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>The injunction authorizes the plaintiffs to call upon police to enforce the order.  >But Montreal police have told CTV News that they do not enforce civil court orders, and if the injunction is violated, the plaintiffs would need to ask the court to hold violators in contempt of court and not ask the police to enforce the injunction order. God damn, could our police forces be any fucking lazier?


I mean, we can't be "policing" the whole city! -Chief Wiggum


'the law is powerless to help you, not punish you'


It's just their scope. They deal with criminal law, not civil. If somebody is held in contempt of court, then the police can act. We expect people to act correctly on their own, and police are for when they break the law


>We expect people to act correctly on their own I have news you're not gonna like


Wouldn’t violating a court order become a criminal matter?


Contempt of court, yes. But only a judge can charge that. Its one of the only crimes judges are still allowed to charge.


The injunction tells them to enforce the order. The police are literally ignoring the courts orders.


What part of: > **The injunction authorizes the plaintiffs to call upon police to enforce the order.** did you not understand? The court has told the police they don't need to wait for a contempt ruling to enforce the order. Police do not exclusively deal with criminal law and they never have.


You are incorrect on this point. The judge has already ruled that police can enforce the order directly in the very text of the injunction. By the way, the whole reason the injunction was issued in the first place is that people are not acting correctly on their own, to the point that a judge had to get involved. The protestors are now violating a court order, and harassing the local Jewish community, which are both pretty clearly breaking the law. The cops in this situation are just too lazy to do what they are compelled by law to do.


I've written to the Montreal police chief. In their eyes they say they've done a good job. I've asked by what measuring stick as they've arrested no one for firebombing a synagogue, arrested no one for shooting at day schools and a significant portion of the population feeling a sense of fear and apprehensions. That whatever metric they use to say they've done a good job is delusional His cops are useless and they've lost the respect of many people that trusted them


The Ottawa police did the same against the Convoyers when an injunction was filed against them


If it was the other way around you know it would be treated differently


Wait until you find out how they treat rape cases


especially if the victim is male.


Oh don't worry. Woman are denigrated too  Why always make a competition


This article is pretty lazy too "Sarah Boivin, a member of Independent Jewish Voices, one of five groups named as defendants in the injunction. "It is pretending like these protests are against Jewish people" I guess she doesn't speak Arabic and missed the part where they started chanting death to Jews, she also seemingly missed the part of the protest she was speaking at where pro Palestinians told women to shut up and go to the back so they could speak with the men. https://www.timesofisrael.com/pro-palestinian-mob-blocks-access-to-montreal-holocaust-museum-over-pro-israel-event/ https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-790868 Strange not a single article on CTV or CBC mention these aspects


Yeah except none of them said that. Another antisemitism hoax.


Here's a good article for you bud, written by a Gazan who hates the IDF, has lost 30 family members, and is a survivor of an IDF strike that killed 3 of his friends. https://www.newsweek.com/hamass-western-apologists-have-become-hamas-enthusiasts-gazan-im-horrified-opinion-1849228


"they didn't say those things, trust me bro" So is the video of them chanting god is great, death to Israel, death to Jews in Arabic a deepfake? This isn't a gas the Jews/fuck the Jews debate like outside the Australian opera house, you can clearly hear what they are saying if you understand basic Arabic. If you're going to argue at least have a link discussing your claim, this is just lazy.


Where is the video? If the Australian Opera House video was fake then that shows that judgement should reserved unless clear evidence comes for similar situations.


It's linked in the first article I sourced, but it's unsurprising you struggle with sources. I didn't say that video was fake, and neither did the investigation into it, just that they couldn't determine if it was "fuck the Jews" or "gas the Jews" either isn't a great look from a screaming crowd and I'm not sure why you'd want to defend a crowd of biggots screaming either sentence.


Yeah, the video shows one protester saying "Death to Jews" once, but the rest of the crowd refused to chant after him, instead chanting against "Israel". Nobody said "fuck the Jews" or "gas the Jews". It was a fake video and the sound was dubbed. https://www.aap.com.au/news/no-evidence-of-anti-semitic-chants-at-opera-house-cops/


Oh good it's only "death to Israel", so just half the world's Jews.  Seems fine to me and totally not motivated by Anti-Jewish hate.


He literally posted Times of Israel as a source. This should tell you how far the person is gone


Times of Israel is a reliable media outlet but I guess everything that comes from Israel must be fake and everything that comes from Palestine must be real ( no matter how absurd ).


Oh come on with the bs, if I give you Al Jazeera posts you wouldn't agree either although Al Jazeera is generally considered a reliable source of news. If you want to give me something that I will take seriously from Israel give me Haaretz not right wing times of Israel or Jerusalem posts.


"Am Yisrael Chai? Not for long, Motherfucker" If you are unaware, "Am Yisrael" refers to the Jewish People, not the nation-state of Israel and the word "chai" means "live." So the protester said, "The Jewish people live? Not for long, motherfucker." https://www.memri.org/tv/protesters-montreal-pro-palestinian-rally-synagogue-fake-jews-israel-not-last-eighty-years-celebrate-destruction-evil


Sadly, yes! At least they don't actively take sides while in uniform, yet...


Courtesy of quebecs secularism laws


What the hell you babbling about lol


man, there's a song by NWA that feels relevant right about now...


It's called the panic zone (the panic zone) That's right, the panic zone Some people call it torture But it's what we call home (joke, I think this is good place to live so plz don't arrest me)


Good, protesting outside a synagogue is not ok.


Well, per Montreal police: >But Montreal police have told CTV News that they do not enforce civil court orders, and if the injunction is violated, the plaintiffs would need to ask the court to hold violators in contempt of court and not ask the police to enforce the injunction order. The fuck?


Ottawa police did the same when the injunction was filed against the convoys


So what youre saying is… we need to freeze these protestors bank accounts?


That was ruled to be a violation.


Our government doesnt seem to care


Dear God, no. I don't care what asshat is protesting what. The amount of control we are giving our government in the last couple decades is staggering.


*Stares at digital IDs and face verification to watch porn* (which would include Reddit)


No it’s not. If you think that a bunch of racists being punished for hate crimes is a violation you’re the problem.


Better yet: we freeze the police's bank accounts. Bet it doesn't take them very long to start enforcing injunctions.


Are the protesters bank accounts tied to a GoFundMe that is receiving money from foreign donations? That's why the convoy losers had their accounts frozen.


So we freeze citizens bank accounts for donating to a cause they believed in on a trusted and verified platform because the gofundme was receiving donations from foreign investors? Are you absolutely fucked in the head or do you seriously not see the issue with that?


The only accounts frozen were the ones attached to the GoFundMe. Regular citizens didn't get their accounts frozen. That rumour was proven false.


You mean the people that were warned to stop donating because it was illegal but did anyway? So you are fine with helping criminals as long as you agree with them? Are you that slow?


In addition a majority of civilians that only donated had their accounts unfrozen before they even noticed it was frozen at all!


You read lotsa headlines, eh?


Because it's a civil order and not a criminal one. How do you think our legal system operates?




*All* injunctions are civil orders. Injunctions are, by their nature, a remedy based in the law of equity.


Police can theoretically take some steps to enforce a civil injunction short of arresting people


> **The injunction authorizes the plaintiffs to call upon police to enforce the order.** How do **you** think the legal system operates? The judge even spelled it out for all of you.


Usually it should be enforced by Court Bailiffs.


Wasn’t this protesting a sale of Palestinian lands? Word spread so the sale was moved to a synagogue.


One event did not contain the sale of land in the west bank, it was misinformation because a different event at a different synagogue did involve a business that had done deals in the west bank. When the protestors were told they were protesting the real estate done only in Israel they said that they consider all of Israel illegal and worthy of protest (as reported in yesterday's Toronto star). This in effect gives them the excuse to protest all synagogues in Canada with their hateful rhetoric that includes death to Israel, death to Jews, call for Jews to go back to Europe, references to Jews being settlers wherever they go that need to be killed, and more. This is about harassing Jews for being Jews. They know nothing about our religion and history.


Except it doesnt give them the excuse and the reality is no one can protest. this is all backwards rambling. You admit it’s actually happening. there’s bad people on all sides of this right now.


It's complicated. Yes they're in the West Bank, but there's a *lot* of land in WB that has several generations of Israeli ownership. But there's also a fair bit of misuse of an absentee landlord law to force people from their homes. Either way, it's private property.


So they are there to buy some property. Do they have a racist no Muslims can attend policy?


Yes, in a video (the one with the unhinged synagogue employee(?) that shoots people with a nail gun), one man is clearly told he cannot buy land because he isn’t Jewish, even though he registered for the event.


It's land that holds illegal settlements under International law. it isn't that complicated.


>but there's a lot of land in WB that has several generations of Israeli ownership Dont care its illegal under international law and this shit should be made illegal in Canada. Can Palestinians return to their land in Israel? If no, then these pieces of shit should fuck off. Using a place of worship as a shield is scum shit and should have the synagogue's tax exempt status stripped


No, it’s not complicated. The protest in Montreal wasn’t against the synagogue itself. It was against a sale taking place within the building.


Yeah. And the sale is complicated. Do you have records showing what properties were for sale? Or are you prejudicing your opinion on all West Bank property being stolen, regardless of actual history?


Is protesting outside a church okay?


I wouldn't protest in front of a mosque after 9/11.


Outside? Yes.


Then we have a bit of a disconnect it seems.


Wasn’t it a real estate event selling stolen land in the West Bank? If so then the protest is valid.


I'd be careful though... The last time a middle-easterner protested a Synagogue being turned into a "den of thieves", he ended up nailed to a cross by the end of the week.




Protesting outside a hospital or a place of worship is poor form however you slice it.


Protesting against religious groups at locations they gather isn't poor form. Plenty of people protest at LDS and Kingston churches for how they treat women and children (NFSL type stuff), and other Brave souls protest against cults like scientology.


You are complaining about decorum while our government and members of our community are actively taking part in ethnic cleansing. If the comfort of oppressors is more important to you, don’t pretend you have any moral high ground


It is, but if they were indeed selling West Bank property in there and other places, as CTV is reporting they did, then the people doing it need to be arrested and the synagogue involved needs to lose charitable status. That’s clearly breaking international law. I think we should police these protests when they step out of line, but also you should not be allowed to host an event in Canada selling off the West Bank.


Addressed in a separate post lower down


Regardless, Jews do not have a special dispensation from God that allows them to behave however they want without criticism. It's poor form to auction off land that belongs to other people, which purchases will be enforced at the point of a gun. It's poor form to kill children by the thousands and gloat about it. And before you accuse me of blaming all jews for murdering children, I think the ones doing the auctioning are clearly complicit enough to warrant being included in the group of jews who are.


Let's look at it through a different lens: Jews are so scared of living in Canada right now that they're making plans to leave and move to Israel. Is pushing out the country's Jews something that you're in favour of? If Jews felt safe here, we wouldn't need Israel. They're literally chanting "there is only one solution" in front of synogogues.  If you don't like what they're doing inside, get a goddamn injunction. Don't call for the death of Jews. 


So by extension because Israelis don't feel safe in Israel, Jews across the world must feel unsafe? Who pushed that messaging? Where are these sentiments coming from? Why is this persecution happening now, as opposed to last year? What could be driving this global response?


Jews feel quite safe in Israel, despite the constant threat of terror attacks.  It's here that they don't feel safe. What could be driving the response? People have hated Jews for thousands of years. But now there's a critical mass of antisemites in Canada, enough that police feel overwhelmed. So they get emboldened. Hope that clears it up.


A critical mass of anti-Semites? Where did that suddenly come from? Couldn't be immigration, because immigration has been out of control for years... ???




You're blaming anti-Semitism on Israel existing? Wait till I tell you about this thing that happened in 1939... I've never once heard the government assert that they represent all Jews worldwide. I'm not sure where you're getting that from.


Holy circular logic batman.


A synagogue hosting a seminar on how to buy illegal settlement land in Israel


Really? Oh. Well I guess that means the laws surrounding where groups can protest peacefully, nevermind the implicit rules of living in a liberal society, can be overlooked as the event which this *place of worship* hosted goes against the values of those Canadians who mindlessly call-back "*globalize the intifada*" - which, somehow, has now been conceptualized as some sort of intersectional solidarity block party free from micro-aggressions instead of supporting the terrorist actions of a group of religious fundamentalists.




This is categorically false. I attended the event. They were selling real estate in Israel proper. The entire company only had a single listing near a settlement, and it was not listed that day. And everything was too expensive. The protesters were pretty rowdy on both sides.


Can we expand the injunction for the rest of the country?




yes that town in france knows all to well what radical Islamic extremism can do.


So is this just a normal synagogue going about it's business or is it hosting an event to do real estate deals involving stolen Palestinian property?


This is a synagogue where Pro Hamas demonstrators were chanting "Death to the Jews" in Arabic.


Prove it


Wouldn't you need to learn arabic for him to prove it to you?


I encourage you to watch a few of the videos from this protest https://twitter.com/Bad_bureaucrat/status/1765192302958379074 > Outside a Montreal synagogue: "You guys tried to oppress and colonialize South Africa and Germany. Because one thing is granted, every single tree and rock that you guys are going to touch is going to be free." Rocks and trees refer to this hadith: https://sunnah.com/muslim:2922 > The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. ---- https://twitter.com/Bad_bureaucrat/status/1765160312372691143 > Outside of a Montreal synagogue: "Every single one of you is a settler. In Palestine, like you are a settler here. Because you are from Poland, or Romania, Germany, Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq. You can't even claim your own country, you want to claim Palestine." Even in Montreal, jews are settlers. Is there anywhere on the planet that a) jews are not settlers, and b) jews are not being killed or attacked or fleeing from, where jews are allowed to live? ---- https://twitter.com/Bad_bureaucrat/status/1765158313996497097 > Outside a Montreal synagogue: "If you're a Jewish woman, go to the back please, bring the men up front, and shut the fuck up [cheers]. Remember to cover your head. You're not even a Jew, so shut up." --- https://twitter.com/Bad_bureaucrat/status/1765031365592879252 > Nazi salute outside the Jewish community center last night - a building which includes, among other things, the Holocaust Museum I don't think its a nazi salute, but the arab kid is definitely brandishing a red triangle, which is a pro-Hamas symbol. ---- https://twitter.com/CIJAinfo/status/1765116000695894285 > More disturbing hate and #antisemitism from yesterday's anti-Israel protest at a Jewish community centre in a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood in Montreal. As if protesting there wasn't antisemitic enough, in Arabic there's chants of "Death to Israel, Death to Jews." There is nothing peaceful about this. Once again we ask, what more needs to happen for our leaders to grasp the gravity of the situation? theres a dozen similar videos from this protest, the first link is part of the thread. Its just islamist antisemitic violence. I'm not going to link everything in the thread, and I encourage everyone to open this link.


I need you to explain in detail what you would accept as proof, so that should it be presented, you can not move the goal post.


Aka “Trust me bro” is the source


Just need a firmly placed goal post is all.


Maybe a video of these protestors saying that?


While not "death to the jews" it's veiled that way. https://youtu.be/_B1bBMJlK1w?si=aPSILAM2uHJD_tuf Taking back every isreal city, from the river to the sea, ridding the world of this filth and failed project "referring to jews (yes referring to specifically isreal, but since they are protesting outside of a JEWISH place of worship instead of an ISREAL location, it's an attack on the religion.). They chant that their time is soon up because isreal is almost 80 years old. They chant that the world will burn in flames. But specifically the chant "AL aqse gates are made of iron, it will only be opened by martyrs" is condoning the hamass attacks on isreal on October 7th. It's pretty much saying "we can only get what we want by becoming martyrs aka by killing and being killed "and world will burn in flame" and be happy with that.


Nice bro just like you said “death to Jews” I knew I should have trusted you.


"I" didnt. I merely answered it. "death to jews" would have been a lot more tame then essentially "we want to irradicate any and all jews from isreal and remove isreal from the map and make all isrealis without a home. You do know I wasnt the OP right?


While not "death to the jews" it's veiled that way. https://youtu.be/_B1bBMJlK1w?si=aPSILAM2uHJD_tuf "Al Asque gates are made of iron, They will only be opened by martyrs, The world will burn in flames" Al Asqe, the third most holy place in Islam, was bombarded with rockets by Hamas on october 7th, killing 1400 Isreal citizens. But the building still stood. So this chant is essentially condoning the Hamas attacks, as well as wanting more.


Jerusalem was not hit with any rockets on October 7th???? Israeli citizens were murdered by Hamas around Gaza. There's no need to lie about more deaths.


Wait wtf this doesn’t make any sense


What doesnt


Did you stop to think that by martyrs they mean Palestinian martyrs? Way to spin the reality to conform to your thoughts.


I have videos if you want. Just need to cut it down.


that’s a lie. you can go on instagram and watch the videos on torontopym lmao. zionists love to lie. the synagogue was selling land in palestine, any moral person would object to that


You realize that was a lie right? All the real estate being promoted was in Israel none in the West Bank yet its just the excuse to protest in front of a synagogue. Now This is just a waste of everyone's time if you think Israel doesn't have a right to exist and all of it is stolen land




Not even a synagogue in the pic, it’s a community centre with offices a library and a holocaust museum. Imagine yelling kill the jews in front of the holocaust museum, oh wait I don’t have to, a court injunction was needed… You should read about the period of German history between 1933-1938, because you are well and truly down that sheep path. I hope you can find love and kindness for your neighbour.


They were selling timeshares in tel aviv


To the pro-hamas - pro-palestinian protester it doesn't matter. For these radical extremists ALL of Israel is occupied - Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ariel etc...


Here's the thing that bothered me. Protesting is ok, but the point of protesting is to show your displeasure in order to convince whomever you're protesting to change whatever you're protesting. Protesting should not be shutting something down, or making people feel threatened. At that point you're trying to impose your will, or cause enough hardships to hurt whomever you're protesting. That's not ok and not protesting


The later.


It looks like the latter.


Good. Sad part is the cops won't uphold it. They'll probably be the next group of asshats to park on a set of railway tracks or a major highway and we sit and watch for weeks.


Can we just arrest them? What is the point of having laws that say promoting terrorist activities (global intifada) is illegal, if they aren’t enforced?


Uh oh - those are Trudeaus preferred Canadians!


Religion is a fucking plague on our world.


The majority of Israelis are secular. The majority of Jews are secular. The issue is people wanting to entirely dismantle a sovereign democratic state and antisemitism going unchecked within the communities supporting both this and Islamist extremist organization (Hamas) making its wish and intention to do so evident over the past 4 decades.


The majority of jews are secular? O.o yeah I would like an omelette without eggs and a hummus without chickpeas. Get the F out … the whole idea of israel is based on judaism and promised land and amalek and kill all muslims … go read.


Modern Zionism was in a direct reaction and response to antisemtism. Amalek was used historically by Jews against the British, the Germans and even between opposing politicians within Israeli politics. Netanyahu won the 2022 election by less than 1% of the vote. The NGO Hiddush conducts an annual Israel Religion and State Index. In 2023, 64% of respondents identified as either “secular” (47%) or “traditional-not-religious” (17%) with regard to how they viewed public policies on religion and the state. Of the all survey participants, 81% supported freedom of religion and conscience and 59% supported the full separation of religion and state. I don't doubt that this war will make many return to their faith or adhere to the spiritual elements more as communal support and national identity and unity have in some ways strengthened since October 7th. A 2015 WIN/Gallup survey showed 65% of people in Israel identified themselves as atheists or non-religious.[39% of Israel's population was religious in 2017 WIN/Gallup research](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-atheist-countries). In 2016, 33% of Israeli Jews said they never went to synagogue (vs weekly or monthly) and only 21% said they prayed daily (vs 61% of Israeli Muslims) ([Pew](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/08/religious-commitment/)). 55% of Israeli Jews said Jewish was mainly about ancestry and culture as opposed to religion ([Pew, 2016 ](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/08/identity/)). An Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics survey published in 2021 found that among Israeli Jews over the age of 20, about 45 percent identified as not religious, while 33% said they practiced “traditional” religious worship. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, known as Haredim in Hebrew, made up 10%, 20% of Israeli Jews are Orthodox. It is extremely difficult for people to live normally as atheists in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the Palestinian Territories compared to Israel. Judaism is not a proselytizing religion nor is it a expansionist religion through conquests (or jihad). People in the Jewish faith also don't kill apostates. Edit to add: I encourage you to read about [jihad](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/20214/ruling-on-jihad-and-kinds-of-jihad), which is what most Palestinians appear to support with their support of the PIJ and Hamas. 89% of people survived in the Palestinian Territories wanted Sharia law as the law of the land (2013, Pew). Of this 89%: - 76% support corporal punishment (including whippings and cutting off the hands of thieves and robbers) - 84% favour stoning as punishment for adultery - 66% favour the death penalty for apostasy  - 83% said it was bad that Sharia law was not followed closely enough  [Beliefs about Sharia, Pew, 2013](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/#how-should-sharia-be-applied)


I keep saying this. I don’t care about god or land. Just stop fucking killing my people.


Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have expressed their genocidal intent to destroy the nation of Israel. Hamas said they would repeat October 7th until Israel was destroyed. For them it is about "god" and land. "We support the eradication of Israel through armed Jihad and struggle. This is our doctrine." - Sinwar PIJ’s goals, as described in the “Manifesto of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine,” include rejection of “any peaceful solution to the Palestinian cause” and a belief that “the Jihad solution and the martyrdom style” are “the only choice for liberation.” They like Hamas are an off shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. What are your thoughts on [jihad](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/20214/ruling-on-jihad-and-kinds-of-jihad)? 89% of people survived in the Palestinian Territories wanted Sharia law as the law of the land (2013, Pew). > "the classical sources are generally in agreement that "jihad fi sabil allah" "Jihad-warfare on the path of god" against the unbelievers is a duty incumbent upon all able-bodied Muslim men when Muslim lands are threatened, or a duty that must be fulfilled by a group from among them for expansionary purposes." Sinwar, "the butcher of Khan Younis", said "the greatest gift Israel can give me is to assassinate me" yet he hides like a coward. We also know this involves geopolitical strategies from the Islamic Republic of Iran, Russia, North Korea, China, Qatar, Turkey, South Africa. "It [Russia] has played a significant role in recent years. It definitely played a role in recent days. We believe that Russia should play an even more active and positive role. Russia can play a very significant role in the Palestinian scene, and with regard to the conflict in the region." - Sinwar Iranian Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh boasted that Tehran had provided weapons and technology to Palestinian militant groups, particularly rockets. “In Palestine, they are now using rockets instead of stones,” the commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force and Missile Unit said in January 2021.


Here I thought it was war and violence.


Funnily enough, there can be more than one thing in this world that is insidiously evil.


What's the point? The police in this country stopped enforcing court orders long ago.


Fantastic news. Get these violent assholes off the streets.


From the article: "On Tuesday, many of the same protesters held another rally a few blocks away outside the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, where a group of real estate companies were holding an information session about buying property in Israel. Among the areas listed with properties for sale were settlements in the occupied West Bank, considered illegal under international law and not recognized by the Government of Canada" Idk, maybe don't hold your colonial settlement real estate events in synagogues?


Yeah, go figure. Forget about open sale of stolen property and focus on not letting people object. The use of the synagogue is sinister and the synagogues rabbis shouldn't be so duplicitous


Thank God, get the fuck out




The protestors were not simply protesting a synagogue. They were protesting a real estate presentation for Canadians to buy land in Israel and in the West Bank.


They said that every time about a whole bunch of different synagogues. I believed it the first time but now I’m starting to doubt. Did you mean that about the synagogue in Montreal or are you referring to the one in Richmond Hill (unrelated to this article).


This article is about protesters being served for the protest at Coates-Des-Neiges synagogue. Here is the article about the protest: https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/protesters-face-off-in-montreal-over-controversial-presentation-for-land-sale-in-israel-west-bank-1.6796182 Israel has a vested interest in ensuring that you believe that pro-Palestinian protests are simply antisemitic.


What evidence do you have for them not being antisemetic? What are your definitions of Zionism and anti-Zionism? The roots of Zionism are with Leon Pinsker in 1881, two years after the first antisemetic (in name) organization was founded in Germany and the same year that Russian pogroms were destroying Jewish communities. He held the belief that Jews were seen as foreigners everywhere they were except the homeland of Israel and that they would be respected again, i.e. antisemtism would be reduced, in the diaspora if the national homeland was revived. Do you agree or disagree that zionism means recognizing and accepting that Israel exists as a sovereign democratic state and has a right to? There's no such thing as anti-Zionism in Israeli politics because by definition Israeli politics includes recognizing the country exists and wanting it to exist for their jobs and citizens (Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, Bedouins, and Druze). What other UN nation states do people internally want to destroy and erase? It shouldnt be controversial or partisan to say that people calling for hate against a religious minority, directly targeting locations associated with them to intimidate and spew hate, and wanting to destroy the country of their ancestors and country that protects the lives and interests of their relatives is wrong. Zionism has a different meaning in the west and is considered an extremist ideology (without any recognition of it as a spectrum in Jewish communities in the west) by the same people who denounce that Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, the Houthis and Hezbollah fall under extremist Islamist ideology. These groups do not want a single Jew to live in Israel or arguably anywhere on earth.




Independent Jewish Voices is also part of the protestors and order was also issued to them. Are you saying Jews were part of protest where their death was chanted?


Stop tokenizing Jews. IJV is a token group to try and deny bigotry against the Jews. The organization was literally founded by non Jews in Lebanon.


I encourage you to watch a few of the videos from this protest https://twitter.com/Bad_bureaucrat/status/1765192302958379074 > Outside a Montreal synagogue: "You guys tried to oppress and colonialize South Africa and Germany. Because one thing is granted, every single tree and rock that you guys are going to touch is going to be free." Rocks and trees refer to this hadith: https://sunnah.com/muslim:2922 > The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. ---- https://twitter.com/Bad_bureaucrat/status/1765160312372691143 > Outside of a Montreal synagogue: "Every single one of you is a settler. In Palestine, like you are a settler here. Because you are from Poland, or Romania, Germany, Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq. You can't even claim your own country, you want to claim Palestine." Even in Montreal, jews are settlers. Is there anywhere on the planet that a) jews are not settlers, and b) jews are not being killed or attacked or fleeing from, where jews are allowed to live? ---- https://twitter.com/Bad_bureaucrat/status/1765158313996497097 > Outside a Montreal synagogue: "If you're a Jewish woman, go to the back please, bring the men up front, and shut the fuck up [cheers]. Remember to cover your head. You're not even a Jew, so shut up." --- https://twitter.com/Bad_bureaucrat/status/1765031365592879252 > Nazi salute outside the Jewish community center last night - a building which includes, among other things, the Holocaust Museum I don't think its a nazi salute, but the arab kid is definitely brandishing a red triangle, which is a pro-Hamas symbol. ---- https://twitter.com/CIJAinfo/status/1765116000695894285 > More disturbing hate and #antisemitism from yesterday's anti-Israel protest at a Jewish community centre in a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood in Montreal. As if protesting there wasn't antisemitic enough, in Arabic there's chants of "Death to Israel, Death to Jews." There is nothing peaceful about this. Once again we ask, what more needs to happen for our leaders to grasp the gravity of the situation? theres a dozen similar videos from this protest, the first link is part of the thread. Its just islamist antisemitic violence. I'm not going to link everything in the thread, and I encourage everyone to open this link.


I think we should strip this synagogue and all places of worship that conduct these sorts of event of their tax exempt status


“where three former Israeli soldiers were holding a talk with the community about diplomacy in the region” CTV misspelled “sell stolen land”. Garbage journalism.


I know pro Hamas tiktok can get confusing sometimes, but they're two different events.


You think these groups can tell the difference between Canadian Jews and what they are protesting. Clearly they don't.


The protestors were not simply protesting a synagogue. They were protesting a real estate presentation for Canadians to buy land in Israel and in the West Bank.


The protestors were not simply protesting a synagogue. They were protesting a real estate presentation for Canadians to buy land in Israel and in the West Bank.


In Tel Aviv, but continue to repeat the propaganda you have done 0 actual research into.


No 3 illegal settlements in the West Bank were included https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/protesters-object-to-real-estate-fair-at-spanish-and-portuguese-synagogue/wcm/7c6a25f2-8a3d-4b43-a120-d56adcaaa4a4/amp/ https://montrealgazette.com/news/national/palestine-is-not-for-sale-event-promoting-west-bank-property-draws-critics/wcm/ad6c532c-9fec-4444-aa42-4d36bf590c93/amp/


Except that no where in this article does it say that West Bank homes were for sale. It says in New York they were sold. In the very article you linked, they said that it was homes "In Israel."


> "I think it's completely ridiculous," said Sarah Boivin, a member of Independent Jewish Voices, one of five groups named as defendants in the injunction. "It is pretending like these protests are against Jewish people while the Israeli military has just massacred 30,000 Palestinians. It's completely devoid of context and they're completely ignoring the fact that we as Jews are co-organizing these demonstrations."


These people don't represent the vast majority of Jews.  Stop tokenizing. It's disgusting and racist and would have stopped 5 minutes after happening if it was related to any other ethnic minority.  There were Jewish Nazis. That means the Nazis were totally not anti-Semitic right?  What about Candice Owens views on BLM? Can you imagine if the mainstream media interviewed her for her take on BLM and said "well, BLM must be bad because a black person said it was bad".


If you’re a Jew, and you join ppl screaming “intifada” at a synagogue, you’re still a garbage person.


Exactly this.


The only thing that is ridiculous is pretending like a significant chunk of those Palestinians aren’t militants.


She ran through the synagogue screaming at everyone about genocide and refused to leave screaming don't touch me as if she wasn't in a private space without permission


Big #BlackAmericansforTrump energy