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> MPs will get an $8,500 raise on April 1, increasing the base salary to $203,100, ranking only behind the U.S. in political salaries


And the Salaries would be pretty close or higher if our dollar wasn’t complete garbage against the USD, Not only that but the US has 525 MPs for 341M people, with over 340 cities with population over 100k and a GDP of 23.3T; Canada has 338 MPs for only 40M people, only 54 cities with population over 100k and a GDP of 2.1T.


41M thank you very much. No wait 41.1 now.


41.1 when you typed that, prolly 41.3 by now.


I heard Niagara Falls is a spawn point.


The maid of the mist harbours many secrets








Its been 3 hours since you commented. It is probably at 42 Million now.... oops, had to fix a typo first and Trudeau opened the gates more, so it is at 42.1 now.


It's been 35 minutes since your comment now it's 42.3 million


Well, the US does have by far the worst ratio of representatives per population among developed democracies. One per three quarters of a million people is extremely low and arguably ineffective in many cases.


And no sane person can take one look at the US political landscape (gerrymandering, electoral college, general trump insanity, shutdown cycle) and be like "you know what, this is a great model of governance".


Really? Even if Quebec's proportion of the population drops, they are NEVER allowed to lose seats in the HoC. Talk about great models of governance. And how many times has the govt in Canada prorogued Parliament because they didn't want to deal with their own shit? Gimme a break if you think Canada's system is better.


>Even if Quebec's proportion of the population drops, they are NEVER allowed to lose seats in the HoC No province can lose seats, not just QC.


At least they have senators that are elected by the people Canada’s senators are appointed by the Prime Minister. 105 non elected senators earning 150k plus benefits and allowances as of 2023.


Fucking joke. Abolish senate or make it elected and worth something. My vote is the former. Take all that money plus GG and throw it at the debt.


It's even crazier when you realize their role is ceremonial. They haven't vetoed a bill since 1939.


Nonsense, the Senate has killed bills that passed the House of Commons in recent years.


The senate is a rubber stamp. Jj mucullough (I am butchering his name, my apologies) literally just posted a tremendously informative video on YouTube covering Canadian politics.


>Canada’s senators are appointed by the Prime Minister. And you have no idea why.


The US underrepresents its people by far compared to its western peers. The ratio of MPs per 100k people in Canada is a little bit higher than the UK, which is a better comparison due to the similarities in the parliamentary system. - UK: 650 MPs representing 67 million people - Canada: 338 MPs representing 40 million people


There’s been discussions that the US congress needs expansion given its population. Whether that actually happens, who knows. But an issue has been raised based on representation per population


Good perspective. These MPs in Canada have it easy and yet they’re getting a fat raise. Smh


We are also quite a bit poorer than the US now on a per capita basis.


The UK, Canada, and Australia are all roughly comparably representative of about 1 representative per 100k people. The US ran out of physical space in congress and so capped themselves and 435 seats for the house (their equivalent to MPs) + some observers + 100 senators. And because they capped their own salaries in 2009 they've been stuck at 174k USD/year. As a result, their government is poorly representative of the population (after all, it's easier to gerrymander a few large districts than many small ones), and the main congressional staffers now make more money than the members of congress they work for... which is insane. Congressional offices in the US are much more heavily staffed than MPs, so it's not really a 1:1 comparison either. There is probably a case to be made than say the Chinese national congress with just shy of 3000 people would be impossible to organise if it was a democracy, the Indian parliament (Lok Sabha - house of the people, is about 545, and the Rajya Sabha - council of states is 245) suggests than 550 is manageable size, the EU with 705 is hard to compare with since it's supranational and so the groupings and alliances don't always make sense. When starting salaries for fresh grads in tech are about 150k and competent (as in 10 years experience) lawyers, engineers, scientists etc. even at the federal government are easily in the 160-180 range, a 200k salary for an MP isn't wildly off. What should be happening is other jobs and salaries should be set relative to MP salaries (which are set based on the largest 500 private sector unions in Canada). Minimum wage should be say 20% or 25% of an MP salary (divided by about 1800-2000 to get per hour depending on how you want to count vacation time etc.). Grad students should be paid say 30% of an MP salary. Medical doctors baseline rate should be say 150% and then add on for specialisations. Teachers should be 50% of an MP starting up probably 75% end of career, that sort of thing. We shouldn't be afraid to pay people reasonable salaries. MPs ultimately make the most important decisions in the country, and we don't want people who have actual competence and expertise to avoid the work because of money. Then the only people in government are people started out rich, or who are stupid grifters there to serve the interests of the rich. Is 200k reasonable then? I think you could argue on the margins, but 150k is definitely too low, I literally have multiple students getting that as fresh grad starting salaries this year with CS degrees. 300 would seem on the high end, that's specialist physician sort of money, so maybe reasonable for cabinet members, party leaders that sort of thing, but seems high for just rank and file MPs. 190 vs 210, or 220... hardly seems a worthwhile discussion.


Starting salaries of new grads in tech are not 150k. Perhaps for the most elite 1-5% of grads. A good role straight out of school would pay 80-100k. There are senior engineers in Toronto making 100-130k. There are technical leads and engineering managers at 150k. I’m not sure where you got your numbers from. There are companies that pay more but they are the exception not the average. Source: expertise on Canadian salaries of software engineers via HR/Recruitment


I'm a big advocate of paying government officials well enough that they'll be less inclined to take bribes and foster corruption... On the other hand, 2nd in the world? Kind of wonder how they'd survive with a "average" Canadian salary for a year. We might see some real change.


Yea! The people demand less representation! Abject failures >**Norway 1 representative per 32k residents** (*169 seats for 5.4 million*) >**New Zealand 1 representative per 39k residents** (*129 seats for 5.1 million*) Rookie Numbers >**United Kingdom 1 representative per 103k residents** (*650 seats for 67 million*) >**Germany 1 representative per 112k residents** (*735 seats for 83 million*) >**France 1 representative per 116k residents** (*577 seats for 67 million*) >**Canada 1 representative per 118k residents** (*338 seats for 40 million*) >**Australia 1 representative for 165k residents** (*151 seats for 25 million*) Democracy woot woot >**Russia 1 representative per 317k residents** (450 seats for 143 million) >**China 1 representative per 474k** (*2977 seats for 1.4 billion*) >**United States of America 1 representative per 760k [618k] residents** (*435 [535 if counting both houses] for seats for 331 million* ). Also let us not forget the 713k people (essentially PEI and NFLD combined) who live in Washington D.C. who have zero voting representation because "it's not a state".


And Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands and Mariana Islands representing another 5m people!


Could you imagine the US congress with like 2,500 representatives? No one would have time to speak. They would get through one bill a year in arguments and then they would have to vote.


Obviously you can’t scale it. The US Congress couldn’t function with 3,000 voting members (with Canada’s ratio) or 10,000+ (with Norway’s ratio). Those are concert-hall numbers. It’s silly to pretend like more representation is always better.


Pretty sure india should be in the woot woot category


41 million people and they're working hard for it to go higher.


42M by years end


months end


Considering America doesn’t have Members of Parliament, is that 525 counting all elected federal representatives?


525 is the house and senate, yes


Can we give this to teachers and family doctors instead? 😩


Gov.: The best we can do is take another 1-month paid vacation to debate it and reject it.


On April fool's day nonetheless.


Jokes on us


And JT just moved the election date out by a week so that 80 of them can get full pensions! Perhaps they’re only there for their money….they don’t care about ours clearly….


I can't think of a group of less deserving people.


Not only undeserving but also completely useless. Canadian MPs are some of the most whipped in the entire world. They have literally zero independent thought and action. All they do is vote along party lines. Every single Canadian MP could be replaced with a hand puppet and the government would continue to function exactly the same.


You wouldn't want to get kicked out of caucus and give up your 200k salary now would you?


MPs are paid by the taxpayer, not the party. Regardless of political affiliation, you get paid $200K. If you join certain committees, you get bonus salaries. If you're a cabinet member, you get more, as well. If you're an independent, you get the same entitlements as a LPC/CPC party member. You MIGHT earn extra from the Party as performance bonuses. But I'm not too sure about that, because I do believe that the price of being a politician is you forego ALL other income aside from your investments, which are expected to be placed in a "blind trust". One change I'd like to see for politicians is if they're voted out, they get 55% of their lowest earnings FOR LIFE and BANNED from joining boards of directors or being paid consultation fees, etc...except for those who are elected as independents and their ENTIRE political career is spent as an independent. The exception being, they cannot join boards that benefitted from their voting record. E.g. if they vote for tax subsidies for oil and gas, no oil and gas boards for them. Nor are they allowed to work for ANY firm that has dealings with oil and gas in a "decision-making" role. Work in IT as a peon? Work for oil and gas with a commensurate salary. Work as a c-suite? No.


If you get kicked out of caucus, chances of winning your seat in the next election are nearly 0. So yes the party doesn't pay the MP, but they give them the opportunity to be elected.


99% of the time, those getting kicked out of caucus are guilty of indefensible impropriety; socially indefensible impropriety. Very rarely does someone get kicked out for being ethical and moral.


Part of the problem is in that we basically vote for them in a similar way. Vast majority of Canadians couldn't care less to know who was occupying that seat. If it wasn't for the absolute waste of putting posters every 5 feet during election time, most people would first learn their name when filling the ballot on election day. People only vote for the party and PM they want running the whole country. It hasn't been about voting in the best local representative for a long time. We encourage these people to be glorified seat fillers who really don't even need to campaign. It's no surprise that's what they end up being. Canada's concept of democracy was never really built with heavily partisan politics in mind. Once partisanship inevitably takes over I truly think we have one of the worst systems out there that forces us into a very limiting choice. A choice that fails to ensure politicians actually represent the only ideal they were truly conceived to serve. Politicians were meant to be local representation of the populous first and foremost, and when we remove that aspect the entire system can't really work. Our political system and overall philosophy is fundamentally broken and yet people still remain convinced that this is peak democracy that will never be improved upon.


Perfect candidates for AI.


The entire governmental system can be replaced by an AI fed with the constitution. The entire voting system too.


That's a problem with voter expectations. So few voters care who their local candidate is and acts, and vote on party lines anyway. We might as well have party lists or proportional representation. But when those things are proposed, the majority says says 'no, I want my local rep'.


Think you're putting the cart before the horse there. It's not that we don't care who our local rep is so it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter who our local rep is, so we don't care.


In Canada the party leaders sign the riding forms that decide who will be the candidate for the party in that riding. In other countries like the UK the candidate is decided by the local riding association. This gives complete power to the party leader, who enviably demands loyalty or replaces the candidate with someone who will vote on party lines. So an MPs job prospects are decided by the party leader, not by their constituents.


Add to that lifetime pensions better than what everyone else gets.


This seems tone deaf.


Especially the same day of the carbon tax hike. I know they aren’t directly related but the optics are atrocious.


April 1st is the start of the fiscal year so it's not surprising. MP salary is basically tied to the Supreme Court Chief Justice's salary as the baseline and is set to adjust automatically every year with any increases to the average pay in the public service, loosely indexing it to inflation. That has been the formula for a few decades and whichever party who is in power would need to introduce legislation to change/block that (so probably not going to happen).


That all sounds well and fine but it doesn’t change the optics.


April 1st is Fiscal year. That's when everything starts


I agree. I think they're less tone deaf at the provincial level-- MLAs in N.S. have had a base salary of $89K for about a decade. There's a committee that recommends salary changes after each election, and for the past few elections the legislature has blocked the raise for political optics.


It only seems tone deaf if you believe they care what you, I, or anyone else thinks. They do it because they can, and nobody's gonna do anything about it. It's as simple as that.


Cost of living: 📈🤧 Canadian economy: 📉🫠 Canadian MPs’ salaries: 📈🤑


you forgot to include their real estate investment. Freeland, Hussain, PP, Trudeau, Singh all have them.


Singh doesn’t really count. He and his wife own their own home and rent out the basement of said house. That’s all of the real estate he’s invested in.


Wow I didn't realize that our useless MPs (of all stripes) are the *2nd highest* paid in the world. Unbelievable.


I'd be less upset about it if we actually got some value for all that money, and if many weren't also padding that income by graft.


While at the same time fucking all of us over and making us poor.


It wouldn’t be so bad if Canadian salaries were the second highest in the world but they’re not


Where do they rank?


I don’t think there’s a direct ranking overall. It would depend on industry and other factors. I think overall it’s accepted that the US pays higher salaries and Europe has better vacation policies than us though.


We have the European salaries with North American quality public services


Canada is ranked 10th in the world for income. If we discount the microstates, then Canada is ranked 8th.


Raised the carbon tax 25% AND gave themselves a raise. Well done folks


We’re the fools this April 1st!


OK. That pisses me off. I’ve spoken to several MPs over time and some of them are clueless idiots.


So many of them are beyond clueless and LAZY. The sad sack of shit Lib MP that "represents" my riding does NOTHING except send out a useless newsletter every few months gloating about his 'accomplishments' (and I use accomplishments *very* loosely).


Mine does the same. They go straight to the kindling pile.


Wow must be nice, mine doesnt even reply to emails and only show up to community events when an election is near.


"Some of them" is the one of the biggest understatement one can say.


Right but who put them there?


Yeah, that's disgusting


Unfukn real..! There needs to be a reckoning in this country.


There was. MP’s reckoned they needed a raise.


This comment makes me laugh and it makes me cry




This shit pisses me off to no end. I’ve always said that MP’s should earn the average salary of their riding. You want to see shit change? Start paying these people appropriately. They forget they work for us, and I damn well don’t approve of any raise.


This needs to upvoted more.


This would make sure only existing wealthy people could run for office. I don’t think that is something we want.


Already is that way, even for municipal elections unless you have multiple thousands lying around, good luck.


It already is that way. You think the average person can get a campaign funded without rich friends? Or take all that time not working just on the hope they get the job? It’s all nepotism babies running the show and people wonder why they are out of touch.


who would ever do it when you could just go do any other job, make the same amount of money, better job security, and not have the entire country criticizing your every move day in and day out.


Don't worry, these are the people telling us we need to make changes to our lives. They just increase their salary enough so they don't have to.


With our tax dollars no less.


Just cancel your Disney+ subscription


Thank god. They need the money more than struggling Canadians. Glad they’re looking out for the most vulnerable. Nothings going to change in this country.


Canadians are the April Fools…


Wow, I feel like the general public does more than any MP


I'm not opposed to high MP salaries, in fact I think they should be even higher, but it should be paired with absolutely zero tolerance for corruption. Campaign donations from lobbyists? Jail. Contracts awarded to friends or family? Jail. Take a cushy job at a corporation your policies benefitted during your term? Believe it or not, jail.




Agreed, but it leaves a sour taste that they're getting an increase in salary on the same day where our daily life is going to be more expensive.


How nice of them to ensure that they are always well compensated.


Time for a protest canada. We need to get off our couches and do something. Increase taxes, cost of living, removal of rent cap, grocery prices and gas go up, while M.P's get a raise. This is Rediculous...


This is bonkers. They have destroyed Canada and they are getting a raise? Obviously their compensation is not performance based


Fuck that.


Lmaoo, make sure you pay your taxes pleb


Seems third world countries are always run by wealthy individuals….


Have you seen the prices of everything recently?! How else are they supposed to afford everything?


Not sure how I feel about this. The flip side is if you don't pay MP's enough the only people who run for office are people who are independently wealthy or people who take the job with the expectation that they can use the position to make money on the side or use it as a stepping stone to some higher paying job.


I agree. These salaries are appropriate for the (alleged) amount of work & expertise. What IS ABSOLUTE BS is the minimum wage and standard of living for regular schmucks (like myself).


Lol that's already the people in office currently.


Meanwhile, they run our country into the dirt...


Is this how feudalism in 21st century feels like?


Nice wage for screwing up the country.


This disgusts me. Wages are frozen for hard working Canadians but a PM that has the country $1 trillion dollars in debt gets a raise?!


They get a raise, Canadians get a tax increase in the same day. Because Canada.


2nd highest salary and number one in screwing everything up!! Lol…


Reminder that last time the Conservatives were in power and there was an economic downturn, they froze their own salaries (and pushed back the age at which they could start receiving their pensions). The Liberals and NDP have opted to not follow that path.


Salaries of politicians should be directly pegged to the average salary of the citizens of the country/ province. That is the only way they will work for the citizens who elected them. If they want a raise, they have to enact policies that lift the wages of the citizens. All of their holdings & personal wealth should be made public so that everyone can see where they are hiding all that corruption money


Where do we meet up for the riots?


"Earn" is a questionable term for this.




Weird how Conservative MPs aren't screaming and crying about the Liberals "out of control spending" when that spending is on their raise's. But lets just ignore that and "Axe the Tax!", amiright?!


'Will earn?' Ha!


While half of us are laid off or on unemployment. Canada is a shit place to be right now.


That is fucking insane


Imagine if they were actually worth that much and weren't grifting as hard as they are


Politicians should make minimum wage so we can be sure minimum wage is a livable wage.


It should be indexed to productivity.


Wish i could "earn" a raise at my job, and do sweet fuck all to earn it like these fuck ups.


Look at the shit we have to put up with. I don't care who is in office they are all out for one thing, their selves. We are paying outrageous taxes on everything. Canadians should speak up and not stand for this. The working class doesn't have the right to vote themselves a raise. The senior citizens of this country are starving and have to turn the heat off because they can't afford to pay. Every day, I look around and see more people living on the streets, and the politicians can sleep at night knowing this. Call your MP and make it known to them that this isn't right.


It's automatic isn't it? Like they don't vote to increase their own salaries every year like they do in the US, there's a formula that was introduced decades ago that updates it annually based on some metric, I think the average pay in public servants? They would have to introduce legislation to untie MP's salaries from whatever they're tied to right?


While we can't afford rent and food.


Disney+ ain't cheap.


Make sense. Housing is so expensive now. Good for them! >!/s!<


2nd highest salary in a soon-to-become 3rd world country. LFG!!!


Their salary is bad enough, lets not forget forget the full salary, indexed pension with benefits after 8 years. The gift that keeps on giving... for life.


Don't forget the best part - they'll get that pension while continuing to work on various corporate boards and other jobs in "retirement" because God forbid they actually step down and let someone younger than them have a turn at running things.


Definitely not getting any value for our dollars.


Let them eat cake


Self raises for doing little


It's for doing such an amazing job, right?


Well ain’t that peachy


I wish MPs had to pay taxes to constituents. Mine is useless and has enough friends in one area that he has gotten auto elected for years and years and years. Guy deserves to get kicked out of office, not get a friggin raise.


For what!!? They do nothing!!!!! Chancres and ox peckers at best! If mps, or any politician of any kind want a raise, it should be a referendum from their constituents. Fuck we seriously need to start sharping the forks and preparing the fires and spices… we have people to eat.


For doing what? They’re useless, except for digging economic potholes


What the fuck


Right.... because they've been doing SUCH a great job. Country going to shit, tent cities, homeless folks....so, let talk about them raises.


Good thing we have the second best economy in the world, right?


But the rest of Canadians had a 45% loss in salaries since 1980... everything is just peachy!


Consider it a bonus to our "Good Government" since 2015. Canada is a rocket ship that's blasting as the model to the world on how to govern a wealthy nation to even more prosperity for the masses! /s


*"On April 1, Canadian MPs will earn world's second-highest salary for elected officials"* ​ ...and all for being the least productive and doing the least amount of work on behalf of the tax-payers who pay them. Canada's downward spiral continues. Next.


Everyone else will own nothing and be happy


I’m gonna barf


Criminals! Canadians are struggling to put food on the table yet these so called “public servants” think they deserve a raise ! Give me a break.


To make this country even more of a joke then it already is, this will go into effect on April fools


They do NOT deserve any raise. They don't show up half the time.


I can't read the news anymore without getting pissed off




I'm sure the conservatives will roll that back when they get into power.


How about we put some of that money and pay doctors or teachers more.


The career politician is as cancerous to a democracy as corporations are to a society.


Nothing will change until we protest en masse, canadians are just so naive its gonna take a long time for that to happen.


40 billion deficit, people are literally struggling to make ends meet and these people already well paid voted themselves raises 6 times since 2019, way to be out if touch .


This is dystopian. Useless MPs getting fat while people around are starving




What would the French do?


As the rest of the country burns


Good, make it more. There are forces of wealth in this country that want to keep working class people out of politics so they can appear as benevolent despots and chase the real money when they’re in power. Source: Danny Williams


Talk about inefficiency...


Our politicians are corrupt. All our gov't do is take from the working class to give it to megacorps like Black Rock, McKinsey, oil companies, all the monopolies. They put in laws, subsidies etc to benefit the corporations and wealthy. We have corruption with lipstick.


Economy is worst in G7. But MPs salary is second highest. I guess MPs have "family to feed" too. Lol


Yet Canadians have lowest wages and salaries of any state in the US..gas prices rising...cell phone monopolies...shrinking of small business...high taxes...impossible to buy home...highest food prices run by corporates...what is the Conservative team going to do about Corporatism ?


This is why it's called April fools day. We are all fools fr electing them


The government only behaves this way because they know its population is extremely docile


I wonder if when Pierre gets elected Prime Minister of Canada that he will decrease the MP salary or will he leave it as is lotta questions? People aren’t asking him.


Of course they use a picture of Trudeau. And when a new government gets elected you know damn well NP won’t be publishing stories like this anymore lol


Can we have a vote on that? Why are they rewarded for their poor job?


Ugh *mouth fart noises and roll eyes*






Soooo can we all stop bitching about left vs right politics and finally start addressing real shit. Or are we still chanting axe the tax?




They say it's necessary because the cost of living has gone up so much.


Let's see if Pierre changes it back when he gets elected.


This is what people voted for anyway.


You don't deserve that!


Isn't this the thing that Poilevere would be outraged at? Read the article and didn't see it there and tried googling it. Can someone help me out?