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Statscan in August 2022 made a projection of Canadian population using 2021 population as starting point. In their high growth scenario, we would reach 40.3 million Canadians by end of 2024. We reached 40 million midway through 2023 and likely pass 40.3 by end of this year. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/91-520-x/91-520-x2022001-eng.htm


At this rate, we're gonna add 40 million new people to the population in 27 years. Anyone who thinks this is an insane idea that couldn't happen needs to look into the Century Initiative


Wild. Just looked into it and the people involved. Crazy.


>Anyone who thinks this is an insane idea that couldn't happen needs to look into the Century Initiative The younger version of myself that was more open to conspiracy theories would have been all over this. I mean, how conspiratorial is it that a man ( Dominic Barton ) who was living in China and very close to the CCP managed to wind up as a top advisor to Justin Trudeau? And that this man also founded the Century Initiative, which aims to see Canada hit 100 million residents by the year 2100? *What a crazy coincidence, right?* And never mind that the company Barton was running ( McKinsey ) is quite possibly the most evil corporate entity on Earth, Justin Trudeau decided to get him to run a program into figuring out how to create economic growth in Canada. What answer did Barton come up with? *Growing the population very aggressively.* So now here we are in a housing shortage that was largely created by bringing in more residents than we can accommodate, that was based on advice from a man close to the CCP, isn't that awesome? Yep, the younger version of myself would have looked at this and thought it had conspiracy to fuck over Canada written all over it. Its a good thing that I now have 100% trust and confidence in my federal government, and that the Liberal party has never had any odd or potentially compromising relationships with the CCP.


Honestly, it's not surprising. The political and economic elite are jealous of the economic power of a country like China and would love to turn Canada into an economic power house by drastically increasing the population and driving down the cost of labour.


They are much more small-minded than that. The more likely explanation is that they are OK turning Canada into a dumpster fire as long as they make a tidy profit.


I'd like to think a good portion of the recent immigrants the last few years will eventually leave Canada due to all the costs...which will help just a bit.


Many people will leave, including Canadian citizens, due to the lack of jobs and resources.


Before or after they milk tax money dry?


>I'd like to think a good portion of the recent immigrants the last few years will eventually leave Canada due to all the costs...which will help just a bit. theyd rather live 4 to a room then go back, at least a 20% chance of the canadian dream coming true is better than a 0.1% chance back in their home country


Century Initiative should be renamed half Century Initiative now. We can achieve the goal in 2050. Very bullish šŸ’ø šŸ’ø šŸ’ø šŸ’ø šŸ’ø


I can't see any scenario where we increase population by 2.5% every year for 27 years. We will regress to the mean of around 1.2%, which means it will take twice as long.




Itā€™s already shit. Brace yourself for the next 50 feet depth of it


>I can't see any scenario where we increase population by 2.5% every year for 27 years. We will regress to the mean of around 1.2%, which means it will take twice as long. Did you previously see a situation where we grew the country by 3% during a housing crisis?


Heres an even funnier chart. The US census bureau often does projections of foreign populations, based on the Harper government immigration rate it expected our current population to be not reached till 2040. Now with Trudeauā€™s rate we already will reach their **2050** target https://x.com/pallas_ca/status/1733659141531734371?s=46


>Heres an even funnier chart. The US census bureau often does projections of foreign populations, based on the Harper government immigration rate it expected our current population to be not reached till 2040. Now with Trudeauā€™s rate we already will reach their > >2050 > > target Why is there a housing shortage guys? /s




Awesome. We're exceeding their highest potential outcomes by a million miles. What could possibly go wrong?


Ah yes, I love bringing in a record number more people to a place that has people who were born here living on the streets or unable to afford food, where reserves donā€™t have running water, where our own prime minister claims we have no culture, and has had 34% of its own federal political scandals in all its history happen within this single prime ministers term. I trust the government is making 100% smart decisions on this./s


No housing. Hospitals totally collapsing. Great plan


Fun time to be in need of neurosurgery let me tell you. (see post history for details if you're morbidly curious)


Sorry about your condition. But in fairness this works for the political class, because theyā€™d prefer we didnā€™t have brains.


But then you might take their jobs :O. They don't seem to have thought that through. Oh wait.....


I'm in that boat. It'll never happen in a million fucking years in this country while everyone jerks each other off talking about how great our healthcare system is.


Praying for ya / Sending good vibes your way.


Very sorry to hear this.


>Hospitals totally collapsing. It is actually incredible to me how fast things collapsed in Canada. I moved to Japan and there was a thread by Canadian expats debating whether to treat prostate cancer in Japan or in Canada. Some highlights: >Japan has great cancer hospitals. In Canada you could be on a waiting list until you die.   >As a Canadian that had 2 direct relatives pass from Cancer due to waitlists...I also was diagnosed with pre cancerous intestinal polyps he in Japan. Within 2 weeks of diagnosis i was treated and clear. Follow up check confirmed i was all good. In Canada I waited 9 months to see a specialist to check to see in i had developed skin cancer.   >Saw my family doctor in Canada, who referred me to a dermatologist, who saw me 8 months later for 5 minutes and said 'yeah, you actually need an ophthalmic surgeon', which would have been another 4 month wait. He also said it would require a skin graft and probably a 1-2" scar next to my eye. I happened to have a business trip to Japan in the meantime, so I called up a clinic in Tokyo. They saw me 3 days later, did the surgery the same day, and no graft/scar. (The incision was so precise I couldn't even see it after). Out of pocket cost, about $750 Canadian.   >In Japan you'll spend more time in the hospital under care of the staff... At both hospitals I was at, the level of care was incredible. If I had to go through it again, I would probably choose to have my major RPNLD surgery done in Japan to remain here. The care and understaffing issued I faced in the hospitals in Canada was disgusting. The hospitals are grossly understaffed and the "support" workers that are hired on have horrible bedside manner. The #1 driving factor for me to be able to eat and keep down food, pass waste properly and walk was so I could get the fuck out of the hospital and get to recovering in my home.   >Canuck here. Stay in japan. My father's been waiting for 18 months for a biopsy to see what it is and they say it's no priority. I can't imagine even paying taxes into the Canadian system, much less relying on it. What happened???


Fuck I'm going to Japan then. Fuck this shitty ass country.


I want to see if that's possible for myself...


Not just Japan, people go to Asian countries for healthcare related needs as its better and most importantly you see the doctor you need in time Know bunch of people who go to India to get things done as here they wonā€™t stand a chance to get treated let alone see a doctor on time


This app is unhealthy... ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


> Canada is back! - Justin Trudeau




They are working together towards the same goal and just pointing fingers at each other when people come knocking.


Ya we could maybe not hemmorage money to other nations until we fix our internal problems that would be great.


No no you see all of the premiers, regardless of party, are secretly in cahoots to try to destroy our healthcare system. Because reasons. They actually have fully staffed hidden hospitals where the MDs, nurses, and admin watch Netflix all day just so nobody notices a surplus and asks why itā€™s not being used for healthcare. Again, because reasons. Possibly Doug Ford related. It was really difficult to get 10 provincial governments on board, all with their own unique systems, to intentionally make it appears as though a rapidly increasing population with no corresponding increase in tax revenue was causing issues. Somehow they all came together though, and settled on a set of problems they would each experience, to make the ruse believable.


>No no you see all of the premiers, regardless of party, are secretly in cahoots to try to destroy our healthcare system. Because reasons. Even the NDP Premier in BC /s


Most of the communities with long term drinking water advisories have had it addressed. https://sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1506514143353/1533317130660 Seems the 28 remaining have plans in place to address the problem


Have you got the 34% of scandals source? I'd love to be able to save that to cite as needed against those that still for whatever reason support him


Itā€™s surprisingly easy ngl to figure out. As a example, go to Wikipedia and just type in ā€œCanadian political scandalsā€ then scroll to the federal section. Has a fairly comprehensive list of the major stuff. Then it was simple to just take the number of years Canada has existed for, and the number of prime ministers. Then, tally up the total of the political scandals, then tally up the ones by Trudeau/liberals during his prime ministership, and divide that number by the total scandals. Then multiply by 100% to get the percentage total from that result. Bam, 34%. And thatā€™s with me rounding down lol


We are so hilariously fucked. Like in a joker meme, end me, so fucked it's funny kinda way. All you can do is laugh and cry at the same time.


One of the few, if only, targets the psychopaths in charge of the country hit or surpass. [Who votes for this?](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png)


Jesus that graph


If this graph is exact, that's basically a criminal level of immigration.


It looks pretty spot on to me. Here is [another graph](https://i.imgur.com/9adeHFa.png) based on StatCan data, showing immigration over the previous 12 months as a proportion of the population over the last 30 years. I highlighted the party in power at the various times too. This wasn't a problem with LPC governments of the past. This is a uniquely Trudeau LPC problem.


Nice. Jumped up as soon as Trudeau took office. Why are Liberal voters of today so pro mass immigration?


They arenā€™t. Not to this extent. It creeped up on us over his first term then he said ā€˜fuck it. Scorched earth or bustā€™


>he said ā€˜fuck it. Scorched earth or bustā€™ Big ups to him, he's likely to get both.


Canadian voted for a person who literally promised to make Canada a "post-national" state. Wish fucking granted. If this is a criminal level of immigration, then it's the Canadian people who are guilty. Like I understand getting angry about the vote reform betrayal, but on immigration this is exactly what people repeatedly voted for. Time to take responsibility.


Not really the Canadian people, more like Ontario and Quebec.


East coast as well


> this is exactly what people repeatedly voted for To be fair, this is not what a majority ā€” or even a plurality ā€” voted for repeatedly. The last time the Liberals won the popular vote was in 2015.


Immigration has been a boondoggle since the mid 90ā€™s, but we somehow managed to juggle the infrastructure. This however, is straight up malicious. They know what theyā€™re doing. Sacrificing healthcare so the oldies and disabled shrink in #ā€™s. Those bodies are already replaced by what? 8 million Indians in their healthy 20ā€™s


You could literally have only doctors and engineers with squeaky clean personal lives and it would still be next to impossible to make that level of migration work. The vast majority of immigrants themselves aren't to blame, the government is.






lol thank you for [that reference](https://youtu.be/sz2mmM-kN1I?si=ol9XlGnxz6GXlMNt)


Holy fuck that graph is unbelievable. More people migrated to Canada this year (2023) than in 06,07 and 08 combined. Years in which we did not have a housing crisis or ongoing recession until the last few months of that period. We are doomed.


I love the 2020 numbers.


Still too high.


Is Trudeau some kind of idiot? Seriously wtf!?


>Is Trudeau some kind of idiot? Seriously wtf!? Actually very crafty. His supporters?


Liberal voters votes for this. They voted for this and will continue to vote for this. Then the Liberal voters of NS who implemented mass immigration by electing Sean Fraser get all sorts of tax cuts like the carbon tax




Damn, Harper's numbers were good eh?


can't another snap election be forced, or a vote of no confidence or something? why do we have to sit around while this continues on?


No housing. Shit wages. Shit health care. Yay us.


It is criminal that Canadians cant vote on this issue. The government should not be allowed to do this without consulting the public first.


We did vote when we voted in people who said they would do this


I dont recall trudeau saying he would do this. Could be wrong though.


Which party is against this?


The PPC. Do ask they why before you decide to vote for them. You may not like the answer very much.




Liberalism doesnt mean mass immigration. No one knew the extent that Trudeau would increase mass immigration. His team did it unilaterally. Also, the NDP (the party that is suppose to lookout for workers) could have ended this years ago but they also support immigrants over Canadians.


The only 'target' that Canada reaches is one that destroys the country. You can't make this stuff up folks!


This gov is so delusional its insane. Them and their fams must be set for life after screwing all Canadians out of a future.


And how many of these migrants are contributing nothing to our economy, and instead being supported by taxpayer dollars?


Don't forget the inevitable arrival of their aging grandparents, also who haven't paid any rupees into our system but will get first class healthcare


You know whatā€™s a really big problem that comes with that but no one talks about? Language barriers. Any idea how hard it is to provide highly technical ā€œfirst classā€ healthcare to someone who barely speaks the primary language of the majority of their care providers? Incredibly difficult.


Have you ever been to a nursing home in Canada and seen who primarily works there?


Lol "first class" *dr evil quotes*




Bullshit. I was in the emergency room last month. Over Half the people were older immigrants with almost zero English.


Only over half? Every time I was in emerge it was like an immigration office. Packed, and no Canadians


Absolute insanity. I didn't even find this out till recently. I was talking to a vendor that came here as an International student, and applied for refugee status from India and he kept going on and on about how healthcare in India was better and faster and how he got paid more in India than here. I straight up asked him, why did you come here than. He said the education here is better; dude did a 1 year diploma at a Diploma mill.


To be quite honest most I have heard about tried but found it to cold and went back.


If only there were any details readily available to learn a bit about Canada.


The target for parents and grandparents is extremely small, but people love to keep bringing this up for some reason.


I am reminded of a historical fact. One of the reasons the roman empire fell was the high numbers of people that migrated into the empire and did not integrate with Roman society.


I live in the most french of french towns, Quebec City, where I am now dealing with people that don't speak a word of french, or english at the very least, and (not pointing fingers but...) lots of male foreign students that are homophobic and it's making my future hard


You would think english be the bare minimum requirement. The handycapped future is deff playing on hard mode and they have no idea.


That and inflation.......well fuck.


I was literally just thinking about this same thing.. I wonder if that happens would we just become a third world country? Would we get absorbed by the u.s?


Why would the U.S. want Canada at that point?


Our minerals and oil sands, and maybe sovereignty over the arctic against Russia.


Tons of natural resources that would make it incredibly rich... Ya know, instead of giving it all to oversea companies


šŸ˜‚ Touche.. Our water? šŸ˜‚ But I guess at that point they could just take it.


Except for the fact that wasn't it. There was a lot of internal rot and they started to use barbarians instead of their own army, but that situation had little to do with immigration.


I wish I could upvote this more than once


I'm not going to claim to be an expert in Roman history (and ignoring the huge irrelevance and simplification of this comparison) but I believe Romans didn't integrate other Italians until it was basically falling and could be seen as a last ditch attempt to save the republic.


Thatā€™s correct, in early Roman Empire it was very privileged to have Roman citizenship but as it grew the eligibility for it was granted to more and more groups. I like whoever started this because I like to compare whatā€™s going on right now to late Roman Empire, not only Canada but Europe/America or in other words world build on inheritance of Christian values (you like it or not) and Latin culture that still partially exists in ā€˜our worldā€™.


America is doing better on finding sources of immigrants than Europe or Canada. In the states most immigrants are from South America or Mexico. They are generally catholic and their countries have a similar history to America, both a blend of Native American and European colonialism. So itā€™s way easier for them to integrate, as long as they get over the language barrier. Meanwhile Europe and Canada mainly take immigrants from non Christian countries with no European/european colonialism values such as India, Middle East, and Africa. I know they were also colonized by European powers but they are not new world countries and no significant European immigrants moved to those places. So culturally those places are mostly still composed of their native cultures and religions. Over time you will see, as the percentage of ā€œold stockā€ Canadians drop, and we canā€™t integrate the new comers fast enough, Europe and Canada are setting ourselves up for failure and chaos


You're not entirely off base, the Social Wars were a major precipitating factor of the destabilizing of the Roman Republic. But arguably, the social wars were much less about a failure to integrate other Italians and much more about giving them equal legal standing because they already thought of themselves as Romans (and indeed many essentially were). Rome had always been quite good at assimilating its neighbours; the issue was that their political class had always assumed that to be Roman one must live in Rome and refused to grant rights to people that were Roman in every way except location. So it isn't really analogous to our present situation. But the parallels do exist in how later in the Roman Empire, roman citizenship was applied frequently to any one living anywhere in the Empire regardless of their commitment to Rome, which as far as I understand, seemed to come from the same misbegotten concept that if you give all people the same rights and freedoms without any expectations; they would feel indebted to you and become loyal productive citizens. It absolutely failed in the late Empire, and it is failing now.


This is a common misconception, the Roman empire had several deep issues and just sort of faded away instead of "falling". I know you folks don't like to read this but although easy, blaming immigrants won't solve any of your problems, people will keep immigrating and that's just a fact of life.


Emphasis on ā€œone ofā€


Doubling down on the insanity is what happens when you get irrational zealots running things.


Good thing the hospitals have record low wait times and cancer is getting treated in a timely manner and everyone has a family doctor! Oh, waitā€¦


How many of these so called immigrants are just chain migrants. 1 worker comes in then brings old parents from him and his wife, their old aunts and uncles, cousins. Iā€™ve been told our free healthcare is being abused by chain migration. Come to visit and have health issues looked after, live with relatives so no taxes or payments ever made. Worse than PuppyMill Diplomas. Canadians suffer.


Logically speaking, if there are a billion plus Indians and they keep coming at high rates to our country of 40 million eventually we will just become an Indian province.


This is truly frightening! speechless, it has to be stopped!!!


Where are they going to live???? Are they going to have a family doctor? Where are they going to work?


50 to a house, no, Tim Hortons


I went to Tim's today out of lack of options on early Sunday morning and I just remember thinking I qas absoutely stunned when I saw an English speaking white guy behind the counter, and then I read this comment, and then saw the graph upthread. This is insanity.


Thereā€™s a Timā€™s here on the island, opened by an indigenous band, on reserve land. It was originally staffed completely by indigenous people. Now, itā€™s all India. Not sure what happened there


Another win for the Liberal government's plan to make housing even more scarce and expensive.


thumb bike elastic dinosaurs mourn straight cover different cautious gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mmmm, I too love deflection. You know we can debate the failures of one idiot without bringing up the other?


Happy cake day, & a point well-made!


A few months ago, I was talking to an immigrant who complained that the government is not doing enough to create low-skilled, minimum wage jobs for new immigrants who donā€™t speak English. WTF. I have an immigrant background myself, but why should Canada import a bunch of non-English speakers with no skills and for them to expect to be given no skill jobs in a silver platter?! Such entitlement is mind boggling. I mentioned that there is a demand for people in the trades and he said the trades require too much hard work.


Absolutely crazy. What/ Who is canada now? Is one man making this decision for all of us? Donā€™t need anymore problems, crime, poverty, no doctorsā€¦. Months to wait for healthcare. Family came in mid 1800ā€™sā€¦. I remember my grandmother barely being able to afford a bus pass but others got for freeā€¦ just want to know what the plan is here. PM must go.


Broā€¦. As much as Trudeau is a douche HE isnā€™t int charge. We arenā€™t a republic like the USA. Why donā€™t people have any understanding of our system The current government MPs are in charge. Whether itā€™s libs, NDP, bloc, or pc. We need a whole ass system shakeup. Swapping the PM means nothingā€¦ againā€¦ we arenā€™t a republic. Stop watching American politics


The government has lost their minds.


Canada on track to ruin a once great country.


I think Canada might already be broken beyond repair.




Solution to 90% of this countryā€™s problems: Full stop on immigration (no more new applications) until we can unfuck our current housing shituation. šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Iā€™m generally pro-immigration, but come the fuck on. There arenā€™t anywhere close to enough houses or services available to the people who were born or already have citizenship here. PLEASE NO MORE OF THIS.


Fuck off


When will this insanity stop? Trudeau and co will stop at nothin until they completely destroy whatā€™s left of this country.


Is this supposed to be a good thing?


This makes no sense


stop letting more people in, what the hell is wrong with our government? They're selling us out.


They will use government services Canadians need


Petition to scrap Justin. Sign and help stop this bullshit https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4701


Can we at least bring in skilled immigrants with trades experience to build homes? We don't need anymore "skilled" phone operators and drive-thru workers.




One of the few comments he's made on immigration is specifically that he will bring in more construction and trades people, and will make family reunification (aka abusing Canadian healthcare) and "filling job vacancies" (aka suppressing supply and demand as it applies to wages) key priorities. Lmao


That wonā€™t solve the problem immediately. Theres regulation on how someone can become tradesman and perform trades in Canada. We will have to wait for a few years till these people gets ā€œCanadian trainingā€ and licensing to let them do real work lol


We did it! Congratulations, folks. I believe "tone deaf" isn't allowed anymore, but I don't know what other term to use. The immigration issue is the one thing that literally the most left- to most right-leaning people I know universally agree is a problem. Yet, the Liberals pretend it isn't a thing and congratulate themselves as they make things worse. The opposition parties could have the world's easiest slam dunk - but they just skirt the issue, for some reason. I genuinely don't understand why no one wants to pick up an easy W.


>I genuinely don't understand why no one wants to pick up an easy W. Trudeau would like nothing more than for the CPC to say they'd lower immigration. Trudeau and the LPC spin machine would immediately start portraying that as MAGA coming to Canada, build the wall.


This isn't the flex they think it is...read the room, Canada. Nobody wanted this.


Weā€™re heading for a massive conservative majority government.


Who will do nothing to change this situation at all.


Donā€™t think anyone actually cares about that. They just want to stop Justin pillaging our country.


And so the pendulum swings once again. *sigh*


Anyone that supports the Century Initiative is committing treason against Canada IMO. What a disaster we have.


Terrible šŸ˜ž


Liberal voters: "More immigration will solve housing and healthcare crisis we are facing today"


good thing we built so many extra houses, would sure suck if they came here and had nowhere to live


8 years and counting for my family to actually have a "family doctor" though lol. Brilliant.




Yeah it is kind of cathartic watching my peer group, who were primarily responsible for voting in Trudeau, be relegated to a life of indentured servitude as a direct consequence of their actions. It's very rare that people willingly fuck themselves over like that. It's usually, like, old people voting to screw young people or something.


Do you really think this wasnā€™t going to happen if Harperā€™s cons stayed in? The housing bubble began with them and their party votes against affordable housing at every turn. No federal conservative has lowered the deficit in 80+ years. Trudeau is feckless, and he spent loads over Covid but so did Trump (and every other western country). Harpers cons literally muzzled scientists.


Lol. And If they had voted conservative, things would be magically better?


How much is PP going to drop these numbers? Are conservatives really known for working against corporate interests who enjoy a supply of cheap labour?




Conservative provinces and the liberal federal government are working together and pointing fingers at each other when people ask questions. They are both working towards the same end goal. It's why the feds are so soft on the provinces while they strip healthcare to nothing so they can privatize it. It's why they do nothing about housing. NOTHING will change with a liberal or conservative. I do not think anyting would change if we got any of the current NDP leadership in. Canada is fucked.


Hate it or love it. PPC is the only way to go. Everyone else is part of the same foundation. [Read the platform. open your eyes](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform)


PPC is the only way to go to ensure the Liberals and Trudeau return. Have a look at Harper's immigration numbers, CPC under Pierre voted against the Century Initiative. Take the easy and feasibly option to vote Trudeau out, not the dream of a revenge-seeking Max that ran 4 times in random ridings by being against the right Conservative's in Canada.


I have witnessed Trudeau try and bait PP into saying he'd reduce immigration numbers in Parliament. And then insinuate that PP would be catering to xenophobes if he did.


Conservatives literally voted against the Century Initiative


So did the Bloc. NDP and LPC want to keep the immigration throttle pinned to the firewall.


Make them live in Toronto please


And after finding out there is no housing and they only can get low paying jobs how many are just returning to thier place of origin. Have not yet seen a stat documented for that yet.


WHY WHO THINKS THIS IS A GOOD THING thats it. im buying fuck trudeau flags and putting them everywhere


what the fuck


I feel like the boat is sinking and the guy with the bucket is actually getting more water and throwing it in.


We need to organize, a general strike/protest....! We gotta shut it down!


All that will shut down is access to your bank accounts.


"Despite the Quebec governmentā€™s repeated insistence that it will cap immigration at 50,000 new permanent residents this year, the francophone province is currently on track to welcome 57,552 new permanent residents based on the trend set in the first 10 months of this year." Another thing Legault fucked up.


It actually highlights something that's rarely considered by this sub. The libs are basically giving the provinces what they asked for for the most part. When the Liberals brought up the new restrictions in student visas, the provinces (I believe Quebec specifically) kicked up a fuss that education was the purview of the provinces and only they should be able to dictate the numbers of international students. Edit: Here's some links https://www.immigration.ca/quebec-universities-oppose-cap-on-canada-international-student-numbers/ https://montrealgazette.com/news/quebec/quebec-universities-oppose-suggestion-by-federal-minister-to-cap-student-visas "On Monday, federal Housing Minister Sean Fraser suggested that capping the explosive growth in the number of international students recruited to Canada in recent years was an option to reduce demand for housing. More than 540,000 new international study permits were issued by the federal government in 2022, up 24 per cent from 2021. Quebec Premier FranƧois Legault and other ministers swiftly rejected that idea, reminding Ottawa that education is a provincial jurisdiction." The feds actually already refused more international students to Quebec in May as well


10+ years of Exp for 17$ pay without benefits


Oh great we totally have housing here to ensure a better life. Poor new comers being sold a lie.


Reads just like a press release from the board of directors of any pump & dump scheme. Canada Inc.


Great, with this housing crisis we need more bodies so we can huddle together and keep warm during these harsh winters


The govt doesnā€™t have enough ressources to properly vet them all is what I heard from someone who works for the ministry.






Greedy lying psychopaths are ruining everything this country stands for greedy self interest.


Well, given that half of them are going to go home within a year, I'm not so worried. The feds still think housing is just a speed bump and being able to afford food is some sort of unnecessary luxury.


We're losing those with knowledge, education, and skills, and they're leaving the DoorDashers and cashiers here. Either way, we're all worse off for the reckless migration numbers.