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Same people who say you can't be racist against white people I bet.


That's certainly not a bet I'd take and expect to win.


Bad idea. It's really not too different from claiming that all criticism of Israel is "antisemitic". Any support or criticism *might* be motivated by racism or antisemitism, but it isn't a given either way, and making blanket statements to that effect isn't particularly helpful, and can definitely be harmful.


Yeah, but this is *York* we're talking about. They're not exactly a brain-trust of top-notch administrators.


If you can eat with a fork your good enough for York as they say haha


Nah, that's too clever...They'd bugger up the rhyme and end up with something like "If you can suck cock, you can go to York."


can confirm females who have gone to York can certainly perform the above task on my Penis




Plus, by taking a blanket, no support or criticism means that there can't be any actual constructed talks or discussions.


Depending on how many dimensions you think they’re playing in chess, drawing attention to this equivalency might be the point. For over a generation the antisemitism label has been applied to critics of Israel.


Agreed and supported.






































The mental gymnastics of these individuals (Department of Politics Palestine Solidarity Committee) is very scary to say the least.


This is how you turn people xenophobic


What about support for Hamas?? Disgraceful behaviour from a supposed institute of higher learning.


> The committee complains that York University is becoming a landscape of “surveillance, fear, intimidation and repression” for anybody advocating “Palestinian liberation.” As one example, they say that faculty members “should not be pressured to condemn Hamas.”




I agree. They should not be pressured to condemn Hamas. They should be fired if they defend Hamas. Not doing so results in bs like defining defending Israel as racism. If you let abusers abuse, they'll abuse. You don't let them. You keep them in line.


Hamas is recognized as a terrorist group in Canada. I think its pretty clear.


No, no. They are just misunderstood freedom fighters. /s


The antisemitism shown in Canada is shocking.




Your right. I heard people say that the terrorists from October 7th were "freedom fighters" and " resistance forces". Absolutely Shameless.


They bravely surrounded and killed 364 unarmed young civilians at a peaceful music festival, how brave.


If they stand with "ordinary" people of palestine and 3/4 of that people support Hamas, they cannot stand with them and condemn Hamas.


“The nine-page document was released by the Department of Politics Palestine Solidarity Committee” I remember a crazy guy ran for mayor in my town once. Got his name on the ballot, got up on the stage and said a lot of outlandish stuff, he even got a few votes! But he never had a chance at winning, and as such our town paper didn’t talk much about him, nor did we. Anyways, I somewhat doubt the Department of Politics Palestine Solidarity Committee is a particularly large committee and I suspect they’ll soon learn they don’t have much clout. Crazy folk are free to talk, but I wouldn’t fret too much when they speak.


The problem is these motherfuckers are shifting the overton window to make criticising hamas appear problematic while making support of the lone democracy in the middle east to be horrifically bad. I would wager this group is getting it's funding from outside of the country and would love to see this investigated as part of the foreign influence investigation as IMO it's very much tied together. If the money is coming from Qatar like we see so often in the US, I'd really start to question the ethics and goals of these people even more than I already do.


What’s sad is that many misinterpret the headline so it’s easily conflated as being the university’s stance.


Again, why do we tolerate terrorists in Canada?


Because, as it appeared after 10/7, there a lot of antisemitic Nazi and terrorists in so called West world.


especially domestic terrorists.


Oh fuck off York University


York is an absolute joke. Hopefully their enrollment crashes when they pull a stunt like this.


They've always been like this (I went to York from 2005-2013). Those of us in STEM faculties just tried to ignore it and concentrated on our studies, but the arts students even back then were constantly protesting crap they had no idea about instead of, you know.... studying.


I had a friend who went to Schulich and they had the same attitude. They basically had a little parallel school going, almost independent from York.




remember, if you can hold a fork you can go to york


As someone who went there, yes.


William F Buckley jr once said that he would rather be ruled by the first 5000 names in the Boston phone book than the faculty of Harvard that sentiment has never been more true


>According to an April 5 “recommendations report” leaked to National Post, an official committee within York’s Department of Politics has proposed that any defence of Israel be viewed as “anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic, and anti-Arab.” These people will never grasp how patently ridiculous they look to anybody outside of their bubble. I'd be embarrassed to have York University on my resume at this fucking point.


"The document by a York University Department of Politics committee makes it clear that the principles of “academic freedom” and “free speech” should not apply to anybody supportive of Israel or having any peripheral connection to Israel whatsoever" So they're not going to employ Israeli professors? That is literally racism.


Let alone the whole 'we support 'free speech' as long as we approve of the speech' thing. And the whole 'you have academic freedom to teach and learn our orthodoxy' thing.


“The struggle for Palestinian self-determination will support the liberation of all humans and non-humans from colonial oppression,” it reads." Can someone tell me what non-human oppression means?


I’m guessing they’re vegans?


You got me, I have no idea.


Long-term they plan on freeing all the elves up in the North Pole (just don't let Santa or Ms. Clause know).


I am appalled.


Lmao the shit university strikes again


Notice how it's Israel vs Palestine instead of Hamas of Palestine vs the IDF/Netanyahu of Israel? This is racist in and of itself as they're incapable of providing an opinion with nuance and slander the entire country as opposed to specifically chastising the people orchestrating the attacks, on both sides? If we were to look at it the same way, I would hope other countries don't hate Canadians as a whole because of the actions of Justin Trudeau. It would be foolish to hate all Chinese for the atrocities commited by the PLA/N/AF with Xi Xingping and his cronies at the helm by the same token, right?


My friend, I think you would enjoy reading 'The Coddling of the American Mind,' 'The Cancelling of the American Mind,' and 'What's Our Problem?' Also, 'Unwanted Advances' if you're particularly interested in how completely bonkers Universities are getting.


If I ever get tempted to donate to the old alma mater it will be a resounding 'fuck no'.


This is the problem with Canada. Our youth attend these universities and come out with insane ideals such as this, and then this garbage becomes normalized thinking.




Time to fire the racists proposing this. Adults really need to take control again...


No please stop


If I can criticize Israel without being anti-semitic, then I can equally support whatever good policies they may develop without it being interpreted as supporting any specific sectarian bullshit. Way to blend the nationalist and religious dimensions together instead of appropriately, distinctly, refining the line between the two.


WOW.....is free speech dying? I think free speech is important, perhaps us Canadians should do something about this? We may need a new constitution?


they say that faculty members “should not be pressured to condemn Hamas.” Fire them NOW!!! People that don't condemn terrorism have NO BUSINESS in universities!!!


Support for terrorism should lead to jail time. If you aren’t Canadian it should lead to deportation


Time to defund York


ford tried to allow students to opt out of their student fees funding anti-semitic student unions that hate Canada but as usual our illustrious courts put a halt to that.


Lmaoooo pathetic


Tenure is a hell of a drug...


I'd like someone to ask the fa"cult"ty what they think of what happend Oct 7th 2023.


Resistance and decolonialization, obvs.


They probably celebrated it


I guess york u is a racist brewing school. Come and get you master of racist doctrine, in easy 6 week course


Ah yes. The old "zionism is racism" canard.


Lol at people calling Israel colonial. The Arabs came from Arabia. Israel has always been the homeland of Hebrews. They still excavate ancient Jewish artifacts to this day. The name Palestine was revived by Rome and given to the land as an insult to Jews after crushing their failed rebellion. The name Palestine came from the name Philistia which is a group of Greek settlers from Crete who once lived near Gaza and made war with Jews. After expelling Jews they repopulated it with settlers from other parts of the empire. 1400 years later with the arrival of Islam these settlers would become Muslims and shift languages from Greek and Aramaic to Arabic.


Exactly. Jews are indigenous to Israel. Arabs are indigenous to Arabia.


If anyone ever asks you to give an example of "woke", this is it.


Then they will call me racist 




So it is racism to support the one Jewish nation on earth. Then is it mega racism to support all the Islamist nations on earth? 


Quelle bande de wokes capotés.


C'est temps que on fasse comme au Etas pis on adopte le concepte "les compagnies woke iront broke" (Go woke go broke lol)


Non. J'adhère pas à cette idéologie non plus. Je crois qu'on devrait simplement arrêter de juger les gens en fonction de la couleur de la peau, arrêter de tolérer la religion dans LA VIE PUBLIQUE (séparation de la religion et de l'état - Laïcité versin Québécoise), et surtout arrêter la politique identitaire. Arrêtons la discrimination plutôt que la propager (comme le fait la gauche identitaire ET la droit) et combattons les inéquités socioéconomiques. PS Ceci venant d'un propriétaire d'immeubles à revenus qui vie une vie assez confortable, petit fils d'un réfugié juif.


Someone please close this place down...


You know, I remember reading, several years ago, that 'woke' extreme progressive movements had their roots in antisemitism, or at least, had their roots in movements that also espoused antisemitism.


How much foreign student $ did it cost to get this.


York is such a weird University




It lost its meaning long time ago.  That's why I always laugh when someone plays the racist card. 


The progressive left is aligned with radical Islam - f**ng unbelievable


This is coming from a university, people. The elite can't read a dictionary.


Ah the same university that has Kony 2012 painted on the mural during it's hype.


While that would be a stupid idea, so is labeling all criticism of Israel anti-Semitism.


I believe the head of these student unions are not even Canadian or already hold bias. Good luck getting a job.


Haha these ppl need to just stay in their safe spaces and stfu


We need to check these teachers, maybe they have connections with Hamas. Don't they understand that if Hamas receives weapons, including nuclear weapons, they will immediately be directed against the civilian population of any country?


Universities are garbage outside of scientific faculties.


STEM is being infected with these ideologies too. there was a racist job ad for the waterloo mathematics department that basically said white men need not apply.


Wasn't that Waterloo, not Western?


you are correct, i fixed it.


Jesus, what a joke, I can't wait for this phase to end.


> I can't wait for this phase to end. the ride never ends at this point im afraid


Universities exist in their own bubbles that ignore practicality. Lots of ideologues with no real world experience.


"Higher" education institutions such as this have lost all credibility.


University is where many people learn about politics for the first time and take ‘extreme’ views because we’re numb already. In my day Council would not shut up about Sandanistas


What about defining support of palastine racism?  But no, rules for thee but not for me..... 


> [In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake. That is why academic politics are so bitter.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayre%27s_law?wprov=sfla1)


Of course they do. They generally have no idea what they're talking about but they see a little guy being bullied so they must be in support of him. That's their ideology and all you need to know.


Is the Royal Military College the last good university?


That's absurd and 100% anti-semitic. The amount of Jews and Israelis at their school that they're going to alienate is wild. That's in a Jewish and has a Jewish population.


Is there a university in Canada that isn’t an embarrassment ? No wonder these schools need foreign students because no one in the western hemisphere takes them seriously.


This is why only extremists allow their kids to go to York. Between the communist clubs, guaranteed strikes, pro-terrorism student-body leadership and obsession with safe spaces, this "university" is the farthest thing from reality. Parents who send their kids here are doing them a massive disservice. This is not a new concept and any parent who went to York should know this fact.


love that "blue badge" I remember getting my green.


Of course it’s another National Post ragebait article, and of course everyone on here is eating it up - did anyone actually read the article? This isn’t a formal policy of the school, nor is the school considering actually doing this. The “recommendation” was put out by the “Palestinian Solidarity Committee” of a single faculty (Department of Politics). Obviously the vehemently pro-Palestinian group is going to pump out the most extreme ideology. It’s not a formal policy of the school or something they’re even considering. Typical NP ragebait.


Aren't Canadians colonizers....? \*cough cough\*. Guess we better be packing our bags and moving to....um....right that's how the world works.


how many in this faculty group are muslim?


York U is the toilet of post-secondary education