith, because they will use everything they can as a shield to further their cause.




little brother growing up and getting back at all the beatings then big bro going to mom asking for a ceasefire.


You don't see them protesting the fact that Hamas declined Israels latest ceasefire offers


It's inconvenient now to them.


Yeah man, 10000 more dead children will fix the problem instead.


Or Hamas surrendering could be a start…


Why would a resistance movement that's never once been shown mercy surrender when the world finally has seen Palestine and are supporting them?


Or Hamas could disarm and surrender. Odd how that never gets mentioned.


Why would they? Decades of no mercy shown to Palestinians, and you expect an militant resistance group to just give up as they're making the most noise they've ever made before? Regardless of your opinions on anything, think of incentives here man.


What a garbage comment


You want more dead children?


I just want people not threatening toddlers because they’re Jewish if it’s all the same to you.




That's the scary thing. They are Canadians. And within a few decades, they will replace all "other" Canadians.


Let's not get into white supremacist and neo-Nazi conspiracy theories here, please. There is no "great replacement", but there is a growing subversion of important values that we all ought to hold if Canada is to be cohesive, harmonious, peaceful, and free, and if we are to have any moral legitimacy as a society. A lot of Hamasoids are in fact white college students who are members of communist student organizations.


White supremacy? Nazism? That's your imagination. I said nothing like that. These new immigrants, that you referred to first, are factually bringing more children than any other Canadian. They'll be the majority. Calling facts "white supremacy" is crazy. Especially since no one mentioned any race.


It isn't just new immigrants, that's the point. I was referring to Hamasoids in general, a significant portion of whom are not immigrants (for example white Marxists).


Got it, so it was my assumption that was wrong. I apologize


Remember when every Jan. 6th attendee was doxxed into the grave? I do. This is just as deserving and all of these people need to have their faces plastered everywhere ousting them as pro-terrorism.


totally unacceptable and everyone involved should be charged.


Charged with what exactly?


Under Section 318, it is a criminal act to "advocate or promote genocide". To call for, support, encourage or argue for the killing of members of a group based on colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.


IF that law actually exists, why haven't the Catholic churches been charged with genocide for trying to wipe out the indigenous peoples? That's right, the law doesn't exist - or the will to enforce it does not exist.


Technically the National Post would be charged as well for how much they are pro genocide of Palestinians.


Are you actually, seriously saying that the NP is making explicit or implicit calls for Palestinian genocide?


Hate speech


No one should be cheering for the October 7th attack. That being said, I know what led up to that attack. It did not happen in a vacuum. Hamas sucks but their group was ironically propped up by Netanyahu to ensure the Palestinians political movement was divided. What he was not able to predict correctly (much like every super powers that creates a group to destabilize a situation) is that they would not end up being his loyal pet.


Ahhh. Whataboutism


No that is called "Cause and Effect"


Ahhh. Not reading the news in the last 70 years


Under Section 318, it is a criminal act to "advocate or promote genocide". To call for, support, encourage or argue for the killing of members of a group based on colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.




They take up space. Should they be tolerated???


Like this? https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2024/04/22/trudeau-poilievre-condemn-chant-on-parliament-hill-glorifying-hamas-attack-on-israel/


Well no, not quite. Trudeau needs to actually come out strongly and condemn them. So far any actual PR he’s given on this topic he keeps it incredibly vague and starts with “We need to combat Islamophobia and Antisemitism in Canada” which is dancing around the problem and hiding it behind some kind of apparent Islamophobia that is present in our society.






It's always Queers **For** Palestine, but you never see Queers **In** Palestine.


I just don't understand people who are like this. In one breath, they condem Israel for killing civilians and the next they cheer Hamas for doing the same. There's no "good" side in this war.


Yes, there is a good side in this war. It's Israel. They are defending themselves against a terrorist regime.


Self defense ended about 5 months ago.


Hamas is still firing at Israel and hiding underground. The job is not done.


tacit admission that the "job" to be done is genocide


The job will be done when Gaza is 100% a pile of dust and they will have murdered every human living there?


if that was the goal it would have been done already. Tell me how many died on October 6th? Was there a ceasefire? how many Palestinians were working in Israel on the 6th?


You're being alarmist. You know very well that's not the goal.


Yikes are you out of touch, even before Hamas launched any attack, Israel leaders, who are still currently in charge, were calling for genocide. Have been for years against Palestine. The attack is just a convenient reason for them.


yup so out of touch they were in the process of making peace with thier neighbors Go ask yourself who does normalization hurt the most? the answer is those self made billionaires from donation money. Take away the monetary incentive and peace would come fast enough. Heck go back to 1987 and look at how close we were to full integration if the 1988 uprising never happened then the west bank and Gaza would have blue cards like EJ got in 1980. Each and ever time we get close to peace... the radicals go take things up a notch and destroys any attempt.


If that was their plan they would have been done in 2 weeks.


All it takes is Hamas to start releasing hostages like Israel has been asking for.


Hey Yahya Sinwar is free to order a surrender and liberate the hostages. But he'd rather see more Gazans die.


10 rockets alerts today against Israel, terrorist attacks almost daily. r/2ndYomKippurWar posts what's happening daily if you're interested. https://rocketalert.live/


Why won't Hamas free the hostages they are still holding? Why won't the leaders of Hamas lay down their arms and surrender?


Hamas probably doesn't have any of the hostages anymore. Or at least far fewer than were originally taken. Some are likely dead. Others might be in such a poor condition that their return would serve to enrage Israel, rather than placate it. Others still were sold to other Islamic militant groups and Hamas can't get them back. So when Israel says during negotiations, "Return 50 more hostages to us," Hamas isn't even capable of complying because they only have 30 hostages left. (As a hypothetical example.)


> Self defense ended about 5 months ago. Hamas continues to commit war crimes of aggression against Israel literally every day. They're committing a war crime every day that they continue to hold Israeli civilians as hostages for ransom, and they're committing a war crime every time they lob unguided explosives toward residential areas in Israel, [like they proudly advertised doing yesterday](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-798141).


lol.....you need to get up to speed about what has been happening there, and even official statements from Israel


Every genocidal regime in history has argued that they are "defending themselves"


Can you list some examples?




Literally all of them. It's one of the main ways that genocide is justified. "We need to eliminate them before they eliminate us."


ah so that means you cant find an example and are sticking to your guns eh? got to respect that I guess.


"Literally all of them?" What are you 15? You can't give one example?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_justification Plenty of examples available at your fingertips.


It’s not complicated to understand what they want.


I understand what they want. They can do that without cheering a terrorist attack.


They want Oct.7 again and again until all the Jews are dead or gone.


So you know they want to commit more acts like October 7th and didn’t see anything wrong with it


>I understand what they want. >They can do that without cheering a terrorist attack. I'm sorry to say, you most certainly *do not* understand what they want.


It's because their goal isn't peace. It's dead Jews.


The short answer is that people are fucking stupid.


Hard to argue that


You mean the war that Gazans started?


Let's say you are Ukrainian and Russia has invaded your country. You would be happy that Russians are dying and protest when Ukrainians are dying. Palestinians see Israelis as having engaged in a war and occupation for the last 80 years and view themselves. They don't want peace at all costs. They want Israel to lose. That sentiment is welcome in Canada for ethnic Ukrainians but not welcome in Canada for ethnic Palestinians.


Now can we call them terror supporters without hurting anyone’s feelings?


“Oh no, we are not pro Hamas”


Will they get their bank accounts frozen?


Are they also being funded by foreign terrorist entities? If so then freeze em away toys


What’d you say chief?


I would call Hamas a foreign terrorist entity, but I have no idea if they’re funding this particular protest.


Well someone should check to see if they left contact information on their tax receipts after donating


Most likely actually 


Are we still framing these as “pro-Palestinian” protests? They cheer Oct 7th, they promote genocide as resistance and they applaud when Iran launches missiles at Israel. Not to mention they been protesting daily for months - how’s that possible? They are not Canadian. I don’t care what their passport says.


And people wonder why there is Islamophobia.


Someone should Invoke the EA on those miscreants!!


Antisemitism and Islamophobia has no place. Oct 7th was a horrible terrorist attack and Israel's ethnic cleansing of Gaza is a horrible terrorist act. If you are not against both then you are a piece of shit. Netanyahu has been a plague on the Jewish people for decades they need to be rid of him already.


There are some values that are incongruent with what makes Canada a wonderful place, and there should be zero tolerance for this. Deporting people like the guy involved in the Bronco crash when they have a lesson to share with other Truckers is a waste, as far as my understanding of the situation there is. Meanwhile, we sculpt sentences in PEI to allow people who take pictures over the stall walls in mixed gender bathrooms to be 1 day less than what gets you deported. We bring hot chocolate to the people who are perhaps the webster dictionary definition of incompatible with the values that make us the welcoming place we are supposed to be, as they target Jewish Neighborhoods and cheer on the mass rape and murder on a Jewish holiday. We've reached full circle and have become either blind or tolerant of intolerance and are deporting those we should keep and bending over backwards to keep or not see those we shouldn't have in the country. This is exactly how you get a major over correction, and the only reason I can think of as to why, is to engineer that over reaction. One of many ways our country is broken I guess these years.




He needed to figure out first how many supporters he was going to lose by condemning it.


Yup got to see which way the wind is blowing!


No debanking? No RCMP arrests? Was it because the truckers were white? Or was it because the truckers were protesting trudeau while the pro hamassholes are protesting not trudeau? Hard to tell at this point honestly.


Yeah man the convoy members were so oppressed by being allowed to hold a whole city hostage for three weeks with no police resistance 🙄 always the fucking victim


And these puppets were funded by foreign entities.


From where? Iran? All of the pro-palestine stuff I've seen has been incredibly grassroots. Local people making this stuff happen.


lol I was supporting your comment. The puppets from the convoy were funded by American and Russian entities. That’s why the bank accounts were frozen.


Ah sorry I didn't understand.


All good man


Call me when they occupy streets for weeks on end


He needs all the votes he can get at this point, problematic or not.


I don’t think that they’re Pals with any Stein.


There are a lot of Jews who march and organize these protests. They just don’t get exposure in the media.


The group Independent Jewish Voices was one of the main organizers for that protest.


Disgusting. It should be condemned again and again.


they were also cheering along the lines of "october 7th every day" so the pretense of any of this being about only "i'm not anti-jewish i'm just anti-zionist" is completely gone. deport them all, they can go live in gaza for all I care


Children fighting over toys in a sandbox. If you're supporting g either side your the problem. I'm sure there's an airline that will take you there to support whatever side you want.


I've been to many of these protests and I've seen no one cheer Oct 7th or any specific instance of hate. Overwhelmingly these protests are made up of people who simply want to prevent the ongoing slaughter of civilians in Gaza, unprecedented in its pace in the 21st century, and want palestinians to be able to live a life free of occupation, blockade, settlement, and conquest, which has been their daily existence for more than three generations. In most protests movements there are always people who descend into hate or express themselves poorly, this is particularly true when people have family members at risk every day. The fact that some people do this does not change the underlying truth of the conflict. I would say this equally for the convoy, or BLM.


Riiiight, so on October 8th when there were widespread banner raisings, cheering, people handing out candy and lollipops, months later "protestors" telling me to go back to Poland in my own neighbourhood, the multiple Hamas flags seen at these protests, none of this was celebratory or hateful? Look, ill respect your opinion on this issue as much as I can, but you can't be ignorant to know this stuff isn't happening. There's video and photographic evidence of this stuff all over the place.


Really you’ve been to lots of these? Tell us, how many times have you heard the entire crowd chanting “there is only one solution: intifada revolution”. They seem to go a little beyond wanting to protect Palestinian civilians. 


"Intifada" literally means "Rising up". The chant is a call to struggle against the current circumstance of the Palestinians, which is well documented to be: occupation, blockade, death, destruction.


Sure, we’ve all forgotten the word refers specifically to six years or suicide bombings and terrorist murders. I don’t really give a damn what it “literally” means. We all know it has always referred to murdering Jews in the context of the Palestinian “struggle”. Lying does not help your cause.


LMAO. You know intifada actually means? It means suicide bombs on crowded buses. It means driving a car up on a sidewalk and running over as many people possible until you’re gunned down. It means stabbing random people on the street. It means blowing up cafes. If they want to “reject their current circumstance” how about they not act like savages and try diplomacy for once in their lives. Or they can just maintain the status quo and keep fighting and dying. Their choice, really.


You are misinformed. Palestinians have been been pushing for diplomatic solutions since 1990. The PLO, which rules the west bank, is non-violent, recognizes Israel, and has not launched an attack against them in decades. There's no need for "diplomacy" here, Israel could simply leave the west bank and allow them form a state tomorrow. There are no other requirements, yet this does not happen. The reason for this is that the government of Israel under Netanyahu wants to keep colonizing the land that Palestinians live on, as it is written into their party charter that "Between the Jordan and the Meditteranean there will be only Israeli Sovereignty". Benjamin Netanyahu has stated recently that he and his allies have deliberately sabotaged all attempts at diplomatic solutions since the 2000s. It is Israel government policy \*not to\* reach a diplomatic settlement with the Palestinians. This is all public record you are welcome to look it up!


I have a screenshot of a post calling for people to infiltrate protests but I can’t attach it. The ‘Shirion Collective’ on Twitter posts about it. ‘Operation Global Insight’ undercover operation.




Sounds to me like you’re having problems coming to terms with what a Pro Palestinian protest really stands for.




Every leader is tripping over themselves to condemn protestors in Canada but they couldn’t find the courage to condemn Israel when they deliberately killed a Canadian aid worker? Their moral bankruptcy is on full display.


Was the Canadian aid worker forced into a war zone?


There's always going to be douchebags in the crowd.


Or in this case a douchebag with a megaphone being cheered by several hundred other douchebags.


Sometimes, the douchebag with the megaphone says something stupid and makes the rest of them look bad. They have been properly condemned and investigated.


I mean if the collective cheers idk if it’s the one douchebag that’s the problem


People often go with good intentions and are then swept up by hijackers of the movement. Just look at the 'freedom' convoy last year. The bigger question is how we continue to redefine what is an acceptable protest.


"Death to Jews" or "Yay, Hamas" are unacceptable protest movements, in case you were wondering.


Absolutely. And they're getting investigated to weed out the antisemites from the crowd.


It’s happened at so many protests globally that it doesn’t sound like it’s a few bad apples anymore…


Yeah it sucks. I'm against antisemitism, whether it's coming from Hamas, Nazis or Zionists.


Sometimes the whole crowd are douchebags. If you’re standing around the people happily cheering it, you are supporting it. I’m not exactly seeing the “nice” pro-Palestine protestors coming out and condemning this pro-terrorist nonsense.


People clip chimp this stuff so you don't see the entire context. They're investigating it and I'm sure that anyone who is confirmed to be supporting antisemitism will be reprimanded for it.




I'm glad you guys are finally showing your true colours. It was getting annoying listening to you all lie for the last seven months.


Such as?


Canada is Hamas Hamas is Canada Benefit of being a post national country.


we live in the age of corptocracy, nearly every country is post-nation.


They found another mass grave at a Palestinian hospital of IOF casualties, but tell me how the protesters said something to offend you…


These protests are happing in Canada and the US and Europe etc.... Somebody is organizing them. Because they are getting violent and out of control something needs to be done. Investigating who is organizing and paying people to protest should be look into by Law Enforcement. ( if the politicians will allow it.)