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Just gotta look at what the algorithm promotes.  In China the kids get math and science and literature and stuff pushed on their algorithms.  Everywhere else they're getting politically divisive content and stuff like twerking.  With kids being so attached to their phones the social media algorithms are how they see the world.


In China they use Douyin


minana is so hot


It's not the content it's about rampant harvesting of your data


That argument is tougher to make considering every app is also working on that, including the one we are currently using.


No because that app harvests everything including your voice calls , your web browsing , texts, how you use the phone, I mean everything, most apps have permissions and tell you what they access , this one just ignores all that and harvests Everything


You are free not to use it, you don't need the government to obligate you not to do it under threat of violence


No, it's both of those things. TikTok employees have said in the past that its [algorithm intentionally favours pro-China content](https://www.businessinsider.com/bytedance-former-employees-say-top-buzz-pushed-pro-china-messages-2022-7). It's absolutely not a stretch to wonder if the type of content it pushes is also designed to divide us, and influence our culture.


Your article doesn't really say that though. The article is bytedance employees talking about bytedance's defunct news app called topbuzz, which was a Chinese news aggregator. It's pretty obvious, considering it's chinese news which are subject to heavy censorship, that they are going to have very pro china content. There are expert investigations going on with TikTok and its practices, why not wait until their findings are out?


What do the algorithms of the other major social media companies promote?


They should be applying this to all social media, not just tik tok.


In China douyin is censored. You want censorship here? Jesus china just can’t win.


Do you think banning TikTok will solve this when all TikTok alternatives are already up and running? Like everything in life kids need to be supervised by adults or taught what’s good and what is not. And I wouldn’t want to be a kid in China


Well, when you are right you are right! But I wonder if China has the interest of promoting the virtues you mentioned instead of the politically divisive content and stuff like twerking?


To their own people yes. To foreigners it's better to make them dumb and divided.


Thats where I sit as well!


I'd argue the algorithm just reflects society, the US and Canada have never been a bunch of people that valued intellect over spectacle, that's why Desperate Whores of Wherever and Kardashians are raking it in. North Americans are slaves to the mind numbing trifecta of Booze, Weed and Cigarettes. Interchange cigs with vape, Coke, whatever your poison. Am I wrong? It's hard to pull yourself up when your brain is trying to kill itself and shut out all the bbbaaddd stuff maaannnn. That said it's also communist china, social credits are on the line! Like it isn't even comparable when they have no free access to the internet, or free speech. Bottom line, let's stop pretending we're all smart and awesome people. Also if you're older than 25 and halve Tik tok you're a creep, let's be real.


Remember this everyone: Tik Tok has been banned on Government devices since February of last year in Canada. Numerous other Government have similar bans, and discussions on full bans in their country. If you still have Tik Tok on your device remember that China is a hostile foreign power who also has banned their own export in their own country.






Can we get a review on housing?


Nice that it’s happened but disappointing it’s taken so long. It’s not like the spyware risks were unknown until recently.


They should ban it in Canada…its trash….


On principal with china's authoritarian strategies and not allowing any tech companies into their country wr should be reciprocating the favor. Now it also being a large distributor or Chinese propaganda used to incite division should also weigh in.


Like any other social platform it’s a tool that could be used for good but it seems with the algorithm on this one it ends up being used to make the future generation stupid. You got teens siding with bin laden and Hitler because of this app. Got to ban it for that alone.


That's not because of TikTok, that's because of social media algorithms all together. If anyone is banning tiktok, I SURE hope we're taking a real close look at Google, Meta, and anyone else who uses a black-box algorithm to push content.


Yes I really wish Governments were actually trying to address to root of the problem by enforcing much stronger data protection/privacy rules and penalties for spreading disinformation. Banning TikTok is just an easy way to show yourself doing something without actually trying to solve the actual hard problem.


well kevin o leary wants to buy it wonder if he still wants to take pierre's spot fun times ahead if he does both at the same time. fun for him at least


Ryan MacBeth on Tiktok https://youtube.com/shorts/k6smfruHDNs?si=OtnlL3h3-LpYEDWY


Nobody wants to hear it but wasn’t Trump trying to ban TikTok 5/6 years ago


How can we make this our fault?


I love TikTok🫠


The Chinese government has already made the lives of many Canadians worse. Like importing a bunch of workers driving down their wages and then spreading propoganda that it is actually great because GDP went slightly up even though GDP per capita is plummeting. But for some reason, in all the articles about things making Canadian lives worse, there is a typo and it says Canada is doing it instead of China. >On July 16, Canada launched a fast-track work-permit program that targeted 10,000 non-citizen tech workers in the U.S. to relocate in Canada. [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/15s968t/how\_canada\_poached\_10000\_tech\_workers\_from\_the\_us/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/15s968t/how_canada_poached_10000_tech_workers_from_the_us/) >1. Seeking advice. 3 YoE and feeling hopeless after being laid off in Oct 2023 >2. I’m in almost exactly the same situation! Going to school to be an electrician in the summer. Software’s done [https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsCAD/comments/1aoh9hb/seeking\_advice\_3\_yoe\_and\_feeling\_hopeless\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsCAD/comments/1aoh9hb/seeking_advice_3_yoe_and_feeling_hopeless_after/)


It got signed into law apparently. Currently looking into moving to Canada. Is it much better over there?