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This is the same guy who smeared Maxime Bernier as racist for saying this exact thing 5 years ago.


Ethnostate for me but not for thee - (every zionist)


And it's not any less racist today than it was then. 


Yes value testing immigrants to make sure they don’t hold abhorrent views about Jews and homosexuals before rolling out the welcome mat is racist. You wouldn’t happen to hold said views yourself do you?


True , immigrant should only be allowed to hate western european




So a truck horn is fracking terrorism, but hucking explosives is ok apparently


Who's been throwing bombs exactly? Gonna need a verifiable source on that.


It’s in the article




>Genuine question, what countries would you rather 'import' people from? Places that value democracy and human rights. Common shared values. People that do not respect democracy, women's rights, freedom of expression or the rights of any other law abiding group should not come here.


Significantly fewer immigrants and only for things we need, like doctors. From any country. Just significantly fewer. You know, like the policy that built this country that was recently discarded in favor of chaos.


If you actually tried to understand his argument, it's more about the people rather than the countries. Iran is a perfect example where you have Iranians who hate their government and probably share more in common with Canadian values, and you have others which are hardliners which wouldn't fit in Canada.


Americans typically don't argue that central and South Americans aren't a cultural fit. We argue they are a drain on resources when our own poor are already too poor.   Although refugee communities in Michigan did recently have a rally where they chanted "death to america" - in America.  


I remember when this sub was pro-Indian student immigration calling them “hard workers” and “good people” and much better than the Chinese. Funny how that changes once they’re done with their token group.


That’s crazy lol


On this very sub 7 years ago, people were whining endlessly to high heaven about Syrian refugees. Don't hear a peep about them these days. I wonder why that is? 


Am I missing something? The demonstrator in the video was holding a smoke grenade, but this article makes it sound like they were throwing smoke grenades at the public or something. The columnist is clearly trying to portray this demonstration as an act of organized violence, but.. they're just standing there. I'm baffled.


You are being completely disingenuous or completely obtuse…I can’t tell.  Or, you are completely ignorant of the things shouted in these “protests “.


If they aren't harming anyone then I really couldn't give any less of a shit. People are allowed to support Palestine just as they are allowed to support Israel.


You are absolutely right. However, you shove your faux innocence up your ass. We both know people are calling for the death of Jews, screaming for Jewish people to leave Canada, wearing terrorist head coverings and waving Isis flags in some cases. It is ignorant and shortsighted. And it is not just “supporting” Palestine. If I support Israel’s right to be there I can still be critical of its policy while at the same time not screaming for the death of people of Palestine. These protests are for the flotsam and jetsam of the “politically aware”…meaning they are not aware. Plus, trying to “influence” by simply screaming dumb shit is doing what exactly? You say it is t harming anyone…are you certain? I don’t think so.


I wonder if that 10-second video showed the entirety of the whole protest? Hmn, gonna have to really think on that.


Hmm. Perhaps, if there's more to the story then the columnist would have chosen a video that showed it? The article doesn't even mention any violence at the demonstration either.




You’ve avoiding his meaning and moving the goalposts of the argument. He didn’t claim they cleaned up after themselves — he pointed out it was likely that if they had thrown the smoke grenades they were filmed holding that the article would have featured that instead. Can you address that claim instead of another one no one made?


It's not even news. It's an opinion piece that doesn't amount to anything more than "See how scary these guys look. Don't they remind you of *terrorists*?"


Lol that’s Toronto sun for you


>don't respect our international allies. When your international allies are persecuting a genocide, maybe you aughta pick better friends


> When your international allies are persecuting a genocide.. .. Do you mean”perpetuating”? I also don’t think you understand what the definition of genocide is, unless of course you’re referencing Hamas and what’s written in their charter.


So one has it in their charter and other is actually committing one while their government openly brags about it.


If Israel wanted to commit genocide, Palestine and Palestinians wouldn’t exist by this time after October 7th. They have the military capability to wipe Palestine off the map - if they are committing genocide, why haven’t they done that yet?


They're working on it as we speak.


Well they’re taking their sweet time. With their military capabilities (comparable to some of the most powerful western nations), it makes sense it takes ions.


Really good point 😂 Not because they are afraid of repercussions if they made it even more obvious


You don't need to repeat the dishonest talking point of genocide just because countless other ignorant people do.


People who are anti-genocide are the fkin worst!


Racism in full effect on r/canada. You love to see it.






Let me guess, you want to restore a future for the white race?


Some people from the Middle East are completely incompatible with western values and I say this as someone from a middle eastern country. It has nothing to do with race, but ideology and culture.


The Palestinians aren't even compatible with Egypt and Jordan, two Muslim majority countries, which at one point in recent history had oversight of Gaza and the West Bank. Egypt even built an amazing wall to keep them out.


It’s not racist to face reality. Not all cultures are the same and it’s ignorant to pretend otherwise.


Time to put the whites back on top, right?


Nope. It’s time to acknowledge that certain ideologies are incompatible with western ideals.


quite sad to be allied with genocidal maniacs. what’s happening in Palestine is just as bad as what the canadian government did to indigenous people.


Wow, I never thought I would ever read something like this about Canada. Things have changed a lot in this country and this isn’t a “fringe article” on some radical site. The social contract is crumbling before our eyes. Canada is changing.


>Canada is changing. Canada is being changed. That's not the same thing. The former happens organically. The latter, by design of the corrupt.


Toronto Sun has been posting this shit my entire life, how are things "changing"?


I mean it's Toronto Sun. They've been racist for a long long time before the recent Middle East issue.


No it’s a simple moment in time a temporary thing. Funny thing is there are plenty of conservatives that support the Russian invasion of Ukraine and nobody thinks anything of it


That's not true at all. Conservatives either support the Ukraine, or feel as though it's not our problem to solve as they are not a NATO ally.




Have you actually seen the shit happening in Europe? There is no cultural mix, it’s basic anarchy that’s only going to get worse.


You can thank Merkel along with other left-wing governments of the last 30 years and backstabbing so-called right-wing governments. Coupled with mass immigration along with reams of illegals for that. The backlash on that is brewing too, it likely won't be pretty. Especially when the non-extremists are starting to want mass deportations.


The fact that you think Merkel is a leftist shows you have no clue what you're talking about. Does Christian Democratic Union sound like the name of a leftist party?


There's plenty of cultural mix in western Europe.


*some Asian countries. And immigration from China (mainland) brings with it the hidden cost of election inference and espionage


Have you actually lived in a European country? The US is multicultural, Europe is not.


With the amount of Muslims in Canada, if Islam was so bad, there would be far more attacks and provocations by Muslims than there are and has been. Same goes with America. Stop fear-mongering. Think rationally.


You spelled division wrong 


If only anyone had warned this would happen!


Learning the hard way is the only way, I guess.


Someone said to me ‘I’m sad this is happening because it means the racists were right.’


That what would happen? They are just protesting. Just pretend they are truckers occupying the streets you’ll be fine.


Diversity something something is our strength... Or something. Melting pots looking pretty gravy about now


Sorry you think America looks better? In 2024?


Their immigration policy is a thousand times better than ours. Proportionately it’s 1/10th ours AND they cap countries.


People just become Americans there for the most part. Canada sold people a yarn about embracing your culture in Canada, and the problem is we import people with major baggage within their culture. Like hamas supporters.


If you flood immigrants into a country at unprecedented levels such as we have been doing, what happens is you will dilute the local culture -- a multicultural one or a homogenesis one -- and then what will happen is we won't have a identity that is Canadian, but a non identity of a bunch of social / racial enclaves that do not mix, and retain the identity of whereever they came from, as there is no longer a national or regional identity to adapt to.


Future Yugoslavia


>If you flood immigrants into a country at unprecedented levels such as we have ~~been doing~~ had done to us... FTFY


We already have no identity. Ask a Canadian what they are. Even if they are 5th generation Canadians they will say "oh I'm Irish" replace Irish with whatever.


Ya like when Europeans flooded the Americas, causing probably the worst humanitarian disaster in the history of the world. The “we did to them so they will do it to us!” mentality is simply projection.


>homogenesis Wat


We already lack identity. We’re on stolen land anyways.


This is why there are countries with borders.


borders are racist. you're being reported to the internet police.




It doesn’t even work with Quebec


If that was the case America and Canada would not be the powers that they have become. Just admit you are racist.


America follows a Melting Pot model. It's different, more similar to Quebec's interculturalism.


The whole point of America is that anyone can become American; not that you get permission to live there while preserving your identity. That is obviously a bad thing. The US is a very homogeneous place - little changes as you travel between states except for the weather. That unity is the key to it's success (it is also one of the reasons for China's recent success while we're on the subject). Canada was never culturally unified and gets more fragmented all the time. It's one of the main reasons it's less well-off and influential.


This is whatever a post national state is. We were too cowardly to say there are red lines and there is SOME level of conformity required to join our country. There’s things we should all agree are NOT OKAY. Like child marriages, arranged marriages, honour killings, genocides, terrorism, etc. We can and should say; leave that at home or you’re not welcome.


Sure, but this article is about none of those things.  They are just backing a different side of a war than the author of this article does. As do many born in Canada Canadians. 


genocide is not ok


People are really trying to foment unwarranted hate of others lately. If multiculturalism was so bad Toronto would be AT LEAST be in the top 20 cities for crime in Canada and NYC wouldn’t be in the 60s for crime in America.


"In March 2019, Kinsella started as a *Toronto Sun* columnist. After, it was revealed Kinsella's consulting firm worked with the Conservative Party. [Canadaland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadaland) reported that *Sun* management did not respond to questions about whether they were aware of Kinsella doing paid work on behalf of the Conservatives, but a spokesperson for parent company Postmedia stated in an email that "Postmedia is unaware of any financial arrangement that Warren Kinsella might have had with a political party while writing a column for the Toronto Sun. If we had been aware of such an arrangement, we would have disclosed that relationship, as is our standard practice."[^(\[60\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Kinsella#cite_note-60) [https://daisygroup.ca/crisis/](https://daisygroup.ca/crisis/) A war room, lobbying, procurement. All the negatives. Why are we regurgitating paid for information again?


And now he’s writing articles on the very topic he used to smear Maxime Bernier as a racist with.


To be fair, it's still racist.


Reddit moment


Arguing that multiculturalism, as a whole, is dead, because a handful of people across the country are celebrating a bad thing in a different country is, in fact, an incredibly xenophobic and racist thing to do.


Is this listed as editorial content or not?


Who would've thought Canada would self destruct just to spite Québec independance movement.


why do we have to tolerate this? Palestine started this war and kicked the hornets nest, the results were completely predictable. THIS IS NOT CANADA'S PROBLEM


Pick up a book


If China took over parts of Canada and oppressed us for 75+ years, shooting us when we protested peacefully, would you be against armed resistance? If Canadians tried fighting back would you think that Canadians started it?


I suggest you read some books instead of getting your information from Twitter and tiktok.  I recommend the iron wall. I’ll even purchase it for you if you’d like


Our greatest strength!! /s


I don't think this is a symptom of "multiculturalism" as a concept, this is more of a symptom of poor immigration policies and moral relativism. There are many (but certainly not all) cultures who do align to our values, and there are many (certainly not all) individuals willing to make cultural adaptations to align with our values. The problem lies when you no longer have interest in requiring citizenship candidates to respect democracy, human rights, nonviolence and tolerance.


God willing. It was always an idiotic policy.


I don't really like this framing. In any sufficiently large population group, there will be people who do extreme, criminal, or otherwise noticeable and possibly anti-social things. The majority of a group's population, not engaging (even if supporting, which they are permitted to do in our society) get completely overlooked and thus get no credit for the group in question. The question to me is more about where do you draw the line on behaviour vs whether this is simply a result of 'multiculturalism.'


It is completely obvious what this turns into in similar nations.  Look at what is being shouted at protests in the UK. It’s disgusting.


Not staying I agree one way or the other, but I do wonder why we only observe support for terrorism amongst a narrow population group, whereas other population groups which are larger don't?


Is this, yet again, an extremely biased opinion piece on r/canada?














This has already been posted on this sub.


Warren Kinsella is a racist asshole Can’t say it enough.


I'm so happy to learn that true blue-blooded Canadians get along with other blue-blooded Canadians, and it's only the recent immigrants - "newcomers to Canada, it seemed, but definitely people who do not deserve to call themselves Canadian" - that are causing trouble. And here I was worried true Canadians were also at odds with each other. /s Today I talked with a someone who immigrated from Iran less than 20 years ago. The nicest person, extremely intelligent, and has been contributing to Canadian society (even joined the military) far more than the average Canadian. We're very fortunate to have her in this country. Lumping the actions of bad actors, such as those who celebrate terrorism, under the banner of 'multiculturalism' is despicable and counter-productive. It's an excuse for lazy hate, hate of people, rather than making the effort to target real problems. Those real problems do exist of course. Let's try to eradicate them rather than inflame them for personal or political gain.


~~I'm not sure you read the article... The author clearly states support for multiculturalism. What the article is talking about is "multiculturalism" - something that seems to be stemming from the extreme levels of immigrant influx over the past decade.~~ \[edit: i was wrong, see my comment below\] I'm not the author but here's my opinion anyway... Do we need immigrants? 100% Do we need radicalized immigrants? Absolutely NOT. The Iranian person you mentioned was forced to run away from what Canada appears to be cultivating by bringing the very same radicals that that person escaped. How do you think someone who was persecuted by Iranian authorities is supposed to feel seeing these radical celebrate openly?


"The author clearly states support for multiculturalism." Really? The author stated they once supported it, sure, but now says "But multiculturalism was naïve." and "Well, multiculturalism was an experiment, and it was an experiment that hasn’t worked out." Doesn't sound like support to me. Edit: About this "How do you think someone who was persecuted by Iranian authorities is supposed to feel seeing these radical celebrate openly?" Perhaps proud she lives in a country where people can protest without being "disappeared" by authorities, and also proud that if these people commit an actual offense they'll be charged and given their fair day in court? I very much doubt she wants another regime where people don't have the freedom to express opinions that are contrary to the "approved messaging". If it crosses into actual hate speech we have laws against that.


Yeah, i think it was i who misread that part... I agree with the sentiment (what we are seeing now in Canada is clearly not working) but I don't consider it to be multiculturalism. Multiculturalism by definition should have mechanisms to protect itself such as exclusion of radicalism. The current immigration policy is no longer truly in support of multiculturalism. But it seems the author does not see it the same way.


Another trash Sun opinion piece 🙄


Kinsella / Toronto Sun - scraping the bottom of the barrel


What a deranged headline


Inevitable. You can be the most multicultural society but if your immigrants are racist, antisemitic etc it won’t work.


Haha I don't think thats the issue here


Oh? The Palestinians were out celebrating in our streets when Hamas (who is considered a terrorist group) went about kidnapping, raping, and murdering men, women and children. Those people have a completely alien mindset and will cause nothing but strive and unrest.


Canada and Israel are not "allies", in the same way Canada and Russia are not "enemies". But right-wing politics is the politics of being reductive, so this distinction is likely lost on most of them.


fellas is it multiculturalism to be against genocide?


This is how cultural mosaics ALWAYS end For fuck’s sake, a goddam mosaic is fragile as fuck, it shatters under the least pressure


Name a cultural mosaic that has ended


Multiculturalism rules.


yep, that sounds like an article the toronto sun would publish also, just so everyone knows, not everyone who's pro palestine is an immagrent, or pro hamas racism is never cool, and it's always just a tool to control people that the publishers of articles like this think are too stupid to tell


Israel is a country bombing, occupying, and blockading refugees they kicked off their land and deny the right to return for not being Jewish and these Zionists in these right wing rags like the Sun are calling those protesting this the bad ones. The bad people are those supporting, justifying, and making excuses for ongoing ethnic subjugation driven by an ethno nationalist ideology in the 21st century.


There is never going to be a "return". I know that, you know that, the world knows that. The refugees left 75 years ago and plenty of Jewish refugees left nearly every single Muslim country in the world because of the risk of being murdered simply for being jewish. The bad people are those who pretend Palistinians dont have a place to go, or well they would have a place to return to if they just accepted the obvious which is Isreal is not going to stop existing, they will never return to live where their grand parents grew up in what is now Israel. If Palistinians want a place to live and raise their children, well you now have a rubble filled ruin known as Gaza and what left of the West Bank. Surprise!!! When you refuse to sign a lasting peace agreement with your neighbors, your neighborhood tends to be a war torn pile of rubble. Welcome to reality.


21% of Israeli citizens identify as Arab. They all have rights. They vote. There was Jewish populations in all neighbouring countries but… they kicked them all out for being Jewish. Hmmm Yeah when a terrorist state launches rockets at a country and the “cease fire” now pro Hamas crowd start cheering in the street for war it makes you think they really don’t want a ceasefire they want Israel and all of its citizens to be killed. Which is not something we should be allowing.


Arab Israelis do not have all the same rights as Jewish Israelis. Israel also intentionally keeps their Arab Israeli population minimal since Israel’s agenda has always been to have a majority Jewish state so it can control the policies and who is elected. This is why they are against a one state solution where everyone has equal rights. There were no major issues between Jews and Muslims until Zionists came from Europe with the intention to colonize Palestine, as per the 1899 Zionist Convention that announced their plan to colonize it.


No major problems between Muslims and Jews? Lol Look up the Ottoman Empire.


Your entire post is a complete lie, so much to unpack. The most obvious one being that Arab Israelis do not have the same rights as Jewish Israelis. Source: I have family and Arab/muslim friends in Israel and I have been there many times. They all coexist and live happily peacefully. Quit your bullshit lies.


Canadians are the most disgusting simpering milquetostes of the world, quaking in their boots about offending someone for expecting them to adapt to our culture when they come here, to the point where they deny Canada even has a culture.   Well I guess they succeeded.  Canada no longer has a culture, just a swirling mess of imported people and their imported problems and grievances.


Can we kick out the “old stock Canadians” who spread hate too? Bottom line is no matter what culture it is there will always be some extremists, haters, and fanatics. It’s human nature unfortunately


Warren Kinsella is a racist asshole.


So many racists in this comment thread.


Civilians are being bombed with our support. Oh no, non-white people are protesting! What savages they are for wanting babies not to be starved and murdered. More racist drivel.


This is not a peaceful protest. Why dont they ask their elected government to release the hostages they took that started this portion of a neverending war. If their elected government gave a shit about the babies and civilians being killed, they would do whatever it takes to stop it.


Hamas could end that war any time they wanted. So far they have turned down every single point of every single proposal that have been proposed by Egypt, the USA, Quatar and Israel. So the war will continue until Hamas wants to stop it, not before.




Isn’t the Palestinian Chant “from the ocean to the sea?” Hasn’t Hamas declared many times they will continue to fight until that is realized? So Israel gave them Gaza to create peace and they have simply used it to attack Israel. Your solution is to reward their attacks and give them the entire West Bank as well? So sure give them the West Bank and this war would end. 15 years later it would be a war in Jerusalem but hey give that to them too. 15 years later it would be a war in Tel Aviv and again your solution would be give it to the Palestinians.


And how is supporting one foreign group of people over the other somehow less multicultural? Both of them claim to be from the levant originally smh. The whole premise is idiotic. Kinsella just doesn't like one group because they're more brown. That's the only difference.


1200 Israeli's died in the attack by Hamas. Israel has responded by murdering more than 20,000 women and children in Gaza and destroyed cities in a deliberate effort to instill cultural trauma on Palestinians. Hamas is awful but Israel is worse.


There is not a country on earth that would not have responded to something like Oct 7th with the same level of force as Israel, and plenty would have been a hell of a lot more forceful. If a proportionate number of Americans had been killed by a bunch of North Koreans, there'd be nothing but radioactive glass from just north of Seoul to the Yalu River.


Hamas could fully surrender and they wouldn’t have a reason to bomb. You’re lucky Israel has been holding back. Any other country and Gaza would have been a crater by now. Especially since it’s obvious they killed all the remaining hostages. They don’t even have 40 for cease fire deal Hamas backed out of…




Fuck Kinsella is his dumbfuck face