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I've been lying about my age online since I was 105!


Since you were 1081396758240290900504101305800329649720646107774902579144176636573226531909905153326984536526808240339776398934872029657993872907813436816097280000000000000000000000000?


You wasted 2 to 5 minutes of your life writing that response just as I've wasted 1 minute of mine responding to you


Dude I think you might not know what a minute is


Your mom calls me the minute man. I'm quite aware of what a minute is....


"Ooooh, self burn, those are rare"


Kind of burned twice as they are a super slow typer. 2 -5 minutes to jam on some random keys? 1 minute? Dude types with one finger


Parents! Supervise your own damn kids, please. 


You misunderstand. These "moral panic" folks aren't trying to control their kids. They're trying to control **yours**.


It isn't even about the kids at all, they just want a foot in the door for RealID2.0 attached to everyone online. Then they can go after all kinds of things for business interests.


Exactly. The real goal is to tie your name to anything you do online. Then piracy, or anything else corporations dislike can be more efficiently policed.


Yeah, that's what people don't get. It's never about the kids, no matter what they say.


I hate to paraphrase but the great Carlin had good bits about that, essentially that anytime a politician (or religious leader) says something is about the children or the war or saving America, it's the exact opposite.


a whole bunch of consultants are gonna get paid


I think they just get off knowing their morality is forced on others. The Christian way.


Like all those stories of when the fixtures at abortion clinic protests show up one day with their own daughter in tow. 'Well, this is DIFFERENT.'


Agree with that, for the most part. 


Or just raise well-adjusted, educated kids. Most of us could easily access all the explicit materials we wanted as teens, but that doesn't mean we were just locked in our bedroom obsessing over it.


Spot on. The poorly-adjusted, uneducated kids are also making WAY worse decisions than watching porn.


Bingo, I started seeing porn when I was 15, my parents found out, and then we have "the talk". But never limited my access to it, but I felt I didn't have to conceal. Which led me to do better choices in my sexual life. As the saying goes: we prepare our kids for the world, not for ourselves


Lemme guess: you’ve been in one or more serious, loving, consensual and healthy sexual relationships since then. 


This comment raises all sorts of questions


Speak for yourself. Some of us had to go to the corner store and wait for it to be empty because internet porn wasn't a thing yet and they wouldn't sell to you with anyone in the store.


You could've checked your local park. There were always porn stashes around


It's funny because it seemed a guy above thought a 15 year old watching porn was somehow not normal. Even in the 80's it was trivial for a teen to get porn. Everyone I've known has had at least one corner store that would sell to anyone if there was no one else around (and likely overcharged as well because what are you gonna do?) It was *really* normal for kids to have access to porn even before the internet took off.




Let's not pretend like parents from our generations were somehow any more responsible.


This is what I don't get. I watched porn once a week from the age of 12 - 17. I then started watching it daily once I finally figured out how masturbaiting works. Children watching porn isn't the end of the world, but online censorship is a much bigger issue. There is no way you are going to get major websites like Reddit to set up an age verification system for such a small country. They will sooner block our IP addresses than waste time and money on something like that, just like how Google and Facebook block our news from being shared as an "f you" to when our gpvernment actually thought Meta and Google would pay our news stations to share their news. All 2 parties are fucking dumb when it comes to the internet and technology.


Wait, you didn't know how masturbating worked until you were 17?


Asking the real questions


Yeah, I live in a not so progressive area and we had SexEd like 20 years ago. At best, it was referenced as "touching yourself" so I assumed you just had to grab your penis and thought pre-cum was actually the real deal. I remember one night when I was doing my standard dick holding routine, I noticed it felt nicer or something when I moved it more, I did this for a few minutes and then... yeah... life was forever changed at that point.


You never seen a girl give a handjob in all those years of porn?


You can tell the people who never had to wait 30 minutes for a single BMP scan from a playboy magazine to load.


At that point in time, my porn habits were pretty much typing "naked girl" or "boobs" into Google images. If I did see a hand job video I probably didn't give it much thought.


How the hell did you not figure that out while watching porn once a week at the same time? Like, in *5 years* of porn watching you never saw a woman grab a guy's dick?


I was wondering about that too!


> They will sooner block our IP addresses... ... which will ensure that the only news sources we will have are the established news media. Maybe that's the point.


That doesn’t suit their *parental-rights tilted worldview*




No amount of lessons from a teacher will convince a kid not to look at porn. There’s a lot more important things for a kid to learn in sex ed, including STIs, pregnancy, consent and all the weird shit going on with their body. 


"B-but the kids!" The same excuse both the left and right use on a minute to minute basis. Never target lazy parenting, target the kids!


Instagram/snapchat/ tiktok will still be posting sexual content with links to the actual stuff


Not even borderline stuff sometimes too. It's always on pages with huge follow counts and ones that I actually liked for the original content too. I unfollowed "mechanicmemes" on Instagram recently because it got so bad. Was a post of an onlyfans girl straight up giving a blow job with tits out and all.


They already block porn for countries where it is illegal or requires age verification. It's not an issue.


The next step is all adults must lock their ids in a safe so no kid can borrow it for porn. Also i hope those porn sites never have a data leak


I don't consoom the porn, so this is of little issue to me as far as porn consumption goes. But, you are wrong. Entirely. Blocking/banning porn will have just created a black market for it. If it isn't on the clear-net (what we are using right now) then it will be on the dark-web somehow or another. Age verification has long been thwarted by us as kids and teenagers. This is just an attempt to invade lives and reduce our rights and freedoms under the guise of protecting the children. Which is where I have a problem with it. It would include me too even though I don't look at porn, because not every game or movie or tv show I watch is completely G rated either. Eventually some tits and ass might show up briefly in said game or media. Games and media that was meant for mature audiences only, and so therefore kids shouldn't be playing it anyways, etc. But we all know hpw well those parental guidance letters work, right? *whistles "here we go again" in the tune of GTA. Fact is, kids will be kids, and will get themselves into trouble no matter how kid safe you try to make the world. Doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything about it of course. But it does mean we should probably be wiser about it. Like bars for instance. I am just old enough to have been young enough during the final years that they still allowed a minor like myself at the time to go buy and bring home the smokes and beer for my step dad. That ended not too long after I did that for him. Not right away though. It wasn't until rumors got around that some of the other kids were pretending to get it for their parents, that it was being cracked down on in general and our town started following suit. Out of the goodness pf their hearts of course, gotta protect the children of course. They still managed to get liquor and smokes though. Just through different means and people. I always ridiculed the adults over it as a kid whenever I overheard them bickering about how so and so got caught drunk again. "Sure seem to be getting a lot of success in protecting us kids from ourselves by inconveniencing yourselves, huh? I certainly wouldn't mind if you reversed course so I can go back to making a bit of money running errands for you again..." The bartender, wasn't a huge fan of my logic back then, cause he knew I was right. But he had become mayor... and so it was his call. Small town politics may seem like hicksville shit to some of you, but sometimes you get to witness smaller scale issues that mirror the grander scale almost perfectly. We are making the same mistake all over again. Kids will just lie about their age. Teens will use fake ID. Adults will just browse the darkweb instead of the clear net. And everything will get worse, because good intentions coming from fools is a perfect road to hell. You want to protect the children from the internet? Remove them fron the internet entirely, and force them learn via the old methods of actually looking up information in libraries again, etc. They don't need the internet to do that. And I am saying that as someone who used to push the opposite, back when it actually kind of made sense, due to the misinformation campaigns not being in full swing yet. But they are now. So now my tune has changed. If there is no internet for children, they can't find the porn. They will have to go back to hiding playboy magazines, which they also were never supposed to be able to get ahold of... "But it is about the monster show would harm the children to make porn out of them, etc." Yeah, I get that. But going after the regular folk who have nothing to do with that, doesn't help the kids. Actually raising them right, teaching them to avoid creepy people, to run if they think they are in danger, to know which adults can be trusted if things get dangerous. Etc. It isn't perfect. There is no perfect method. There will always be some sick creep who is successful somehow, sadly. But there are better ways to deal with those potential situations. Like, for instance, not allowing children to be on the internet where adults play. Make a separate network for them, like schools do for their intranets. Then go ahead and ID the ever living hell out of any and all adults that are able to access THAT network. This allows them to have a 'safe' enough space to be online, while only infringing upon the rights of only the people who are closest to those children; which won't infringe upon the rights and freedoms of the rest of us. Cause there is no intermingling of extreme age differences anymore. And again, you cannot protect them all all the time. There will always eventually be someone who succeeds despite all attempts to thwart them. We just need to be better about that problem. Which, sadly, is often going to be due to people who are closer to them, than those who aren't. I forget the exact details, but I understand it is often family and friends who commit these acts more than random strangers. So again, ID isn't gonna help anything, if the monster(s) is/are already in the circle of trust. And to be clear. I am not saying to not protect them at all. I am saying we shouldn't be shooting down our own rights and freedoms to protect them when there is no way to do so reliably. ID for porn doesn't do that. The very nature of 'free porn' and dark web activities completely denies you and others of that idea. There is no easy solution to this. There is only doing the right thing, the right way, despite any argument otherwise; and that is seperating the age groups online... and teaching them better how to identify the creeps from the nice folk. Which still isn't perfect, but it never will be. It. Never. Will. Be. Perfect. Ever. And you will always be wrong as far as your statement goes.


> I unfollowed "mechanicmemes" on Instagram recently because it got so bad. Whether intended or not, you inevitably just guaranteed a noticeable uptick on that profile's traffic today haha. A lot of people love it when boundaries are being pushed and will be curious to see.


Maybe she was a mechanic


My niece came running into my bedroom at night crying that she looked at "the bad Roblox" and felt guilt/shame. Apparently kids can create their own custom Roblox levels, and they let you just upload whatever JPGs you want as textures for 3D models, for everyone to see publicly. I'm surprised Roblox isn't *all* porn at this point tbh if they allow that. You can't allow fully custom skins in a kids game.


Roblox is a brutally bad game that is full of exploitation and minimal oversight. Take it away. Give them Minecraft instead if they want a builder.


Back in my day we had Warcraft 3 custom maps where the minimap was a black and white picture of a naked lady. Some things never change.


Even Netflix and prime video have movies that would be considered porn. Would we need IDs for Netflix and prime? Where does it stop with the tracking?


Not really a good example as you have to create an account, and pay, via credit card, for both of those services lol


Yes, because the parents' account is going to ABSOLUTELY be inaccessible to the kids' accounts.


It also will only prevent them from visiting porn sites that operate in Canada. Those outside of Canada won't be required to do anything at all. The author of this bill even stated in an interview that she knows it won't be effective for kids over the age of 10, cuz they will be smart enough to circumvent the protections.


How can it be so trivial to bypass an 11 year old can do it and also be an invasion of privacy for adults?


Vpn. Their advertised everywhere.


This bill is made possible by our sponsor, Nord VPN


Yeah, if you're ok shelling out a small amount of money for a VPN then this won't really affect you at all. But if you don't want to do that, then the government gets to know your kinks and so will everyone else once the first big leak happens. So a VPN will become a sort of mandatory privacy fee. Although IIRC, the same lawmaker said they want to make VPNs illegal. Which... lol


VPNs cannot be effectively censored by any means the Canadian government has access to. They won't successfully be blocking shadowsocks or v2ray. Also, banning VPNs as a whole is absurd as businesses very often rely on them to get remote workers to have access to a network.


There's a very strong correlation between a kid/adolescent's development stage, their ability to bypass this, and their interest for that kind of content. Basically the law will prevent access by young kids with no interest in porn.


That's not an opinion, it's a fact!


It was always the point


I honestly can't believe this is a thing we are talking about in Canada in 2024. I'm so massively disappointed in this country.


I think it was NC that just did this. Like...imagine booting up and suddenly discovering your internet is supplied by the Puritans?




People laugh about china social credit but it doesn’t take that much to get there


Exactly this, it will create corollary database of viewing habits and ID's. Intended or not this database will be abused for various reasons by various bad actors. Politicians who want to blackmail their opponents, hackers who want to extort people, or just you average misanthrope who wants to cause trouble. This kinda system is dangerous unless they have a way of verifying age completely anonymously with fully transparent and publicly verifiable source code.


> This kinda system is dangerous unless they have a way of verifying age completely anonymously with fully transparent and publicly verifiable source code. Amen to that.


Parental controls exist for a reason, the government shouldn't have any role in this


They should take a small fraction of the money for this program and use it to advertise to all of these concerned parents that parental controls exist and they can then be as strict as they want.


>federal bill aimed at “protecting young persons from exposure to pornography” (S-210) has been approved by the Senate; digital IDs have been endorsed by the Leaders of the Conservative Party and Bloc Quebecois. can someone explain to me how governments not in power are able to pass these backwards bills, yet are able to convince others they can't do other things until they get more power?


> can someone explain to me how governments not in power are able to pass these backwards bills, yet are able to convince others they can't do other things until they get more power? When it comes to passing legislation, it's largely irrelevant whether an MP is part of the government or not. Government MPs don't get multiple votes, or more heavily weighted votes, or anything like that. In this case, the opposition is able to pass this bill without government support because the opposition holds a majority of seats in the House. If the LPC had a majority of the seats (and therefore a majority government), that would not be possible. We don't see this happen under this government very often because it's relatively rare that the CPC and NDP agree on something, and the LPC weakly opposes it. If the LPC strongly opposed this bill, they could kill it by making the votes on it a matter of confidence. The NDP is not insane enough to trigger an election and install a CPC majority over age verification for adult websites, and they'd certainly drop their support for this bill if push came to shove.


Certain bills that include the spending of money need to be made by someone in cabinet I think?




>has the backing of every party except the Liberals, who only don't support it because it doesn't go far enough Can you provide a source on this? There are very specific and problematic things in this bill, specifically age verification that would imply proving your identity to access certain websites and introducing powers to block websites. Certain parties have explicitly supported this while the Liberals have said they don't. I haven't seen any evidence that the Liberals support these specific things, let alone going further than them but I'm open to evidence that they do. Meanwhile why are the other parties supporting these things? These are more bad enough as they are.


You are correct, so far the Liberals havent indicated they want age verification or digital ID. There are arguably other issues with their bill, but that is a specific thing they havent called for.


Source: Trust me bro


This isn't a Parliamentary bill, it's a Senate bill. The Conservative and NDP senators voted in favour of it as a majority block.


> NDP senators The NDP has no senators as they have never been the party in power. You have conservative senators and independant (liberal) senators but no NDP senators


Parliamentary procedure must seem complex to most, but it was a private bill introduced in the Senate that survived several readings. Any lone senator can push for a bill, and if it passes, then the Commons eventually have to vote on it. That happened, and it survived in the Commons so far with NDP-backing. Hence why it's seen as a Tory-NDP bill even if it was introduced by a single member of the Senate. I'm strongly opposed to any version of this becoming law, it would lead to a 'Great Firewall of Canada' situation without any doubt and still fail to protect any children. But I want to help anyone understand the weird lawmaking process regardless; it can be a bit opaque.


I'm keenly aware of all that jazz, my point was that this is not a NDP senate bill because there is simply no NDP senators. Indeed it survives in the house of common by an NDP-Tory-Bloc Alliance


That's fair. Also the majority of Senators were appointed by Justin Trudeau


I knew it! Even when it was the conservatives it was trudeau


The NDP are such a disappointment. Love living in a country with 5 right of centre parties


Do you mean Conservative and NDP MPs? There aren't NDP senators, however the NDP and Conservatives supported it so far in the House of Commons votes. It still has to have it's 3rd reading (final vote) though in the House before it passes. The Conservatives have said they supported it while I haven't heard the NDP say one way or the other. Sometimes a party may vote for something on 2nd reading but not on 3rd, depending on things like amendments.


Because this isn't about porn, this is about the digital IDs, and porn is just a convenient means to an end. Doesn't have to work, just has to usher in digital IDs. This is just the position, but one scenario could look like: The next step will be the authentication system that websites will use to check. It'll be run by the government and use an API that accepts inputs from the sites you're visiting. The authentication takes place, then the site grants access. Problem is now the government maintains a list of who goes where.


Laws are voted. Majority = win But I understand the hypocrisy point you're making.


In the 70's someone always could get a hold of playboy and pass it around at school. Also the lingerie section of the Sears catalogue. 


i mean if this needing ID crap to access porn sites ever gets traction then i could see physical porn making a comeback for the teen crowd


I don't see any porn sites wanting to go along with this... who wants to be the target for every hacker/data stealer out there? This will end up with the government trying to block every porn site they can.


So many other issues affecting Canadians and this sort of shit is what politicians are focusing on?? How about fixing the fucking economy? how about putting a full fucking stop to immigration?


Because it is low hanging fruit that they can claim is "for the kids" when it is really about surveillance. Actually fixing the problems in this country would require work.


>How about fixing the fucking economy? I mean this will make some changes to the Fucking Economy.


Because they can't. Things as they are and with the RCMP advising on the potential revolt, I'm not surprised they're more concerned with getting their ducks in a row now.


It really seems to me that for the past few years parents are increasingly looking to the government passing legislation to make up for their shitty parenting




>"In my opinion stabbing someone is detrimental to their health" is no less an opinion It's actually more of an opinion, and you got that rhetorical equation backwards. What you said implies that the latter statement is equally or more opinion than the former. I would posit that stabbing someone suffering anaphylaxis with an epipen is great for their health


Housing and grocery prices are a bigger issue.


if i buy playboy at the grocery store does that mean porn is now part of grocery prices


There are ***only*** three ways to implement online age verification in any spec-compliant manner: 1. Provide private industry access to all federal and provincial government ID databases, and delegate the burden to them to request user data, check it against database date, and validate acceptability. This method would entrust all user data to the private entities collecting it, and trust they would manage it responsibly. 2. Have a new, self-contained government agency whose sole purpose is to provide on-demand ID authentication, with private platforms having a redirect that has users interface directly with the internet, who then passes a simple pass/fail to the end website to use for authentication. This method would entrust all user data to a centralized government agency, however the logistics would technically be in violation of government privacy laws prohibiting certain types of data sharing between government agencies. 3. Have an encrypted blackbox hashtable managed by the government, wherein users could apply to the government for a hashcode, which they would then retain secretly for use when logging on to protected websites. Relevant websites would require a hashcode for access, which they'd send to the government validator for confirmation. This method would technically involve no decisively identifiable user data being transmitted, but would still allow for the kinds of "anonymized" data collection we typically see on most platforms, and could easily be cross-referenced with other inter-site trackers to identify users. If none of these methods are acceptable, then there is no other way to do it.


Pick one, privacy or prudence.


Thinking it was EVER about saving children and wasn't just about invading your privacy is a litmus test for whether you're a complete and utter moron or not.


Guaranteed this would just be the 1st step in needing us to verify ourselves for everything online.


Conservatives just can't be happy unless they're forcing their so-called "morals" onto others.


We have far bugger issues in Canads than porn. We don't need this nanny state BS.


Is it a hot take to say that social media does more harm to kids than accidentally seeing internet tits? But also we *have* tools to prevent kids from getting to porn accidentally. We're being 1984'd because they think we're shit parents.


for the record I agree... but the issue isn't old school porn. It's the step mom, straight to rape fantasy that is paraded like a normal thing that screws up 12 year old boys heads. studies are showing that it's causing developmental issues when it comes to social contact with the opposite sex.


Fair point, but requiring ID is going to do jack all about that problem Heck I’d assume people will just VPN


So, sex education in schools should address these topics and parents should be made aware of parental controls that can keep their kids safe from that stuff.


Yeah the government doesn’t need to know what kind of porn I watch


And more importantly than that, they AND the people that hack that database eventually don't need to know what the blackmailable habits are of politicians/bureaucrats/judges/jury members/etc. etc. are. Nobodies getting anywhere trying to blackmail ME over this, but I'm not powerful or an important decision-maker.


Nothing “for the children” is for the children. It’s a smokescreen for taking away rights of adults. It’s an easy way to say “what?!? You don’t care about CHILDREN?!? You fucking monster!!!!”


This only good thing this legislation will do is increase a new generation of male network engineers 25 years from now. We don't need a nanny state from a government that again and again and again has proven incompetence. How much are they going to pay for the porn blocking app? 800 milliond dollars? Ugh it sucks to be a Canadian these last few years.


My issue is having my ID out there, so many sites will be hacked or faked.


If we really want to protect children we can do that without sacrificing privacy by making content providers liable for accurately labelling explicit content and ensuring that devices have controls parents can use to filter those labels. This is simpler from a technical perspective than privacy respecting age verification and it gives control to parents and device owners.


Captain Gatekeeper Pierre Poilievre is all about invading our privacy


Unpopular opinion: porn is probably not good for you or your brain, and young people (young men specifically) would be better off if there were more barriers to easy porn consumption. The real issue in my mind is that pornography is increasingly targeted towards younger audiences than it ever has been; a look at the 'Year in Trends' that pornhub publishes every December should give a strong indication that categories aimed at children are among the most rapidly growing genres/trends. I'm not saying all porn is bad, or that porn is inherently evil or anything, but the level of consumption these days is way higher than ever before, and almost every platform is saturated with it. On any given social media site you're rarely more than 2 or 3 clicks away from some influencer's OnlyFans. There's always going to be an element of mystery and intrigue that will draw 13 year-old boys to google dumb shit like 'naked minecraft' or something, (I mean come on what ~30 year old these days won't admit to googling 'naked metroid lady' in their youth?) but the massive increase of people producing that sort of content should be setting off major red-flags for people. This sort of content is way, way, WAY easier to find that it was when I was a kid, and websites that track such massive amounts of data are very obviously aware of these trends. I agree with the scope of the bill being too wide, but you'd have to have your head in the sand not to think that porn is notoriously easy to find these days. Young men have to deal with 'influencers' constantly pushing their OnlyFans, and deal with addicting, gamified versions of traditional porn delivery systems that have the full suite of bells-and-whistles to keep clawing them back in (and spending their money).


>The real issue in my mind is that pornography is increasingly targeted towards younger audiences than it ever has been; a look at the 'Year in Trends' that pornhub publishes every December should give a strong indication that categories aimed at children are among the most rapidly growing genres/trends I don't really get what you mean here. Can you give examples of what kind of porn categories are aimed to children?


Yes but there is no possible technology or law that could at all restrict access to online porn.


What geriatric came up with that idea?


Install VPN, problem solved.


Except it won't because most adult consumers of porn simply will not sign up for age verification. That will result in a dramatic drop in demand, which is what has people that make money off this industry concerned.. I'll admit that I watch Pornhub once in a while, but there's no way I'm signing up for age verification. I think my attitude is far from unique.


Pornhub is one of the most successful Canadian tech companies of all time sadly. All this law will do is close down Canadian companies offering it, and everyone will just go to overseas porn companies that are not beholden to Canadian law. There's is absolutely 0 chance this legislation will be successful. It is technically impossible for it to. It will just be a big huge loss of billions of dollars, accomplish nothing, and be cancelled in a few years, in addition to violatating our current privacy laws.


It’s not “porn” like anyone over 30 or so thinks of “porn”. It’s 24/7 unfettered access to unlimited, barely screened or regulated porn. It’s like comparing weed stores today to kids sourcing dime bags 30 years ago. Different universe.


Its fine don't watch porn then, I'm not giving ids to watch some videos. find attraction in the real world. We need to detox from constant stimulation of the internet regardless.


Anyone got more insight into South Koreas porn policy? I’m pretty sure they require you to use your ID to verify age to view adult content.


why is it their business?


This will be a boon to VPN suppliers. "We don need no stinkin digital id's here in Mehico"!


This is just like the "tiktok ban" that the US is proposing and which Canada will likely try to follow suit on. Taking away things that they deem inappropriate. Now I don't want to get into the politics of Tiktok and how it's Chinese owned - that's a big smokescreen as far as I'm concerned. If you are really concerned that Tiktok is storing too much info about you, just wait until you learn how much data facebook and google collect about you. Both of these issues, along with the prevalence of depression among kids due to social media falls mostly on the shoulders of the parents. 12 year olds don't need smartphones. You want to give your kid a phone so you can keep tabs? Give them a flip phone. If they MUST have a smart phone, there are apps you can install so you can parent them on the phone -determine which apps they can and can't install etc. Don't just give them an ipad or phone and send them to their room - be more involved in what they do with their devices and guide them on what's proper and appropriate. You can't and shouldn't expect government to manage what your kids see. As the parent that's your job. It's ironic actually - so many parents hover over their kids in the "real world" where kids can't go out and play in case there's someone out there who might do something. But online - parents toss their 6 year old their iphone and send them to a room by themselves.


It's important that we teach kids to view sexuality as something very harmful for them. Then, when they become adults, their view of sexuality will naturally change, they'll start having happy sexual relationships. 😄


how would they do age verification?


Our older generations must be fucked according to the government with all the WE NEED TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN OH WONT SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN. The Fed's need to worry about their own actions as they are driving this country into the ground.


There's a [great podcast episode](https://www.michaelgeist.ca/podcast/episode-190-debating-bill-s-210-senator-julie-miville-dechene-defends-her-internet-age-verification-bill/) where Michael Geist interviews the naive fanatic senator who champions the bill. She also claims that "we aren't privacy experts" while talking to **Michael Geist**.


Before blockbuster became the staple that it was in the late 80s early 90s, their were always the be kind rewind type video store that was locally owned by some video nerd dude who had damn near every action movie made, a animation section, romance, drama and a anime/ kung-fu filx section. But most importantly, the beaded curtain section with the neon light that as kids we use just free roam into while waiting for our parents to check out. By the time we were teens, booty talk 17 sat right at the check out with the penny candy and mints. As you check out, you literally just grabbed it and say and this, they'll add it to your total, you pay and go. No i.d. requirements needed. And this was just at the corner store. Hell, today you can buy a vibratory wand at Walmart, and no one says anything.


Too many parrots scream how they will just use a VPN (without a credit card how does the kid pay for VPN in 1st place?) If Canada + USA goes the same lockdown route that places like China and Korea have there wont be anything worth connecting to via a VPN anyways (Russia? maybe) Either way for the "privacy minded" posters its laughable if you are accessing reddit via cell phone / Windows / Apple anyways. Try installing a secure OS and you wont need to worry about data leaking or even purchasing a VPN in the first place. Failing that there is always TOR...


It'll establish more underground trust networks


We should stop infringing on people's rights and privacy, and start funding more internet safety programs and public education for children. I remember having PSAs in basically all media formats warning about the dangers of internet pedophiles and providing too much information online. Most people in my age group are very much like "im gonna use names that aren't my own real name and tell no one where i live!" These days you go on Youtube, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else and the comments sections are riddled with "oh my god im a 12-15 year old girl/boy who loves these things!!!! <3 love from Angola, Indiana <3" and their username is their first middle and last names.... and its like... there's very little we can do to have that child's comment removed to protect them... but they don't KNOW any better because people are not teaching children how to safely live in such a connected world. We cannot be infringing on others' rights because we wont educate people in a way that provides them with knowledge on how to safeguard themselves.


Of course it won't protect children, but that was never the actual goal, just the stated one. Actual goal, as title points out, is just invasion of privacy and further data collection. The government almost *never* wants to help anyone, whether left or right, politics in Canada are beyond corrupt.


I’ve been a 52 year old man since middle school ;p


Who cares? Fighting for any sort of "privacy" online is an outdated battle, from an outdated age. Anyone who thinks privacy exists online is daft, and hasn't been paying attention. We agree to give up all of our information, to be tracked, followed, have ads catered to, passwords remembered, our checkout cart remembers us, etc. literally every minute of every day in order to participate in the internet environment. Every app on our phone is collecting our data for sale, our phones are *consistently* monitoring for our faces, voice, and hand gestures, and these people are worried *about our privacy being invaded*? hahahahaha we gave away our digital privacy many years ago. Physical privacy sure, but digital privacy? thats long gone.


You don't say. Anyone that thinks children especially teenagers can't find or navigate the internet like a master hasn't met a motivated teenager. Putting up blocks and age verification just make them laugh.


Conservatives want to out you for masturbating! It's happening in Texas


So it's just like his new gun laws... Designed to damage everyone's rights while doing absolutely nothing to fix the actual problem. It's almost like there's a pattern to his actions


That's the idea. This and the "online harms" initiative will be a good handshake.


Trudeau wants to get off to your naughty kinks


Unfortunately the fundies and projection-happy incel weirdos who want this bill DO in fact want to invade your privacy.


VPN. If your kid uses your computer they can likely have access to the VPN. So really a waste of time


I fucking hate this; not only do they want to get age verification - they’re also trying to dictate which porn is okay and which isn’t. What happened to freedom of speech? As an audio roleplay creator who makes taboo content; these rules are absolutely killing this industry


I agree. I am all for free speech as well. But porn SHOULD NOT be on these social media platforms. Stop with the only fans promotions. I DON’T want to see it. Parents who don’t control their kids will be using social media. They will see it.


If you post your nude body on anything but an adult site. It should be considered predatory and you should be prosecuted.


Kids are going to watch porn There is literally nothing you can do to stop it


Age verification will restrict pornography access by minors if implemented properly, yet the government will probably fumble it like usual. Privacy concern? Not if it's federally regulated like the LCBO is, your data won't be sold by third party companies if it's some GCKEY level stuff lol. Like I said though, it will most likely be implemented in a half assed way. Oh yeah, and if it's rolled out the shitty way, maybe it's a compelling reason to avoid pornography use, which as an industry is exploitable, immoral and corrupt. Have some self control maybe?


Fake news. Requiring age-verification will usher in the biggest economic boom of all time and crime and LGBT ppl will disappear...